me haces falta

Sunday, September 30 at 10:34 PM
Hell Week
Super Stressed!*s: 9.38: 10.48
BEWARE! Contagious: lotta stuff....

well. right now, i'm having a headache. hayz. cramming.

anyhow. my problem is that it's hell week. that's all.

tomorrow, it's my science LT.
technically, i don't have notes. it's not because i don't copy. in fact, i always copy.
but i'm too obsessive compulsive that i don't copy it unto my notebook. instead, i do it on my junk notebook. i do this so that my notes will be in perfect order come qt time. hahaha.
anyhow, my notes end at central dogma (which is the lesson right after meiosis. my notes are complete with illustrations of each step. haha!)

wish me luck. i remember it exactly like last year. i got a 65% on my 2nd quarter science lt.
as ms.a deems it, LTs are useless. hayz.

on tuesday, it's me Chinese MT.
God! I have to memorize to really long stories. boo hoo for the pure filipino. hayz.
why do we have to do this? naks.
i can already see this as a chance to get lower than 85% on the card which kicks me out of Chinese advanced. (hallelujah!)
But i can't do that. I have to stay on the line of 9. Why? My parents will blame FX, and i get kicked out. Naks. It's sooooo annoying.
Sadly, you can't get kicked out of advanced during the third quarter. By third quarter, I don't think i'll be staying in school till late everyday because of FX. this would be perfect timing to lower my grades in Chinese. but it's useless coz I can't escape advanced anyway. hayz.

on thursday, my parable is due.
I think I'll just go make a story up in school. And then I'll use my webcam. upload to Youtube. Hayz. But i need some spark. I can't think of any story.

on friday, my filipino Outline is due.
And I wanna sneak in my draft too. I want the plus points. Plus, i'll be bust by the next week since it's the play date na.

speaking of The Chocolate War...


Buy tickets from me (and me only) starting Wednesday (siguro)
Play dates are on October 13, 14, 26 and 27.

Also, if you wold like to sponsor the play, it would be well appreciated. Hihihihi. (i'm out of luck with sponsors. I might end up sponsoring myself. hihihihi.)

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the clown and the geisha

Friday, September 28 at 9:10 PM
Super Stressed!f: 9.28: 10.00
BEWARE! Contagious: Elliott Yamin...

wow. it's been a long time since i used that icon. hahaha.

grabe. nainis talaga ako sa a-day.
hindi naman sa abuong araw. nagustuhan ko naman ang programa sa gym. hahaha.

naiinis lang kasi talaga sa mga kamag-aral ko dahil para bang araw nila ito.
appreciation day nga diba?

kung gaano ako talaga ako nagalit sa klase noong sabayang pagbigkas sa ingles, talagang gusto kong magalit ng todo-todo pa roon. kasi naman, iisang araw na lamang para sa mga titser, ninanakaw pa ang mga premyo. dinumi-dumi pa naman ang buong silid nang hindi man lang tumulong sa paglinis.

pero mas nainis ako sa isang gawain namin. dapat sana bubuo kami ng bilog at sabihin kung anuman mensaheng nais ipaabot. pagkatapos, nung binigay na ang mga panuto, biglang kalahat ng klase umalis ng silid. kapat nama'y nagkumpul-kumpol kung saan-saan. ito na nga kasi ang tsansa upang sabihin natin kung gaano sila kaimportante sa buhay natin tapos biglang mag-wo-walk out. dun talaga ako nainis.

sinabi ko na lang sa sarili ko. lilinisin ko na lang ang silid para mawala ang inis ko. nawala nga nang kaunti, ngunit noong bumalik na sila ng silid, talagang gingulo-gulo ang tambak ng basurang kinokolekta ko sa gitna na nagmula sa kagilid-giliran ng classroom at kailailaliman ng mga upua't mesa. naks.

natawa naman ako sa programa nila. may mga bahaging na-bore ako pero pwede na rin. masaya ako na sa kay liit na saglit na iyon, nawala nang kaunti ang pagkainis ko sa klase. hayz.

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jelly in the lips

Wednesday, September 26 at 8:42 PM
Sleepiness, Driving and Speech
la lang...w: 9.26: 9.47
BEWARE! Contagious: Unfaithful - Rihanna...

Okay. Now that I'm a bit more composed. Phew.
Here's the real blog.

Grabe last night. I fell asleep in front of the computer. Hayz. Hahahaha.
Back pain. I woke up at around 12. Slept on my bed for 15 mins.
I woke up again to dress up ans shut the computer down. Naks. Hahaha.

Before that actually, my dad told me that he renewed his license.
It's now a professional. According to him, this means he can be in the passenger seat once I have a student's permit. I'm still confused though about this what-not, but that's not important.
What's important is that I can drive soon! WEEEEEE!
I just have to grow taller a bit more. hahahaha.
Add to that, I have to turn 16, which according to the LTO site is the age when you can apply for a permit. 17 to apply for a license. Hahaha!

Anyhow, we had the assembly today. Thank God I wasn't late. Hahaha!
So we usually have the haircut thingy. Shhh! I escaped! ;-)
Ayoko mag-kwento. I might get in trouble. Hahahaha!

I was sleepy most of the day. And I've been getting better. Chinese class, I slept. Nasa harap na harap ako ni Laoshi. But she didn't know I was sleeping. My seatmates were laughing nga on how I was so near her pero no one noticed.... other than them. Hahaha!

English class.
Mr. Perez was looking for volunteers for this UP speech contest thing. Hahaha.
Crazy Babsi.. shouted my name. Mr. Perez said, "Oh no! Luis has already been pre-chosen"
I told Kyne, "WTF? Syiiiiiiiiiit!"
Hahahha. Apparently, he's looking for participants for this group reciting... to be trained by Mr. Asis. And then I was put in this Individual contest (syiiiiiit!) thing with Mr Legaspi.

Anyhow, lunchtime, I saw Mr. Perez. He said, he made a mistake, and I'm not in.
Hahaha. La lang. I'm still traumatized by my grade 7 extemporaneous speech contest. Hahaha!
And I definitely cannot stand on stage alone.

So yeah. Peer faci and then FX.
And then my frustration. Haha!

HEROES! Weeee!
I'm loading the 1st episode na! hahaha!

Anyhow, that's it for now.

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no one mourns the wicked

at 7:50 PM
Sad and/or Worriedw: 9.26: 7.55
BEWARE! Contagious: No One Mourns the Wicked...
This person I'm writing about is really special because this whole entry is dedicated to him.
Plus, it's been proofread for errors or whatever.

Before you go on reading, I suggest you just skip through this entry to spare you my annoyance and frustration. No cusses or anything... hopefully.

The thing started out with my mom being unable to pick me up from FX. The school bus even waited for me since she texted.

Since I wanted to attend, I asked him, "Big favor. Can you bring me home?" That straightforward. No more distractions. No more 'best friend cards.' No more excuses. Just a straight question from one friend to another.

If he said no, I would've went with the school bus, but he said YES. Sure, he had some worries, but he answered me with a YES. Yes, I'll bring you home.

By the time we were walking towards Gate 1, he was complaining. "Your house is not on the way. It's too late. Can't you walk? Can I leave you somewhere on the way to my house?" By this time, I just got disappointed. Very disappointed.

He even tried to play. "There was this time in Power Plant that I asked you bring me home, but you didn't." As usual, he had his facts wrong, and we entered the car with him still complaining.

Once again, he kept dropping hints of leaving me down on the streets or wherever.

By the time we were on the part of Santolan wherein he turns while I stay straight, he let out a complaint. "This is where my house goes." A loud groan. "FINE!"

For the rest of the trip, I had low spirits, and he noticed it. He even kept asking, "Why are you angry? What's the problem?" I arrived home to my relief.

Yes. What is the problem?
It's not that he planned to drop me off on the streets. I'd be fine with that. At least, it's a way closer to home. It's not that he kept gaving excuses, but that may contribute to it.

I'm just frustrated that he would say things as though I'm a burden in his life. It's as though I'm dragging him down.

If he really didn't want to let me ride with him, he could have said NO the moment I asked. Sure, I'd do some pleading, but if I'm really out of the way, I would've just gone home as early as that. That way, I won't be a problem to him, and I wouldn't have to worry about going home.

