the rabbit that stole my heart

Saturday, November 15 at 6:01 PM

Hmm. For some reason I've been having this in mind:
I'll move to Chicago and work as a (junior) film critic.

But not some ordinary film critic... an apprentice under Roger Ebert. (my idol film critic.)
Wouldn't that be cool? Hehe. But wait... what would u know? You don't know the person? All I can say is that he gets to watch every single movie ever shown in one week. Isn't that cool compared to those who only watch one in two or one week?
Try reading his reviews. Here.

But why the hell am I thinking about this?
As much as I don't picture myself in the future doing some kind of monotonous job in the boring Philippine offices, I still can't figure out where I'll get the money to even make a move to the states. Lol.

I'm crazy. Don't mind me. Here we go:


This movie definitely goes up there on my list together with Juno, Little Miss Sunshine and Zodiac.
Just remembering it gives me chills of what might have been and could have been. To me, it was simply a tragic love story more than anything. Just that it was hidden behind all the suspense, science-fiction, etc. Although those don't make it bad either.
The film stars a younger Jake Gyllenhaal (who is also in Zodiac) together with a younger Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone and a very much younger Daveigh Chase. The cast also includes Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Patrick Swayze and James Duval. Quite jam-packed, don't you agree?
I guess the reason it appeals to me a lot is that the character has some kind of mental/psychological problem. I really like those type of characters, you should know. (See Bellatrix Lestrange, Billy Bibbit, etc.) Don't you wish FX would have some play with some character like this? Correction: don't I wish. Lol.
Jake Gyllenhaal plays the title role: a troubled teen who decides he needs to follow messages from a demonic rabbit. Yes, strange as it is, it really has some depth to it.
It can almost be an ensemble story--many point of views to look at-- but it isn't because it follows Donnie's world and how his actions touch that of others around him.
What I think I really enjoyed was the bizaare chemistry between all the cast members. It kind felt awkward but you know it was there and you know it was really strong. Take for example Donnie and his girlfriend. Just seeing it sets a spark.

More than what it was, I think Donnie really had some depth into him. He wasn't just the schizo he apparently seemed. There was something more in him. You could really feel--dare I say it--the love. It was burning. For his sister as she bade her goodbye with a last kiss. For his girlfriend when he looked into her eyes as she laid dead in the passenger seat. It really was heartbreaking. It was.
(What the hell, I don't think I'm making any sense anymore.)
The final scene just struck strings. It was really heart-wrenching. The song was perfect (download it... Mad World by Gary Jules. It sorta reminds me of Eyes, the song that loomed in a few of the first-season episodes of Heroes.) But wow. The cast was once again shown in a most depressing state. It was beautiful. Beautiful in the way that it breaks your heart.
Basically I just loved it. That's all there is to it.
Definite Must Watch.

"I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore."
How to enjoy or be affected by Twilight:
1. Don't read the book beforehand.
2. Be a third year student without a prom date.

What is it with this movie?
I must say, it was so romantic I could puke... but at the same time I'd say I was struck. STRUCK HARD. I agree with Roger Ebert. It was erotomania all the way. But you have to say (and I quote Paula...) "Chemistry was insane."

The thing is... I had no intention of watching the movie. I didn't think I'd enjoy it.
That's why I guess I enjoyed it more... I didn't think of it.
'Coz see, when you're hyped up for something, and you watch it and it isn't what you're expecting it to be, you're disappointed. (take for example, Dark Knight.)
But when you have nothing, NADA, no cares about it, and you do get affected... there we go. Hahahaha! Twilight is an example.

I think it was the scene where they laid on the grass. I'm not sure. That scene really hit me hard. And I mean really. The romance was it? I dunno. It suddenly made me worry about prom. o.O
Well, I like movies that know how to use silence. Really, it's more powerful than a strong line. (Check out my list of favorite movies above.)
Twilight effectively used it... but sometimes, it was just too much. Too much.
But when the scene did call for it, it worked out really well.
Plot was quite screwed up. I dunno. For me, it was all over the place.
Oh yes... I have to comment. Effects were TERRIBLE. o.O
And the pale white skin took getting used to. I didn't like it. I mean... even Bella had the skin. I dunno. I just don't like white-skinned peeps. I know they vampires and all... but still. There could be a different shade that would look better.

The last dance scene. It made me imagine a lot of things about what will happen in my own prom. Gahd. Hey, I found a ways to ask a girl. Is that not strange?
Oh yes. The scene where she leaves her dad. That hurt.
In fact, the scenes with the dad were quite a relief. Chemistry was good there. The whole father-daughter bond. I wish my dad were like him... "He doesn't hover."

You know what, if it weren't prom blues for me right not, I'd give it a lower rating. It's just that it really hit me hard that I dunno how to rate it. Lol. And that's the thing... you like a movie based on how it affected you. And it did.
How cheesy can I get? I guess that makes me hopelessly romantic? lol.

(BTW. Did anyone see the Philippine flag? Canteen scene. Right above the door.)

Oh yes. You're Twilight-watching experience increases when you watch it with teenage girls. Hahaha. It was fun seeing them react. Haha.

"You are my life now."

"That's what you dream about? Being a monster?"
"I dream about being with you forever."

"I'm only afraid of losing you."

Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Hahahaha!
I'd make a review about QUANTUM of SOLACE. But i fell asleep on most of it. I was so tired kasi from XP. Kaya here, enjoy the movie poster:

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