alive. alive. alive forevermore.

Friday, November 30 at 12:17 AM
Recollection, Jologs and Coup d'etat
HAPPY!!t*: 11.30: 12.36
BEWARE! Contagious: Last Midnight...
24 days till Christmas!

Well... I just woke up and am about to pack up for FX Night. Hahaha.

Anyhow, Last Wednesday, we went to Bilibid... it was a really cool experience. Haha.
However, it didn't turn out as inspiring as I thought it would be, but it's nevertheless worthwhile and a great learning experience.

My partner was so nice. Hahaha. He kept doing stuff for me kahit hindi naman kailangan, and I'm like really grateful. Other than that, he also taught me how to avoid crime... keep your bag to yourself, be careful when parking, etc. Hahaha. It was quite cool.

And then, we had the Mass. Grabe the people there. Responses so loud, singing so loud.... may kasama pang clapping. Ang galing. And they even have this kahon guy, keyboard guy and two electric guitarist. Kasama pa ang nagta-tambourine (I wish I was given the chance to play that when I was in choir... Brian kasi... hay.)
Well... they really shocked me there. Sobrang religious. Kahit homily days ago, alam. And I thought... siguro they do this everyday, coz it's a Thurday. Haha. The way I am saying it right now may not seem like it, but it's really, really shocking and wonderful. Makes us wonder about ourselves.

WEll, I bought a big boat, a picture frame and 2 key chains. I would've bought more bu Weston borrowed money. Hahaha. Anyhow, I was supposed to get a boat in a bottle... but the bottles were ugly so... naaaaa. (The bottles outside were way cooler... and way cheaper. Waaa!)

And then we had our recollection today. Haha. In all honesty, I kept falling asleep. I sunno if it was because it was boring or if it was because I lack sleep or both. Hahaha. Well, I enjoyed the Tattoo Me! most. Hahaha. And the teacher's messages. Hahaha. HALO!

My favorite tattoo is dictator. LOL. I love that word na. Hahaha!
Nakaka-flatter lang ang mga iba. Haha!


Well, we watched Jologs in Filipino class. I liked the film. It was both funny, entertaining and it also teaches something.
Sobrang tawa ako sa ALIVE-ALIVE. Hahaha. Michael kasi kept doing it in the bus, and natatawa na ako. But I didn't know na doon nanaggaling iyon. Hahaha!

Speaking of him, he went all crazy in the bus kanina. Hahaha!


On today.

Well, Kim's right in saying that this will really affect our great economy. I didn't even know but apparently we have the highest economy in all of Southeast Asia and China. And now this coup d'etat... wrong timing. And also from a 57 we're now down to 43 dollar exchange... really, really good. But now, this kudeta... it will so affect the economy.. but I hope it doesn't.

Anyhow, I feel that what they did was stupid. I mean, they know naman it won't work.. that they'll end up surrendering again. Why bother? There are other means naman of being able to do this rather than this.... I mean. Hay. Wag na nga, I'm out fo words, and I need to pack. Hahaha.

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the curse got placed and the place got cursed in the first place

Sunday, November 25 at 11:22 PM
The Chocolate War and Into the Woods
la lang...*s: 11.25: 11.28
BEWARE! Contagious: Last Midnight - Into The Woods...
29 days till Christmas!

Wow... my third quickie. LOL.

Well, I was planning to make a follow up to my first blog on The Chocolate War. Sadly, I'm racing with time and I'm almost out of momentum. By the time I do have the time, I'll be totally dried up of it. So I'll be writing a quick one here. It won't be as sincere as I hope it would be, but it's here nonetheless. Hahaha!

I have just got to say, it was a WONDERFUL experience working on the Chocolate War. Hahha. I really loved being with all of you and just having fun and going crazy. I got closer to a lot more people, and really, I feel so blessed to be a part of FX. It just reminds me of how much of a family we are.

I'll say it na: guys, sorry na kung lagi ko kayong pinagdidiskitahan, but I never called you useless... and if I ever did, I never meant for it to scar any of you. I just wished you worked harder earlier para mayroon man tayong ma-accomplish na bagay agad. Less work din yan when crunch time arrives. (You know who you are ;-))

Well... I wanna say THANK YOU... a big one... to all of you guys... cast, prod, band, lights, whereever, whenever. haha! It was really, really great being with all of you. And I couldn't be any happier. We did great, and I'm so proud of all of you na nagawa natin to. Hahaha. Grabe! You don't know how grateful and proud I am. :D


Anyhow, yesterday, we watched Into the Woods. Well, as you know, I am pressed for time. So I can't really say much.. (Although I can) haha!