For the whole time from FX until I reached my house, he kept making excuses for him to not bring me home.
I really expected more. If he was Kim, sure, I'd expect that he'd be like that, but he's not Kim.
Sure, he has those times wherein he "doesn't feel like it", but generally he's okay.
Until now. Now, I just figured out how he really is.

It was his attitude. There are better ways to reject people or complain. I should know. All my life, I've lived that way. If he had been more well-mannered, if he had been more polite, I wouldn't feel so bad. But he didn't, and I just really feel bad. REALLY.

Everytime, I always try to be a good friend, even if he doesn't mind me that much. Even if I have my own old, bad impressions on him, I still stayed a friend. Sure, I'd tell him off, but I do it properly just as a friend would. Even though his personality gets annoying and he keeps teasing me. I'm just really frustrated.

I may just be overreacting, but whatever. I'm just annoyed. Period.
Good news, he's dead
The bitch from the west is dead
The wickedest bitch there ever was
The enemy of all of us here in Oz
Is dead, good news, good news
I'm so glad he doesn't read blogs.
But even if he did, I wouldn't mind, at least that way, he'd know. He'd know.
He ought to know.

A few days ago, I told CJ that I wouldn't be surprised one day if I was kicked out of the group. Right now, I'm just affirming everything.

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help the homeless here in my hat

Tuesday, September 25 at 9:49 PM
Tests, FX, Friends and my Room
la lang...t*: 9.25: 10.21
BEWARE! Contagious: Stuff....

It's just been two days and it's all been a great big blur. Haha!

Yesterday, I was soooo sleepy since I slept at 1 the night before. Yeah, I was cramming everything. Hahaha. When the school bus came, I was still brishing my teeth. Hayz.

So when I got to the classroom, I was cramming Chinese LT.
Talagang di pinag-aralan eh. Hayz. And the LT came. I score low.
But it's good enough to pass: 85.5. Hayz. Hahaha!

So yeah, the most of the day was a blur.

FX came. And it was both cool and scary. Hahaha.
I'll go skip most of the frustrations, and just say this: Yes, I admit they're too dependent. I really need some lessons on domineering, and then apply for play#2. ;-) Since I'm lights, there might be more time for prod. Hahaha.

Cool ng lights.
It was New Year! Wahaha. Pumutok ang mga ilaw. Hahaha. Then we had a mini fire. Hahahaha! Coincidentally, Mr.Legs wants some fire for play#2. I volunteered Stacey. Hahaha!
In no relation with that, Stacey has started teaching me his lights knowledge. Hahaha. Let's see what I've learned:
- Making an outlet/plug
- Checking for gaps
- Fixing wires
- Hanging lights
- How not to fall while standing on a ricketty ladder that is moving. (just hug the ladder and wave to your fans)

Somehow, Stacey says he'll be away from FX next year but i doubt it. Hahaha.
Other than that, there's the rest of the H2 who're leaving FX. Hahaha.
By the time we're H3, it's just me, CJ and varr. And maybe some other who wanna join. But basically, I'll be the only one who was there since H1.
What really makes me wonder is that they feel too pressured. But they wouldn't be pressured if they actually did work. Diba? Hahaha.

So when I got home, I slept at 1 after cramming homework. Evil stuff plus Journ. Hayz.

The next day, blah. We had our Math LT and I had a couple of mistakes na. Hayz. Carelessness. Hahahaha.

CJ came home with me after FX.
He stayed muna in my house since his parents weren't home. Hahaha. He got to see the renovated house... and my room. Hahaha!
I've been wanting to show someone my room. But who can I show naman... at least, I have shown someone na. Hahaha.

Well. Other than being awed by the room, we talked about *ehem*ehem*
We even used paperclips to help us visualize. Hahaha. It was weird but cute. Hahaha.
And so it made me wanna email Paul. And so I did. Haha.

So that's mostly it for now.

don't forget: BUY TICKETS FROM ME! Hahaha.

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that's not the way to break it.

at 12:09 AM
Interaction with Assumption

HAPPY!!m: 9.24: 12.11
BEWARE! Contagious: nothing...

I had fun. Really. Hahaha.
See the pictures:

Anyhow, here's how my day went,.
I woke up real early. Went there and started work on the place design. Hahaha. I cut (fugly) clouds, some snowflakes and other weird stuff. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I was posting na the clouds with Synjin and Nikki when I had to go faci. Anyhow, so I left for my group. I was greeted by Kim who kept saying: "Of all people, why are you my faci? I'd rather have Lendle be my faci! Ugh. Ugh." Anyhow, for most of the day, he kept repeating that.

So yeah. I'm part of the STALLIONS. Go stallions! Haha. My co-faci is Liz. And the additional is Nikki. I also dragged CJ.
So from AC: lily, milena, angelica, mica, carmela, sophia and mic (aren't u a faci?)
from xavier: kim, tuazon, rap, paolo, mark, joe, nic and asis.

So how did CJ get in there? He thought he was a participant, but he's actually a comm member. So since he had nothing to do, I dragged him into our group when Lis wasn't there pa. Hahaha. And I made him draw our flag... which got lost by the way.

So yeah. We had fun with all the classroom activities. Excited na excited eh! Hahaha.
For the firt part, boring. Tapos when we played the game na, sigaw na kami nang sigaw. Walang katapusan! Sobrang saya. Hahaha! And then, the next part, kinikilig ang iba dyan. And then the next part, we were sorta in a rush. Hahaha.

So we had some chaos after eating lunch but it was all good. Hahaha!

Anyhow, so we had the rest of the day.
It was really tiring since we kept running around the whole AC campus. Hahaha.

So yeah, we did a lot of stuff but the most notable is the dancing. Hayz.
So yeah. They made me go upfront kahit na I had no idea of what I was doing. Hahahahaha!!
Annoying part was they were shouting my name with lis to convince us to dance. Haha. I din't dance though. Hahahaha! (I would've done Duwa if Kim did it with me. Hahaha!)

Anyhow. As you can see, it's really, really vague because I can't say much. But the point is I had fun! Hahaha. It's fun to be a faci! Hahahaha.


Right after thism we went to Glorietta.
My dad picked me up and sumaby si CJ.

Ate dinner sa Yellow Cab. And then we went ahead to National only to have circumnavigated the whole place. Damn that National. Hahaha.

So yeah, I bought a bday card 'coz I didn't bring more money and it's too tiring to go around Glorietta. Next time na lang ako bibili ng gift.


Anyhow. After a really, really decent talk while browsing National for a mask or a gavel, we were to go home na.
But we passed by Tower Records. Napgkatuwaan namin ni CJ iyong Oscar statue doon. We took pics. HaHahaha! Kulang na lang ng acceptance speech. Hahaha!
So yeah, my dad bought me the J.Lo cd.

And then we went home.
Once home, I went to my bed and fell asleep the moment I touched the pillow. I was intending to blog but I couldn't wake up na. Hahahhaha.

It was around 3 that I woke up. I got hungry. Got some leftover Yellow Cab. Changed from jeans to sleepwear. And then went back to sleep. Hahahaha!

Now you may be wondering why I got the Spanish J.Lo cd.
Hahaha! I just like J.Lo. ANd I loved the beats of her songs. Kahit na di ko naman naiintindihan ang mga lyrics. Hahaha.

BTW. I got curious so I checked out this Spanish site.
Look what I learned:

There are many cats.
Hay muchos los gatos.
Hahahahaha! LOL.


Well. Sunday.
Woke up. Went to Red Ribbon to buy a cake.
WEnt to Mass. For once, we're early! Weeeee!

So ate in Conti's. Yumm.
WEnt home. Picked up the cake went to Pasig.

So we celebrated Trisha's birthday. Hahaha. Usual thing we do. Hahaha.

The babies were there and they got soooo much cuter. Hahaha! La lang.
And Alex has a new trick na: NINONG UWEEE
Hhahaha! She can call my name na! Galing!!!

See the pictures:

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that's what life is.

Monday, September 24 at 11:48 PM
Intrams and Reminiscing
la lang...m: 9.24: 12.09
BEWARE! Contagious: unbelievably blank...

