could i really be wanting this too much? 'coz it's all i think of...

Tuesday, December 30 at 7:01 PM

hmm. just bored. :D


i'm just afraid there aren't any of it

Sunday, December 28 at 6:08 PM

TriNoma and Shang

Shet. I am flushed.
Yesteday, I went to TriNoma. Today, I went to Shang.

So let's start with yesterday.
Lemme just say nainis ako sa TriNoma. Grabe talaga... punung-puno.
But right now, I'll keep my mouth shut before you call me discriminative... in more ways than one. Siguro clue na yan.

What really weirded me out the most is when I was...
Ayoko nang sabihin. Nakakahiya eh. Pero weird sobra.
And it happened twice pa. Disgusting talaga.

Well... why was I there?
Mostly, to watch Ang Tanging Ina para magka-extra credit for Filipino.

Aaminin ko na. That's my first ever Filipino film in a movie house.
Aaminin ko na rin. Tawang-tawa talaga ako. :))

Anyhow... I have to make a review about it...
Along with the other movies I finished: The Sixth Sense, Tropic Thunder and The Nanny Diaries. Pero tinatamad pa ako. Siguro, I'll do it once I finish Wall-E and Changeling... :))

Anyhow. Iyon.
Might I add, the Starbucks there--the one near the recreation center--is probably the worse ever. o.O

BTW. I was able to get Sponge Cola's new album. Really good.
I also got a comic called Faker. Not worth it. :))
I enjoyed the other comic I was given... and it was a self-help book.z
Pero hey... good enough.

So today.
Grabe... not the best day ever, I'll tell you that.

The only thing worth saying si that...
I love my pamangkins. hahaha.

So we were riding the merry-go-round. :))
And nahilo pa ako. Grabe... I think I'm too old for this :))

Anyhow... so I was making bantay Alexy.
And then she said...
"Tito Louie you're handsome prince."

Awww! Cute sobra.
Anyhow.... I'm too busted to think of anything.

we're just ordinary people

Friday, December 26 at 8:41 AM
That Feeling

Ever get that feeling when you wake up in the morning (yes, in the MORNING) and you don't have anything to do?

That really light, lovely feeling.

And you're worry-free with the wind gently blowing on your face.


I wish everyday were like that. :D

Sigh... but I do have a lot to do.
It's just that I'm pretending I don't. Weeeee.
Ignorance really is bliss.

crane games... sheesh.

Thursday, December 25 at 5:04 PM
Playing With Pamangkins

I love playing with my little pamangkins. :))

I just love them. SOOOOO much. :D

Just a while ago, I was dancing with them =))
That made me friggin' tired.... but it was helluva a lot of fun!
...and just seeing their smiles mkes my night. :D

And super cute!
My mom would come over and hug me, and say "Mine na Tito Louie."
And then Robin would pull whatever hair he has (lol) and shout NOO!
While Alex would run over and hug me, then shout, "NO! HE'S MINE!"
Tapos gagayahin ni Robin.
Tapos my mom would stop hugging....
Tapos Alex shouts "YOU STAY THERE!" while pointing at the corner. :))
Sooooo cute!

I just LOVE them :D

I'm happy. :D

my world is filled with cheer.

at 1:53 PM


Anyhow. Here's how my Christmas went...
Basically, it wasn't much... but it was really fun. As usual. :D

Gift-giving was fun. :))

When I was looking at the babies as they were opening the rocking horse, I was really happy. Hahaha. Talagang hindi sayang ang 1550 just looking at their smiles.
And my toy was a hit. They really enjoyed playing with it. :))
I'm such a good gift-chooser. Champion talaga!

And my parents also enjoyed their painting. I'm really happpy. :D

See, it isn't in the receiving... it's in the giving. :D
I was really overjoyed.

And the video...
It was a hit. :))
The sleepless night was worth-it.

Anyhow... I enjoyed Christmas a lot this year.
Pictures soon.

(and I loved what I was wearing.)

In other news, I found out I did lose weight. :))
I just realized my clothes are really loose.
I wonder it's because I've been saving for the Christmas season. Haha!
Shucks... I want my clothes tighter tuloy. :))

Anyhow, I have yet to buy my CDs and my Spanish dictionary. Hahaha.

So I slept at 3:30.
With a smile on my face.

What's my favorite gift?
Well, I'll keep that to myself. =))

nunca nada

Wednesday, December 24 at 8:15 AM
Christmas Cramming Update

Anyhow... so yeah. An update on our family Christmas video slideshow tribute whatever.

Right, we said it'd be an all-nighter....
Okay. So we fell asleep. =))

Actually, she went to sleep first. o.O
Then I woke her up, I gave her something to do....

