tickle pig

Monday, November 3 at 7:36 PM
Movies Part III

Okay. Here's my second attempt.
I hope Multiply doesn't bail on me... again. o.O
I hope I still touch the same points as in the first one.

Here are the last five movies.
Yehey. :D

High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Lol... I'm actually doing this.

Okay. I find the that the third time's the charm. Haha. Simply because, for one, it's more "bongga" (quoting a certain someone) when it comes to the production numbers and, for another, it has a better story.

I mean, the first movie is about breaking stereotypes and the second about making decisions. There are a lot of other movies that touch the same subject and fair better on it. But this one's about their final years in high school... leaiving things behind and moving on. I find it better since it's more grounded to the setting. Besides, it's easy related to 'coz who doesn't leave high school and have all those nostalgic feelings?

I'm really happy Olesya Rulin has a bigger role. She's my favorite since before. Hehe. However, I wish she had more singing parts. And she looked real beautiful in the start with the brown hair (was it?).

I'm also glad they took some time to make Ashley Tisdale's character evolve.. somewhat. She's less pumped up throughout the movie, but her scenes packed more in them. And I like how her secretary bitched on her. Realization on her part, which is long overdue throughout the series. But don't you just love the glorious comeback? (Reminds me of Hairspray)

(Don't you just love how the secretary sings with a British accent? Hahaha!)

My problem, however, lies in the songs. I do admit, they are a bit more impressive than before. But they don't bring the same thrill as when you hear the originals like Stick to the Status Quo. Add to that, they all seem to be out of timing.

I just hate how the lovers seem to keep breaking into song. I mean, it doesn't belong in there, but you just place the song in for a song's sake. It's quite annoying. Especially because they have too much mush and too much airtime. o.O One example is Right Here, Right Now.

I'm glad the gave Vanessa Hudgens a more upbeat song. Much better. But I wish they made Zac Efron's song a ballad. The start seemed promising... but when it picked up the pace, it sort of lost meaning.

It was a breath of fresh air to see A Night to Remember and The Boys Are Back. A break from the couple. o.O

Don't you just hate how their auditorium is so... big... and shiny... and fully-functioned?

It's great they reprised We're All in This Together, but I wish they broke out into the faster version. The slower version sounded real good, but as it went on, it got boring and anti-climactic. Finally, the last song was a fitting end to the whole series. High School Musical. You may find it cheesy, but I don't. It was great actually.

Wow. I can't believe I went through most of it. o_o
Basically that's it about that. It's High School Musical so you can't expect much... but you can't expect little either. Hehe.

Maalaala Mo Kaya: Rehas
Fine. Technically, it isn't a movie. But it's a one-time show, it was fantastic and I watched it. So might as well review it.

Gina Pareno was totally amazing. She truly deserves her acclaim. She was very natural yet unbelievably brilliant. Her show of plight was spectacularly done. I particularly love the scene wherein she questions God. I was thinking of my CLE lessons for some reason. But more than that, she did it real great. It made me water... but not teary yet.

The story was great in that it really showed a mother's suffering. However, I felt it was a bit too crammed. But it's quite understandable since it is a television show, and it has to keep up with a schedule.

Disney's Mulan
This is, arguably, my most favorite Disney film. (Apparently, I'm still arguing with myself. o.O) Mostly because it breaks stereotypes. It's non-Western. It tackles sexism.

The screenplay was fantastic. It can definitely hold up to Beauty and the Beast if it wasn't for the lack of romantic scenese. It flowed smoothly... nothing felt forced or out of place.

Critics say its weakness is in the lack of memorability of the songs. But I beg to differ. They were real memorable. I mean, who doesn't remember Reflection or I'll Make a Man Out of You? Actually, Honor to Us All is much like Belle. I believe it's just that the songs were too Asian for their Western memory. However, I wish there were more songs.

Eddie Murphy as Mushu was effective comic relief. He was the only "American" character in the cast just like Genie in Aladdin. However, I find him much better since he didn't go off and doing crazy all around the film.

Visually, the whole film was more clean rather than detailed; it served the film well. Also, you can see the Asian influence: the elemental stuff (smoke, water, fire, wind, etc.) form in traditional Eastern art, specifically the waves and curls.

Basically, the film was a great joy to watch.
But actually.... come to think of it... for some reason, I think my arguing had led me to lean more on Beauty and the Beast. It still lacks something I can't describe.(Way better than Aladdin though.)

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
Honestly, am I the only one who didn't enjoy it? I'm definitely in the minority with this one.

Sure, I will admit. Animation was friggin' awesome! It mized both stop-motion and digital animation. It's greatly seen in the start of the movie. Everything was really detailed and unique. Perfect crafting.

Basically, the story's about the Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington who isn't satisfied with the succes of Halloween that he, after some exploration, wants to make Christmas his own, despite the warnings of Sally, a distant admirer.

I find it odd, strange and awkward. The characters were not convincing; the persistence, annoying. And that's basically it. I really didn't enjoy it. I guess it's the type of film you have to watch with different eyes.

Pulp Fiction
Fantastic film! A real work of art. This is a cult classic by Quentin Tarantino (also the creator of Kill Bill) It's described as the film that defined the times, and I have to admit that there's a reason why it is. Damn right is it. It's the kind of film you watch and end up with a feeling that you're the coolest kid in your greaser high school.

This film experiments (at that time) by using a non-chronological narration. You can say it's also an ensemble piece. It has brilliant performance that it's no wonder dying careers were resurrected. Samuel L Jackson (amazing... as usual. it's his character role), John Travolta and Uma Thurman were nominated for Oscars on this. Adding to the cast are Bruce Willis (who's perfect for his role), Maria de Medeiros (amazing innocence!), Ving Rhames, Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer (another standout).

By the way, it won an Oscar for its screenplay.

Uma Thurman was really, really brilliant on this one. (I have to add, I didn't recognize her with the blonde locks) She was so intensely in-character. Applause. And she's a great dancer too. I wish she won the Oscar.

Basically, this film thrives on making comedy out of leading the worst situations into even more worst situations. (wow... grammar. o.O) And it really is good at it.

Dialogue was just as brilliant. I can't describe in words how I want to describe it, but just know it really was brilliant. It was real smart too. And what makes the film more comic is its reference back to previous dialogue.

Well. This film truly is a marvel. So, this one, you definitely have to watch.
(However, I have a feeling it may be hit or miss. But bigger percentage on Hit!)

Finally! All done. :D Woohoo.
If you'll excuse me, it's 3:30am. Best be in bed now. :D
(i copied it to notepad... for backup. :D)

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