It was amazing! I loved it.

Although, just like us, they're human too. I could see it during some parts that felt a bit too boring, lisp-y, un-understandable or down-right sayang naman. Also, sound-system problems... just like us.. Haha! Turn-off lang sobra when I couldn't understand what they were singing when they were singing high notes together... their voices were so powerful + different lyrics each person. Grabe... I'm like what the hell are they saying.

But definitely, it was so good. i loved the show! Haha. It really had values it wanted to show us...

Not only that, it made me think a lot about the fairy tales and how much moe meaning it can actually have. The authors--grimm brothers--also had some kind of deep meaning to it... and this play--by sondheim and lapine--made me see this deepness. Haha!

Also, the musical was really metaphorical and symbolic... the open and closed doors, and all those other stuff. It was amazing. also, the cow was cute! Hahaha.

I loved the witch. hahaha. La lang. Galing. But I heard the original broadway (peters) was unbeatable. Hahaha. And I loved little red too! GALING! Hahaha. That girl was amazing!!!! And her character was so sadisticand deranged too... just like her grandma. Hahaha! Galing Galing Galing! haha.

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we should all be glad.

at 11:06 PM
Auds and Missing Lunch
la lang...*s: 11.25: 11.17
BEWARE! Contagious: Your Fault...
29 days till Christmas!

Well. We just had the FX auditions last Friday. I thought we'd have another FX run. Guess not... it's just like a short snippet of what I did... I'm still glad that I didn't have to audition like everyone else... right, Kim?

Why FX Run? Kasi it was EEEEEVIL! I broke my arm running around and vocalizing at the same time. Pinagalitan ako ni Mr. Legs coz I didn't see the money I dropped. (Hehe!) Talagang pinapakapal ang aking mukha. Tapos, Stacey and Enzo amde me do the worst thing in the whole world... which became nothing compared to what we really do in FX. Hahha!

Anyhow. So yeah. They did their stuff. Congrats to those who got in! Hahaha!
Sorry for those who didn't get to. Hahaha.

Well, I just wanna say that FX is.... hmm.
I'm just wondrin' now what will happen once I'm in h4... sino pa kaya ang sasali knowing that..... hay... Wag na nga. LOL. Hahahaha!

Hope this works out. Hahaha. Anyhow. We have a H1 NAAAA!!!! Hahaha...
No offense to you Dulay... but STUDY!!!


Well, I went to tutor today... I wasn't able to eat nga in Ayala. We were there na, but we haven't eaten kasi Mommy Fim wasn't there pa. So my dad chose to leave for tutor since she'll be late. Damn! Inis. I miss Alexy and Botsok pa naman! Waaa!



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at 10:53 PM
la lang...*s: 11.25: 11.09
BEWARE! Contagious: Panis Angelicus...
29 days till Christmas!

Had I the time, I'd write something more explanative. But since I don't, here's a short anecdote.

Friday's CLE class was very interesting. Our topic was that of the reason of Jesus's passion and death... or something of the same kind.

Well. It was as though we had debate class. Question. Answer. Questions. Answers. More Questions. More Answers. Questions. And I guess, that's why his passion and death was such a mystery to us all. We will never really know now would we.

In a sense, it was quite perplexing to the mind. (For some, it was too hard, that it put their brains on shut down. Hihihi!) Anyhow, I was totally amazed. I couldn't believe it. It was just soooo mysterious that it maks you really curious, but you know you will never know the answer... that is until your enlightened by God.

Somehow, it has strengthened my faith. It made me proud of being a Christian. And you know what, I really agree with Mr. Marana. Hahaha! It's truly one of those mysteries--though questioned by non-Christians--that make you true to Christianity. You know?

Other than that, he was talking about one of his non-Christian friends who entered a church and found it so morbid... stained glass depictions of a crowning with thorns, driving of nails and other such cruel stuff. And most of all was the man crucified. I was laughing to myself. I never really thought that we could be so morbid.... so emo until someone else could point it out. Haha. But then, you really see your faith in such a way.