And then I fell asleep waiting for her. :))

Somewhere along the way, she went to sleep.
We both woke up at 8:30, realizing we aren't done. o.O

So I did a little shit.
I gave her a job to do.

I went to sleep. =))
She was done somewhere along the way.... she tried waking me up.
She gave up (who wouldn't?) and went to sleep.

We woke up for lunch.
Now we're cramming na talaga. o.O

See ya. :D

all for nothing...

Tuesday, December 23 at 8:38 PM
Christmas Cramming

Magandang umaga, mga kabagang! HAHAHA!
Walang tulugan dito. Puch.

I'm sleeping over at my twin cousin's house. o.O
And we're not sleeping until our Christmas video is done. 
(at least that what she says... mamaya tulog na yan. :| )

So yes. I just drank a cup of coffee....
It tasted bad kasi, diba, timpla ko.
But at least it tastes better than my usual lukewarm black coffee. Bleh.

Add to that, I ate cereals plus...
6 or 5 or 7 scoops of sugar? I'm hyper right now.
I kept laughing and laughing kanina.

What time kaya will we sleep?
I mean... what time will she sleep? and what time will I sleep? =))

What happened today?
FX meeting. :D Yehey... some productivity
New Glasses! Woohoo. :D

Grabe... Christmas eve na mamaya. I'm so excited!

In other news, I heard Twilight will be made into a teleserye. Whut?
Not that I'm a fan... pero I object.
(anyhow... the only bagay people in their roles are shaina, joross, fred and carlos. :)) )


anyhow... gotta go. :P

you harden there.... (manigas ka!)

Sunday, December 21 at 9:18 PM
Christmas Shopping and the ABS Christmas Special

I'm friggin' done with my Christmas shopping. Hallelujah.

Grabe. I was counting... and I spent around seven thou on Christmas gifts. That's a lot. O.o Especially for a kid like me.

But you know what, I don't mind.
It's for the people I love naman eh.
And what better way to reward yourself for all the saving you've done then by seeing their faces light up? Diba?

I can't wait. :D

Anyhow... speaking of saving.
Damn. I'm glad that's over. I can finally eat again! =))
Gahd, I barely ate much during the past weeks.

That's not true. I had my baon.
Plus, I begged. Hahahaha! Don't you just love making pulubi. (so conyo. o.O)

Wow.... looking back, I can't believe I'm crazy enough to do that.
Wait a minute, yes I can.

This afternoon, I got the final item on my list.
The gift for the babies! :D
I was supposed to get them some bubble-makers. Until I saw... the rocking horse.

I was WOAH. The last time I looked, it wasn't there.
Just so you know, Pats and I have been wanting to buy them that since their first Christmas.
And now, our dream has come true!
I can't wait to see them ride it. :D

So there... fast forward.
I just finished wrapping the painting.
God that was freaking hard to do. Not that I don't know how--coz I do--but because it's too big. o.O And the ribbon... it wouldn't keep still until I realized I did it wrong.

Anyhow. Got it right finally. (I learned to do that from the sales lady at National. Thanks!)

Oh wow. It just donned.
My gifts are so "bongga." A painting? A rocking horse?
Oh well... I saved hard for it naman eh.

I topped off all my Christmas shopping by buying myself a Christmas present.
Syempre naman.

I finally got that oober soft micro-bead Sleepcare pillow.

BTW. I watched the ABS Christmas Special.
What a disappointment. I miss last year's and last, last year's. :(

My favorite performances from the years before:
  • Bamboo, Gary V and a Choir singing Hallelujah.
  • Eula Valdes and comedians playing continue the song and making jokes.
  • ABS Executives, Dolphy and Williw dancing Boom Tarat
  • KC Concepcion and stage performers presenting the Moon Dance.
... at marami pang iba. Sigh.

This year's was saddening.
And god. Christmas special.... may sexy women dancing and shirtless men making them poles? Hello?!

all i want for christmas is...

at 9:12 PM

Calif. Court: Would-be Good Samaritan can be sued

LOS ANGELES – Proving that no good deed goes unpunished, the state's high court on Thursday said a would-be Good Samaritan accused of rendering her friend paraplegic by pulling her from a wrecked car "like a rag doll" can be sued.

California's Supreme Court ruled that the state's Good Samaritan law only protects people from liability if the are administering emergency medical care, and that Lisa Torti's attempted rescue of her friend didn't qualify.

Justice Carlos Moreno wrote for a unanimous court that a person is not obligated to come to someone's aid.

"If, however, a person elects to come to someone's aid, he or she has a duty to exercise due care," he wrote.

Torti had argued that she should still be protected from a lawsuit because she was giving "medical care" when she pulled her friend from a car wreck.

Alexandra Van Horn was in the front passenger seat of a car that slammed into a light pole at 45 mph on Nov. 1, 2004, according to her negligence lawsuit.

