kailan pa ma'y di magdidilim

Tuesday, October 30 at 6:10 PM
FX, BC & Sched
la lang...t: 10.30: 6.25
BEWARE! Contagious: No Hay Igual...
55 days till Christmas!

Alright. I'm sooo tired after FX practice. So pawis kasi. Hehehe.
All I can say is that I'm really afraid...
I don't wanna continue the sentence. Hehehe. You might think wrong.

By the way. We're selling tickets na.
You can reserve with me para di ka mawalan ng ticket on Tuesday. (sana. Haha!) Hehehehe. Manood kayo. hahaha. Nov 9, 10, 16 & 17. THE CHOCOLATE WAR Did I mention there are discounts? IM me na lang. Haha!

Anyhow, I opened the book today, and rediscovered new things about my character.
Apperently, he has a senior. He is totally afraid of Brother. He is fun-loving. He gets his Math all wrong (as in more wrong than I thought he would). He wants to be a jock. He has his own Chevrolet. He idolizes one guy more than the other although this other guy is more powerful. He can be a double agent. And sooo much more. This will soooooooo help with my characterization. Can you guess who I am na? Hahaha!

Anyhow. I plan to re-read those scenes again. And those script.
Practice the accent, the barker (with the help of Bakit Baliktad...?), the projection and the emotion. Hahaha! Wish me luck!


Well. I'm still on episode 4 of Heroes. It loads so damn slow. Waaa! I'm so excited na. Hahaha!
The Irish scenes make me wanna try an Irish accent. hahaha! I've been copying them. LOL.

Anyhow. I should really plan a sched for doing all my stuff:

- watch Heroes

- Fix school stuff
- Fix calendar
- Fix computer
- (fix my playlist)

- book-reading day

- work on my character

Apparently, I can't do most of my plans. But oh well.
Even my "homework." But I have an excuse: "eh kasi Trisha is here." Pinapa-scan ba naman sa akin ang lahat ng baby pictures. First of all, this damned computer doesn't have enough space. Second, I'm not that matiyaga. Last, I HAVE A LIFE TOO YOU KNOW! Hay.

Let's hope for the best. I need a shower. Haha. It's sooo friggin hot. Haha~!

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ang bitwin at araw niya

Monday, October 29 at 4:25 PM
Ayala, Shang & Stardust
HAPPY!!m: 10.29: 5.27
BEWARE! Contagious: Ayo Technology...
56 days till Christmas!

Finally. Hahaha. La lang. Just wanted to say it again. LOL.

Yesterday was fun.
After going to Mass, we had the usual kainan. But this time we had it in Ayala. Grabe my tita's house is so big! Hahaha. Love the whole place. I love the attic.... it was gigantic! Hahaha!
Syempre, naglaro kami ng aking mga pamangkin. Hahaha! I miss Alex and Botchok na! Hahaha. Especially Alex. Ang sarap magigil. Hahaha. She can say ninong and tito na. Hahaha! She keeps calling me nga eh. Hahaha!

After that, Trisha left with my dad and me. (She's sleeping here for the rest of sem break) Hahaha. We went to Shangri-la kasi the maids aren't home. Hahaha. So we ate dinner. The usual: Penne with Three Cheeses. Hahaha.

Well, we went to Power Books next. *sigh* There wasn't an offer to get a book. Waa! And neither did he want to pass by the CD store. Naku. Ang kuripot. Hahaha! LOL. Jowk! Hahaha!

Anyhow, we watched Stardust right after. IT WAS SOOOOO COOL! Hahaha.
I loved it. Hahaha!
I really liked the story. It was choppy at first, but then towards the middle, it became really, really cool! Id watch it over and over and over again! Hahaha.
I loved that it had a lot of adventure, comedy, romance and fantasy. Hahaha. LOL.
I liked how Yvaine glowed, Tristan transformed, Robert De Niro's character acted, Michelle Pfeiffer's character was so crazy. Hahaha. Septimus looks like Snape though. Hahaha!
I wanna watch it again. Hahaha!

Well. During the trailers, I saw Lions for Lambs. It looks cool. Hahaha! Something political naman. Starring Meryl Streep << really great! hahaha.

Anyhow, I slept na at around 2.
Hahaha. Well. I woke up for lunch today. Hahaha! And well. Nothing much. Hahaha!
Anyhow... going to watch HEROES!

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mo'y tagumpay na nagniningning

Saturday, October 27 at 8:54 PM
Medicals and What-not.
la lang...s*: 10.27: 9.12
BEWARE! Contagious: For the Better...
58 days till Christmas!

Hehehe. I got some stuff crossed out of my list na. Hahahaha!
Let's see.
1. Medical, FX, Ayala and Cemetery <<-- non-negotiable events
2. Read The End, Eats, Shoots and Leaves and An Acceptable Time
3. Scan pictures.
4. Exercise
5. Fix my dreaded school stuff.
6. Fix my computer icons. Eek.
7. Watch Wicked.
8. Watch Heroes.
9. Watch movies online.
10. Fix calendar.
Weeeeeee! Hahahaha.

Okay. So I did have my medical exam today. Hahaha. Not quite what I expected... but it was good. Hahahaha! Lol. The blood-taking part still hurt. Hahaha. But I over-exagerated. Or maybe it was just that the girl taking it was skereee. Hahahaha.

The whole place--Fort Med--was really cold. But it was nice. They were Halloween-themed actually. In fact, they were talking in the staffroom (that's where I ate breakfast). They said na this Halloween, they'll be wearing costumes. Hahaha! So scary na lang sa mga magpapakuha ng dugo tapos nakascary costume. Especially for the kids. hahaha! Plano nga ng receptionist mag-dress up as mental patient. Tapos pag kinausap ang mga tao... egh.... Hahahaha!

Well. While waiting in the waiting room, I finally finished The End. Wow. Loved their story. But it felt bitin. :( Hahaha.
So, I started An Acceptable Time na. I dunno. It feels bland. But I'm only in Chapter 4 so who knows. Hahaha!

Anyhow. We went in to Greenhills to buy a jar right after. Aghh. Nuisance.
Well, when we got home, I dropped into my bed and fell asleep.
Grabe, I slept so long. I didn't eat breakfast and awoke at 4. Hahaha!

Well, after eating merienda, I watched Wicked... thanks CJ for the CD! Hahaha!
I liked it. Hahahaha. It was really nice and funny. Especially the allusions to the Wizard of Oz. haha!

Well. Here I am. I plan to sleep early tonight. LOL.

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ang kislap ng watawat

Friday, October 26 at 10:05 PM
The End, Science and CLE, FX and Sembreak.
HAPPY!!f: 10.26: 10.15
BEWARE! Contagious: I'll Cover You - Rent...
59 days till Christmas!

First off:

Let's start off with last night. Curiosity got the best of me. So right after studying, I read The End. (Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events Book the Thirteenth.) I got the fever again. Hahahaha! I'm very intrigued to find out what happened. Hahaha.
Basta, I fell asleep last night at 11:30 reading the book. Hahah. I'm on Chapter 9 na. Haha!

I got to school. Started having tutoring lessons whatever. Science was okay. But the essay was what I feared the most. I had no idea about the application of the Human Genome Project. I just made wild guesses: curing, tracing and forensics. I shoulda listened to Babsi more.
Other than that, I think I did well. Hahaha!

Recess. Then, the last: CLE.
It was fair. Hahahaha! They really made you think... which is good. Hhahaha!

So my ranking. From "not a cause of depression" to "worst cause of depression."
CLE, SocSci and Math
Science tied with English


Yeah, that bad. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Anyhow. Oh well.

Sean made me libre right after. Thanks, Sean!
Sorry nga pala na na-cancel. Hahahaha.
That fish fillet (accompanied with tons of laughter) was delicious!

So we had a whole run of the play today.
For me, AGH! I thought it was okay BUT
1. There was no prod-cast interaction. It's as if the props (and their boxes) never existed.
2. Forgetfulness. Yes. We've forgotten a lot of the blocking over the short break. Hay. Oh well.

Anyhow, we were looking for a new creative committtee. Hahhaha!
I was almost stage manager. Almost. Phew!
I still wanna work on prod and lights! Hahahaha!
I'm now officially Stacey's assistant! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hahahaha!

Well. We almost didn't have auditions.
But then.... buti na lang we did.
2 people shocked me: Kevin and CJ.
Kevin: didn't think u could sing. I'm amazed. Hahaha!
La lang. Hahahaha! Good luck, guys! (By guys, I didn't mean only you but everyone else as well. Hahahaha!)

I was part of the what-do-u-call-it-decision-makers-for-the-audition-people.
It was nice being in there. Really got a lot of insights. Hehehe.
And what Mr.Legs said about the h2... that's true. Hahaha.

Guys, we have a new musical. Just IM me for the info.
I promise: being in FX will be the best decision you'll ever make!

