i respect myself... and that's enough.

Sunday, November 18 at 4:37 PM
The Chocolate War
HAPPY!!*s: 11.18: 4.42
BEWARE! Contagious: Can We Chill...
36 days till Christmas!

That line holds some kind of importance to me...


Although nothing will beat DUWA for me, The Chocolate War has really made a mark on my life. It's my second year on FX, and it seems that I still keep learning things I didn't know. And of course, the bond just keeps getting stronger... and it still will.

Wow. It all started June... or July. Hahaha.
I wanted to audition... and then I didn't want to... and then I had to. Hahaha!
What for? The smallest role I could find: Hippie. It still makes me laugh trying to remember it. Apparently, I landed another role: Brian Cochran.

I found it, at first, something easy. Why? I was helping Varrick act it out. I can still remember. We were somewhere in the middle rows of the Lecture Hall. There, I was tutoring Varrick. Hahaha! Anyhow, I thought it was just easy... so did Kim. (He almost went out for the role.)

Well, when I found out I got it. I'm like... Awww, Varrick. Anyhow, I started memorizing. And then when we were finally blocking my scenes out, I'm like SHIT. This is hard. Hahaha.
Yeah, I thought that doing Kristyano last time was much easier.... Lashing it out was easier than keeping normal.

Hmmm. Even during the shows, I felt I wasn't up on my best. Hahaha. But by the time I performed on the third show, I felt more confident that I was doing it right. Hehehe.

Anyhow, just to share. My voice was really bad during the first shows. I think it's because of "Yeah, Jerry! Hit him hard! Bring him down! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!" Hahaha. So yeah, I bought Bactidol, Strepsils and brought a jug of lukewarm water. Hahaha. (And so I've been avoiding most of our warmups that involve "1-2-3-" and "Hugh!")

If you happen to wonder why I backed out of auditioning at the last moment (right before I was told I had to), it's because I wanted to do prod. And well. I was able to do it. I was so proud when I looked at the souvenir program and found my name listed under PROPS. Weeee. That made my day even if my solo pic was printed fugly. Hahaha. (Other than the fact that I had a lot of pictures on the program)

Well. My quite short role in Act 1, made me able to do prod work. And I'm really proud of the work I've contributed. Hahaha. I'd say prod this year was really productive. Haha! That's even if I get really annoyed at my prod batch mates who... nevermind.

Prod was really an experience for me. (That's why I can't wait to be full prod next play... if we ever do have one. GUYS, C'MON!) I really was able to bond with the senior prod... Allen, Kevin, Manny, Jeff. I really enjoyed it... most of my OC-ness was channeled here. Haha! Hay, those props list and boxes. Hahaha. And BACKSTAGE! Hahaha. Wow, I can't remember how many times I've dragged people to come help me go fengshui on it.

Last... but not the least is lights. (alliteration!) Of course, working under Stacey is really... really... uh. How do I say it?

I learned a lot about wiring under lights... and conquering fear too. I still remember my memories of standing on the top of the ladder as Stacey dragged it across the stage. Of course, I'm like. SHIT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET! But in an attempt to find the silver lining, I just smiled and waved! Hahaha!

Well, I learned how much hard work it is to do lights. (Which is one of the reasons I want to do it in the next play too.) I mean, you really have to be patient everytime the wires keep getting chopped off (damn those thin wires) or even stepped on. Hay. I still get annoyed whenever Mickey eats the wires. I mean I've already done that certain wire 3 or 4 times? Hahaha! I still didn't know I was supposed to tie it together. Anyhow, lesson learned.

Truly, it was a much bigger experience being in The Chocolate War. Once again, as I said in last production's post, I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for FX.
Well, it seems contradictory since it was so much hard work. But hat I mean is, I can't have been any happier had I not been part of it 'coz it's really such a great source of... of... of everything. Again, I'm really happy that I joined this club... no matter what.

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