Most of all, he was tired of Archie. Archie the bastard. The bastard Obie alternately hated and admired. For instance, at this minute he hated Archie with a special burning hate that was part of the boredom and weariness.
Okay... so yeah. I fell asleep looking for these lines in the book.
And I found them. Why did I choose them? Because these are the lines that got me to like Archie's character. Except for the last one. They're a clue. ;-) Not for readers though.
Obie didn't bother to answer. You couldn't ever win an argument with Archie. He was too quick with the words. Especially when he fell into one of his phony hip moods. Saying man and cat, like he was a swinger, cool, instead of a senior in a lousy little high school like Trinity. Archie was uncanny.
So yeah. This is a Thursday blog. Quite late though. Hahaha. In fact, I can't remember much at all.

So we had our intrams this day. Hahaha.
Once again, we lost. But this isn't a surprise. Hahaha. Ang'galing ni Josh, I have to admit. As in walang ka-effort-effort niyang hinihit ung bola. Hahaha. That's why I told Kim to keep throwing it unto Anthony.
But we still lost.

But you know what, I don't feel bad. Why?
Coz I miss badminton. The last time I've played it was a long time ago. Hahaha. I think it's a year ago. So sad, but true. Hahaha!
Archie waved his hand, singaling that he was tired of conversation. You could see him physically withdraw although he was only a foot or two away from Obie on the bleacher bench. Archie's lower lip dropped. That means he was concentrating. Thinking. Obie waited in anticipation, hating the thing in him that made him look at Archie in admiration. The way Archie could turn people on. Or off. The way he could dazzle you with his brilliance--those Vigil assignments that had made him practically a legend at Trinity--and the way he could disgust you with his cruelties, those strange offbeat cruelties of his that had nothing to do with pain or violence but were somehow even worse. It made Obie uncomfortable to think of that stuff and he shrugged the thoughts away, wiating for Archie to talk, to say the name.
Grabe. I slept really, really late that Thursday. Sobra kasi daming homework. And I'm still distrated by Wikipedia, Multiply and YM. Hayz.

I wish we were back at the grade school.
I'd sleep at 10:00 not because I had homework but because I was watching TV. Hayz. But look at me now: sobrang stressed. Hayz.

This reminiscing made me remember the good times during grade school. Not only the reminiscing, even FX made me remember grade school. Why?

Yes. That damned yearbook that turned out fugly. (but I'm satisfied because my cover page appeared.) Yeah. We'd stay till late sa printing press at Project 8. Cross the street to McDo. Make jokes. Annoy Ms. Diaz. Hayz.
But then no matter how late we stayed, my parents don't give lengthy sermons as they do now. Hayz.

I really miss those Symbiosis days.
He rose and stretched. He was tall and not too heavy. He moved with subtle rhythm, languidly, the walk of an athlete although he hated all sports and had nothing but contempt for athletes. Particularly football players and boxers, which happened to be Trinity's two major sports. Usually, Archie didn't pick the athletes for assignments--he claimed they were too stupid to absorb the delicate shadings, the subtle intricacies involved. Archie disliked violence--most of his assignments were exercises in the psychological rather than the physical. That's why he got away with so much. The Trinity brothers wanted peace at any price, quiet on the campus, no broke bones. Otherwise the sky was the limit. Which was right up Archie's alley.
Sobra. Not the bus as in my bus right now.
What I mean is TWG-592.

I miss my busmates. Ysa. Maan. Richter. Manang. Kinders. People na ginugulo ko. Everyone else.
Hayz. Sobrang miss ko na sila!

Sobrang quiet kasi sa bus namin ngayon, and I'm not the type that spontaneously makes noise. I need some ignition. Hayz.

I still remember how Kevin would sleep like a monster and would sway side-to-side. When he swayed towards mine, he'd push Richter who in turn presses his bones and Kevin's weight on me. Both of them asleep; me in pain. So i'd just push them back. Hahaha.
Why did I suddenlt remember this? There was a repeat with the grade school kid and Raphael. Hayz. Nice going.
"Know what Archie?" "What?" "Life is sad, sometimes." That was one great thing about Archie, you could say things like that. "Life is shit," Archie said.
Before I leave, I think I have some final wishes... actually none. Goodbye.
And this is the clue I'm talking about:
Jacques swung Archie around. "What happened to Renault was bad enough, but there was violence in the air. You could have had a riot in your hands, the way those kids were stirred up."

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manood na!

Sunday, September 23 at 10:47 PM

HAPPY!!*s: 10.23: 10.50
BEWARE! Contagious: Spanish...

Stage FX
on its 14th Season

The Chocolate War teaser

adapted from the Robert Cormier novel

Hey there! Support this year's Stage FX production.
This October na!


In other news:
I still need to make two blogs abour friday and saturday.
And wait for my pics from saturday.

Just makes me happy. Hahaha:
It's an actual article by me...
It may be a sucky one, but at least it's published. Hehe!

In my year of being Hoofprint, never was one of my articles published.
Well.... I barely wrote any good ones.
But they did promise to put the one about the CHOCOLATE Factory. But it never came. Hayz.

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sorry. sorry.

Friday, September 21 at 10:05 PM
AC Logistics and Friendship.
la lang...f: 9.21: 10.09
BEWARE! Contagious: nothing...

Pagod na pagod na ako! Sobra.
Nine na ako nakauwi from AC. Tapos sobrang dami pang kailangang gawin. Naks.
AYOKO NA! I have to admit. Most look sucky save for the Prod Crew's backdrop and my sun, moon and stars plus tetra pack buildings. Hahaha. Okay na sana ung labas, pero nung tinanggalan, sobrang... hayz. Anyhow. Pwede na rin sya.

Anyhow, I'll start with today.
So. Yeah. Nothing much. Argh. Hahaha!

Batch mass... i read one of the prayers. nothing small. didn't go as well kasi walang practice.
Chinese.. Shucks. Don't ask.

Soc Sci was funny. Mrs Lugay: "If you copied from anyone else, I will give you a zero, a green slip and I will file a case against you. Hahahaha!" Noon, zero and greenslip lang eh. Ngayon, may case na! Hahahaha!

So blah. Went to AC.
Ang dami sobrang mga nasasabi ang mga tao sa kotse. Hahaha!

HERE's the thing:
DI KO MAINTINDIHAN KUNG BAKIT SA IISANG PAGKUKULANG SA TAONG HALOS KAPATID MO, PAAALISIN MO NA LAMANG NANG GANYAN-GANYAN LAMANG NA PARANG BASURA. ANG IGNORANTE KASI. WALA MAN LANG BANG SENTIDO NG PAGKAKAIBIGAN? NG KAGULANGAN? ANO NANG NANGYARI SA LAHAT NG MGA PINAGSAMAHAN NINYO? WALA NA BA NANG GANYAN LANG? Yan talaga ang problema sa mga inyo kungkayat ayaw kong mag-Ateneo. Alam mo, kahit ayaw mo sa isang tao, kaya naman itong ayusin nang may mas tamang paraan. At higit pa roon, pati ang mga taong kasama mo ay nasasangkot pa.

Hayz. Now that that's out of me.
Better go get sleep for tomorrow.

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i wish i could go back to college

Wednesday, September 19 at 8:12 PM
Duwa, Being Late and FX (as usual)
la lang...w: 9.19: 8.14
BEWARE! Contagious: I Wish I Could Back to College...
I'd write this one in Tagalog but it would be hard to translate some things to retain the same meaning.

First of all, my USB is broken! Waaa. That problem last night... yeah it's bad.
So it's dead. And I'm trying to find the time to find the new one. Hahaha!

I would first like to say... I HAVE DUWA NA!
Weeee. Just this weekend (I forgot to blog about it... or I just forgot that I did), I had the time to link Charles's CDs. So yeah... I got the two files from the CDs, found the program to convert the DAT into MP4. And then I went on to Movie Maker: removed the blue blank screens and the useless starting. I linked the two movies. And after 5 hours, TADA! Weeee.
Iyon nga lang... it's 1.2 GB. Woah! Hahaha. I don't have a DVD writer nor do I have a 4GB USB... so sorry Kim or whoever. Hahaha!

So yeah... SHHH! I fell asleep during Math today. Hahaha.
Just like Science yesterday. Hahaha!

So today, Wednesday, is assembly day. Supposedly, I was to accompany Mr. Enriquez in closing the Buwan ng Wika. But guess what! I know! SOOooooo annoying!
I was late. I mean, it's not just the rain. One of my bus mates must have taken so long in the bathroom because I was picked up at 7 na. WTF? (BTW: Last pickup ako)
Add to that the rain! Hay carramba!