Anyhow, I was able to relate Christianity with Buddhism. THE WORLD IS FILLED WITH SUFFERING. It truly is... take the passion and death. SUFFERING IS CAUSED BY DESIRE. Isn't it really? Didn't Pontius Pilate desire to not have a riot and to appease Rome? Didn't the Annas and Caiaphas want to be the better ones? SUFFERING CAN END. And that's what Jesus did for us. He saved us. TO END IT, WE MUST FOLLOW THE 8 FOLD PATH. Not necessarily those paths, but if we follow Jesus (which is everything right) then we would be with him in the Kingdom of God... where there is no suffering.

Wow. How deep this was. Such enlightenment. I love this lesson. Haha!

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Do I Dare Audition for Stage FX?

Wednesday, November 21 at 3:18 PM

Here's your Assignment, Squareboy.

So you're caught up in a routine. Middle-aged at fifteen.

Maybe it's time you disturbed your universe.

Wouldn't it be sorta nice to do the things that we do onstage?

Maybe you've secretly wanted to perform, or it could be just you wanting to do something with your life.

Who knows. The people of FX all have various reasons for joining, but we stay because of one reason: passion.

So give it a try. Print out the application form.

For once in your life, break the old routine.

Dare to Disturb.

Join Stage FX.

Application Form:

take me to the candy shop

Monday, November 19 at 9:52 PM
Post-Choc War and Stage FX
la lang...m: 11.19: 10.14
BEWARE! Contagious: Simpel Joys...
35 days till Christmas!

Anyhow, before I go Isaac Mendez and make my eight drawings, i just wanna do a quickie.

Well. Before I go write my second Choc War blog, here's what happened during the last show. Yeah. I had my new shoes on so I ran like a penguin when going to the other entrance. Why? To prevent tap-dancing and for my pants not to fall off. Hahaha!

Ultimate cam-whore right after "Saklolo! Saklolo! Kung sinumang nasa itaas diyan! Tulungan ninyo kami!" Sino kaya iyong mabigat na iyon. Anyhow, yeah, walang hiyaan na kaming nag-cam whore sa stage. LOL!

After, cam whorring pa rin sa dressing rooms. And then doing crazy stuff ulit. Hahaha! Well, I had cake all over my back which was soooo annoying. Hahaha.

Afterwards, we had our cast party. GRABE! Hindi kamai magkasya sa loob ng kotse. Nakakandong na lang ako kay Geremy. Hahaha! Sobrang sikip. LOL. Anyhow, we ate dinner and cam-whores some more till early in the morning. And then we went home. hahaha!

Thanks, Ms.A!


Kanina, we had a simple celebration and some discussion. I can't wait for FX Night and Field Trip! We're going to watch another play. YEAH!

Well. The first one being Into The Woods. I'm so excited. I wanna see that girl I saw in TV Patrol. She was amazing! hahahaha. Unbelievable.

Part of the discussion is:
Hey guys! I'm inviting all of you to audition for our new musical. Join na! You'll have so much fun. Trust me! Contact me na lang for details.

Well. Anyway, tomorrow, I go do the P.A. again. LOL.

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i respect myself... and that's enough.

Sunday, November 18 at 4:37 PM
The Chocolate War
HAPPY!!*s: 11.18: 4.42
BEWARE! Contagious: Can We Chill...
36 days till Christmas!

That line holds some kind of importance to me...


Although nothing will beat DUWA for me, The Chocolate War has really made a mark on my life. It's my second year on FX, and it seems that I still keep learning things I didn't know. And of course, the bond just keeps getting stronger... and it still will.

Wow. It all started June... or July. Hahaha.
I wanted to audition... and then I didn't want to... and then I had to. Hahaha!
What for? The smallest role I could find: Hippie. It still makes me laugh trying to remember it. Apparently, I landed another role: Brian Cochran.

I found it, at first, something easy. Why? I was helping Varrick act it out. I can still remember. We were somewhere in the middle rows of the Lecture Hall. There, I was tutoring Varrick. Hahaha! Anyhow, I thought it was just easy... so did Kim. (He almost went out for the role.)