Torti was a passenger in a car that was following behind the vehicle and stopped after the crash. Torti said when she came across the wreck she feared the car was going to explode and pulled Van Horn out. Van Horn testified that Torti pulled her out of the wreckage "like a rag doll." Van Horn blamed her friend for her paralysis.

Whether Torti is ultimately liable is still to be determined, but Van Horn's lawsuit can go forward, the Supreme Court ruled.

Beverly Hills lawyer Robert Hutchinson, who represented Van Horn, said he's pleased with the ruling.

Torti's attorney, Ronald Kent, of Los Angeles didn't immediately return a telephone call.

Hello?! She saved your life. And you repay her with a lawsuit?
That's your friend, damnit!

You would have rather died?
What the hell is wrong with you?

Sure you're paralyzed but at least you're alive.

I bet you're only in this for the money...
because you can get richer from it. o.O

public enemy number one. :(

Saturday, December 20 at 9:03 PM


Grabe. Today was friggin' tiring.
I'm just so glad I'm on my bed now. Haha. I hope I don't fall asleep though... like last night. o.O Lol!

So yeah. I slept in and woke up past twelve. Gahd.
I fell asleep pa. I hope no one saw my unpublished blog. Hehe!

Anyhow. We went to Abenson's in Greenhills first. :))
We bought a new fridge to replace our crazy one right now.
And wow... it looks good. Haha!
Well... I've decided. When I have my own house, I will not buy a big ref. I don't need all that space anyway. :))

While they were paying, I got so tired and bored... so I decided to sit on their lazy boy and watch the promotional shows on their TVs. :))
Grabe, the friggin chair was so comfortable! I really want one!

But crazy me... I was dozing off on it. =))
Buti na lang walang tumitingin.
Crazy me... naka-contacts pa naman. Tsk tsk.

Well, we walked to Starbucks right after.
I'm so excited to use it na. Haha!

Christmas shopping was friggin' tiring... and hard.
My feet are tired as hell. Haha!

My mom's gift, I found easily. I'm really good!
So was Trisha's gift! Hahaha.
I think I found their gifts on the third shops I went to. Hahaha.

I also accompanied Trisha and buying her mom's gift.
Grabe... nahirapan talaga kami dito. o.O
And we finally settle with something in Kamiseta. Hahaha!

By the way, while she was paying, I sat on the chair in Trinoma.
So nakakahiya. I dozed off ulit :))

But what was real hard was looking for smaller gifts for the babies. :))
I think I spent more than an hour in Toys R Us looking for the right toys to fit into the budget.
Grabe. Hilong-hilo na ako. Pero sabi ko hindi ako aalis doon habang wala akong binibili.
Parang na-haharass ka dun. An dami ngang attendants, walang namamansin. Ang mga hinahanap mo, hindi nila binebenta.

Well. At least I found them one! WOOHOO!

With that done, I only have to buy the one in Rustan's tomorrow...
Then I can buy myself my Christmas gift! :)) Sleep care micro-bead pillow. :D Yes!

I feel so accomplished. :D =))
But Gahd, I'm TIRED.
Buy chyeah... can't wait for Christmas!

Grabe. I still memorize Trinoma. Except nga for the other side. :))

I feel so guilty. :(
Sorry talaga. I already have something on that day. :(

try a little tenderness...

at 9:02 PM

okay. i did a christmas survey.
damn. i think this is the longest i've ever done :)) 99 numbers. o.O

1. Have you decorated yet?
YEAH! hahaha.

2. Do you have a real or fake tree?

3. What colour are the lights, tinsel & baubles?
Yellow lights. No tinsel. What's baubles?

4. Do you have reefs hanging on the doors?
Wazzat? So no.
baka wreaths? if so, noon... wala na ngayon

5. Have you decorated outside?
Do Parols count?

6. Have you been keeping track of the days with an advent calendar?

7. Have you finished your Christmas shopping?
One more trip to the mall na lang!

8. Have you wrapped all your gifts?
Di pa

9. What have you brought for your:
Mum: A painting... and a blouse
Dad: The same painting... and... i dunno what my mom bought. lol
Siblings: don't got any. but if u mean my sister... then a blouse/long sleeve polo thing
Partner: i wish. haha!
Best Friend: rosaries. hahaha
Others: yoko na.