Anyhow. I'm squirting my water bottle now. I'm not allowed to drink starting 10:30pm. Which is.... NOW! Why? I'm having my medical checkup tomorrow.
YIKES! I don't want them to take any more blood! NO SHOTS! NO SHOTS! NO SHOTS! AGHHHHH!
Anyhow. Wish me luck.

It's sembreak, yet I haven't made a list of things to do pa. Hmmm. Let's see.
1. Medical, FX, Ayala and Cemetery <<-- non-negotiable events
2. Read The End, Eats, Shoots and Leaves and An Acceptable Time
3. Scan pictures.
4. Exercise
5. Fix my dreaded school stuff.
6. Fix my computer icons. Eek.
7. Watch Wicked.
8. Watch Heroes.
9. Watch movies online.
10. Fix calendar.
Hmm.. 10 things. Hahaha! Possible!
Well. Gotta get sleep. Gotta wake up at 6 because of the medicals. Damn.
(But I'll read another chapter of The End muna.)

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at awit sa paglayang minamahal

Thursday, October 25 at 5:07 PM
Deadly Filipino QT and Goodbye Love
Sad and/or Worried*t: 10.25: 5.35
BEWARE! Contagious: Goodbye Love...
60 days till Christmas!

Oh wow. It's just 2 months till Christmas.
I can't wait. Hahaha!

I failed Filipino. I'm failing Filipino. I'll fail Filipino.
I had failed Filipino. I have failed Filipino. I will have failed Filipino.
I was failing Filipino. I am failing Filipino. I will be failing Filipino.
I had been failing Filipino. I have been failing Filipino. I will have been failing Filipino.

Hahaha! La lang. Playing with tenses.
Anyhow, that Filipino QT was hard and looooong. Emphasis on long. More emphasis on long.
For the first time in my whole test-taking life, I wasn't able to finish. It's unbelievable, and I hate it. AGGHHH! Nakakapagpapababa ng morale! (if there ever is such a word.)
I loved the pokus part. It was easier... except this one number. Haha.
The story was easier to understand. I liked it. But then I the sterotype part confused me first... until I remembered it isn't the stereotype. Hehehe. You can see all my corrections on the page. Hahaha!
THE ESSAY WAS AGH!!!! For one, pangit ang sulat. Another, sabog-sabog ang laman. Last, it's too short. I was writing it 3 minutes before the time. When ending time came, Ms. Magallona was already shouting put down your pens. Everybody. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. PUT DOWN YOUR PENS!
Aghh.. the last thing I did was to box the "tesis." AYOKO NA! This will bug me the whole sem break! WAAAAA!
And as for the damdamin part, I didn't finish it. Definitely. And I wasn't able to give good answers either. Nakakainis!!! I was doing it na kasi, and then I told myself I'll do the essay since we only have a few minutes left. NAKAKAINIS! 5 points per number pa naman iyon! :((

Definitely, I failed. But I gotta look at the bright side. This isn't anything that can be studied. So you can't blame me that much. We just really lacked time. Hahaha!

Anyhow, Soc Sci was okay. There were some confusing numbers, but it was okay. Hahaha.

Well. When I got home, I dropped dead right away. Hahaha. Wala pang lunch. Hahaha!
When I woke up, I didn't studdy right away. Neither did I eat. I just listened to music muna. Goddbye Love. Grabe. Nakaka-emo. Hahaha. Ilang beses ko talagang pinakinggan. Sa sobra! Sobra akong naging emo. Hahaha! But fave song ko pa rin sya. Hahaha!

Well. I gotta go na. Study Study Study. If I get great scores on the other sunjects, I think I can make up for it. :D

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may dilag ang tula

at 4:12 PM
HAPPY!!*t: 10.25: 5.04
BEWARE! Contagious: I'll Cover You...
60 days till Christmas!

I was looking through My Yahoo kanina. And I saw this.

Click to Enlarge
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T2

GRABE GANDA!!! I want one!
- really small (close to a deck of cards)
- collor black (or blue, green, pink, silver or white)
- 8.1 megapixels
- big screen at back
- touch screen
- smile shutter - detects smile and automatically takes the picture
- not bulky
- 4GB

Iyon nga lang... it's P17,500. ($350) Ack. Ack. Mahal! Hahaha.
Halos ka-presyo ng cellphone ko.

Click to Enlarge

Photos come from Digital Photography Review.
For more info, click here: http://www.dpreview.com/news/0710/07102401sonyt2.asp

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sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw

Wednesday, October 24 at 8:16 PM
Reviewers, Auds and Aids
la lang...w: 10.24: 9.11
BEWARE! Contagious: SBC Packers...
61 days till Christmas!

Well. As I'm typing, I'm listening to SBC Packers. Hahaha!
Hilarious! lol.
Is beyry deyngerus to pack a cack!

Anyhow, I just finished the Soc Sci review a few hours ago. Hahaha. It was hard work but it's worth it. It's not the reviewer though that helps me review. It's the making of the reviewer. When I actually read the info and then put it down, the info stays in my head. The reviewer is just there for cramming; the making is the reviewing process itself. LOL.
(That's why nagtaka ako kay Paul when he made the CLE reviewer last year and did do so well. Hahaha. No offence meant there.)
Well, for most of my subjects, my notebooks are beautiful so I don't have to make reviewers for them na. Not to say that SocSci's notes are disorganized. They are... but it isn't easy to read info on a list as compared to if it is on a table. Hahaha.

Listening to Rent and sending auds songs to Kim makes me want to audition. Lol.
But, as I said, I'm not. Hahaha. I wanna rest muna. Hahahaha!

Well. Just taking a rest. Hahaha.
Back to work then.

BTW. I got news from Joaq's stat:
A cure for HIV/AIDS??

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sa dagat at bundok

at 12:26 PM
QT Day 1

la lang...w: 10.24: 12.30
BEWARE! Contagious: Your Guardian Angel...
61 days till Christmas!

Well. It was the first day of the exams. Lem'me just say that I didn't study as well the night before so the result of this may be really crappy. Hahaha.

So. I woke up. Wasn't able to eat breakfast... that well.
School bus arrived just when I sat down, so I just made a peanut butter sandwich. Wow. What a good breakfast for a test day. Hahaha.
Hoping to make up for it, I bought the worst pasta ever made during recess. Ugh!

Well. I was late today. Annoying traffic. We were stuck in Ortigas the whole time. Naku.
I arrived exactly as the bell rang, so I rushed to the classroom. Hahaha. Mrs. Cacacho even greeted me good luck. Hahaha!

I was excited. I was in the fourth year.... so.... AIRCON! Weeee! Hahaha!

Well. Math was okay... I guess. Not that hard. It was a good thing I reviewed, I spotted a lot of mistakes. Had I not.... lintik kang bata ka. Overall, I think I did well. I was sure about my answers. Except for this stubborn one entitle SOLVE AND CHECK. Hahaha. Out of desparation, I put in empty set. Later on, Kim said it was so easy!: 2. Hay.
I'm not that confident of my answers... and that's good because when I am, I commit a lot of errors. Well... that's according tomy test-taking history. Hahaha!

English was okay, too.
Literature was far easier. Meaning one thing: I hate short stories!!! I prefer poems and this speech(?). Hahaha. My essay was... I think good. I should get high.
And I'm quite unsure about the tenses though. Let's hope he accepts my complex sentence rule. Haha!

Well. we had a Science quiz right after. And I was almost late for the bus. And that's all. Hahaha/
Now, the dreaded Filipino and SocSci combination.

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sa manlulupig, di ka pasisiil

Tuesday, October 23 at 6:54 PM
Filipino, Soc Sci and Auditions

Busy... DND!!t*: 10.23: 7.31
BEWARE! Contagious: Rent...
62 days till Christmas!

Wow. Haha.
The exams are tomorrow na. Hahaha. Am'bilis-bilis ng panahon! Sobra! Hindi ako makapaniwala na iilang araw na lang at sem break na! Weeee!

Hopefully, I get high on he QTs. My goal is to get a high score on the Filipino QT if not perfect. Why? I have to make up for my low scores in the quiz and the LT.

It was soooo sad. But today I'm happy again! I was able to spot a correction in counting in the LT. So instead of 79%, my score became 85%. Yeah! Hahaha. As for that really low quiz, I'm positive it's gonna be high. You can bet on it. LOL.

Anyhow. It's so sad. No plus points for SocSci.
Stupid instincts. Stupid memory. Agh. Hahaha. La lang. LOL.

Well. I was just listening to Rent and "Magic To Do." << someone's audition piece. haha.
For some reason, I want to audition. Hahaha.
But I won't. hahaha! I'm doing lights. Right, Stacey?
I wonder who's prod this time... and if my help is needed. Haha!

Actually. Not much to talk about. Haha.
Back to studying.