Well, when I found out I got it. I'm like... Awww, Varrick. Anyhow, I started memorizing. And then when we were finally blocking my scenes out, I'm like SHIT. This is hard. Hahaha.
Yeah, I thought that doing Kristyano last time was much easier.... Lashing it out was easier than keeping normal.

Hmmm. Even during the shows, I felt I wasn't up on my best. Hahaha. But by the time I performed on the third show, I felt more confident that I was doing it right. Hehehe.

Anyhow, just to share. My voice was really bad during the first shows. I think it's because of "Yeah, Jerry! Hit him hard! Bring him down! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!" Hahaha. So yeah, I bought Bactidol, Strepsils and brought a jug of lukewarm water. Hahaha. (And so I've been avoiding most of our warmups that involve "1-2-3-" and "Hugh!")

If you happen to wonder why I backed out of auditioning at the last moment (right before I was told I had to), it's because I wanted to do prod. And well. I was able to do it. I was so proud when I looked at the souvenir program and found my name listed under PROPS. Weeee. That made my day even if my solo pic was printed fugly. Hahaha. (Other than the fact that I had a lot of pictures on the program)

Well. My quite short role in Act 1, made me able to do prod work. And I'm really proud of the work I've contributed. Hahaha. I'd say prod this year was really productive. Haha! That's even if I get really annoyed at my prod batch mates who... nevermind.

Prod was really an experience for me. (That's why I can't wait to be full prod next play... if we ever do have one. GUYS, C'MON!) I really was able to bond with the senior prod... Allen, Kevin, Manny, Jeff. I really enjoyed it... most of my OC-ness was channeled here. Haha! Hay, those props list and boxes. Hahaha. And BACKSTAGE! Hahaha. Wow, I can't remember how many times I've dragged people to come help me go fengshui on it.

Last... but not the least is lights. (alliteration!) Of course, working under Stacey is really... really... uh. How do I say it?

I learned a lot about wiring under lights... and conquering fear too. I still remember my memories of standing on the top of the ladder as Stacey dragged it across the stage. Of course, I'm like. SHIT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET! But in an attempt to find the silver lining, I just smiled and waved! Hahaha!

Well, I learned how much hard work it is to do lights. (Which is one of the reasons I want to do it in the next play too.) I mean, you really have to be patient everytime the wires keep getting chopped off (damn those thin wires) or even stepped on. Hay. I still get annoyed whenever Mickey eats the wires. I mean I've already done that certain wire 3 or 4 times? Hahaha! I still didn't know I was supposed to tie it together. Anyhow, lesson learned.

Truly, it was a much bigger experience being in The Chocolate War. Once again, as I said in last production's post, I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for FX.
Well, it seems contradictory since it was so much hard work. But hat I mean is, I can't have been any happier had I not been part of it 'coz it's really such a great source of... of... of everything. Again, I'm really happy that I joined this club... no matter what.

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throw your hands up in the air.

at 3:37 PM
HAPPY!!*s: 11.18: 3.42
BEWARE! Contagious: Good Life - Kanye...
36 days till Christmas!

Wow. I woke up past 1 today. Hahaha.
I could've slept longer had I not been awakened. Hahaha.

Anyhow. Before I go write about the Chocolate War, just a few rambles. Hahaha.

Well, I have a pile of homework to attend to. Hahaha.

PEPPERMINT FRAPPE! Christmas na nga talaga. Hahaha!

Well. My shoe broke... rather, got ripped.
Lesson learned.. Do not buy Kickers. LOL.
My dad and I rushed to Shang Saturday morning to go get some shoes. We got it in Traffic. What I like about it is that it's shiny. Hahaha! Slip on ulit. I hate buckles and laces. Hahaha. Well. The heels are so noisy nga lang, so I should go learn to tap-dance soon. Hahaha! Click-clack.
BTW.... for the irst time, it only took a few minutes to get a shoe... COOL!

I bought a new Filipino dictionary... rather Thesaurus. Naaliw ako eh. Haha!

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it feel like n.y.

Thursday, November 15 at 6:18 PM
The Chocolate War, Report Card & Manchu Novels
HAPPY!!*t: 11.15: 6.55
BEWARE! Contagious: Tattoo - Jordin Sparks...
39 days till Christmas!