10. Do you need to do any more shopping for last bits & pieces?

11. Do you decorate your gifts with bows & ribbons?

12. How much have you spent on gifts this year?
Grabe an dami! o.O

13. Do you make a wish list?
Yep :D

14. List four things that are on your wish list this year:
4.See my other blog :))

15. What do you hope you don’t get?

16. Have you ever returned a gift? If so, why?
Nooope. hello... it's a gift!

17. Have you ever told someone you didn’t like their gift?
No. o.O

18. Have you written all your cards?
NO. oh noes.

19. And posted them all?
i dont need to.

20. Do you buy special cards for certain people?
all ym cards are personal. :D

21. Do you buy cards that donate to charity?
no. :|

22. Have you sent any cards abroad?

23. How many cards have you received so far?

24. Have you been playing carols to get you in the Christmassy mood?
YES! im listnin right now.

25. Do you ever go carolling?
i wanna!

26. Do you go to Church on Christmas?
Duh, yeah!

27. Do you call it Christmas or X-mas?
Christmas. hahaha

28. Have you done all your Christmas food shopping?
What for?

29. Are you going to be having a turkey dinner?
I don't think so... we never do..

30. Or if you’re a vegetarian, will you be having a nut roast?
No :|

31. Will you have all the trimmings with it?

32. Including sprouts?
stop it!

33. Do you like Christmas pudding?
what is that? :))

34. What do you have on your Christmas pudding?
i havent even eaten any

35. Will you be drinking over Christmas?

36. Do you like;
Candy Canes: i havent tasted ever
Chocolate Santa: no...
Chocolate Coins: yeah!
Eggnog: haven't either
Mulberry Wine: Idk nope
Mince Pies: nope
Selection Boxes: ano ba! i havent tried any of these :|

37. Does your family have any Christmas traditions?

38. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
santa giving gifts. :D

39. Have you hung up your stocking?
we don't have any

40. Do you still get given a stocking?
no. :|

41. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
yeah. :D

42. Do you still leave mince pies & a drink as tradition?

43. Do you prefer one big gift or lots of small ones?
kahit ano. :P

44. Do you always open one gift on Christmas Eve?

45. Do you watch Christmas movies?
yeah... but not on christmas

46. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
This Christmas

47. Do you participate in a Secret Santa?
our class is too... :|

48. Do you ever go on a mad rush around the shops for forgotten things on Christmas Eve?
Nope. Don't ever want to. Haha!

49. What time will you be waking up on Christmas Day?
im sleeping in :D 12 siguro

50. Do you open your gifts as soon as you’ve woken up?
YES!... if there's any left. :))

51. Do you open gifts in any order?
Yeah. :))

52. Do you always leave the biggest gift till last?

53. When do you put your decorations up?
usually after all saints.... but this year, super late na :|

54. And when do you take them down?
last week of jan?

55. What are your plans for this Christmas?
nothing really....same tradition. i wanna go to baguio!

56. Are you looking forward to it?

57. Or do you find Christmas expensive & stressful?
when i see my wallet cry, yes. when i see their smiles, no. :D

58. What do you usually do on Boxing Day?

59. Do you visit any family or friends around Christmas?

60. Have you ever been on holiday for Christmas?

61. Who do you usually spend Christmas with?
Family :)

62. Do you always eat too much around this time of year?
Yes. o.O

63. Do you buy an outfit especially for Christmas day?
Sometimes... :))

64. Do you drive / walk around to have a look at other peoples Christmas displays?

65. Do you take part in any community Christmas shows / plays?
next year!!

66. If you don’t take part, do you ever go & watch them?

67. Do you buy your pets gifts?
no. :))

68. Do you buy other peoples pets gifts?
wat. o.O

69. Do you hang up mistletoe?

70. Have you ever gotten a kiss under mistletoe?
hindi nga eh

71. Do you decorate the house with fresh holly?

72. Do you ever make your own cards or decorations?

73. What is the meaning of Christmas to you?
uh... wag na please. nainis na ako sa question na toh alst computer class/ :|

74. Have you ever experienced a true white Christmas?
i wish. :(

75. Do you attend any Christmas parties?
yeah :D

76. Do you ever wear a Christmas hat or Christmas earrings?
i've donned a hat...

77. Write the first Christmassy word that comes to mind:

78. Do you feel like the turkey & other left overs last for months?

79. Do you prefer expensive or personal, handmade gifts?
uhh... pwede both? hahaha.

80. Do you ever donate unwanted gifts etc to the poor / homeless?

81. Have you ever cooked for the homeless on Christmas day?

82. What is your best Christmas memory?
AN DAMI! haha

83. What is your worst Christmas memory?
yokong sabihin. haha

84. Do you make cookies around Christmas to give to visitors etc?

85. Do you send thank you cards for your gifts?
nope :))

86. Do you dislike money / vouchers because it seems like the person hasn’t given it much thought?
Money is good when it comes from someone older. money ain't good when it comes from someone from the same generation. :P

