no one mourns the wicked

Wednesday, September 26 at 7:50 PM
Sad and/or Worriedw: 9.26: 7.55
BEWARE! Contagious: No One Mourns the Wicked...
This person I'm writing about is really special because this whole entry is dedicated to him.
Plus, it's been proofread for errors or whatever.

Before you go on reading, I suggest you just skip through this entry to spare you my annoyance and frustration. No cusses or anything... hopefully.

The thing started out with my mom being unable to pick me up from FX. The school bus even waited for me since she texted.

Since I wanted to attend, I asked him, "Big favor. Can you bring me home?" That straightforward. No more distractions. No more 'best friend cards.' No more excuses. Just a straight question from one friend to another.

If he said no, I would've went with the school bus, but he said YES. Sure, he had some worries, but he answered me with a YES. Yes, I'll bring you home.

By the time we were walking towards Gate 1, he was complaining. "Your house is not on the way. It's too late. Can't you walk? Can I leave you somewhere on the way to my house?" By this time, I just got disappointed. Very disappointed.

He even tried to play. "There was this time in Power Plant that I asked you bring me home, but you didn't." As usual, he had his facts wrong, and we entered the car with him still complaining.

Once again, he kept dropping hints of leaving me down on the streets or wherever.

By the time we were on the part of Santolan wherein he turns while I stay straight, he let out a complaint. "This is where my house goes." A loud groan. "FINE!"

For the rest of the trip, I had low spirits, and he noticed it. He even kept asking, "Why are you angry? What's the problem?" I arrived home to my relief.

Yes. What is the problem?
It's not that he planned to drop me off on the streets. I'd be fine with that. At least, it's a way closer to home. It's not that he kept gaving excuses, but that may contribute to it.

I'm just frustrated that he would say things as though I'm a burden in his life. It's as though I'm dragging him down.

If he really didn't want to let me ride with him, he could have said NO the moment I asked. Sure, I'd do some pleading, but if I'm really out of the way, I would've just gone home as early as that. That way, I won't be a problem to him, and I wouldn't have to worry about going home.

For the whole time from FX until I reached my house, he kept making excuses for him to not bring me home.
I really expected more. If he was Kim, sure, I'd expect that he'd be like that, but he's not Kim.
Sure, he has those times wherein he "doesn't feel like it", but generally he's okay.
Until now. Now, I just figured out how he really is.

It was his attitude. There are better ways to reject people or complain. I should know. All my life, I've lived that way. If he had been more well-mannered, if he had been more polite, I wouldn't feel so bad. But he didn't, and I just really feel bad. REALLY.

Everytime, I always try to be a good friend, even if he doesn't mind me that much. Even if I have my own old, bad impressions on him, I still stayed a friend. Sure, I'd tell him off, but I do it properly just as a friend would. Even though his personality gets annoying and he keeps teasing me. I'm just really frustrated.

I may just be overreacting, but whatever. I'm just annoyed. Period.
Good news, he's dead
The bitch from the west is dead
The wickedest bitch there ever was
The enemy of all of us here in Oz
Is dead, good news, good news
I'm so glad he doesn't read blogs.
But even if he did, I wouldn't mind, at least that way, he'd know. He'd know.
He ought to know.

A few days ago, I told CJ that I wouldn't be surprised one day if I was kicked out of the group. Right now, I'm just affirming everything.

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