Okay. The Chocolate War tomorrow! Weeee.
Grabe. Lahat na ng batchmates ko, nandyan na. Hahaha. LOL.
I'm happy naman na, this time, manonood si Ran. Hahaha! Buti naman.
I gotta take this to the next level!

Well. A lot of people are still asking for Friday tickets. Hay. Yan kasi, di nagpa-reserve nang maaga. Hahaha! LOL.

Anyhow. I'm happy. I'M 2ND HONOR. Weee!
Iyon nga lang... I have one line of 8 and most of my grades went down.... not drastically. Hahaha.
Science - 97
English - 97
CLE - 96
Soc Sci - 92
Filipino - 91
Math - 90
Chinese - 88

I'm VERY glad that I got high on Filipino. Hahaha. I thought I was really low. Sooo happy!
I'm glad I made the cut in Soc Sci. Most didn't. Phew.
It's quite sad to think I only got 86 in Chinese (without the +2). I really wanna quit it na.
Math... hayz. I thought I'd get higher. Waaa.
By the way... I almost got DILIGENCE. Except that Chinese and Math gave me V V... Damn! I just noticed... the same situation last quarter. It's just their subjects. Naman!
Hay naku. If they're not happy with that, ewan ko na.

Well. I'm about to go to the PA room again.
Mr. Pinlac kasi. Hahaha. Pero okay lang. I loved the prayer I made.
Dapat O O na yan... hahaha! JOWK!

Hmmm. It seems like I'm having some kind of "artistic epiphany"... the writing kind. Hahaha. Cooool! I think I can write so much things right now.. (see the above prayer, a song, etc.)
Well. Hahaha. Maybe it's affecting me much. I've been tripping all over the place. And I don't feel like doing any manual labor. Hahaha! (For the first time, tinatamad na ako maglinis ng backstage. Hahaha!)

Other than that, things at the table are going loco.
I hate it... but I can't do much. Hay.
It's pride and prejudice.

Anyhow. I fell asleep reading Dragon's Gate last night. It's another book about China during the Manchu. GOD! It's Young Fu all over again.... I never finished Young Fu. I kept falling asleep after a few pages. (BTW: Young Fu is about China during the Manchu)

Well. I read till chapter 4 last night and fell asleep. This was around 11pm. I woke up at 3am to find out I'm still in my uniform. Well. I got dressed and then... WHERE'S THE BOOK?? I looked under the bed. Beside the bed. In the corners. On the shelf. In my bag. Everywhere. But it was gone. Naks. Hahaha! I left for school na without it.
I still have no idea how my yaya found it under the bed without me finding it first. Hahaha!

By the way, I love fitness! Hahaha.
Iyon nga lang, I wasn't able to actually do anything today. Why? I didn't have my PE uniform. Naman! Hahahaha. Crazy me.

Enzo... Burke... Nath... Karl... Mark... Ms.M... Wesley

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Monday, November 12 at 8:57 PM
Medical Results and Heroes
la lang...m: 11.12: 9.04
BEWARE! Contagious: Gimme More...
42 days till Christmas!

Well... results came in.

My height is 5' 4.5''
My weight is 127 lbs.
Breathing: 18/min
Pulse: 85/min

it says...
1. weight is normal.
2. i need to see an eye doctor and get new glasses
3. i'm sick.

hahaha! that's right.
i have to drink 6-8 glasses a day. and I have to take antibiotics. and the urinalysis again. hahahaha! damn. oh well. at least i'm not sick-sick. hahaha.

by the way...
since it's their bdays, manlilibre ako! weee!
free tickets! hahaha. la lang.


btw. while waiting for mark to finish last night, i watched heroes!
Weeeee! sobrang exciting na!!
I can't wait! Ep 8 premieres tomorrow na. Hahaha!

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try reciting it

Sunday, November 11 at 2:17 PM
QT Scores, Assumptions and Whatever
la lang...*s: 11.11: 3.09
BEWARE! Contagious: Me Love...
43 days till Christmas!

On the other side of the world. Hahaha.

Anyhow. Here are my QT scores:
English - 100%
Science - 99%
Soc Sci - 91%
Math - 85%
Filipino - 87%
CLE - 100%

Hahaha! Sad ako sa math! I thought I did well pa naman. Waaa!
As for Filipino, saya ko sobra! Hahaha. kala ko bagsak na ako 'eh! hahaha. Weee!