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duyan ka ng magiting

at 6:45 PM
Isang maikling kwento

Nakatulog na naman siya. Pang-ilang beses na niya iyan sa buong linggo. Walang kamuwang-muwang na unti-unti na siyang nakatutulog sa bawat salita ng kanyang guro. “Ito’y isang makabagong paraan ng pag-iisip tungkol sa pagkakabuo nating mga tao sa…”

Masarap. Mahangin. Presko. Luntian. Walang kasingganda. Walang kasimpayapa.

Nakapikit ang kanyang mga mata. Sarado. Sarado sa mga pagkakamaling pilit nagpapagising sa kanya. Hindi na pinapansin ang mga suliraning pinapasan mula pa nang oras ng pagsimula ng asignatura.

Tinutukso na naman siya ng kanyang katabi sa kanan. Pilit na ginigising sa pamamagitan ng pagkalabit gamit ng lapis. Hindi naman niya nararamdaman. Tila patay na ang buong mundo sa kanyang pagkatulog, at bagong larangan ang pinalilibutan niya. Isang lugar na walang suliranin. Walang iniisip. Damuhan ng kalayaan.

Ang mundo nga ba ang patay o siya ba iyon? Sa kanyang pagtakas mula sa mundo, namatay na siya ayon sa sariling pananaw. Patay na kahit magising man siya.

Nagising na siya. “Matulog ka na lang muli. Ipatatala ko na lang ito sa iyo mamaya,” ani ng katabi niya sa kaliwa. Hindi niya inakalang isang taong katulad niyong sadista at walang pakialam ay may pag-iintindi pa pala. Hindi katulad ng mga kaibigan niyang dalawa ang mukha. Hindi katulad ng katabi niya sa kanan.

Sa buong oras ng kanyang pagmumulat, tulala siya. Tila wala siyang pakialam sa nangyayari sa klase. Gising naman siya. Bukas ang kanyang mga mata. Nakatitig nga lang sa kawalaan.

Bakit? Bakit ba? Kapabayaan mo ba ito? Bakit? Bakit.

Bumagting na ang kampana. Lahat ay nagsialisan na ngunit naroon pa rin siya sa kanyang upuan. Tulala. Kahit kaunti na lang ang natitira sa kwarto, waring wala siyang nakikita. Waring hindi narinig ng kanyang tainga ang tunog ng kampana. Tunog ng mga kamag-aral niya. Tunog ng galak.

Hindi niya mapaniwalaan ang nangyari sa kanya noong isang asignatura. Parang gumuho ang mundo sa lalim ng kanyang iniisip. Sa kawalan ng damdamin sa kanyang mukha.

Bakit kasi? Bakit? Ano ba ang nangyari sa iyo? Tingnan mo nga! Lahat na’y nawawala sa iyo pero wala ka pa ring ginagawa.

At lahat nga ay nawala na. Siya na lang ang natitira sa silid.

Inayos na niya ang kanyang gamit. Nililigpit na ang lahat ng mga bagay na hindi na kakakailanganin upang hindi na ito kailangang kargahin sa susunod na araw.

Mapayapa sa loob ng silid. Sa daanan. Sa palaruan. Sa kainan. Sa hintayan. Sa loob ng bus. Wala pa ring nakapaskil sa kanyang mukha. Wala siyang ganang harapin ang mundo. Walang ganang mabuhay pa kung mamamatay rin lang.

Hindi naman siyang ginanahang kumain ng sorbetes. Sa buong taong iyon, kailanma’y hindi pa niya natikman ang hinahain ng manininda sa harap ng paaralan. Sa harap ng nakatigil na bus. Sa harap.

Sandali. Bawal iyan.

Sorbetes lang iyan.

Kaya nga. Ano naman ang makukuha mo riyan? Wala. Wala kang makukuha, mapapala. Wala.

Lahat naman ng nasa akin ay nawawala na. Wala namang masama kung susubukin. Kung mayroon mang mawawala, siguro'y wala naman itong kwenta. Wala. Wala na.

Lumabas siya sa pagkakahintay sa loob ng bus. Bumili nga siya mula sa mamang sorbetero. “Bente lang ang malaki.”

Pumasok muli siya sa loob ng walang lamang bus. Tiningnan ang sorbetes.

Bakit kaya’y tawag dito’y ‘dirty ice cream’? Hindi naman marumi. Hindi naman siguro. Siguro. Bakit kaya’y pilit ng mga kilala’y tawagin itong ‘homemade ice cream’; eh, hindi naman homemade… … Pati ba naman ito’y pinag-iisipan?

Tinikman niya ang sorbetes. Malamig. Matamis. Bago. Bago sa kanyang panlasa.

Nakakapanibago. Nakapagbibigay-buhay. Hindi ko naman ito unang beses na kainin ang sorbetes na ganito. Nakakapanibago. Bago.

Tuloy-tuloy niyang kinain ang sorbetes. Sa bawat subo, may bagong pakiramdam na nagpapabuhay sa kanya. Bagong buhay na pumupuno sa kanya.

Napangiti siya. Sa unang beses magmula nang siya’y nagising, ito ang unang beses na nagkaroon ng damadamin ang kanyang mukha. Unang beses na ang mata niya’y nagkasilaw.

Pang-isang kutsara na lang ang nalalabing sorbetes. Nilasap niya ito. Nilasap.

Tama. Tama. May pag-asa pa. Pwede pa.

lupang hinirang.

Sunday, October 21 at 4:37 PM
Madeleine L'Engle
Sad and/or Worried*s: 10.21: 4.40
BEWARE! Contagious: mixed...
64 days till Christmas!

Hay. I was just Wiki-surfing amidst the deadlines. Then, I found out:
She died at the age of 88 of natural causes last September 6, 2007.

Madeleine L'Engle 1918-2007
Madeleine L'Engle

Sigh. I couldn't believe it. But it has happened. It was only last year when we took up A Wrinkle in Time. Makes me wish I talked about Many Waters as my oral test piece and ORR. If only I wasn't chosen as the 7th speaker, I could've made a last minute change.

I loved her Time Quintet. I really enjoyed them.
I can still remember the day Sean told me about them. I tried the book myself and got amazed. Soon, I finished the three books available at the library. Hahaha. I still remember reading Swiftly while at a family picnic at Tagaytay.
And then CJ gave me Many Waters as a birthday gift.
Those are my two faves. A Swiftly Tilting Planet and Many Waters.
And then last year, we took Wrinkle up for the second quarter.
Hayz. And then I got the last book from the Time Quintet for Christmas. An Acceptable Time. I plan to read it this sem break (together with Lemony Snicket's 13th:The End and Eats, Shoots and Leaves--yeah the punctuation book. LOL)

How sad.
Anyhow, I plan to re-read Swiftly and Many Waters once I'm done with my last books.

Rest in Peace. Your spirit lives on in all your books and in the heart of all its readers--including me.

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sa dibdib mo'y buhay.

at 12:54 AM
Which way is she spinning?
la lang...s*: 10.21: 1.03.
BEWARE! Contagious: Umbrella...
64 days till Christmas!

Before I head to bed, here's something interesting.
Got it from Manny's YM stat. It came from


Aliw! Hahaha.
If she's spinning clockwise, that means you use the right side of the brain more.... right side being the creative side.
If she's spinning counter, that means you sue the left side more... left side being the thinking side.... hahaha! This one is more common.
However, you can make it change its spinning direction at will. Haha!

When I first looked, I at it, it was spinning clockwise. Hahaha! I'm creative. LOL.
After like less than a minute, it spinned counter-clockwise na. hahaha.
It kept switching though. Naaliw ako sobra! Hahaha.
But most of the time, it's clockwise. LOL.

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alab ng puso

Saturday, October 20 at 12:14 AM
Hell Week
la lang...f: 10.20: 12.47
BEWARE! Contagious: Moving On - Elliot Yamin
65 days till Christmas!...

Well, I'm about to sign in to well-deserved sleep. Hay.
My bed is calling me, but I still want to blog.

Of blogs.
Well. I shall try to fix how my blog looks like. Maybe make/find a new background.
I noticed I blogged straight from Sunday to Thursday. It seemed impossible for hell week. But woah! Hahaha. No wonder I've been sleeping late...??? LOL.
And yes, I'm a lot of line away from finishing Lupang Hinirang. LOL.

Of Lupang Hinirang.
I was helping Kim out with his project in the morning. I noticed that, once again, no one was singing. I wonder. Was it because Mr Marana wasn't there? Hahaha.
Well, they did sing louder during CLE class. I wonder. I wonder.
You know what, for some reason, I keep thinking I'm messing up the lyrics even if I'm not. Haha! Hay. It's sad that it's like we're having an oral test. I'm the one taking it... everyone else just listening to me sing.... badly.

Of oral tests.
Grabe! Two oral tests on one day. Naks! The first was Chinese. They interviewed me about the song, and then we sang it in front. I kept forgetting the lyrics. It was so sad, but no worries: I don't think they noticed. Laoshi was so proud of us pa nga eh. Hahaha! So proud she moved the long test. Yey!
The second orals was that of English. Unexpected that I was the seventh to be called! ANNOYING. Anyhow, as usual, I was shaking uncontrolably. I mean even when I wasn't saying anything, my mouth kept moving, and I couldn't write well because my hands kept shaking too. Hay! Anyhow, I got a tentative 94. WEEEE! Hopefully, he picks those who gave me a high score. Hahaha!

Of tests.
Well. We had the Filipino long test that day too. Actually, I forgot about it the whole day. It was only till I asked Kim why Ms.Tina was counting was I reminded that we were to have our long test that day. HAYYYYY CARRRRRAMBA! It was so hard! But I have to keep fighting for what I think is right.... para sa akin ang kingdom of heaven. Hahaha.

Grabe that creative synthesis. I slept past 1 last night doing it. Then, I fell asleep. I suddenly woke up on my bed. After 5 seconds, I tried to recall: "I never laid myself down on the bed. That must mean.... AGHH!!" I rushed into the bathroom, then I rushed taking a bath. All that just so I can go finish my synthesis. Hay.
I just passed it tonight.... 12. Hahaha! If I was told earlier, I wouldn't have strained me that early un the morning. Hahaha!
By the way, that morning, the school bus arrived just when I was printing the last page. Galing ng timing!

Of the school bus.
For some weird reason, I sat on the front seat of the bus. Hahaha. I always stay at the back, but now I enjoy the front seat. Hahaha. It's really spacious and it's not an eye sore. Hahahaha.
Back when I was sitting there, I was able to see through the eyes of manong... how he had to maneuver through all the cars. But then I still saw how we were compared to the other cars in the street..... slow. Hahaha. Oh yeah, when we reached Ortigas, I fell asleep even if I told myself I wouldn't. Hahaha

Of sleep.
It's one of the worst habits you can have during classtime. But I couldn't avoid it. At least, I'm not that obvious since I'm not really caught.... even if the teacher is right in front of me. LOL.
I'm talking about Chinese. I mean... I dunno. It's just boring, and the AVR is cold. Just perfect. Hahaha.

Of swimming.
GRABE! The first time I got into the water, I was freezing!!! It was soooo cold! I couldn't believe it. Hhahaha. Well, we had our last skill test last Thursday... it was also our last meeting. Hahahaha. Well, I guess I did okay. This is one skill test I didn't stop or anything. Hahaha. After, they let us swim in the deep pool. So fun!

Of FX.
It was fun... tiring though. I was sooooo sabog though. It was annoying! I even missed my cue on the my last speaking scene. Hay! Grabe naman. My performance today... wasn't that good. Waaa. Anyhow, at least I improved on my barker scene, but I know I can do better.
I really have to... read Chocolate War again to get a better feel of my character and read Bakit Baliktad outloud... well, at least just the part about "Kalamaaaaaay!", "Baluuuuuut!", "Sigeeeeeeeee, halukaaaaaaaaaaay!", "Cubao! Cubao! Cubao!" and "PINK NA PANTY ANG TRIP NI LOLA!" LOL. Hahaha.
I'm proud! According to Allen, prod is all done with the work. But come to think of it, they're not. They have to maintain the props, clean the stage, check for the sofa and ball!

Hey! How are my transitions? :D LOL.

The last highlight of these last two days is that of ........
It's getting too out-of-hand already.
But we're ready na. Really ready. Hahaha. We can do this!

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perlas ng silanganan

Wednesday, October 17 at 8:20 PM
Angry Like Sh^t!w: 10.17: 8.46
BEWARE! Contagious: You Can't...

The following rant is meant for one person but applies to a lot. What does that mean? One person caused me to write this, but it applies to certain persons/groups.

Alam mo. Wala kang karapatan upang magreklamo. Ano ba ang ginawa mo? WALA. Iyan ang problema: wala kang ginawa. O sige na. Sige na, bossy na kung bossy. Fcuk it. Okay? Wala akong pakialam anuman ang sabihin mo. Sa tingin mo ba natagalan ko ang buong klase noong sabayang pagbigkas kung nagpaapekto ako sa mga sinasabi ninyo?

Alam mo. Hindi ko naman kailangan maging "bossy." Napakadali lang. Ang problema lang dito'y wala kang initiative para magtrabaho. Napakadali lang naman ng pinapagawa ko. Hindi mo naman kailangan magpadalos-dalos pa. Kung hindi kaya's sabihin kaagad. Kung kaya'y gawin AGAD. Huwag mo nang hintaying pagsabihan pa. Iyan ang problema. Hindi mo magawa ang trabaho mo nang walang may pumipilit sa iyo, nang walang nagpapaalala sa iyo, nang sarili lang. Mabuti sana kung sarili mo lang ang maaapekto pero hindi. PANGKATANG GAWAIN. PANGKAT. GRUPO. GRUPO. HINDI ISANG TAO. Kaya kung may dapat gawin, gawin na!

Alam mo. Wala kang karapatang mainis sa akin. Ako ang dapat mainis sa iyo. Kung pagsasabihan mo ako, siguraduhin mong may katuturan. Pwede ba? Kung ayaw mo akong pansinin kahit nakikipagbati na ako, eh di sabihin mo lang para hindi ko na kailangan magpakahirap pa. Madali lang naman. "Putang ina, lumayo ka nga!" Eh di, tapos. Iyon na. Kung sinasara mo ang pinto para riyan, eh di hindi na ako kakatok pa.

Alam mo. Hindi naman ako tanga para isiping inaakala mong apak-apakan lang ako. Alam ko namang tinuturi mo lang akong lamok na humahaging sa tainga mo na kahit anong oras ay pwede mong patayin. Alam kong hindi nakikinig kaya hindi ko na talaga alam kung paano ko kita mapipilit na gawin ang mga kailangan gawin. O sige na. Sige, siya lang ang pinapakinggan mo. Alam ko naman eh. Labas na labas ang pagkakasabi mo. Ang problema lang WALA NAMAN SIYA RITO LAGI DI KAYA WALA SIYANG KAPAL NA MUKHA PARA IPAMUKHA SA IYO NA "HOY! HINDI IKAW ANG PINAG-IIKUTAN NG BUONG SANSINUKOB!" Ibig ba sabihin wala kang gagawin? HA!? HA?!

Alam mo. Wala kang magawang tama at hindi ko alam kung ano ang gagawin ko sa iyo. Puro salita. Puro satsat. Puro negatibong satsat. Kailangan ko ng paggawa.

Alam ko. Suliranin ko iyan. Suliranin ko iyan. IKAW ANG SULIRANIN KO.

Kung hindi ka titigil sa kasasatsat mo ng negatibo mong satsat, malilintikan ka sa akin. Buong buhay na kasama kita, LAGI ka na lang ganyan.


Carlo. Hi! If you're reading this, hey! I'm actually flamed up. Hahaha!
If you think na hindi tayo patas sa activity, I'm ready na. :D Jowk lang.

Wow. Right in the middle of writing this I had a breakdown. I guess the song Adios helped me cool down. Hahaha. LOL. I banged the keyboard.... and there are still stains on the upholstery. Hahaha.

Anyhow, today's mostly been shitty. I know.
I guess Hell Week is just getting to me. I mean, how could I FEEDED so many people with the best chocolate cake?

You know what? That's just the problem. Just the problem.
I can't fix that anymore. 'Coz it would just make me a worse person.
I guess I should just avoid it? But that won't fix the problem... just lessen the agony.

Hey! I'm offering tutoring lessons for the H2s of FX. Weee!
Para hindi kayo bumagsak! :D Approach me lang.

You know what, CJ? I know na why you do it.
It gives you the adrenaline. It reminds you how high you can get. It reminds you how much shit it brings, but how much it's all worth it. It reminds you what it's like being free. It sets you free. It reminds you of everything you're living for. It gives you the strength to live for it. IT GIVES YOU LIFE. Yeah, it's paradoxical. It's true.

Wow. I feel quite proud of the class these last two days. Singing is getting much louder. Even if I am forgetting the lyrics. LOL.

Hahahaha. There's some kind of pattern of repetition here. Haha. Can you figure?
PS. My titles really don't have anything to do with my posts... if you haven't figured that out a couple of months ago. This time, I'm going to complete the whole song. :D
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bayang magiliw.

Tuesday, October 16 at 6:03 PM
Hell & Birthday
la lang...t*: 10.16: 8.02
BEWARE! Contagious: Wicked...

Grabe. It's so hellish na. I need to be saved.
Next week are the QTs.
Monday is the ORR.
Friday are the CLE Synthesis and Chinese MT.
Thursday are the Filipino LT and Chinese Orals.
Thurs-Mon is the English Orals.