Anyhow, so they finally gave the certificates for the Rio Tinto. Hahaha.

Before I go on to my usual FX "column", some more: Hahaha.
NOTE TO SELF: I need to be more domineering. No one takes me seriously. Hayz. If there were no such things as DPS, I would've punched quite a few people na for not listening to me. Hehehe. :D

So here it is.
FX was rough. Hehehe. It was, as I said, magulo. Hahaha.
Then, after Stacey was pointing out the lights. Bigla akong na-fascinate. Hahaha! I think I should do lights. (Besides, looking back: the songs are out of my vocal range. Hahaha!) That way, I know na how to do the lights... AND I can spend more time on the defunct H2 prod. Naks. Hahaha!
So yeah, after a few more talks, I suddenly got inspired to do more Prod work. Hayz. There's sooooo much to be done. Here, I can practice domineering skills. Hahaha. LOL. But on a serious note, we're getting nowhere! Hahaha.

Anyhow, it's nerd time. Hahaha. Must get aaaaalllll this work done.. haha

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i've gotta find my purpose

Tuesday, September 18 at 9:27 PM
FX, etc.

la lang...t*: 9.18: 9.50
BEWARE! Contagious: Avenue Q...

I'll make this a quick one:
I have lots of homework and they have to be done in an hour.

Why? Dad forcing me to sleep at 10:30 simply because I didn't wanna wake up this morning as a result of sleeping at 12 the night before.

I'm actually thinking about taking Stacey's offer:
Not audition for this year's second play and just do lights for him. Why?
'coz I've been wanting to do lights since the start of the year but I couldn't because of being in cast.
'coz I don't trust whoever is holding the lights right now.
'coz Stacey needs to pass on lights knowledge before he graduates next year.
'coz he says life's a bit easier. Hahaha!

Hahaha. But what if I do wanna audition? Oh well.
Either way, desisdido akong maging cast on 3rd year. Hahaha!

My USB is not working. Damnit.
I wonder if it adds more hours past 10:30. LOL.

Nagiging mas complicated na ang <3 sa workroom. Right, Kim? Hahaha.
Tsk-tsk-tsk. LOL.

Well. I still wonder why ehem-ehem is making life more complicated.
I mean the circle? that happens a lot inside this group? we should decied to kick...?
Why are you making life more complicated?
Especially about being depressed over a leaf! Naka naman.

Hayz. Mostly, that's all I have to say.
Wahaha! Anyhow, gotta go get my USB fixed.

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the more you love someone, the more you want to kill them

Monday, September 17 at 10:02 PM
Bad Friend, Seating Arrangement and Chinese Class

la lang...m: 9.17: 10.42
BEWARE! Contagious: Avenue Q...

Today started out great. I mean I still had time to listen to the radio. Haha. Nawawala ang mga Masters. Hahaha.

Anyhow, only when I was thinking in the school bus did I remember: syit! I fell asleep to early! Meaning I didn't get more bond paper. I didn't bring my math book. I didn't orint my script..... and most of all: I DIDN'T PRINT CJ's HOMEWORK!

Shoot! Pramis ko pa naman the night before na di ko malilimutan.
Bad friend! *slaps self* Bad friend! *punches self* Bad friend! *kicks self* Bad friend! *pokes self* Bad friend! Hahaha. LOL
Anyhow, he ended up doing it during lunch, meanwhile I treated him to a shake to make up for it. Wahahaha.

Anyhow, so yeah.
Tried to memorize my inspired script. Hahaha. Anyhow, bukas na.

I was just thinking about the change of seating arranngement. Lots of stuff will be new. Hindi na kami mag-uunahan sa paghula kung sino ang nasa examen... o di kaya ang pag-comment. Also, di na namin masyado mapag-uusapan ang mga <3 sa workroom. Hahaha!

Then again, life will be peaceful without Kim around. Phew! Hahaha. Tapos diretso na akong nasa ilalim ng electric fan! weee! No more heat! Wahooo...! Sadly, I'm too far from the computer! I can't see. Damn these glasses... the grade should be higher. Hayz.

Speaking of seating arrangement, we also have a new one for Chinese class. Last week, I decided to increase my test scores by sitting beside a smart Chinese dude--Charles. No, I DON'T CHEAT! Do not connotate that! Hahaha. I just don't understand what she's saying... (Just proves I have no future in Chinese) and whenever I ask my seatmate what she means, Michael would just go: I wasn't listening. Hayz! Well... Charles should know, so I sat beside him. That was until today. Today, she decided to move me back with Michael. Naman! Zyg kasi'eh! Agreeing with her pa. Hay buhay. Oh well, there goes understanding your teacher.

And I also hope to make my V in effort become an O. How? Actually listening to her. The only way to do that is to stare into her eyes so that she knows I'm listening. Sure I'm listening, but not understanding. Hayz. Hahaha! The problem with that is she keeps asking me: Ming pai ma? (Do u understand?) And I just nod even though I don't know what the hell she's saying. And the other problem is that she keeps calling me. Kanina lang, she just asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. It took me like 5 times of asking her and Michael what she meant before I could say Doctor. Hahaha! Not that I wanna be a doctor... it's just that that's the only job I could think of at the moment. And then right after, I could have said teacher or salesperson. Hahaha!

FX was... was... was magulo today. The scene we did today had a cool concept but the outcome was looking magulo. As in parang sigawan lang siya. Anyhow, we ended up watching Star Wars Robot Chicken. Hahaha! At the same time, CJ's hyperactivity passed on to me. I kept bouncing... and i'm paos at the same time.

I just noticed... I've been giving advice like a machine. It just keeps coming out... hahaha.

Other than that, I've been a stickler for most of the days. Everywhere I go, it's like GRAMMAR ERROR! SPELLING ERROR! SENTENCE ERROR! PUNCTUATION ERROR! LANGUAGE ERROR! It's both cool and VERY, VERY weird. Hahaha. I even spotted one on the FX circular. Hahaha! (one reason I don't read my own blog... there's too much of them caused by bad typing skills)

What else do I have to say? Not much. Hahaha!
Hmm... soon, I'll be writing in straight Filipino again. Haha. I miss that.
Oh yeah, I noticed most of my blogs have something about FX in them. Hahaha!

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no camera tricks

Sunday, September 16 at 11:14 PM
Biolink Commercial
HAPPY!!*s: 9.16: 11.15
BEWARE! Contagious: Varied...
One of my fave commercials:

LOL! Hahaha. Lagi akong natatawa rito!
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I lost my teddy bear

Saturday, September 15 at 5:43 PM
AC, FX and Life

la lang...s*: 9.15: 5.44
BEWARE! Contagious: Breaking Free...

Okay. So today was fine, i guess.

First of all, I'd like to greet my friends good luck.. HI CJ and SEAN! Remember: always talk about me!

Anyhow, so I woke up pretty early today for a Saturday. Hahahaha!
So yeah, I set my alarm for quarter to 5 since the bus might leave me. So I put it on snooze only to wake up at 5:30. At first, i thought that the maid would wake me up. And after around 15 seconds of sleep after that, I realized 5:30 na!

So I rushed my whole morning process. Hahaha! Anyhow, I arrived to a blank place. Naks naman. And then when the van did arrive, I stayed pa rin for the others. Anyhow, I got bored so I went to the Lecture Hall.

So yeah, it was raining and all the grade school kids were so excited about it. Hahaha. They make me feel tall! Hahahahahaha! Anyhow, so the back door was open and I snuck in. Hahaha! All the lights were closed and there was eerie silence so it was kinda freaky. Hahaha! I just pretended I didn't care. Hahaha. So the lone lights I had were that of the ones upstage since I didn't know how to open the upstage lights... where are the switches? and I didn't wanna open the spotlights. Hahaha! So yeah.. I started painting a pillar. Hahaha. PROD! Haha.

By 7.30, I went back and then we left na after much waiting. Hahaha. So yeah, bahang-baha everywhere. LOL.

Anyhow, so yeah, we had a dry-run sa Assumption. Can't tell you much because there's been too much of a leakage. Hahaha. It was kinda fun. Haha. Can't wait to faci na. Haha.

So we left right after. And while in the car, before I fell asleep, I felt more hyper.