Anyhow. I'm qutie scared of the report card for Filipino and Chinese.
Math... lahat naman ng quiz ko are pasado and high so it should go higher naman.
Eng, Sci and CLE... Mataas naman sila eh.
Soc Sci.. computed it na--mataas-taas na rin.
FILIPINO! Grabe... am'bababa! Ayoko na sa mga maikling kwento. yikes!
CHINESE! I have no idea. I'm jsut scared of all those low quizzes and syit. Hahaha!

Well. Other than that, I'm gonna start good study habits na. LOL.
Dapat by 11, tulog na ako. therefore I must do my homework early. hahaha!
Other than that, I can't wait to do lights and prod next play... if there is one. hahaha. For some reason, I'm sobrang proud of prod. (kahit na minamaliit ni cy. haha!) hahaha!

Hmm... just came from Mass. We were actually early. galing! Hahaha.
Well.. gtg.

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look i find some of what you teach suspect

at 2:02 PM
The Chocolate War: 9 and 10
HAPPY!!*s: 11.11: 2.19
BEWARE! Contagious: Me Love - Sean Kingston...
43 days till Christmas!

FX muna. Hahaha. I'll post whatever later. Hahaha!
I need some more strepsils! Grabe. Hahaha. Addik na 'ko.

Grabe. I wanna do so much stuff... save picture. upload pictures. read blogs. read ang pagkahaba-habang comment ng entry on the day i was drunk. Haha! jowk.
Anyhow. Gotta do all my homework muna. Need all the rest I can get. haha!

Well. Minalas ako for this play. Hahaha! Why?
First, I almost died.

Second, I kept tripping backstage. Naman! I almost fell off the stairs to appear on stage! hahaha.

Third, BOSES!!! Shucks. It started mga Thursday. Nawalan ako ng boses. Kakasigaw siguro. hahaha! I had our maid buy Bactidol and Strepsils nga in the middle of the night. Hahaha!
Grabe. I couldn't speak as loud as I wanted to without letting out that hoarse voice. Sana okay na 'to by next play. Hahaha!

On my part of the play, I did well... when I'm an extra in the scene. Hahaha! That's what I feel... pero when I have a speaking line, for some reason, parang awkward ang ginagawa ko. Hahaha! So sorta bad-feeling ako. Hahaha! Anyhow. I can still make up for it though. hahaha!
(btw. yes, charles. ako ang main character na may pinkamaiksing on-stage time. hahaha!)
Iniisip ko lang kung nakikilala pa rin ako nnung meron akong.... Hahaha!

Well. As for the whole play. Reaction was positive. Weeee! Hahaha.

Stupid sound equipment nga lang. Going bonkers all over the place. Speakers weirding out on us. hahaha! So usal, hindi kami marinig/maintindihan. Hahaha!

Well. There are two plays left. I gotta work my act up na. Hahaha! I need more practice.

By the way... ini ang souvenir program! may white spot and black spot ang solo picture ko! Waaa!
But okay lang... marami naman akong mga pictures. hahaha! Tapos, my name is written under prod. (yeah!!! go prod!) So okay na. :D

ALSO! I was so crazy Saturday lunchtime. I texted Hit 995 FM. Told them to greet good luck. Hahaha! And they did. GALING! Hahaha. (Ms.A heard it pa nga eh.) LOL!

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more than anecdotal

Wednesday, November 7 at 11:40 PM
The Chocolate War
HAPPY!!w: 11.7: 11.43
BEWARE! Contagious: Tears Dry on Their Own...
47 days till Christmas!

Grabe. Kani-kanina lang kami natapos sa FX.

I just wanna say this: I ALMOST DIED! Hahaa!
Lol. Jowk. Why you say?
Kasi I was so atat with my scene that when I ran out of it, I slid off the stage and unto the stairs... lam mo naman the lecture hall. I almost hit head first into the stairs. hahaha. Buti na lang someone (i didn't see but htank you!), ms.a and the stool was there to catch my fall. Kung hindi. Naku, may trip to the hospital na tayo! Hahaha. Jowk!