87. Do you ever keep tags / paper to put in a scrapbook as a memory?
umm.... not really.

88. Are you excited for 2OO9?
umm... not really. 2008 was mine... i have no signs about '09.

89. How old will you be in 2OO9?

90. Do you have any major plans for 2OO9 [Moving, University etc]?

91. What resolutions will you be making?
dunno. :))

92. Do you ever keep to your resolutions?
i try to. :D

93. Will you be attending any New Year parties?

94. Who will you be celebrating with?
Family ulit. :D

95. Do you go & watch firework displays etc on New Years?

96. Will you be drinking to celebrate?

97. Do you feel sorry for people who have to work over this period?
yes. :(

98. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

99. What is your least favourite thing about Christmas?
uhhh.... dunno. :))

you're a square!

at 7:58 AM


Let's be mababaw and talk about grades. o.O

this is why Friday isn't 100%

the thing is... I fell asleep Thursday night.
and let's just say that I didn't do something right and I could have jeopardized myself. o.O

Add another worry is that I wasn't able to ask for permission to go out.
So... there. Magulo ang buhay. I wasnt supposed to go home after school... but I had to para makapagpaalam. Sigh. hahaha.

But back to grades.
Third quarter was going really fine! Until the long tests came.

GAHD! it was so sabaw.

my first MT is 66% my oral qt was so sabog. sabay pa kami ni micahel lim an nag-stop bago sa line na hindi namin maalala. my second MT went well though. :D so i'm hoping that will salvage.

oh. actually, math is one of the few ones i'm sure of. hhaha. minus 2 lang! yes.

i though i did well... but then... i didn't... i think :((
i hate shakespeare. GO RIZAL!

speaking of rizal... gahd. i think i did bad din here :(( ang hirap naman kasi eh.

here's another i thought i did well... but i didn't lt. damnit. i was very sure of my answers. o.O kahit na i kept nodding off. argh!

we didnt have an lt for this one.... just a creative synthesis... and i'm scared about ours. *prays*

i friggin' didnt finish the LT. i really just shotgunned probably a third of the multiple choice. although, buti na lang pala i did the back part first, which i am very sure of :D yehey.

i worry about those.... a lot. lalo na kasi ngayong third quarter malaki ang sakop nila. sigh. i jsut realizedd it. nakakainis sobra

i partly blame the problem on lack of sleep. i was cramming my requirements kasi so i didn't get much. yun tuloy, i kept dozing off on: fil, soc and eng. nakakainis!

anyhow. i underestimated the power of the lts.
i wish i wasn't a procrastinator. i wish i wasnt a crammer.

at least, i know now what my new year's resolution is. sigh.

missions accomplished

at 6:51 AM

Christmas Party and FX Gimik

well... not really. see the next blog.
but for this one.. best evarrrrrrrr!

So I'll skip the bad part and move on to the Christmas party. :D

The prayer service was amazing!
More than what I expected it to be. Haha.
It was very heartwarming and sad though. But it was beautiful.
I feel very happy having contributed to it. :D

Music was awesome as well! New playlist!

Then we had food! Yum!
Hash browns, arroz caldo, krispy kreme, et cetera. <3!
SOOOOO much better than last year. (Don't ever make me in charge of food again!)

And yeah.
I feel more love as a class. Awwww.... :D

Anyhow, I rode the school bus home.

Let's skip some more parts.
Head on to going to Xavier.

I took a jeep and there was this couple in front of me who was all sweet.
They were kissing and sharing Choco Mucho (HAHAHA!) I could puke. O.o
And yeah... they kept staring at me for some reason.... which I figured out later was my blue contacts. Hahaha!

Anyhow. I met up with the complete batch at Pancake House sa Ash.
Then, we walked all the way to Greenhills.
It was fun... kasi marami kami... pero next time. JEEP NA!

So there. We tried to fix the scooter on the way.
Blah blah. We ended up bumming around... sitting on the railing in front of the Prome movie house. O.o Hahaha! We looked like beggars... but that's fine. :D

So we decided to watch Quarantine.
It's my first time to watch a horror movie in a movie house. :))

that was freaky as effin' hell. O.o iba talaga pag hindi ka nanonood sa iPod. wala kang pause!
but i enjoyed. it was a fun experience albeit scary. :D

The movie was great actually. Very, very realistic.
And it makes you think that it could and can happen. I mean, the background is an everyday thing. Even the camerawork... they used the shaky hand so that it seems more real. Like it's actually happening. So it just adds to how real it is.

Acting was great, too. Especially from the lead. (sorry, i forgot her name. she's the one in Emily Rose) Freakin' amazing. Super realistic ang mga emotion sa mukha niya. Inspires me to want to act in a horror film. Haha!

Anyhow. We ate in Peri-Peri after. Food was good and tamang-tama. And just the right price. Hahaha! Not bad. I was stuffed.
Then we played White Elephant. Grabe, ang ingay namin! hahaha. Pero sooo much fun! :))

So there, after that the remainder of us went around. Haha.
That's when I had the urge to play the crane game. O.o
And God, I didn't even know it until someone pointed it out to me.... i was addicted.