Anyhow, I arrived at Xavier. I was hungry since walang free lunch kaya I went to the Cafe... passed by the Lecture Hall muna to see if anyone was there. Hahaha! So yeah, they were in the cafe. Hahaha. Ate.

We started practicing, but had story-telling right before. Apparently, these people are too praning about ghosts in the Lecture Hall. Hahaha! I have yet to be freaked. Hahaha. Anyhow, so it really made me miss Hulugan na! As in deep tagalog in a mostly angry tone ending in death. I miss it. Waaaa!

I was thinking that if it was put in Duwa, our play would be soooooooo sad. Haha! And it wouldn't be called Duwa. Hahaha!

Anyhow, dismissal was after. And then some spray and some cam-whorring. And then done. Hahaha. They all left earlier than me. Hahaha.

While alone, it got me thinking, I'M NOT SABAW NA! Weeee.... Why? When I think by myself, it's usually sad stuff. But that time I was thinking of running around he parking lot to the tune of...... and at the same time, I was smiling. Hahaha. Not bad. Weee!

So yeah, went home. Started on this. Went to church.

Wahaha. I thought I might fall asleep in Church, but I didn't. Weee! Hahaha. I like how the choir's voices vibrated around the whole church, but they're voices aren't as beautiful compared to that of the ones in greenhills. Hahaha! After, we went to the hardware (i have a hamper na) and now.

Anyhow, I'm downloading songs. Hahaha.


Anyhow, something got me thinking about college and the course I should take.
Mr Young kasi! Interviewing me pa, tuloy I'm talking about this. Hahaha!

So I thought possible things I can do in the future:
- Teach (in xs?)... english or filipino (or even soc.sci or... dum-dum-dum math. Haha!)
- Start a business
- Work for a multinational company

Which got me thinking....
- I wanna publish a novel
- I wanna publish a Filipino dictionary
(unless you can show me one that has this entry:
UPUAN - chair; something one sits on. Syn: silya, likmuan, salumpwet [Archaic], SEE ALSO: luklukan, bangko)
- I wanna make a complementary CD/website to that dictionary
- I wanna start up a clothes stores
- I wanna start up a restaurant
- I wanna be complete... LOL!

And then, I could also try
- being a barista
- being a dj
while in college... i remember people trying out for those... but maybe i'm wrong

Hmmm... am I missing something? Hahaha!

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i was a selfish fool

Friday, September 14 at 8:10 PM
FX and College

la lang...f: 9.14: 9.07
BEWARE! Contagious: Without Love...

I plan to sleep early tonight since I really need the energy. Hayz. As Paul relates, sleep is essential blah blah blah. I'm just busting my phone's battery. Hahaha.

Oh yeah, I hink I forgot to mention on my former blog. I'm 2nd Honor. ;-) Weee..


Anyhow. Wow, they're actually going through with Serapio.
Hayz... I wanna get a role since I miss actual acting. It's hard to act out a character who barely goes onstage since I can't develop the character. Hayz.

Sadly, I have to go to the Assumption dry run.
They both have their pros and cons. Hayz. I quote CJ and say I wish I had my time turner working.... scratch that, I don't even have one: I wish I stole CJ's time turner and made it work.

Although, barely having scenes is quite good since I get to have more time for prod, which was my original plan. Originally, I would work for prod this year and go back on stage on the next production or on next year. And having a small role did give me that time for prod, so I guess it is a blessing.


Today was an okay day. Haha!
Well, I pigged out in the Cafe after the last subject. And then painted the stick. And then bummed off. And then went to the high school. And then naughtiness in the lecture hall. *winks* And then more prod work. And then Cafe again (Thanks, Cher!). And then talk. NICE!

It was quite fun being in the high school during the PTC. hahaha!
I was about to go to Mr Marana and say "I'd like to talk about Luis's grades" but then Varr told me he did that na. Naman. Hahaha!
Also, we passed by Mrs. Cacacho and talked for a bit. She notied my name daw on the script, and she remembers me from last year: di daw bagay ang profanity. Hahaha!

Well towards the end of the day, I tried the tarot cards! Hahaha.
No, I havent turned witch. It's just fun to make stupid predictions like, if you drink lots of water, you won't be nervous... or if you point at the sun, you'll end up on a journey to energy. Hahaha! STUPID! Lol.

For most of the day, I hung out with the H4 prod. I just noticed: there's the H$ prod and the H2 prod. Haha! (What discrimination!) I kept calling Jeff NIGGER! hahaha. Black paint kasi. Haha!

Loved the end of the day. Hahaha.
Although, there were times it felt akward.
Passed by the IGNITE (ms.a left her class. tsk-tsk) and found out Starlips was her adviser. SHOCKER!
I can't believe it! Hahaha.


Anyhow. More research. Continuing on last blog's topic on college.

Okay. So in Ateneo, there's this course called BS COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Sounds interesting.. that's communication, technology and management. So somewhat like mass-com + comp + business? I dunno, the link was broken. Hahaha. Sounds interesting. Basically, that's it.

In DLSU, there's this Business Management and Marketing Management.

In UP, once again, there's English and Filipino (the other schools make it sound so literature-inclined. I hate comprehension.) and Speech Com & Theatre Arts. Then there's also BS Business Asministration and Accountancy. (DLSU's and Ateneo's sound better.) But then they have these graduate courses on entrep and this new one I found: Technology Management. Wahaha!

Definitely no medicine for me, I get freaked out too easily with my own blood. Haha!

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there is a part I can't tell.

Thursday, September 13 at 11:00 PM
Puyat, Report Card, Basurero & College

HAPPY!!*t: 9.13: 11.41
BEWARE! Contagious: Spring Awakening...

Okay. So we received the report card kanina lang. Hehehe.

Well, I arrived sort of early today. What a miracle. Anyhow, I slept in the bus when I told myself not to. Hayz. Why tell myself not to? Kasi i turn out groggy once I do. And it's true. I sort of was.
BTW. Lotsa people notice I'm puyat. Halata naman sa pimple and eye bags.

So I tell myself it's Get Rid of Sabog-ness Day. Wow. Haha! So yeah, I still sorta was. Hahaha. I fell and tripped sa may... sa may... basta somewhere. Hahaha

So yeah, even if I was reminded like thrice that it was card day, I had no reaction whatsoever. How weird is that? Maybe it's sabaw + groginess. Hayz. So yeah, I wasn't nervous or syit when Mr Marana arrived with the envelope.

Anyhow, I was expecting a low grade... no honor. Whatsoever. It's disappointing nga 'eh. But that's the truth.

But expectations were wrong. (Sorry... by memory lang toh. Kinuha ang card ko.)

CLE - 97 OO
MATH - 89 VV

Strangely, NR ako. Kahit na pumasa pala ako, NR. Hayz. Once again, that's sabaw + groginess.
Where was I? Oh yes. It's quite anonying that I have a line of 8 against all the line of 9s. But that's the truth. I'm too careless not to commit a mistake on my equations. In truth, I was expecting lower for Math and English. Hayz. English... for the first time, it's actually lower than Chinese. Stupid comprehension.

Strangely, naging basurero ako today. Hahaha. Nangolekta ako ng mga C2 at Nestea bottles. Ba naman kasi, how will this help improve our interaction. I mean, paano kasi siya naging nature? I agree with other people's comments (mga FX). Natatawa ako n'ung sinabi nilang may tree-planting ba? Hahaha. Hayz.

So yeah, I collected bottles. Nakakahiya kayang humingi. Natatawa nga ako sa pag-iisip. Pupwesto ako sa may basurahan, tapos: Hep Hep Hep, sa akin na lang ang mga bote n'yo. Hahaha! Anyhow, I designed them na. Weeee....

Well, I didn't eat lunch today... unless you count a brownie. Hayz.
Malay ko ba we were supposed to eat before going to the prayer service. Naman. Kala ko there was time pa to eat after.... di pala. Hehe.

Hayz. Kanina lang, my dad was complimenting-sermonizing me. (May dinner! May dinner! Sana may CD na rin!) Syang daw, pero oh well. He said something about applying them.
What a joke. Most of the things we learn we don't apply. I mean, why must I memorize that Adenine, Guanine and Uracil make Serine? How will that help me raise a business?