Anyhow, we had critics' night tonight. I cans ay this wasn't our best run. It's good enough... but I KNOW that we CAN and WILL be able to do THE BEST. Hehehe! Not do better... do the best... kasi wala talagang comparison sa iba. Hahaha!

Well. Iyon nga, pinaghintay ko ang driver ng office ng... 3 hours? Hahaha. And then, when I went home, I'm like: "YES! NAUNAHAN KO SI DADDY!" That was until 5 minutes later that he arrived. Damn! Sana natulog ako agad para naiwasan ko agad...

ang pag-uusap. Hay. Ang arte. But it was much clamer than last time... alst time being last year. As usual.... habbits, time management, sleep, health, driver. Hahaha. And then, once again, "Next year, I want you to join another club." He said that last year, but I'm still with Stage FX this year. And now he said it again. Hay. What am I to do?

Well... if I'm talking about this... why is my avatar above happy? Well: No matter what anyone says... FX pa rin. FX pa rin. Kahit sirain pa iyan ng iba. Kahit wala na'ng sumali. Kahit walang-wala na. Hay.

And to end on another note:
i'm really proud of this one! we've done so much work on it... and I want you guys to experience it. :D
i'm getting high already.. shucks.
siguro naman you know who I am na... an'daming kong na-drop na hints. Haha!
One more: cockroach!
Syempre... ide-deny ko pa rin. Why? Because I'm Vigils member number 2. Right?
(I just thought... I think I have one of the most sudden costume changes... as in paiba-iba in 3 scenes. Haha! And the most paraphernalia too. haha!)

I wanna talk more... but it's getting too late. Pagagalitan na ako. Haha!

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Monday, November 5 at 10:22 PM
Click to Enlarge

GUYS! I'm inviting all of you to watch The Chocolate War.
As written on the poster above, it's on Novermeber 9, 10, 16 and 17.

Our show features Brother Anthony Coloma (Soc Sci Dept) on November 9-10, Mr. EJ Legaspi (English Dept) and Ms. Clarisse Arcadio (Grade 7)!

We've really worked hard on this one, and we'd really appreciate it if you can come watch us perform. Guaranteed good time!

Tickets can be bought from any FX member. ESPECIALLY ME!
Just contact the numbers above or ME!
Contact me for more info (discounts, tickets, etc.).

Hoping to see you there!
Especially 2C and Eng Adv! Weee. Haha. (buy tickets from me!)

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ang mamatay nang dahil sa iyo!

at 10:11 PM
Sem Break
HAPPY!!m: 11.5: 10.15
BEWARE! Contagious: Gimme More...
49 days till Christmas!

Sembreak. Wow. It's coming to an end na. In a few hours, we'll be back in school. Hayz. But I can't say I'm not looking forward to going back.
I have a list of reasons lined up:
- Chocolate War! COME WATCH!
- Plan B... ;-)
- Debate... ;-)
- Selling tickets and stealing customers (right, Kim?). Hihi.
- etc....

Anyhow. I can't believe how much stuff I've accomplished. Hahaha. (being sarcastic.)
Well... according to the list:
- I wasn't able to watch movies online... since I couldn't find the good ones to begin with and I didn't have the time either.
- I wasn't able to fix my calendar... mainly because tinatamad ako.
- I wasn't able to finish reading the 2 books.
and that's it. cool. haha! of course, the other stuff I wasn't able to do to the fullest... but hell, it's just one week. Hahaha!

I had fun this sembreak. I totally did. Hahaha!
It wasn't as boring as last year or as restricted as before. Hahaha!
Hay. I had fun. PERIOD... ECLAM. EXCLAM. EXCLAM. Haha!

Wow. How fitting... an end of sem break blog with a title ending the lupang hinirang series.
Awesome! Hahaha.

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na pag may mang-aapi

at 9:56 PM
Saturday to Monday
la lang...m: 11.05 :10.03
BEWARE! Contagious: Gimme More...
49 days till Christmas!

Okay. Just woke up from some rest. About to sleep soon. Hahaha!

Came from FX practice at Phantom's house. Grabe his house was BIG! GIGANTIC! HUMONGOUS! He makes me feel like a squatter. LOL.

Anyhow, it was tiring, fun and productive.
I have to admit. There was not a single run from last Saturday to our very first full run that I was satisfied. They were all so shitty.
But not this one. TODAY's was really good na. I felt na pwede na siyang ipang-show. Hahaha! We just have to fix up our script and entrance errors and voila. Hahaha.

Yesterday naman, we went to Ayala.
Grabe: sarap ng pagkain! And I miss the babies na. Waaa! Hahaha.
Had a haircut right after. Not too bad. Still wished it was long but I'm okay.

Hahaha. Anyhow, Saturday.
Ginising ako ng pagkaaga-aga. Hahaha. We went to Loyola this time. Hahaha. Memorize ko na po ang mga mysteries. Hahaha!
And then, I went to FX in the afternoon. Hahaha.
And then, out of the blue announcement na magmimisa.

Well. That's mostly it. One last line na lang. Haha!

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aming ligaya

Friday, November 2 at 9:00 PM
la lang...f: 11.2: 9.03
BEWARE! Contagious: Santa Fe...
52 days till Christmas!

Haha. Let someone else notice that.
Wow... I'm just 2 more posts away from finishing Lupang Hinirang. Haha!

Anyhow. I just spent the afternoon reading my scenes in The Chocolate War and reading the whole script. Hahaha. Add to that, I've been downloading new music. Haha!

Well. Nothing that interesting in my life. I just wanna sleep right now. Hahaha!

For a reason, I feel really scared.
I feel something wrong's going to happen. And I just wanna scream. It's another one of those helpless cases.
I feel nervous, but I wanna be calm.
I feel annoyed that people have the nerve.
I feel assured that people have the sympathy.
I feel like a mad-man. I am a mad-man.
I dunno what to do. I dunno how I can do what I want to do but can't do in the first place 'coz I dunno how to do it to begin with.
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE? <<-- That was rhetorical... but you can answer it if it pleases you to do so.

Anyhow. Where was I? Nowhere.
I just answered my own question.
I must really be that crazy. Hay.

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buhay ay langit sa piling mo

at 3:22 PM
Greenhills, Cable and Cemetery
la lang...f: 11.2: 3.26
BEWARE! Contagious: nothing...
52 days till Christmas!

Alright. Hahaha.
Last night, we went to Greenhills. Grocery lang for Trisha.
Tapos we ate at Bacolod Inasal. Hahaha.
And then we went to Watson's. At first we were just gonna buy my soap but when my dad said he was looking for M'n'Ms TAKBO AGAD AKO! Hehehe!

Anyhow, we brought her home na to Pasig.

I have cable na! My dad finally hired an electrician. Haha! YEAH!!!
And to celebrate, I watched no channel at all. Hahaha! Just kept flipping around. Hahaha!

Well. I couldn't sleep last night. Mga 4 na siguro ako nakatulog. Hay. Not good.

Anyhow, we went to Himlayan this morning. Hahaha.
Funny thing was while we were praying the rosary, I FORGOT THE ANNUNCIATION I'm like... "The first Joyful mystery is... is.... is.... what's that mystery where Gabriel goes to Mary again." No one knew it either.
The dead got mad.... may nahulog na kandila. Lol.

Well. So now I'm here. Bumming off. About to read Chocklit.
Tomorrow naman, going to Loyola. And then off to FX.
Sunday, buy flowers. Go to Ayala for Kare-kare. YUM!

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lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati't pagsinta

Thursday, November 1 at 1:03 AM
Heroes & Trick or Treating
la lang...w: 10.31: 1.06
BEWARE! Contagious: Life Support...
53 days till Christmas!

Wow. It's 1:06 and I told myself I would sleep at 10:30. Yikes.

I slept at 3am yesterday. Why?
HEROES! It took sooooo long to load. Hayz.
BUT IT'S THE BEST!!! Hahaha!

Anyhow. I went trick or treating today at the Podium.
Well, not actually. Hahaha. I made bantay may two bebies. Hahaha.
Ang cute ni ALEX! Naka-Wonder Woman.
Ang cute ni ROBIN! Naka-Batman. (batman and robin duo in one. waahaha!)
Anyhow, the can't eat candy... so guess who kept stealing theirs? Haha!

Well. So tired. I'll just be posting on my Multiply then on my way to sleep. Haha!

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