Yan. Hahaha.
Today is his birthday. I made his gift last night. Hahaha. I love the silver pen. LOL.
Ran wrote on it during recess and we gave it at that time.
Sobrang nakakahiya message ko. Hahaha. Kaya di ko na nilagyan ng karagdagang: DON'T KILL YOURSELF dahil mas nakakahiya. LOL! (idiom yan... sure ako di kayo naka-relate ;-))
Hahaha! I'm not a bad friend! I didn't forget your birthday!.... unlike last year. LOL

Well. I rode the bus today. Nakaka-miss. Hahaha.
I saw Patrick today and we had one of the most.... uhh... makulit conversations. Hahaha. LOL. Syempre, nag-promote na ako. LOL

That's all. Hahaha.

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this is buzz.

Monday, October 15 at 8:27 PM
DVD, Chinese and Dismissal
la lang...m: 10.15: 9.13
BEWARE! Contagious: Light Up The Sky - Yellow Card...

Hmm. Before I get on to more homework.... (ack! i hate it!)
Just wanna. Hahaha. La lang.

Well I forgot to say on my blog last night that my dad replaced my defunct mouse and my defunct CD-RW. So now I have this smaller mouse that can be used on reflective surfaces and has better "clicking abilities." Hahaha.

He replaced the CD-RW with a..... DVD-RW!!!
This means... DUWA! Weee.
I can finally burn it and share it with the world. Hahaha! LOL.

Anyhow. It's Kim and Raffy's birthday today. So let's go sing:
Happy Birthday LIBRE!!
Naghihintay ako... lalo ka na, Kim. Hahaha!

What can I say? I'm so sabaw today! (that rhymed! :D)
Chinese class, I forgot to bring my Chinese book. It's a good thing LaoShi was kind, so I shared with Charles. In return, I was extra attentive. But it got weird 'coz she kept looking at me saying Mingbai? (do you understand?) and Dui? (am i right?). Of course, I would respond positively even if I didn't know what she was talking about. Strangely, I did know what she was talking about. Hahaha!

Well. Most of my notebooks for today got mixed. I exchange Science with Chinese. My Chinese with my Junk notebook. My SocSci for Math. Hay. Something's wrong with me. LOL.

Anyhow, Kim, Mark, Charles, Babsi and I did our CLE project today dismissal. Hahaha! We recorded it. Our blooper royalties this time are Queen Kim and King Babsi. Charles had the least bloopers. His recording was fast!

Thanks to Nath for recording our buzz sequence! Weee.

Because I thought there was FX today, I thought I'd go. But Early in the morning did I find out that there wasn't any. Shucks. I called home lunchtime but to no avail. This is why I took around 30 minutes at gate 14 waiting for a fetcher. Hahaha. Buti na lang they arrived fast. But I wasted a lot of 5 peso coins making 2 minute calls. Naks!

While waiting, I even caught up with the H4s who came from PETA. Hahaha. Allen came to chat. Hahaha!

Well. While waiting, I met a new friend. This fifth grader named Kyle Cheng. Hahaha.
He was real kind. Hahaha. Siyempre, nag-promote na ako.
"When you're in high school na, join Stage FX! Okay? It's really the greatest experience ever!"
And he was amazed. He said Yes. Hahaha. Sadly, I won't be here by then. Hahaha.
That is... unless I visit as an alumnus. Of course, I would. Hahaha!

For some reason, I feel like the current H2s and H1s are going to kill FX just like how we killed X-rep. Please don't let it happen! Hahaha. La lang.

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sorry kinain ko na ang lahat ng benta

Sunday, October 14 at 9:58 PM


*s: 10.14: 11.06
BEWARE! Contagious: Wicked...

Well. The maid's weren't home, so my dad and I went to Greenhills to eat dinner.
After all the multiplying and blogging, i finally shut the computer down.
Phew! That was a lot of captions. I only looked at it now... those were 223 pictures all in all. I couldn't believe I actually put captions on most of them. Hahaha!
Here's the link:
not everyone can see it though. hehe.

And for the ACXSION pictures, I added more:

Anyhow, we left na at around 7+.
My dad found a new way to address my tardiness. Haha.
But at least, he said he'd be less grumpy. Haha. Let's see about that. LOL.
I'm not late na kaya. This morning, I was early. It was my mom naman who was late. LOL.

So when we arrived, I lost my sense of direction. Hahaha!
We went to the DIY first. Got pissed at first 'coz I already lined up on the extremely long line. Hahaha. But okay na rin. Hahaha.

We crossed the road and we passed by Toby's. Hahaha.
My dad saw the slippers they were selling, and said: "I'll buy you new slippers 'coz when we go out you always use those pambahay." YEY!
They're not Havaianas but they're all right! Hehehe. Crossing that off my list.
(now i want new rubber shows, sneakers, a wii and a digicam (thin with a big screen)) LOL!

So we ate in Yellow Cab. Hahaha. Yum. Lol.
That's mostly it. Hahaha.
I'm gonna go back to the CLE interviews. Ack!

By the way, Babsi, you're making me bleed right now.

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come and join us!

at 3:31 PM
FX Night 2


*s: 10.14: 4.01
BEWARE! Contagious: Pac's Life...

Wow! Enjoy ako sobra!

Pics are available na on my Multiply by the time you're reading this.
Sorry. Not for all to see. Some are too explicit. Others are too much of spoiler. Haha!

Before I begin, I'd like to say that I enjoyed this FX Night so much. Hahaha.
Nothing beats first experiences though. Hahaha.
When I compared it to IGNITE, I enjoyed this one more. It sort of makes me wish there was still such a thing as class night 'coz, yes, i am definite that our class lacks unity. (right, mr.m?)

Anyhow, I shall begin.
I woke up early Friday morning to pack my stuff. Hahaha. I got to sleepy the night before to actually do it. Hahaha. And then CJ picked me up, and we went to Watson's to get some stuff for FX. Hahaha!

When, we arrived they were having their morning *ehem*, and they made us do this thing on envelopes. Naaliw ako kaya I took pictures of it. LOL.
Anyhow. Since the last FX, kakaunti lang ng mga pics ko, I took out my camera as early as this time para makapagkuha ng pictures. Hahaha. Napuno pa nga ang memory card ko'eh. Hahaha.

Anyhow, we ate lunch and then we talked about ARS POETICA. Tapos, we watched a movie: Mighty Aphrodite. Hahaha. It was nice. Hahaha. Watching it reminded me of my Choral Recitation and how it would be so much better if I saw this movie early on. If i had seen it, I would've copied the style of the Greek chorus. Hahaha. I was amazed.

Well, I saw where it was going. Based on this, we had a workshop to retool some scenes to make it more like the Greek chorus. It turned out greater, which meant cancelling the full run the next day. Awwww.
The problem now is.... can they be distinguished?

Anyhow. We ate dinner right after. And then, we had some "team-building" workshops right after. Hahaha.

The first one was PRUWY. There was a part wherein I couldn't feel anyone anymore. It was really scary! A few second later, I had goosebumps up my back and I felt this strange sensation of horror.... again. Hahaha!
Anyhow, after processing this activity, I felt guilty since I was the point of the angle whenever the pruwy chain moved. Yes, I am competitive. Hahaha.

The third one was the newspaper dance. Germs carried me for this one. I was really terrified. I thought I'd fall. Hahaha. Buti na lang Jeff was there. Kundi, lintik kang bata ka!

Anyhow, we had another activity right after. I didn't do much though... does this mean I'm too goody-goody? Hahahaha. Or am I just forgetful? Anyhow, this ended up to what CJ calls "the emo lecture hall. Haha!" Many hugs were exchanged here. Hahaha.

After naman, we had another activity. It reminded me of parables because I used Avenue Q and Closeup as "analogies." Hahaha! We ended this one at around 2am. Hahaha!

We slept at 2:30 (well, at least, I did.). Most of them were socializing until Mr.Legs had the lights shut. Hahaha. But they were still telling ghost stories and what-not. Hahaha.

Morning came and I was the last to awake. Hahaha! Being a night-person, I was really groggy. I meditated over the food. I laid my hand on the hot chocolate. I had deep thoughts on tooth brushes and I was very, very quiet.
But right after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I was all up and hyper again. Hahaha. I went on to the quad to stay under the sun. Hahaha. After getting my does of Vitamin D, I went back in all hyper. Hahaha!

We took a bath sa may swimming pool. And then we watched the trailer of Sweeney Todd. I wanna watch it! WEEEEEEE! Then we watched these three people who showed us Shakespeare. SOBRANG NAKAKATAWA! Grabe. I couldn't believe it. Haha. I enjoyed so much. Especially iyong fast forward, faster and backwards. Hahaha.
I loved Ofelias death scene. Hahaha. Splash ugh! This led to our workshop wherein we did the Chocolate War in 10 mins. (more like 17)

It was at this point when my foot started to hurt. Ms.A noticed and SanLu laughed when I was limp-running. Hahaha. I dunno why, but it just hurt when I stood up. This isn't the first time though. Hahaha! It was also at this point when my cam was dead. It was a good thing I was brought extra batteries. I still couldn't believe that my battery was able to last this long. Hahaha!