Well. Mr Young called me today.
Kala ko out of timing. Pero it proved calming. It sure beats calming me down compared to that reflection last night. (sorta turned into taichi to the beat of Mama Who Bore Me. wtf??)

One part, he was asking me what I wanted to be based on the sheet. Si yeah, businessman.
It made me wonder. It's lucrative, but will I enjoy? Parang boring. Haha!
I just checked the UP site... the College of Arts and Letters looks interesting. Wahaha! But what would that make me other than someone who knows more about language? Then again there's entrepreneurship (MBA)... graduate course which should come after BSBA or BSBAA. Sounds interesting too.

Anyhow. PE was wonderful. I enjoyed swimming. Hahaha.
Ako? Nag-eenervon ako araw-araw. Haha. Dunno where that came from.

Well. Talking with Ms.A today was fun. Haha! Thumb tacks! weee.

BTW. Why am I not being an active citizen and go talk about Erap? Why should I? There are far too many problems surrounding my life before I go talk about his. And why should we make problems out of his arrest when there are so much other problems in the Philippines like climate control, energy conservation, illegal wildlife trading, transport systems, etc. Hayz.

So yeah. I'm not done with hw considering I fell asleep and woke up at around 9. Hayz. So fare ye well! (eww)

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you don't exist.

Wednesday, September 12 at 9:18 PM
Sad and/or Worriedw: 9.12: 9.38
BEWARE! Contagious: Mama Who Bore Me...

Finally, I've found it. Quoting Ilse, it's useless searching for something that you don't even know.
But I still kept searching. And I did find it.

Recently, I've been so sabaw or sabog. And I guess it's coming from depression.
Why was I depressed? I didn't know. I kept asking myself. I kept looking.

I mean, how many times has my clumsiness been evident? How often have I flushed money down the drain? How much quizzes have I scored low? How I've been staring into oblivion as if in deep reflection, when there's nothing in my mind... a cause as to why I'm more silent than usual?

I just found the reason. The reason why. How? I was advising CJ on his problems and telling him LIFE IS SHIT, quoting Archie. And then I just found it. It just appeared.

They say the people you are with influence how you are. And I guess this is true. Varr has been depressed almost everyday. Francis is sharing that he's all OP. CJ having dilemmas of his own. Allen is problematic about prod. And the list goes on....
Add to that, KIM. Kim is like a depressant. Somewhat the opposite of an antidepressant, the drug. If your already down there, he won't forget to step on you, and with his weight, it's not hard to be flattened. It's just annoying.

Then again, it may just be because I lack sleep. But when do I ever lack sleep? I mean see this:
A while ago, I had a conversation with Ryan Sy, my new math seatmate. He asked me what time I sleep; I told him 11 or later. And his compliment made me smile: "And yet you're always so full of energy." It has been a great deal of time since I last received a compliment, and it really makes me happy that it came from someone so unexpected. But back to sleep, it's true. So I guess this is the only answer for now.

I'd tell you more about today, but I guess I need more time.
I'll go do one of those reflection things... and then off to homework.

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Monday, September 10 at 9:24 PM
FX Night

HAPPY!!m: 9.10: 9.24
BEWARE! Contagious: Hairspray...

FX Night.
Sobrang late na 'to kasi I couldn't find the time to write it. Hahaha
See the pics:

So I snuck my cam into school again. Haha!
I was supposed to bring my phone din pero I left it back at home after some morning kaguluhan. Hahaha.
Actually, the night before, nag-ca-cram packing pa ako eh. And I definitely over packed. Hahaha.

So the whole day, I was really excited for FX Night. Hahaha.
And then by 4, YUN NA! Hahahaha.
Actually, mas excited sina CJ and Varr. Nag-aayos pa lang kami nina Kim ng stuff sa classroom, ginugulo na kami na bumababa. Hahaha.

So when we arrived, nagutom kami so we went to the Cafe.
I got some brownies (sugar) and iced mocha (caffeine) to keep me high. (Thanks to Mark nga pala na nanlibre sa akin! :D) Hahaha. I'm still amazed that everyone else in the table can drink pure coffee na. Hahaha. Ako, hindi pa. Haahaha.
By the time it was 4:34, biglang naalala namin ni CJ ang call time. Bigla kaming tumakbo papuntang Lecture Hall. Hahaha! But wala pa.

Anyhow. I started work on the sign.
When I got lazy, I passed the work on which I totally regret 'coz Kim ruined it. Stupidity, sheer stupidity. How I regret being lazy.
Anyhow, while complaining, I was worrying as we were looking for the fallen cutter blade and the cutter itself. (Cyempre, hindi ko kinapa... **remembers the grass n'ung catapult days*** Hahaha!)

So yeah. When it finally started, we were divided into groups.
I was in the Eketegle group. Or something like that. Basta.. CORN na lang. Hahaha.

So yeah. We did a cheer-making. And so bigla kong naalala si Burke nung ginagawa na namin.... Why? Tumalon-talon din cya last year nung Bongga. Hahaha.

And then we had the machine thinggy. Oki, this just proved we were definitely not that creative. hahaha. Dito naglag ang points namin. Kami lang ang 3 points... Ang iba, ang taas-taas. haha!

So after that, we had an explanation of the CLOSATS.
And then we ate dinner.... pero subuan muna. Hahaha. Let's just say I had so much spoons. Hahaha. ;D BTW, none of the people I fed got sick... with the exception of Mark. But when is he never?

Anyhow. So we started practice and it was weird.... sorta. Hahaha.
I was the lead... and then. Un na.

We were watching the most ehem ehem plays ever. And the word "banana" never means the same thing anymore. Right, CJ? By the way, Kim's belly button was equally distracting as the plays. Hahaha.

So ours was the third and the most serious. HAhaha. Kinaba-kaba kami kasi kami lang ung seryoso. Hahaha. Anyhow, so my acting was sooooooo sabog.
And the cues were sabog too. I made far too many monologues which could've been prevented if everyone remembered when to enter. Hahaha. And I kept saying Luis when my character's name was Alberto.... Hahaha!
What I loved the most about ours is that I hit Dulay and Geremy with some piece of paper. Hahaha! I like doing that.

Anyhow, so we watched Fight Club right after. It's a cool movie but it made me wanna sleep. It's not boring... no. We just watched it at 12:30, which is why I wanted to sleep. The whole time, i was trying not to give in to temptation.

So yeah, it was really cool. My fave scene was the end. Nung gumuguho na ang mundo nang nakahawak kamay sila. Hahaha.

I wanted to sleep na right after pero endorphins started activating. And after picking up the camera, I went to go outside with the others. Pero I got dicouraged by the shadow I saw walking beside the canteen and chapel. So I went back in.

Anyhow, na-bore ako sa loob ng lecture hall so nag-malakas loob na ako. I got Mark Tee's flashlight and started exploring. Hahaha. So I was planning to walk to the swimming pool where everyone else was taking a bath. Hahaha. So sinamahan ako ni Darrel.

Anyhow, sobra akong matatakutin. Hahaha! When we were near the SFX statue, sabi ko: "What just moved by the Grade 5 classroom?" Sabi ni Darrel: "Lights from the building in the back." "What was that?" "Just a tree" And then when we were going down the stairs, may biglang nagsabi "Baka ka madapa." And it was not Darrel. I'm like. "SHIT! WHO'S THAT!" Sabi ni Darrel sabay turo: "Iyong guard." LOL HAHAHAHAHA!

So yeah, we arrived and then separated. And then lumabas ang ilan... that's CJ and other... I pulled CJ away and said let's pass by the field.... But when I looked, it was pitch black, sabay kami sa Art Rooms na lang. Pero madilim din so we went to the grade 5 na lang. Sa Art Room dumaan ang iba. Kami naman sa grade 5. (Diba haunted toh?) Anyhow, sumigaw silang nasa baba. So nakisali na rin kami nina CJ, sumigaw sabay takbo. But by the time we reached the MPC, we walked. Until CJ said.... I think I saw blood over there. I'm like "No joke?" And then I started running again. Sumbay si CJ and said yes. Hahahahah!

Anyhow. I would've slept from this point onwards but the others went out ulit. Hayz. So i just stayed by the stage. Nung bumalik sina Stacey at Germs, nag-cam-whore kami. Hahaha.

Nung dumating na ang ibang H2, nag-cam-whore pa. Hahaha! May bago ngang teleseryeng nabuo. Hahaha!