Anyhow... we went to Fully Booked. Hung out there till only CJ and I were left.
And my addiction manifested itself. Everywhere I look... there's a crane game. Gahd. And I kept wanting to play. Finding schemes to get change. When we passed by TimeZone, that was the first thing I saw... and had to play it. o.O

Gahd, that game. :))

Anyhow, we ended up in McDo... then home. the end.
oh yes... and right now, it's 4am and I'm still having fun chatting. Hahaha.

Best day evarrr!

so out of it

Friday, December 19 at 7:27 PM


finally, i've told someone about it...
outlet to release...
and yes, i finally moved on deeper.

i want it. i really, really want it.
and every part of me leads to it in ways i cant explain.

but i can't take it... because i'm a coward.

i'm too afraid to face the consequence,
knowing that it'll come to haunt me for days after. and affect a lot of things.

it's bad enough as it is.

i dunno how much more i can resist.

it just seems so... and i cant help but just...

but i want it. i really do. so much.
and a part of me says i don't care how much will change.


help. i didnt think it'd be this fast....

'coz the weather outside is frightful

Tuesday, December 16 at 7:14 PM

Dunno about you, but I just love the weather.
It's so cold! Who needs aircon?
I love the Christmas weather.

Today has got to be one of the best days evaaar.
Well, not really. But close enough.

I believe I did fairly well in the Math LT.
Gahd, I hate Always-Sometimes-Never. Why can't it just be True or False?
I mean, it's not that you didn't know... it's just that it didn't pop into your head... even after minutes of reviewing. Yun tuloy, minus 2 agad.

Science quiz.
For once, I did well! It's probably one of the few quizzes where I thought I did very well.
Yun nga lang, sumakit likod ko sa kayuyuko. Hahaha!

Chinese period.
This was probably my most-awaited period of the day. Haha!
Why? Becuase of my Chinese project. Haha!

I toiled on that last night. Slept at 3:30 for it.
And I'm very satisfied.

Add to that, I'm probably one of the three/two who didn't just print some normal bond paper thing. And I'm probably the only one who didn't make a compo type.
Sayang lang hindi ko nakunan ng picture. Nakakaaliw pa naman.

It's a pop-up book. Haha! May malaiking smiley pa sa harap!
When Laoshi first saw it, her reaction was Wooooh!
Takam na takam siyang tingnan... pero di niya mabukas ung knot na nilagay ko. Hahaha!

Anyhow, add to the joy of Chinese period:
I probably got a perfect score on the Chinese quiz.
And I did really well on the comprehension test. Yehesss!

Nothing really extraordinary. Yun lang pow. Smayl!

please laugh internally... or nasally

Monday, December 15 at 4:09 PM

It's Hell Week.
And as usual, I'm blogging. I'm sooo going to die.

I slept at 4.30am last night... or should I say this morning. o.O
I know right... damnit.

So yeah, while on my bed and getting rid of insomnia, I thought about my choices.

a. Be Absent
I don't wanna risk sickness and sleeping. I might be dead anyhow.
But there was so much that I'd need to make up to if I did.

b. Be Late
I could come in after recess. That way... I have an extra 2 more hours of sleep.
But the problem was who's take me to school.

c. Drink Nescafe-in-can
Always effective in keeping me awake,
But I didn't want the later-on sdie effects. o.O

d. Drink regular decaf coffee from home
Well. I did this. o.O
I had fun. I survived... I guess. Hahaha!

Anyhow, I made this calendar especially for hell week and last-minute christmas shopping week. Hahaha! It looks nice.

I also found new Christmas wallpapers. Hihihi!

Hmmm... no wonder I sleep so late.

Ack! My voice.
Too much phlegm... hindi ako makakanta nang Christmas song nang normal. hahaha! :))

In other news, namumulubi ako. Literally.
Humihingi talaga ng barya from people. Lol. Ang loser. :))

Bakit naman kamo?
I'm saving all and I mean every cent of my allowance to buy Christmas gifts. Hahaha!
At least, I make other people happy with my sacrifice(?)

Anyhow... so yeah, if you see me. You can donate a peso or a 5... or a 30... or a 100.
'Lam mo naman. Kahit check ina-accept ko. :))
Or maybe, you'll buy me a voyc baller? :))

Anyhow... I ought to get back to work now. I wanna sleep early tonight. :))

I'll leave you with some Christmas songs. :D

kumukutikutitap - joey albert

Winter Wonderland - John Legend

now and in the hour of our death.

Thursday, December 11 at 3:53 PM
Noli Me Tangere

Sorry, Kim...
Couldn't help myself. It's not Spanish naman eh. Hehehe!