So yeah. We made letters at this point. We also ate lunch at the same time. Hahaha.
DanceX even arrived to practice for their elims. Hahaha. Good luck! They made me wonder: "Their voice projection is sooo much better? Or is it because it's easier to echo in the canteen"

Anyhow, we retooled the some scenes from this point onwards. I was able to contribute ideas. But most of the scenes weren't mine so I went off to go cam-whorring, chatting or sleeping. (yeah, i fell asleep in the audience area.... and went on to serious stiff neck.)

Oh yeah... SORRY STACEY! It was an accident. :((

Anyhow. We were already processing when my dad suddenly called. Damn. Hayz.
I missed whatever comments there were, the envelope thinggies and the usual group pic. Waaa!
I feel so guilty. Waaa!

Anyhow, that's all for now. I have to go cram homework and put captions. Hahaha!

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jiggle jiggle

Thursday, October 11 at 6:43 PM
Chinese Orals and Tests and PE
HAPPY!!*t: 10.11: 9.27
BEWARE! Contagious: Ni Yao De Ai - Penny Dai...
Tonight is crammer's night. Weeee! Hahaha.
Today was hillarious! Hihihi.

Well. Last night was quite annoying though.
I worked really hard to make a calendar. Haha. And it looks good... at least in my view. But then stupid sticky-clay-thinggy won't stick. Damn.

Anyhow, I was up late last night looking for a Chinese song... and then.... THERE WAS A BLACK OUT! Hay Caramba! Anyhow, I was waiting for the lights to come on on my bed, but I fell asleep. Naman!

When morning came, I took a bath and rushed to the computer. Printed lyrics.
So if you're wondering, for our Chinese orals, we will sing a song! Hahaha.
And my song was chosen: Ni Yao De Ai. (The Love You Want)
You got it right! It's the Meteor Garden Theme. Hahaha! Lol.

Malay ko ba naman what songs to pick. I don't know any Chinese singer and neither do I listen to them. Hahaha. F4 sana, but I dunno the other songs. (Oh Baby Baby was taken already. Can't Help Falling has too much English. Haha!) Sobrang jologs naman! Haha. Jowk.

Chinese was the first period. Haha.
Well, we had a test today, and I did not know. I thought it was next Thursday pa. Iyon pala it was this Thursday. WAAAA! I wasn't able to study. But I don't have any blank spots. I just hope my guesses were correct. After this, we had our comprehension. I was still translating the words I didn't know until she said PASS! Syit! I was still translating. I haven't read it, I haven't answered it. So I just put in random numbers. Hay!

Anyhow, fast forward to PE. Blah.
Haha! It was our second skill test today. I was so crazy at that time. Why? We were supposed to do dives. And they never ever taught us that before. I kept complaining in a reallly weird way. Not really nervous or worried. Hahah. Just crazy.

So our instructor taught the dives to us, and my goggle kept falling off my eyes. Hay. When the test came, we did all of it. During the last dive, the goggle flipped again, and it was over my mouth. Sadly, this was the dive wherein we had to go freestyle right after diving. So when I dove, I was struggling to swim since I could barely open my mouth to breathe. AGH! I reched for it and stopped. When I did continue, I bumped into Adrian naman. WOW! ANG GALING MO, LUIS! Haha. No worries... well may be a little bit. Hahaha.

Anyhow, he taught us the Butterfly and Breast Stroke right after. I guess I actually learned from my summer swimming lessons. Haha. Our instructor kept saying "nice one!" YAY! That makes up for the diving. HAHAHA!

If there are any subjects I'm worried about. It's Chinese and PE.
I think I'm doing swell in Soc Sci. And I've only had one failing quiz in Math. (Soon to be 2? Jowk.) Science is well... I think I'm doing well enough. English is really. (The LT brought my spirits up) CLE is still up. I've accomplished everything for Journalism so I think I'm getting that P.
Oh shucks! FIL!!!! AGHHHHH! My seatworks and check ups are sooooooooo low. :(( And who knows what my score on pokus was.... other than Ms.Tina of course.
Why am I worried? 'Coz my parents will blame FX if I don't get into the honor roll. WAAA! I dunno what could happen but I bet it's nothing great.
(Wrong timing talaga. I wanna get out of Chinese Advanced but I can't. Waaa!)

Well. I went to FX right after, but I didn't stay to take the circular since the bus would leave me right away. Yeah, I left early. For the first time in ???, I actually rode the bus going home. Hahaha! It was quiet though.. as it usually is. But it wasn't crowded. No H4 kasi.

So I just took the circular from CJ. (Walked to his house) And I'm doing the CLE CS right now. Hay. And then I must pack. As well as cram all the other homework. Wish me luck. :D

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when your hand is on fire, all you have to do is scream

Tuesday, October 9 at 10:30 PM
FX, Morning Ceremonies and Impulse
HAPPY!!: :
BEWARE! Contagious: paiba-iba...

So today was fun... I guess. Hahaha.

Nice. (i'm reinstalling YM again. hopefuly, it'd be fixed na. it get's annoying to keep on having to restart it because i'm not receiving anything on the message window.)
Haha! Well. I slept at around 1:30 last night.
So yes. As expected this time, I fell asleep. Thrice pa. Hahaha.

Where was I?
Yes, I was in the part where I was talking about how nothing much happened.
Other than the fact that we sorta talked na. Sorta.
Why sorta? Because we didn't say everything we wanted to say. Hay.
We really need to list them down... Hahaha!

Okay then.
Off to FX. Yes. It was tiring.
Yesterday, I got neck and stomach pain after the crunches.
Now, we ran! WAAAA!
Kulang na lang they make us swim while singing. Hahaha!

Well. That song has got me thinking about morning ceremonies.
I mean, it's really evident that I'm the only dominant voice in class who sings Lupang Hinirang and recites the oath.
I got myself to think about it. WHY? Why do I keep doing it? It's not like the other's sing too. It's not like anyone actually cares. It's not like the I have the best voice in class. (In fact, there are times naririnig ng buong class ang mga flat ko. Hahaha! That's how quiet they are.)
Then, I just thought. Why not do it? Why should I conform to everyone else when I can stand out (as a unique human being made in the likeness of God. Haha!)
WHY should I run my finger through the flames? Just because.

After FX, while waiting for CJ's dad, I lied down on the 6C's plaza. I've always wanted to do that. In fact, I've always wanted to lie down on the patio's green grass and on the walkway bridge.
Hay. Reminds me of the time I threw Sean's clipboard and papers off the walkway bridge.... just for the heck of it. Hahaha. It was fun and crazy. That's me... crazy. Hahaha

Well. That's all for now, I've gotta make up for all my lost sleep. Haahaha!

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sadistic mad-woman

at 12:50 AM
Portfolio, FX, Countdowns, Sleep and Tests.
la lang...t: 10.09: 1.11
BEWARE! Contagious: Wonderful - Wicked...

Alright. I've just finished doing my English portfolio entry.
Yes, it looks rushed but good enough under my mediocrity standards.
So yeah... I ended up using Helena Bonham Carter since I couldn't think of any other person I could idolize. If I did put my real idol, it would jsut be vanity. JOWK!

So to make it intersting, I put these pictures:
click to enlargeclick to enlarge


Anyhow, during today's FX meeting, I learned the Salutation to the Sun. Hahaha!
Also, I was so hyper for some reason. I kept making motorcycle "rrrr" going to "rrrrr" going to high pitched "rrrrr" sounds again. hahaha!

Aside from that, backstage is wonderful!! Hahaha. I just fixed it and I can see the floor again! The boxes are put in place tidily and everything's all organized. Hahaha...
Well, except for the scattered wires. hahaha!

Also, napa-out of tune ulit ako. hahaha! First note ko pa lang sa kanta, asintunado na talaga. Hahaha. Natawa na lang talaga ako. Hhahaha!

Anyhow, while waiting for cj's dad, we were talking about the calendar. Which led to us counting how many days till Christmas. And... it sorta got overhand.... so this happened:
click to enlarge
Added top my desktop clutter which already includes the photo-corkboard wallpaper, the calendar of upcoming events, the post its, the dock and the hide and seek start menu,
I now have 3 countdowns.... one for Christmas, the other for the Chocolate War and the last for Sem Break.... I labelled them. Hahaha.

Sorry. That upper half is just really sabog! Hahaha.
My writing is all over the place. Hahaha.


Anyhow, I slept at around past 2:00am last night.
What was I doing? The Filipino Research.
Naks. Sobrang stress talaga 'yan! Hay.