Anyhow, I would've slept at this time onwards... lahat kami nasa kama na. But they kept talking and I has nowhere else to sleep.. so I joined them na lang. Hayz. Sobrang out of sked toh. Buti pa si Allen, nakatulog.

Around 3, dumating na ang Jollibee, kumain sila. Nakakain na rin ako. Tapos tulugan na.

So 3 hours of sleep and I woke up dahila ng ingay-ingay nila. Hayz.
Apparently, I rolled down. Hahaha. So nagsisikipan na sila dun. Hahaha!

Anyhow, I forced Geremy to help me with the balloons. After much arguing about the glue mixture (cyempre, ako pa rin nanalo) we started work. Hahaha.

And then dumating sina Ms. Yao at Ms. Lampa. WEEEEEEE!
Hahaha. Pero umalis agad.... waaaaa!

Hahaha. After finishing the papier-mache, we ate breakfast and then played football. Hahaha. Tie naman this time. Hahaha.

So we ate lunch in character. Right, David? I even learned Tagalog from my new Filipino friends named Geremy and Bob! Hahaha! We had soooo much exchange students.

And then we started preparing for our first run. Hahaha.
Syempre, busy ako with props... Hahaha.
We almost didn't start actually. Hayz.
Pero we finally did.

Anyhow, I kept running around the place worrying about the props. Hahaha. Nakakainis nga ung mga nagbalik ng chairs gayong diniscuss na cya tapos nagnuh-NO DEAL pa ako nung ending ng scene. Hayz.
So it was better than the last run. Hahaha.

So that's how FX night went... skimmed and censored na. Hahaha.
Mostly because pagod na ako at wala akong maaalala. Hahaha.

U can't imagine what was happening na right after.
Read in between the lines na lang dun sa


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meybe i tu efisyent

at 9:20 PM
Avenue Q, Kasabawan, Sunday and Monday

m: 9.10: 3.23
BEWARE! Contagious: Hairspray...

Avenue Q was sooooooo great!
Loved it... although it just proved how much more sabaw I am. Parang continuation of the last blog.

Bago ka pa yan pag-usapan, Avenue Q muna. Haha.
Ang saya. I didn't find it sucky. Then again, mababaw ang kaligayahan ko, so I really can't tell. Manood ka na lang.
Also, to see cam whores, go here:

So sinundo ako ni CJ na kasama si Varrick. Hahaha. In the car, ang gulo-gulo namin! Hahaha. May cam-whorring sessions pa kami nina Varr. Hahaha. Malas na lang ni CJ na nasa harap cya.

Anyhow. I bought two bottles of water from the coffee shop and then this propel water gave me one more bottle, so nagmumukha akong tanga na nagdadala ng 3 bote ng tubig all around the place. Hahahaha!

I loved Frenchie Dy! She plays Christmas Eve in this production. She's my fave singing contest winner, and she just became even more awesome after I saw her here! Hahaha. Galing.

When I first listened to the songs, I didn't like it. But after seeing people and puppets perform, cool na cya. I guess seeing is better than hearing. Hahaha.

Sobrang when I heard Mrs. Tizzletwat say na absent sya, na-excite ako! Kasi nariyan na ang fave song ko! Hahahaha! Sobrang nakakatawa talaga ang scene! Kung gaano ako tumawa sa song, 10 times pa. Hahaha!

It was really, really funny. As in naging mas mababaw ang kaligayahan ko. Hahaha! Tawa ako nang tawa! Like the intermission TV scene or the hospital TV scene or the... an'dami! Tapos n'ung ehem scene pa. hahaha! Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

During intermission time, we bought cookies tapos inakyat namin. Sinabihan kami ng guard na wag magkalat pero pinayagan kami na magdala. So Okay. Hahaha. When we got there, pinagsabihan kami ng mga usherette na bawal, pero sinabi ko pwede according to the guard. Hahaha. So I hid my last cookie for later while Varr was munching on. Somewhere before the start, sinabi ng usherette na bawal talaga. Hahahaa! So oh well. At kahit anong gawin ni Varr, hindi niya ma-sneak in sa mouth niya kasi binabantayan na siya, Hahahaha!

After the show though, sana nagpaka-makapal ako. Aiza Seguerra was there na by the food samples table. Sana lumapit na ako at nagpa-picture. Sobrang sayang. VARR KASI! Ikaw ang pinakamakapal sa amin, hindi ka pa lumapit.

So.. yes. SABAW-ness.
It continued hanggang here.

As soon as CJ picked me up, sobrang ano ko na.
Una, akala ko naiwan ko cellphone ko sa bahay. So sabi ko...oh no. So I borrowed a cellphone, and then positioned it on my left hand. Ung right hand ko binaba ko, and then nahanap ko na ang cellphone ko. Hayz.

Tapos, n'ung nakarating na kami sa RCBC. Bigla akong... OMG! Where's my ticket. Putsa! Maiiyak talaga ako. Hahahaha. So I'm like calm down. Calm down. Siguro nasa kotse. So we went down and CJ's dad found it on the floor just beside the car. OMG! Paano kung lumipad cya? Paano kung may pumulot niyon? Ang stupid ko kasi! I just got lucky.

And then dun pa sa souveneir program. I must've paid for 2 and got one. CJ and Varr confusing me talaga. Naku naman kasi. Sobrang waste of money. :(( There goes some money down the drain.

Anyhow, n'ung intermission, bumaba kami to get cookies. And so bumili ako. (CJ DI MO PA AKO BINABAYARAN!) And then umakyat na kami. Somewhere around the begging scene naalala ko. Nasaan na nga pala ang souveneir program ko? PUTSA! Naiwan ko siguro sa Coffee Store. WASTE OF MONEY ULIT! So I bought another one. Kahit waste... my excuse: It's not my money naman. PERO KAHIT NA!

Hayz. Soo much sabaw-ness. Even Varr says it's not like me.

But beyond the sabaw-ness, my eyes can still bleed!
On the car ride home, under the dim lights, I spotted a spelling error in the souveneir program. Wahaha! I'll post it on Multiply soon.
Na-amaze silang dalawa na nahanap ko pa rin yun. Hahaha. Sabay nang pagsigaw ng NERD! Wahahahahaha!


Well. Yesterday, i woke up for around 1 minute at around 5:30.
Why? I heard ticking. Skereee! I thought there was a bomb in my room. Tinging ako ng tingin... talagang di ko mahanap ang source. And then when the ticking got faste takot na takot na ako...... until i looked at my radio clock.... and saw it was just the alarm. naks! LOL! Hahahahahaha. (my alarm is usually the radio and not ticking)

So yeah... we were actually early for Mass.
I know, it's a mirakol! Hahaha.

So we went to Pasig mga 3. And well. I was very sleepy... and I still am. Hahaha.

Nothing much. Just played with Alex and Robin. Hahahaha.


So today was okee i guess.

Starts with my new usual routine.
Sa lumang bahay: kain, banyo, magmadaling sumuot ng damit dahil nariyan na ang school bus.
Ngayon: Snooze my cellphone alarm. Be woken up by the annoying radio which is too far to be able to press snooze. Take a bath. Dress up. Eat. Dress up. Brush teeth. Wait while listening to the radio. Hayz. hahaha!

Nakasanayan ko na ang pakikinig sa radyo. Hahaha. I enjoy it. Hahaha. Natatawa ako. O di kaya I hear new songs. Hahaha!

Today was the first day that I didn't sing a Hairspray song while taking a bath. Usually, ever since watching the movie, puro yan na lang kinkanta ko. Ngayon, Spring Awakening na ulit as it was before... ang sad naman ng kinakanta ko. hahaha!

Late na naman kami. As usual. Inabutan kami ng traffic sa ortigas. Nakakainis nga eh. Buti na lang nakaabot pa ako. 7:20 nasa classroom. Hayz. Safe!
Naman kasi dapat inaagahan na nila. Hayz.

I just noticed na there's almost equilibrium na in terms of boys and girls.
1 manang ang manong
2 H4s per school
2 H2s per school
1 grade 1 per school
1 grade 2 per school
hahahaha! la lang...

so yeah. FX. so sabog again!
1 fell twice... again.
And then my glasses fell twice din. Naks naman.