So here's another review...
A review on the book that started a revolution. A review on the book that changed a nation. A review on the book that third year students dread. Hehehe!

Spoiler alert!

I have to say.
It was friggin' long and friggin' boring. I'm sorry. Hahahaha!

No, seriously... it was. I mean. Ugh.
I just can't explain it. But it is.

But what I will tell you is that...
It was friggin' beautiful. It was friggin' amazing. It was friggin' moving.

Yes, the book will annoy you to hell... and maybe make you fall asleep.
But after finishing it, you realize... it was just beautiful. Beautiful.
'Coz it's only then when you start to connect things. It's only then when you start to realize. It's only then when you start to feel the message.

It was an amazing book. It truly is.
And it was written by out national hero. Isn't that something?

My favorite chapter would have to be
Chapter 25: Elias at Salome

It's just so tragic. So romantic. So sad. So emo.

And I guess that's what Rizal's really good at. Making you feel emo.
I guess that's what moved me the most. The sad stories happening behind the scenes that you only realize once the effects have taken place.

The story only starts to build up GREATLY during the revolt.
That's around Chapter 54.

It was really climactic. Then really emo.
Really beautiful.

Other favorites would have to be the story of Sisa and her family.

The bitch fight between Donya Consolacion and Donya Victorina was comic relief as well. Hahahaha!

It makes me wanna cry. o.O
Lol. Hahaha.
Naaawa ako sobra! hahahaha.

Overall, lemme say it again. It's emo and it's beautiful! :D
I love it. Hahaha.

In other news, I have something to do over Christmas break.
Write the book, music and lyrics of... Hehehe. *wink*

doncha know the sky is blue

Wednesday, December 10 at 3:15 PM
The Secret Life of Bees and Random Stuff

Good news: I'm slowly getting rid of my insomnia.
Bad news: I now I have--what I shall now on call--sleep crave.
Hahahaha. That's fine... I guess.

What's sleep crave?
It's the want for more sleep caused by sleeping earlier than the time your screwed-up body clock is designed to let you. Am I making sense? See the other blog.

Anyhow, I watched a new movie. I just couldn't wait to blog about it even if I have some homework to do. I feel inspired. Hehehe.

The Secret Life of Bees

The movie stars a teenage Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Sophia Okonedo and (probably my favorite singer,) Alicia Keys. It's based on the critically-acclaimed bestseller by Sue Monk Kidd.

Honestly, the movie struck hard. Really heartwarming. Really beautiful, and I'm hoping for an Oscar nod on this one... at least for adapted screenplay. Hehehe. It's the first buzz-worthy movie I've seen--well, excluding The Dark Knight.

The story follows Lily (Fanning) and her blossoming into a woman. It mostly touches on sadness, loneliness and inequality, and how these form a person into a whole person filled with love.

Together with her best friend-housekeeper (Hudson), Lily escapes from her scarred father and find herselfs in a house of beekeeping sisters (Latifah, Okonedo and Keys). There, she learns about her past, her future and herself. Basically, it's a coming-of-age story... a beautiful and graceful one.

It was a fantastic movie. (if only sleep craze didn't make me fall asleep) I'd like to keep it up there with my favorites, but it's just lacking an extra kick. I'll rank it on the same level as The Dark Knight then. :D

Dakota Fanning shows real growth. She's not anymore that litte girl in War of the Worlds. I'm beginning to like her again. (Her films--like Charlotte's Web--made me cringe) She seems much more mature. She did fantastic. I can't wait for Winged Creatures.

Alicia Keys was amazing. This is her first "real" movie, and she did wonderful. Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson did great, but somehow their roles make me feel they're typecast. Sophia Okonedo, who I've only heard of now, was really amazing! I loved her cheracter. Quite eccentric and complex, but very loving and beautiful.

I guess that's the word for this film. Beautiful. :D

PS. Someone please find me the soundtrack. Hehe.

"The day my mother died, you said she was only coming back for her things. Is that true?"
"No. No, she was coming for you."
"Why did you lie?"
"'Coz she didn't come for me."

I need to refill my Parker pen. :D

Anyhow, I thought it was something special.
Damn... it wasn't. Napangiti pa naman ako. Sigh.

In other news, I got my 3K worth of painting. It looks great!
I'm really excited to give it na. :D

hindi naman sa ayokong sabihin...

Tuesday, December 9 at 7:55 AM

I slept at 1am last night.
That's the first time I've slept early on a school night since last I remember.
Five and half a friggin' solid hours, beybeh!

(wow. am'babaw naman ng minimum hours of sleep. lol. sorry, my body clock is seriously screwed up... so I'm happy with that.)

But somehow, I've been really sleepy the whole day.

Do you know that feeling?
You know... when you haven't had decent sleep in such a long time that, when you do and when you wake up after it, you WANT more sleep.
Am I making sense?

