try a little tenderness...

Saturday, December 20 at 9:02 PM

okay. i did a christmas survey.
damn. i think this is the longest i've ever done :)) 99 numbers. o.O

1. Have you decorated yet?
YEAH! hahaha.

2. Do you have a real or fake tree?

3. What colour are the lights, tinsel & baubles?
Yellow lights. No tinsel. What's baubles?

4. Do you have reefs hanging on the doors?
Wazzat? So no.
baka wreaths? if so, noon... wala na ngayon

5. Have you decorated outside?
Do Parols count?

6. Have you been keeping track of the days with an advent calendar?

7. Have you finished your Christmas shopping?
One more trip to the mall na lang!

8. Have you wrapped all your gifts?
Di pa

9. What have you brought for your:
Mum: A painting... and a blouse
Dad: The same painting... and... i dunno what my mom bought. lol
Siblings: don't got any. but if u mean my sister... then a blouse/long sleeve polo thing
Partner: i wish. haha!
Best Friend: rosaries. hahaha
Others: yoko na.

10. Do you need to do any more shopping for last bits & pieces?

11. Do you decorate your gifts with bows & ribbons?

12. How much have you spent on gifts this year?
Grabe an dami! o.O

13. Do you make a wish list?
Yep :D

14. List four things that are on your wish list this year:
4.See my other blog :))

15. What do you hope you don’t get?

16. Have you ever returned a gift? If so, why?
Nooope. hello... it's a gift!

17. Have you ever told someone you didn’t like their gift?
No. o.O

18. Have you written all your cards?
NO. oh noes.

19. And posted them all?
i dont need to.

20. Do you buy special cards for certain people?
all ym cards are personal. :D

21. Do you buy cards that donate to charity?
no. :|

22. Have you sent any cards abroad?

23. How many cards have you received so far?

24. Have you been playing carols to get you in the Christmassy mood?
YES! im listnin right now.

25. Do you ever go carolling?
i wanna!

26. Do you go to Church on Christmas?
Duh, yeah!

27. Do you call it Christmas or X-mas?
Christmas. hahaha

28. Have you done all your Christmas food shopping?
What for?

29. Are you going to be having a turkey dinner?
I don't think so... we never do..

30. Or if you’re a vegetarian, will you be having a nut roast?
No :|

31. Will you have all the trimmings with it?

32. Including sprouts?
stop it!

33. Do you like Christmas pudding?
what is that? :))

34. What do you have on your Christmas pudding?
i havent even eaten any

35. Will you be drinking over Christmas?

36. Do you like;
Candy Canes: i havent tasted ever
Chocolate Santa: no...
Chocolate Coins: yeah!
Eggnog: haven't either
Mulberry Wine: Idk nope
Mince Pies: nope
Selection Boxes: ano ba! i havent tried any of these :|

37. Does your family have any Christmas traditions?

38. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
santa giving gifts. :D

39. Have you hung up your stocking?
we don't have any

40. Do you still get given a stocking?
no. :|

41. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
yeah. :D

42. Do you still leave mince pies & a drink as tradition?

43. Do you prefer one big gift or lots of small ones?
kahit ano. :P

44. Do you always open one gift on Christmas Eve?

45. Do you watch Christmas movies?
yeah... but not on christmas

46. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
This Christmas

47. Do you participate in a Secret Santa?
our class is too... :|

48. Do you ever go on a mad rush around the shops for forgotten things on Christmas Eve?
Nope. Don't ever want to. Haha!

49. What time will you be waking up on Christmas Day?
im sleeping in :D 12 siguro

50. Do you open your gifts as soon as you’ve woken up?
YES!... if there's any left. :))

51. Do you open gifts in any order?
Yeah. :))

52. Do you always leave the biggest gift till last?

53. When do you put your decorations up?
usually after all saints.... but this year, super late na :|

54. And when do you take them down?
last week of jan?

55. What are your plans for this Christmas?
nothing really....same tradition. i wanna go to baguio!

56. Are you looking forward to it?

57. Or do you find Christmas expensive & stressful?
when i see my wallet cry, yes. when i see their smiles, no. :D

58. What do you usually do on Boxing Day?

59. Do you visit any family or friends around Christmas?

60. Have you ever been on holiday for Christmas?

61. Who do you usually spend Christmas with?
Family :)

62. Do you always eat too much around this time of year?
Yes. o.O

63. Do you buy an outfit especially for Christmas day?
Sometimes... :))

64. Do you drive / walk around to have a look at other peoples Christmas displays?

65. Do you take part in any community Christmas shows / plays?
next year!!

66. If you don’t take part, do you ever go & watch them?

67. Do you buy your pets gifts?
no. :))

68. Do you buy other peoples pets gifts?
wat. o.O

69. Do you hang up mistletoe?

70. Have you ever gotten a kiss under mistletoe?
hindi nga eh

71. Do you decorate the house with fresh holly?

72. Do you ever make your own cards or decorations?

73. What is the meaning of Christmas to you?
uh... wag na please. nainis na ako sa question na toh alst computer class/ :|

74. Have you ever experienced a true white Christmas?
i wish. :(

75. Do you attend any Christmas parties?
yeah :D

76. Do you ever wear a Christmas hat or Christmas earrings?
i've donned a hat...

77. Write the first Christmassy word that comes to mind:

78. Do you feel like the turkey & other left overs last for months?

79. Do you prefer expensive or personal, handmade gifts?
uhh... pwede both? hahaha.

80. Do you ever donate unwanted gifts etc to the poor / homeless?

81. Have you ever cooked for the homeless on Christmas day?

82. What is your best Christmas memory?
AN DAMI! haha

83. What is your worst Christmas memory?
yokong sabihin. haha

84. Do you make cookies around Christmas to give to visitors etc?

85. Do you send thank you cards for your gifts?
nope :))

86. Do you dislike money / vouchers because it seems like the person hasn’t given it much thought?
Money is good when it comes from someone older. money ain't good when it comes from someone from the same generation. :P

87. Do you ever keep tags / paper to put in a scrapbook as a memory?
umm.... not really.

88. Are you excited for 2OO9?
umm... not really. 2008 was mine... i have no signs about '09.

89. How old will you be in 2OO9?

90. Do you have any major plans for 2OO9 [Moving, University etc]?

91. What resolutions will you be making?
dunno. :))

92. Do you ever keep to your resolutions?
i try to. :D

93. Will you be attending any New Year parties?

94. Who will you be celebrating with?
Family ulit. :D

95. Do you go & watch firework displays etc on New Years?

96. Will you be drinking to celebrate?

97. Do you feel sorry for people who have to work over this period?
yes. :(

98. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

99. What is your least favourite thing about Christmas?
uhhh.... dunno. :))

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