Right now i'm anxious about my grades. Sana i make it to the honor roll pa. Hayz. not for myself though.... Kung sa akin lang, okay lang mag-fail kasi walang kwenta naman ang tinuturo: para namang i'll be using square roots in a real job, di kaya comprehension when reading a book. in real life, hanggang multiplication and percents lang... and when i read a book, ine-enjoy ko, hindi ko pinag-iisipan ang mga interpretations of the author syit. hahaha. The only way i'll use them is if i teach... hahaha.
Gusto ko lang mataas para di nakakahiya..... especially sa mga manghuhusgang seatmate, parents... and i wanna get into a good college. hahaha.
Sobrang layo na iniisip. Haha!

And then now. Hahahaha!
Off to homework.

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the darker the chocolate

Saturday, September 8 at 6:55 PM
FX and Tutor
HAPPY!!s*: 9.8: 6.56
BEWARE! Contagious: Run and Tell That...

Today was crazy.
Still sabog though.

Had FX today. Hahaha.
Nothing much. Kulang kami ng main cast.
So it was prod day for the rest. Hahaha.
BTW, right after I left, puro villains ang natirang main cast.

Hahaha.... But I still wonder why I'm main cast when I barely appear on stage. I'm more prod. Hahaha.
But it's embarassing to be a H2 prod. They're all so... ... ... ehem. Kayo na maglagay ng adjectives. CLUE: 3 of the words start with G, L, I and A. Hayz.

I'm sooo clumsy.
Almost tripped... twice.
The first time by the stage lights... in front of an audience.
The second near the front seats. Naman. Haha!!

Tutor was after FX.
I was sleepy naman. How?
Well, I didn't sleep yet. But...
-- I was searching for the Chinese translation of blessed in a dictionary and ended up on the page with the word SLEEP.
-- I was replying to my dad who said "I'm here na." I was supposed to say Oki... But replied "I'm here na" instead.

Anyhow. I'm about to watch Avenue Q.
So excited!! Weee.

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i hate this job.

Wednesday, September 5 at 10:52 PM
Spring Awakening & QT
la lang...w: 9.5: 11.15
BEWARE! Contagious: Welcome to the 60s...

Sapagkat umiikot ang mundo; titibok ng tibok ang puso ko
Nawala ako ngunit tambol ay aking narinig

Gets ba?

Anyhow, I have so much to talk about, but I wanna sleep na. SO I'll just make this a quick one.

I watched Spring Awakening na last Pinaglabanan day.
The story was sooo sad but beautiful still... although it is very ehem intended kaya di pwede i-perform.. aside from the fact that we don't have teachers that will pass as teachers here in xavier even if they do loo extremely young. haha.

For some reason, I keep putting my hands in a U position in front of me, moving it in a circular motion while singing I Believe. Haha! What I couldn't understand though was if that last cry meant she gave in or was fighting against it.

I loved it all. It was really really really good. But I like Rent better... mainly because i watched it in the cinema rather than in front of the computer. hahaha. I wanna make pabili the music book from my cousins. hayz.


What else is there to report? Hmm... my qt grades then.

SCIENCE: 100% - i looove the incentive!
FILIPINO: 100% - stil loving the incentive.
CLE: 97% - grrr essay
SOC SCI: 96% - woohoo.
MATH: 94% - higher than aiming for. weeee!

sadly.... English is 88%... waaa!
I know, am'babaw... that's high pa naman. Pero tingnan mo naman oh. IT's the only one that breaks the cycle. Ito lang ung hindi line of 9. I could've gotten 91% had he accepted my correction.

She is mean; although, she looks kind.

waaaa! Anyhow. Most of my mistakes came from the Multiple Choice part... a.k.a Literature. I was never good at Literature. Proof of that is the LT... all my mistakes came not from the essay or grammar but from the multiple choice literature. WHY??!?!?! I haaate comprehension! Why do we have to comprehend literature? Can't we just enjoy it?

But I partly blame this for not having time to review after the test... meaning I wasn't able to check on my literature. The other part i blame for having such deep concepts and vocabulary on the story. GAAAA!!


So far this week, i've been so sabog and emo.

I'm so depressed and the weird thing is I dunno what about. It's really weird.

And i'm so sabog in eveything I do. Parang lahat ng ginawa ko mali. Lagi akong may nalilimutan. Parang hindi ko naiisip ang mga tinuturo sa klase. Hayz. Siguro, i just need sleep. Hayz.

Idagdag pa sa pagkasabog is missing my cue to enter for 3 times. Hayz!

And how much homework na ang....? An dami kong di ginawa! Naks naman.


FX Night entry is coming soon... once I have time to think about it. Hahaha! By then siguro, it will also be sabog. But I wrote this essay. Kung tinatamad ako, ipo-post ko na lang. Hahaha.

I can't wait to watch Avenue Q on Saurday! WOOHOO!

That's so much musicals at one time. Spring Awakening, Hairspray and Avenue Q


My newest expressions other than the I Believe above are:

-- Fuschia! <--- color

-- Putsa! <---wth

-- Tama! <---correct


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Tuesday, September 4 at 9:50 PM
HAPPY!!t*: 9.4: 9.51
BEWARE! Contagious: Come So Far - Hairspray...

Funny thing:We had a logistics committee meeting kaninang lunch wherein I was late.

Anyhow. Towards the end, Synjin asked: "what's your role in THE Chocolate Factory."

Naturally, I'd tell him off. I was about to say you don't even know the characters... until I remembered what he said. So I replied.

WILLY WONKA. Napa-"Oh my god!" siya. Pati si Mr Young nabigla kasi lead role ako and kailangan ako sa committee.

Grabe. Tawang-tawa ako! Pati si Michael nakahalata.

"Hindi naman Chocolate Factory play namin'eh!" Sabay niyan ang napakalakas na tawa. Hahaha!

Biglang sagot ni Michael: "Chocolate War, bobo. Oh yeah... sino ka nga pala? Janza?"

I just nodded. And laughed some more. Haha. ;-)
Right now, I'm still laughing. Reminds me of my Chinese lesson: deception.

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carpe diem

Monday, September 3 at 10:35 PM
Touching Movies & Gloominess
Sad and/or Worriedm: 9.3: 10.37
BEWARE! Contagious: Hairspray...

The thing is... I barely cry. It's true.
I didn't cry nu'ng FX farewell. Not when everyone else is emoting during a recollection. Not when I'm having problems with school or personal life. Not ever...

But I NOT STUPID TOO. Wow. It was close.

I thought it was direct sequel to the 1st movie, but it wasn't. I liked this one better. It was very... very... very... ....

The story is about 3 kids. Tom and Jerry--who're brothers--and Tom's friend CC.
CC and Tom both are teeenagers while Jerry is in grade school.
CC is an aspiring martial artist, but his father doesn't approve of it and wants him to go to school instead.
Tom and Jerry's often fight and neglect them. They don't care if Tom wins a blogging contest, if he fixes a virus on his dad's computer. They don't care if Jerry is in a play.

Well. The thing is. There was this one scene.
I can't explain it enough to make you see. So just see it:
But that's only the first part. Wala pa diyan where the parents read Tom's blog and find out how he feels about them. Talagang na-struck ako doon.
(if u wanna see the one w/o subitles but has the blog-reading scene, check this:

Then in English class naman, we watched Dead Poets Society.
There was Neil Perry... sad story isn't it.
Suicide.. Sobrang sad ako dahil sa buhay nya.

But the I NOT STUPID TOO was the real thing.
I mean, my eyes were watery na talaga. Buti na lang magaling ako pumigil. Hahaha!

But seriously, if i wrote about this last saturday, after FX, iba ang magiging tone ng blog na ito. Hayz.


Anyhow, today's afternoon was gloomy. For most of Filipino I was in deep thought as to the bulletin board and to the tanaga. And then I fell asleep in Science class with my usual death-resurrection style. And for the rest of the day when I wasn't discussing the bulleting board with Kim, I was all gloomy.

I mean, an'dami kong iniisip... daming worries.... daming i dunno. It's like I kept thinking of things I dunno about. And it's making me all sad and gloomy. Ya'know?
I need one of Mr Marana's chapel reflections again... the one with the conso-deso. Hayz.


Sunday let the barriers down. We weren't that late any more. But it was still sort of crappy. Hayz.

Blog on FX night is coming soon. Hihihi.

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