Today, for some weird miracle, I didn't fall asleep. Not after any quiz, not during any boring lecture, not at all.
Examen time, no matter how much I forced myself to sleep, I really couldn't. It's really, really weird. Hahaha.
And yes, I was still hyper by the end of the day.

Anyhow, I got a perfect score on the English LT.
I love you, incentive! Weeeeeee!
I could've gotten 68 instead of 66 if it wasn't for my indecisiveness. Hahaha!

Filipino test was hell!
On the physical side, I got a stiff neck and a really tired wrist.
On the mental side, I'm really exhausted. That test was hard!
What added to the difficulty factor is that we needed TEKSTONG PATUNAY. Hay.

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me voy, adios

Sunday, October 7 at 11:58 PM
Paul, Chocolates and Bukambibig
la lang...*s:10.05 :12.05
BEWARE! Contagious: Wicked...

Anyhow. I'm taking a break from doing my research. Hahaha

I was just reading CJ's blog and how he openly curses.
I just saw the word fcuk. And I remember how I would censor them... as u can see.
And when I thought of censoring words, one person came to mind: PAUL.

Grabe. I laughed out loud when I recalled him say EFFER!
With the nasal congestion and stuff. Hahaha! Shucks. Miss him na. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I think I've emptied the frige off chocolates. Hehehe.
What can I say? I have sweet teeth. Hahaha!
I'm still amazed 'coz it's barely 2 days and now it's all gone. Haha.
Tsk-tsk-tsk. So bad for my teeth! Hahaha.

In other news, I often find myself exclaiming:
TAMA!, I like that! and SYIT!. Hahaa! La lang.

Now, I'm adopting SHUT UP! Hahaa.
To be used effectively against Kim. Hahaha!

Hay. Back to work.
I just have to write the essay. I better get a high score! JOWK!

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y no me dejas ni tan solo la esperanza

at 8:48 PM
The Philippines.

Super Stressed!*s: 10.07: 8.54
BEWARE! Contagious: Adios - J.Lo...

Wow. What a time to be talking about this. Especially right after the Pacquaio match. Hehe.

Well. I've been hard at work on my Filipino research.
What's it about? It's about Filipino Values.
More specifically about those needed in order for the country to develop. Hahaha. I put some focus on the lack of these values in our generation. Haha.

What can I say, I've searched SOOOOOO much sites. it's really hard to do about this. In fact, I haven't done any other homework aside from this. Hahaha!

My main source of info would be
Bakit Baliktad Magbasa ng Libro ang Mga Pilipino? Mga Kuwentong Barbero ni Bob Ong.
Yeah, i know. It's a comedy book. Mostly satirical. But that's only the first half. The second half is more serious and is where I got the info to base my research essay on.

Once again, I've been inspired.
Yeah. I've read half the book, and it never seems to fail to make me wonder about what will happen to our country. (I really recommend you read this book. It's comedy + inspiration. That's why I love Bob Ong's books. Hahaha!)

Will we ever succeed? Will we ever see a better future?
Will we at least get anywhere?

What's happened to our people? What happened to all these values we're famous for?
Will all of us Filipinos at least get anywhere?

Hope is one thing. Actually getting it accomplished is another.

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not all spices are spicy

at 1:56 PM
la lang...*s: 10.07: 2.21
BEWARE! Contagious: Do It Well - J.Lo...

Pacquiao won.... again. Hehehe.
Not that I'm anti. I'm not anti coz he reps the Philippines. But I feel it's gotten into his head too much. Hihihihi.

In other news, J.Lo has a new single. Weeee.
And yeah... it's in English. Hahaha.

Last night, we went to Shang to watch... No Reservations.
Not really something that I was looking forward to. In fact, I haven't been looking forward to any movie. Hihihi.

I enjoyed. It's not really the best movie I've watched. But the story's real nice.
Nabilisan nga lang ako sa ending. Hahaha.
I love the steak scene. Hahaha. It's like she was going to kill someone. Hahaha!

Somehow, it made me wanna make pizza. Yes. As in with dough. Hahaha.
It also made me wanna make a cake. Iyong mga magaganda't masasarap. Hahaha!
Wow. I'm hungry again.

Speaking of food, I've got chocklits in the fridge! <3 Hahaha.
Tito Bobby just arrived. Haha.
I miss Mr. Goodbar, Krackel and Hershey's!!!! <3 Yummy!

Anyhow. After the movie, we went to Starbucks.
I oredered their Signature Iced Hot Chocolate. Haha. I'm still wondering how something hot can be iced. Hahhaha! I didn't enjoy it that much since their was an overload of cinnamon. Hahaha!
I also got their sinless trio. Yummy. But a tad too sweet for me. Hahaha.

Well. I gotta go cram. :-h
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weekday devotion

Friday, October 5 at 9:27 PM
HAPPY!!f: 10.05: 10.11
BEWARE! Contagious: kung anu-ano...
Ano'ng masasabi ko?
Ngayong araw na ito, naramdaman ko talaga na magkakalapit kami. Parang nawala ang harang. Hahaha!

Pero hindi iyan ang pag-uusapan ko ngayon. Hahaha. ;-)
Wala pa rin si Varr. Gumaling ka kaagad!

Nakarating ako sa silid-aralan ng mag-aalas syete y medya na. Hay. Buti na lang at nakaabot pa ako.
Hindi ko alam na may misa pala ngayon. Hahaha. Dinala ko ang libro ko sa Matematika bilang pamaypay. (Noong klase ng Filipino ko lang nalaman na mas mabisang pamaypay ang student planner. Hahaha!) Sayang nga lang na nasira ang pamaypay kong gumagamit ng dagitab. (Haha! naaliw lang ako sa salitang dagitab! Hahaha!)


Hay. Nag-ensayo kami sa may canteen pagkatapos ng mentoring. Hahaha.
Wala lang.

Pagkarating namin sa patio, nine-nyerbyos na ako. Hahaha.
Pero cool pa rin.

Nakakainis talaga! Nagkamali pa kasi ako:

Sino ba ang nakarinig ng salitang buhOt?
Kasi naman! Dapat BUHAT. Hahahahahaha! Hayz.

May nakalimutan din akong linya.
At nakalimutan ko ang aking pagpasok kaya kinailangan kong ayusin nang kaunti.

Bulol na bulol na bulol ako. AGGGGHHHH!!!

Alam ko ring NAPAKAhina ng boses ko tuwing nagsasalita ako nang normal. Nakakainis.
Buti na lang hindi ako napiyok. Hahaha. Inaabangan ko na talaga iyon kahapon pa lang. Di ko alam kung bakit. Hahaha.

(Naaaliw at naiilang ako tuwing sumisigaw ako tapos umaalingawngaw boses ko sa tennis court. Hahahahahahahaha!)

Salamat sa Diyos na pwede na ang kinalabasan. Hahaha! Sayang lang at hindi siya "sobrang pwedeng-pwede." Naplantsa sana namin. Hahaha.

Masaya na rin ako. Naramdaman ko ulit ang kaligayahan ng pagtatanghal. Hahaha.
Hindi man kasinggrabe ng pagka-"high" ko sa Duwa, pwede na rin. Hahaha.
Ibig sabihin nito, na-mi-"miss" ko lang ang Hulugan. Hay.

Uy. Sana magkatotoo ang panloloko namin kay Karl:
Pero pwede rin naman siyang tawaging Duwa Duwa. Hahaha.
Sa panaginip lamang. Hay.

Naaliw nga pala ako sa madla! Napakalaki ng pagkakaiba! Ang galing nila!


Oo. Nagulat din ako. Hindi ko talaga alam...
...na Nobyembre na ipapalabas ang aming dula. Hahaha.

Iyon nga. Inihahandog ng Stage FX ang

Nob. 9, 10, 16 at 17.
Pagkabalik na balik mula sa Sem Break. Weee!

Siya nga pala.... abangan ninyo ang pagpapatuloy ng
Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio. Hahahaha! (sana)

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when you're tired and lonely

Thursday, October 4 at 9:03 PM
Leg Pain, Late, LT and Filipino
Super Stressed!*t: 10.04: 10.13
BEWARE! Contagious: Hate That I Love You...
I totally NEED sleep. Seriously.
Hahaha. In a few days, hell week will be over, and I can live happily ever after.

So yeah. Last night, whilst I was sleeping, I suddenly woke up to a strange sensation in my leg. It, however, is not abnormal to me. It's happened so many times before in more painful ways imaginable. This time, I was able to suppress it before it actually hurt a lot.
Yes. It's as though something inside my calf split into two. Somewhat like fibers. I dunno if this is just cramps, but I was in pain.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt okay... until I stood up. God. I couldn't walk. As in, I was limping wherein I had to jump on one leg just to get somewhere. It hurt.
By the time I was in the bathroom, I had already started to stretch my leg, so I could stand normally already. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I was late today. Naks naman.
Yes. The school bus took sooooo long. I walked from MTQ towards Gate 14. Had my leg not been in pain, I would've ran. When I was on the first flight of stairs, I had been stopped by Mr. Posadas. Wow. My first late arrival of the school year. Haha!