I dunno if that's what I'm feeling right now or not.
You see, I dunno. I sort of feel disconnected and shit.

I know... maybe it's just that I long for more hours on my bed.
I'm hoping it is...

But you know... somehow, I feel it isn't.
And I think I'm blaming my stubbornness.
You know... to that.

I apologize. I'm just friggin' annoyed by the fact that I have to deal with this kind of shit.

Or maybe I'm just jealous?
Of what? Dumbass.

Yes, I'm speaking in codes. Try to figure it out.
But I'm guessing only a few will actually get it.
If you do, let's talk?

how can i decide what's right?

Monday, December 8 at 7:23 PM
More Anonymous Messages 

Here we go:

Uhh, yeah.
*awkward turtle*



Get your act together. Nothing's going out right.
If you want something done, get help. Bring it out.

Wag mong itago sa sarili mo o sa iilang tao lang.
You have to get it all out. Kaunti na lang. Kaunti na lang.
Pero, where are we now?

That's the problem there.

You know what, sayang!
Damnit! Sayang sobra.

I hate you so much! You make me regret my decisions.
But I can't say that I truly do.

Thank you for trusting me.
Your secret is safe!

You're a robber!
Bakit kasi parating pareho. Sigh.

By the way, congratulations! ;-)

Hey... Thank you. :D
I never expected a new friend.

As much as I hate how you do things.
I can't say I blame you. Neither can I say I disagree with you.
This time, you were right. We're just fucking fucked up. o.O

You truly amaze me!
Thank you so much. :D

And even if others aren't so nice, I'll still believe in the person I see.

not this time...

at 7:10 PM
Immaculate Conception and FX Rehearsal

Well. I got a little holy today.

Woke up early. (Gahd, it was freezing. Pasko na talaga) o.O
Heard Mass at MTQ.

Who with? Myself. Hehehe.
It's my first time going to Mass alone.
It was fun... but it was lonely.

I was hoping for songs!
But the only one they sang was Alleluia. And I wasn't even prepared.
I wanted to sing. o.O

Why? I don't sing in Mass.
Fine, I do in school.
Pero pag sa labas--with my family--I'm silent the whole time.
I dunno, nahihiya lang ako sigurong marinig akong kumanta. Actually, they haven't heard me sing in ages.

So yeah, I was hoping this was my chance to sing in a church.
Guess I was wrong.

Anyhow, for some reason, I decided I wanted to go to confession. And so, I did.
It was interesting. Although I left not fully satisfied--mahaba ang kwentuhan ng pari sa ibang nagkumpisal. It was really short in mine. o.O I guess he was hurrying up.

I found the devut old women there quite interesting.
How they really bring it all out for Him.
They made me wonder... about myself. About Him.

I left feeling... whole. :D

Anyhow, fast forward to hours later, I went to Starbucks with Bianca, Noelle, Cam and Chengly. THREE MORE STICKERS! Just three more, and WOOHOO!
This is the first one I actually collected myself. I'm so proud. Lol.

FX started out really fun. :D

But... the pivotal moment.
It turned upside down. Sigh.

And I felt so madungis and shit right after practice.
But more than that, I felt I lost SOOO much energy. Sobra.

And the color of the sky wasn't helping in anyway.

out there...

Sunday, December 7 at 5:20 PM

It's nice to know there are still people like them out there...

At a suburban Goodwill store on Friday, Theresa Settles selected a large, black comforter to warm her family until she can raise the money to turn the gas heat back on. A petite woman approached, her face obscured by dark sunglasses and a wrapped winter scarf, and handed Settles two $100 bills stamped with the words "secret Santa." "The only condition," she said, "is that you do something nice for someone. Pass it on."

Two secret Santas, one from the Kansas City area and the other from the St. Louis area, descended on thrift stores, a health clinic, convenience store and small auto repair shop to dole out $20,000 in $100 bills, hugs and words of encouragement to unsuspecting souls in need.

Click on the link to see the full article:

If I weren't broke right now, I'd love to this.
Maybe when I'm older. :D

hindi na. hindi na. eh. eh. eh.

Saturday, December 6 at 12:03 PM

在我脑海里 你的身影 挥散不去

你的天真 我想珍惜
看到你受委屈 我会伤心




That's the Meteor Garden Theme aka. my Chinese oral test.
I'm just glad I chose the song this time.

Strange. It fits the moment. o.O

I'm trying to translate it into English.
The Tagalog translation sucks.

Just like how Umbrella's Tagalog translation sucks.
Which is why I made my own translation. Hahaha. It sounds WAY better. I should post it one time. Hahaha!

but still you gotta make up your mind

Friday, December 5 at 7:46 PM

That was a really shaky experience. Shucks. O.o

All I have to say is... Yes! Hahahahaha.