you don't exist.

Wednesday, September 12 at 9:18 PM
Sad and/or Worriedw: 9.12: 9.38
BEWARE! Contagious: Mama Who Bore Me...

Finally, I've found it. Quoting Ilse, it's useless searching for something that you don't even know.
But I still kept searching. And I did find it.

Recently, I've been so sabaw or sabog. And I guess it's coming from depression.
Why was I depressed? I didn't know. I kept asking myself. I kept looking.

I mean, how many times has my clumsiness been evident? How often have I flushed money down the drain? How much quizzes have I scored low? How I've been staring into oblivion as if in deep reflection, when there's nothing in my mind... a cause as to why I'm more silent than usual?

I just found the reason. The reason why. How? I was advising CJ on his problems and telling him LIFE IS SHIT, quoting Archie. And then I just found it. It just appeared.

They say the people you are with influence how you are. And I guess this is true. Varr has been depressed almost everyday. Francis is sharing that he's all OP. CJ having dilemmas of his own. Allen is problematic about prod. And the list goes on....
Add to that, KIM. Kim is like a depressant. Somewhat the opposite of an antidepressant, the drug. If your already down there, he won't forget to step on you, and with his weight, it's not hard to be flattened. It's just annoying.

Then again, it may just be because I lack sleep. But when do I ever lack sleep? I mean see this:
A while ago, I had a conversation with Ryan Sy, my new math seatmate. He asked me what time I sleep; I told him 11 or later. And his compliment made me smile: "And yet you're always so full of energy." It has been a great deal of time since I last received a compliment, and it really makes me happy that it came from someone so unexpected. But back to sleep, it's true. So I guess this is the only answer for now.

I'd tell you more about today, but I guess I need more time.
I'll go do one of those reflection things... and then off to homework.

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2 reps.:

Unknown said...

They say the people you are with influence how you are.

very much true.

Kim is like a depressant.

WAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! that sounded so funny! i think there's a drug category of depressants too...

If your already down there, he won't forget to step on you, and with his weight, it's not hard to be flattened. It's just annoying.

i know what you mean. it sucks when people rub the bad things that happen to you in your face.

Then again, it may just be because I lack sleep.

good thinking. sleep is essential to all of us. lack of sleep causes a negative aura and can affect your mood negatively. and i agree: it was very nice of ryan to compliment you. :P and hey, 11 or later is a big improvement from last year. we used to sleep at 12, 1 and stuff. haha.

luis.m said...

i think i sleep late last year because i check your works and you check mine. too much dependence. hahaha.
...not that it wasn't helpful, coz it was