Who am I to blame? The school bus.
Which part? It's either my bus mates or the driver.
I'm going for the driver since we were never late last year even if we had 5 more students than this year. Anyhow, I would notice it anyway. On a free road, he'd run at 20kph. Naks.

Come science class, I found out my LT score: 93% Not too bad! Hahaha.

And then, there was English class. It was our LT and I did not study. Simply because I was busy with other things. But when I took it, it wasn't so hard even if Mr. Perez insisted it was. I like poetry now! When he gave us the weirdest stories in the world, I failed the literature part, but now, I was confident with my answers. Hahaha!

Filipino class was confusing. I've been given some other role for the tula thinggy?
I'm confused now. Hahaha. But as long as I get additional points. I should go bug her tomorrow. Hahaha.

I skipped PE today! Weee.
Why? My leg. Hahaha. I made my dad make an excuse slip.
The annoying thing is that he thinks I just made him make one since I didn't wanna go swimming. Why the hell would I do that?

Anyhow, the whole PE, I taught CJ everything I know about pokus ng pandiwa. Hahaha.
It made me wonder... What if Filipino was taught using English? LOL.
So yes, I taught him everything he needs to know since he barely learned anything from Mr. Cuepo's class. Seems everyone over at B wants to have a rowdy party all the time. I feel sad for him. Hahaha.
Somehow, I feel guilty that I might have confused him a bit. Hehehe.

FX. Okay, so I wasn't as hyper as I was yesterday. I wanna equal that level of craziness. Hayz. Oh well.

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you can't put your finger there

Wednesday, October 3 at 9:34 PM
Bus, Breakfast, English, UP Field Trip and FX
Super Stressed!w: 10.03: 9.38
BEWARE! Contagious: Avenue Q...

So today, I was almost late.
It's become an annoying habbit for the school bus to have to be late during assembly day. Luckily, there wasn't an assembly. Instead, we filled in our PSAT. hahaha.

Before being late though, I was late myself. The school bus arrived right when I was about to eat breakfast. So yeah. I put the Spaghetti in a tupperware and into my bag and planned to eat it later.

There was this part that was so racist. It said mark you race.
They're so discriminative against Africans. Sure, there was "Black or African American" but what about those who live in Africa? Hmmm? Hahaha! La lang.

Anyhow, we had the Science talk after this.
Right. Hmmm.....

By this time, my stomach was grumbling! Argh.
I've learned breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Hayz.
So I must take a bath fast to eat. Hehehe.

English class, I taught Julius how not to fail past perfect. Hahaha. Hopefully, he passes the LT tomorrow. Or at least the past perfect part.

I'd just like to say I am so screwed regarding tenses. ARGH!
I perfected the Past Perfect quiz (not to mention the poetry quiz), but I got a 16 lang sa Simple Present vs PResent Progressive. Shoot! That's supposed to be easier. Hahahaha!
Then, I remember I wanted to sleep right after that test, so I didn't review. Figures. Hahaha! (just wanna say I saw how the water smudged my writings on that quiz.)

Besides this, Mr. Perez gave us instructions for the next portfolio activity. It says talk about your idol. First thing that came to my mind: Helena Bonham Carter. WOAH! Hahaha. Very weird. Baliw (well, at least sa Harry Potter) ang idol ko? Hmmm. Nice.

And then recess. I ate my breakfast. Plus a pizza. Weee.

Then the Math contest. I made a mistake on the very easy practice question simply because Carlos gave me the wrong info. BUT KIM.. AT LEAST PRACTICE LANG YON! WALANG KATUMBAS NA POINTS! Anyhow... we won third place!!! Galing natin, 2C! hahaha.

So after, it was Soc Sci class.
I just figured that among all my subjects, sa klase lang ni Mrs. Lugay ako nag-eenjoy nang tunay. Hayz. Yan talaga ang ni-lo-look forward ko. Hahaha. (except newsday. i hate the news)

So after, we had our field trip. Hahaha.
We went to UP! Hahaha.
I slept in the bus. hahaha! When I woke up, hanap kaagad ako ng kendi. Pero walang meron at bawal bumili. Waaa! As in the whole day, I've been craving for some kind of candy.
So we went to Miranda Hall first for the some kind of institute.

And then we went all around UP to find Albert Hall.
As in we went around in circles for like 20 minutes? Hahahha. Naks.
In front of it was written:
"You think ur in control?... HAHAHA!!! God bless your soul..."
Freaky. (even Carlo and everyone in the bus agrees) I was thinking who would do that.

When we found it, so we had a tour. Hahaha.
Nice. The first room was my 2nd favorite. Hahaha.
And then in the second room, the girl there touched a carcinogenic. Tsk tsk.
In the third room, the people kept laughing. Hahaha. Binasa ko pa ang mga notes nila: "Manlilibre si...." "Uyy! <3" "Graduation" at kung anu-ano pa. Hahaha!

In the fourth room, the girl was soo....
she kept giving us the most advanced information ever. Info overload! Hahaha.

In the waiting room for the fifth room, we talked with our tour guides. Hahaha. Stuff like that. hahaha. And then we went in. The Fil-Jap student there let us play with the water-sucking-in-micrometers thingamajig. Hahaha. I forgot the name, but it starts with P. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I had fun, but we finished at that agency at 5 na. And suuuppppeeeerrrr traffic pa.
On the way home, I was contemplating about being late for FX. Hahaha. Yan talaga iniisip.
Well, they kept singing in the bus, and an'daming mga pakulo si Ariel. Hahaha!

Well, when we got there, I walked to the Lecture Hall. By the time I was by the stairs, I was like all normal. But then I kept seeing things all over the place. There was this strange feeling someone/thing was following me. I kept seeing silhouettes in the plants, cars and in the canteens. Finally, I went mad and ran and screamed to the Lecture Hall. Hahaha.

I got in just in time for the run. And I was really hyper. Maybe it's because of the adrenaline kanina. Hahaha! Anyhow, I enjoyed our second run. WEee....

The Tula thing on Friday. At the patio.
Notable guests... Mrs.X, Mr. Pinlac, Mr. del Prado and others!
And see FX! Wee. (bakit wala kami sa poster?)

Well, I have to go on with my CLE parable now. I just have to record it.

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seasons of

Tuesday, October 2 at 9:04 PM
Great Randomness--Hell Week Update
la lang...t*: 10.02: 9.09
BEWARE! Contagious: Louder than Words...

According to Mr. Perez, I'm full of zest today. Haha! I just got hyper lang after examen. LOL.
Anyhow, I just thought I should blog today. Hahaha.

Sunday night, just when I thought all would go well. It didn't.
Hayz. The usual thing again. Sometimes, I just get so sick of it already...
Well. I slept late because of all sorts of homework and the Science LT.
But that was great since, finally, my notes are all arranged. Hayz.

Math class had a really great big piece of chalk, right?

Wow. the LT. damnit. First number pa lang, mali na.
I guess I was just sleepy. I misread meiosis for mitosis. Naks!
And my last number is definitely, definitely wrong.

I slept late again. This time, it's for the Chinese Orals. Wow. It's really Hell Week.

Somehow, we can't get the time to be able to talk.
It gets annoying especially when you want to say something na.

Alright, straight to Chinese class.
Because of the fact that I only memorized the night before, I was really sure I would score low. Hayz. Somehow, I wasn't as nervous as I usually am when there's some kind of oral test. I was expecting I would be since I barely know a thing. But nothing... I was quite fine.

On the test itself, I was under Li Laoshi/Lily Huang. It was okay. She kept nodding so it meant she understood me... hahaha. But on the second to the last paragaph, nagka-mental block ako. Hahaha. She also laughed. LOL! Anyhow, for the question portion, I could barely hear her and she spoke sooo fast. So I told her to repeat. And I answered all of her questions. Weee!

Anyhow, I only remember while eating lunch that I have to do my Journalism homework. Hahahahaha. So yes, I asked for pad from Allen. (THANKS!) Thought of my topic. And then I scribbled on. I was barely past the 2nd pargraph when the bell rang. So yeah... boo hoo.

Examen time, I was telling myself... why are you so near the door? If you were farther away, the roving teachers won't notice you. And even if you were far, why are you so law-abiding?
Just when I was sermoning myself, the examen voice told me to get a pen and paper. And I was sooooo hyper! I can actually sneak doing my homework while they were making us do some activity with the left hand. Hahahaha.

Anyhow, this continued during English class. Hahaha.
We were still arguing about PAST PERFECT TENSE in a COMPLEX SENTENCE. Can someone enlighten me? Hahahaha.

FX. Phew. Did a lot of cleaning. I'm so proud of how organized backstage is. Hahaha!
La lang. Now, if all the wires would fix themselves. Hahaha.

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