hindi naman sa ayokong sabihin...

Tuesday, December 9 at 7:55 AM

I slept at 1am last night.
That's the first time I've slept early on a school night since last I remember.
Five and half a friggin' solid hours, beybeh!

(wow. am'babaw naman ng minimum hours of sleep. lol. sorry, my body clock is seriously screwed up... so I'm happy with that.)

But somehow, I've been really sleepy the whole day.

Do you know that feeling?
You know... when you haven't had decent sleep in such a long time that, when you do and when you wake up after it, you WANT more sleep.
Am I making sense?

I dunno if that's what I'm feeling right now or not.
You see, I dunno. I sort of feel disconnected and shit.

I know... maybe it's just that I long for more hours on my bed.
I'm hoping it is...

But you know... somehow, I feel it isn't.
And I think I'm blaming my stubbornness.
You know... to that.

I apologize. I'm just friggin' annoyed by the fact that I have to deal with this kind of shit.

Or maybe I'm just jealous?
Of what? Dumbass.

Yes, I'm speaking in codes. Try to figure it out.
But I'm guessing only a few will actually get it.
If you do, let's talk?

0 reps.: