niyebe sa daan

Saturday, November 29 at 10:32 PM


Kani-kanila lamang (sa katotohanan, hindi naman talagang kanina. hapon pa nga eh), ikinataka ko and mabilis na pagdilim ng alapaap.
Alas kwatro pa lang kasi.

Pasko na nga talaga.

Kung anu-ano na ang pinagkakaabalahan ko para sa Pasko--Starbucks planner, Christmas gifts, atbp--ngunit noon lang siya pumasok sa aking isipan. Pasko na pala.

Ngayon ko lang naramdaman ang pagdating ng panahong talagang hinihintay-hintay ko parati. Christmas spirit, ika nga.

Bakit kaya?
Sa pagtanda marahil. Tila nababawasan na ang kaligayahang nararamdaman ko sa paglipas ng bawat Pasko.

Noong bata pa ako, ang parati kong hinihintay ay ang pagpapasa-pasa ng mga regalo at ang pagbukas nito. Palagi kasing masaya. Sa pagbigay. Sa ngiti ng lahat ng mga tao. Sa pagbukas ng regalong hiniling ko/hindi ko inaasahan.

Ngayon, hindi ko na iyon hinihintay.
Marahil sa di-pagkakuntento? Hindi na kasi ganoon ka-exciting.
Sa pagtanda, maturity?
Para bang pilit nitong sinasabi: "Hoy! Tumanda ka nga! Sagutin mo ang tanong ko: what is the true meaning of Christmas?"

Corny pero totoo.
Iyan ang tanong na bumabagabag sa aking isip. Lalo na ngayong pilit kong ginagawa ang tila imposible. Lalo na ngayong watak-watak na ang isang maligayang tradisyon. Isang maalab na gunita. Isang masayang pamilya.

Alam mo, malapit na ang Disyembre, wala pa kaming Christmas decor dito sa bahay, wala pang Christmas tree. (Maliban lamang sa parol na nakasabit na noon-noon pa.)
Kaya siguro nalilimutan kong panahon na ng Kapaskuhan.

Saka ko lang ito naalala... noong naglalagay ng Christmas tree ang tutor ko sa bahay niya. Nainggit ako. Pero may pumukaw sa aking damdamin.
Nasiyahan ba.

Iyon yata ang 'saktong sandaling naalala kong magpapasko na.
Maligayang Pasko! :D

(Grabe naman... ang emo ko. Di kaya... ang tanda ko na!)

In other news, Christmas shopping today was a fail.
At least, I got ideas. :D

please reverse it.

at 10:23 PM



I fell asleep this afternoon, and I just had probably one of the most vivid dreams ever.
Consider this... I don't usually remember my dreams.

It was really taunting.
And it seemed so timely with what's happening at the moment.
How I just hated it. Every single moment of it.

No, it wasn't a nightmare.

At least, it reassured me of where I stand.
I am, after all, someone who knows when to put his foot down.
I know what to do now.

Well, I've mostly forgotten about it already. All I remember is what it's about. I just hate it.

in the...

Friday, November 28 at 8:21 PM


This has got to be one of the most awesome... and one of the most not...
days of my life. :))

Here's how it goes.
I'm still very sick. I virtually went to the bathroom in every period to try and heal myself. I even puked out what i perceive is turon--thanks, dc! o.O

I was also having crazy ideas of going to Star City. You know what, I'm glad I didn't go through with it. Hahaha! Next Sat na! :D

Noli over Julius Caesar... any day! :P

Anyhow... the end of the day.
Mentoring was fun. Hahaha! We did an egg drop: and I made a new friend. 'Egg Wrap'
The egg survived! :D And we won chocolate!

I'm sorry, sore throat...I couldn't help myself.
The chocolate tasted like sex. hahaha!a
Of course, nakipag-unahan ako para sa branded. Twix. Toblerone. Kitkat. Cadbury. Haha!

Anyhow. I answered Sandugo's answer sheet thingy. Seems like I'm the only one who did it. Lol. At least, I tried. Hahaha! I want my incentive.

After which, FX. Hahaha! I won't say much on this na... except that I don't want another Pippin. Grrr! I am seriously going to freak. o.O

In other news... NAKAKAINIS! I wish I was eighteen. I wish I was more free.
Sigh. One day...

Back to topic.
After FX, we played tag. Lol.
Napahingal ako doon. But that was fun! Hahaha.

Then Stacey and I went to Starbucks. Ate dinner. Drank coffee.
Thank you Tisha for your smarts! Kundi, wala akong kasama/tagahatid/tagahawak ng bag sa Envy. Hahaha.

ENVY was fun. It was my first party ever. Hahaha.
Well... it would have been more fun if it didn't end early. Waaa. Sayang... it was just starting.
At least, bonding with the new fx members. hahaha.

Once again, David Archuleta. Grr. I got that twice.
I dunno... I don't think I look like him. I dunno what others see. haha!
Plus, I apparently sound like one of their friends. o.O

Anyhow... crazy night. I loved it.
Except for that sore ending I don't need to mention. :))

Hey... thanks peeps! I really enjoyed.


at 8:13 PM

why? why do you always do that?

you've ruined my night.
thank you very much. o.O

my unfortunate...

Thursday, November 27 at 5:24 PM
Sickness and Randomness

Somehow, songs from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (whatalongname-dinaman. o.O) are stuck in my head.
Most especially, The I Love You Song, Chip's Lament (hihi) and I Speak Six Languages.

I blame it on someone who sang the last song as her audition piece and someone else who kept repeating her song. o.O

I'm eating scrambled eggs I cooked from the microwave.
Bet you didn't know you could do that. Hahaha!
See... I'm not that much of a failure.

Gahd. I'm really sick now.
Last time's dizziness evolved into something new.
I woke up today with the worst sore throat ever. As the day progressed, I got a really bad cold. And now, I even have phlegm. Gahhh!

There are times I can't breathe with the colds. I can't speak with the hoarseness. I'm making the most of it. As usual though, can't say much words in the morning... hurts too much.

I remember I didn't go to Multiply just to blog about my sick state.
I just can't remember what about. o.O

Oh well. Wish me luck on my Oral Test bukas. Gah, Chinese!

I'm having apprehensions for tomorrow. o.O
Sigh. Que sera sera.

well then... decode me

Wednesday, November 26 at 3:53 PM
Name: Luis
Date: 11/26/2008
Colorgenics Number: 16423507

You don't need anxiety and problems. All you really seek is a conflict free environment which can offer peace and mental security. You don't like the idea of being alone and, whatever the reason, at this time of your life you feel as if you are being 'left out'. What you really need is perhaps some 'tender loving care'.

In the past there have been - and maybe there still are - many things that you have had to do without. You have now decided to set your sights on a position or situation that could give you greater prestige and which will afford you considerable self esteem.

You have a high opinion of yourself. It is perhaps because of this self-centredness that you become exasperated when you feel that your needs are misinterpreted by those around you. When this happens - and it does quite often - you feel that there is no-one that can understand the way you feel and it is because of this egocentric self that you are quick to take offence.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

I just wanted to try it. :D
It sorta seems true. Hahaha.

Btw. The one above is my second try on a different site.
The one below is my first try on another site.

You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

Enough is enough. Nothing seems to be working out as you would like it to and it has got to the stage where you feel as if you can't be bothered anymore. The way you feel is that it would be great if you could be cut off from everything and take it easy - be it only for a short time.

You need a friend - a close friend - and you are willing to become emotionally involved with the right person, but you are very demanding and particular in your choice of partners. You are constantly looking for reassurance and it is perhaps because of this that you tend to be somewhat argumentative, but you try to hold back - careful to avoid open conflict - since this might reduce your prospects of realising your hopes of establishing a warm caring relationship.

Whatever you strive to do, something always seems to be holding you back. There is no subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a partner whom you can trust and with whom you can, together, develop a foundation of trust based on understanding. You are your own person and you demand freedom of thought to follow your own convictions. You have no interest in 'two-timing' and all you seek is sincerity and 'straight-dealing'.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

moonlight in paris

at 10:25 AM
RSSPC Writing Contest & Drained Out

Okay. That was screwed. Wasn't it?

I went to the Regionals for the writing contest... part two of the first one I went to. Hahaha.
It was in Notre Dame.The place was pretty swell for a public school. Hahaha.

Anyhow. I woke up damn early! o.O
And I ate a full breakfast... the first time in like... i dunno. Haha!

I wore my contacts. :D
It's the first time I've ever worn contacts for a whole day. Lol!
What's fun was a lot of the people from the contest kept looking at my eyes. Haha! Dapt pala pinakitaan ko na rin ng smile! Lol.

So when we got there, all the student volunteers were greeting us in their barongs and sayas and stuff. hahaha! "Good Morning." "Welcome!" Big smile. Hahaha.

What's weird about their school is their name. Notre Dame.
They pronounce it as Notre Deym. Shouldn't it be Notre Dam like the church?
Anyhow. What's weirder is what they call themselves: Damers. Hahahaha!
Ang sagwa.

Just like their English.
Oh yes. Nanlait ako the whole day. Haha!
Ang sagwa kasi ng English nila eh! Super hard tagalog/fake English. I just kept repeating their bad pronunciation and laughing out loud. (Buti na lang Cheryl's English was great.)

Who's Cheryl? Cheryl Cosim. The ABS-CBN newscaster. She was the guest speaker.
Finally, a kapamilya.

Fast forward. We had a speaker. She's a writer from K (the kris aquino magazine) and some other mag. La lang. She was nice. Although... I fell asleep during her speech. (with contacts! =O ) I also met a Paulinian. Hehehe.

Then the contest...
I think I started and ended well enough. My title seemed interesting enough. But my body wasn't as nice as I wanted to. I think I never made a point. o.O
But somehow, I still have hopes of winning it. Hahaha.

Fast forward some more.
Read Noli. Read Julius. Kept dozing off. o.O

And also... Together with Huxley, we went--dareIsay--girl hunting. Hahahaha.
For his kakilala. Lol. And when we did find them, ayaw naman niyang lumapit. o.O

I think I fell asleep on the ride home. Lol.
It was after the ride that I felt all drained out.

Went to FX peeps.
We went to Ash. I got myself a cup of Starbucks.
And I was lucky enough to get the free Starbucks receipt. Haha! Yehey!

I think I've become a coffee addict. Oh noes.
Is there such thing as caffeine anonymous? Hahaha.

We had some sort of meeting. o.O
Hahaha. Anyhow...

After what seemed hours of looking for a taxi, I got home.
Praise the Lord.

Anyhow... I got really, really, really dizzy.
I got home. Ate dinner. Watch some TV... fell asleep. Damn.
So I didn't get to do my homework. o.O

I was woken up at 5:30 am. And I somehow scrambled through.
What's funny is I still feel sleepy. o.O

However, by English period, I had this really throbbing headache. I couldn't concentrate on Julius. So I went to the infirmary... first time in the whole year. Hahaha!

What was pleasant on my way there was Ms. Julie Cruz of the Science department. She was on her way to Admin. And she saw me and was asking around. She was really nice and friendly. Hahaha. Something nice from the day. hehe.

Blah blah. Fast forward to dimissal.
I'm basically broke. :))
CJ, Germs (and later on, Karl) and I ate at T-boy.

I came back. Studied a bit.
Did my Chinese MT. Gahd! That was friggin hard. Ayoko na!
And now, I'm here with Germs. Blogging. In the IT lab. Haha!

how do i breathe

Monday, November 24 at 6:22 PM
Report Card

How could I have forgotten to blog about my grades?

I'm good. But I'm not satisfied. Two line of 8's.

But I deserve it. I wasn't my best anyway.

Math: 88
Chinese: 89
CLE: 91
English: 92
Filipino: 92
SocSci: 92
Science: 93

Thank you cher for my O in advisory.
Finally... my singing went somewhere. =)) Plus, all the other extra effort.

Badminton gave me a V. Pero dahil tumatak ako sa kanila, I got an O in both conduct and effort. Hahaha.
Photogaphy gave me a Pass.
FX gave me V.
Peer Faci gave me a V rin.

(what the. o.O)

But argh. I want my O in...
I deserve it! Hmph.

Just wanted to say... why do the All Stars have such fake accents? Yeah, maybe they aren't fake, but it doesn't sound nice anyway.

the planet

at 3:50 PM
Skechers, Today & Chinese

It's quite sad Xavier didn't win. But you have to admit Dance X was damn amazing! Hahaha. Plus, may pole dance pa! Hahaha.

Congratulations to Miriam and DLSU!
(tamang-tama I was wearing green that day)

Nakakapanghinayang ang start of the day.

I am very unsure of my Science quiz. I wasn't even able to finish.

Add to that, we extended kaya I was late for Newsday.

Normally, that wouldn't be a problem.
But our Newsday report was super awesome that we could've gotten a perfect if I wasn't late.
Bakit? Nag-extend kami over the allotted time.
Instead we got a 92... but we could've gotten something higher than 97. Lol.

Anyhow, it was fun.
Even if the videos didn't work. We still did really well. I'm proud.
(Lesson learned: the only thing Mac will accept is MOV files. Sigh.)

As promised, I'll go rant about another subject: CHINESE.
But once again... You CANNOT take anything against me. :P

Oh c'mon. It's like the worst subject we have.
No offense, we just forget everything at the end of the day. Lalo na pag dating ng graudation. I dunno how much of it we even use.

We barely understand the lessons.
We're taught the weirdest stuff, just like this morning.

I mean, why are you trying to tech us how to use two almost-synonymous words when you can't tell us when to use one of them?

I mean... o.O

What's really sad is that it sometimes leads to disrespect.
I won't elaborate on that. But truly, it does, most especially if the class is composed of a barkada of gagos.

Anyhow. That's all for now.

everytime you hold me

Saturday, November 22 at 2:22 PM
Sleep, Bandfest, End

Yesterday was--can I say it--a bitch.
Sigh. Here I go.

Basically, I ran on really low energy.
Still, I have to thank my sponsors. Much love to Nescafe and Starbucks!

Taken from the clues.
I slept at four.

Yeah... i know. Why?
I still don't remember
Bu probably because i kept searching for albums.

(I was able to download putnam--both the album and the video--and little shop 2003 the video)
I was just glad that I had my Chinese riji pre-prepared (o.O) and that I had help with CLE. What I wasn't able to do though was study for the Chinese quiz. (I hope I did okay.)

I woke up groggy. But i didn't fall asleep in the bus.
In fact... I was already scheming. Scheming for what?
When we reached the drop-off point at MTQ, I ran for Ash Creek. Thank God Mercury was open. I bought Nescafe in can. (gasps)

The last time I drank that was Tulo.
I think I slept really late the night before it + I needed to be exceedingly hyper for my "role"
So... memories came back.
That memory also includes dropping home dead. (then again, i drank two and a half cans)

Anyhow. Yada yada.
I was awake the whole day (almost)
I think that Nescafe in can is the only kind of coffee that works on me.
I was expecting to fall asleep during... i won't name them na.

I bet I lost all of it during lunch.
I ran around the whole campus looking for the only missing instrument for our band.

Today was bandfest.
I didn't sing though as previously planned.
I wanted to though, it's just that I never attended the practices.
Watching them though made me nervous... I was scared for our class.

So... after lunch was Filipino.
That was probably the subject with less/no sleep involved as far as I remember.
But I am definite I was dozing off already. The coffee wasn't strong enough anymore. (starting to remember last year's effects on me.)

Then... bandfest came.
I was supportive. I even made banners suring English class.

In all fairness, it exceeded my expectations.
I was expecting most to suck. (based on previous band efforts our batch has had)
Although the out-of-key singing was never to be missed.

I agree with the winners.. mostly.
Section E was great.
Section G was also really good.
Section F was good too if they had a louder/more confident voice.

Section D was what I was waiting for the most. Why? I heard Kirk Chan sing before. It was really good. As such, I was hoping, for once, we'd have in-key singing. But he didn't perform. I wish he did. But hell... they was still really good. Kakaiba sila sa lahat. I was rooting for them. Finally, they have something to rejoice for amidst (what I hear) as all complaints in batch copetitions.

I was quite bummed out by our band.
I wish they had told me Nathan was going to read the lyrics. I would have done it as well.
But I have to say we did pretty all right naman. o.O
I feel guilty though... I mean, really. I wish I took a more active part.

What's quite disappointing was our class.
Wala man lang support. Although I do understand why. Still... sigh.
Whatever happened to our 193 unity?

Anyhow. I was dazed during the bandfest.
It's the caffeine kicking out. Same symptom as last year before I ended in bed.
Kaya I was planning on getting another cup of coffee from Starbucks. It wasn't strong but I bet it would've been enough to last till before I go to sleep. But the line was damn long.
So I bought Sansrival from Hungry Pac, thinking the sugar would be good enough. Kids, DO NOT buy Sansrival from Hungry Pac. Get the chocolate cake instead!

I ran out of energy for FX.
Although, I have to say, it was a highlight of my day. Haha!

Going home, I passed by Starbucks. 
Got myself Caramel Cream. No more coffee! Hahaha.
It was smooth and cool. Relaxing actually.

It helped me stay clam while waiting for a cab to come along.
Damn all the taxis had people.

Anyhow. I went home. Watched Scrubs. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
Dead. (Just like last time) Good thing  decided not to wear contacts.
That's some time before 9. And I woke up past 8. Almost 12 hours. I'm satisfied. :D

why i am so interested in these things

Wednesday, November 19 at 6:31 PM

I'm very, very, very ECSTATIC!


Why? Here:

I know right!
I finally have them.

I'm really, realy happy about it.
Kahit na I spent a whole lot on them.

I kept spreading the good news. Hahaha!

But you know what... it kinda looks weird in some pictures.
I look scary. Hahaha.

(that's two items off my list... since I also bought earphones)

don't know what I'm talking about?
(i personally want green though... but i need blue ;-) )

british accent

Tuesday, November 18 at 4:04 PM
Trevor and CLE

The most frightening thing I've ever watched.

And how fitting to see it in CLE class. o.O

It's about a kid who's neglected by his parents.
Long story short, he shoots his father and ends up in jail.

I dunno what's so sick about it. It just is.
I think I'd like to blame the story.
I mean... the family. What sick world is that?

And it's symbolism for hope was crushed?
That's social realism for you. Too bloody horrifying for me.
(and it's fine by me to watch all those bloody mass murders. o.O)

This brings me to CLE class.
I just have to rant now.
(Go away if you plan to sanction me. You are stripped off that right once you scroll past this line. Go away too if you plan to hate me.)


Okay fine. I was able to withstand being taught about conscience and freedom and all those other nonsense.

But please... family? Why are we being taught family?

I enjoyed the earlier commandments, especially the first.
And just when it begins to get interesting, you start to talk about families.

Teaching us no family is perfect. Wow, that's not obvious.
Everyone has responsibilities. Omg, i didn't know.
There's a lot more I'd like to complain about.

It's just simply annoying if not redundant.

I was thinking of a better way to tackle that commandment. (I can't seem to recall) And damn it was more practical than this. It just seems so out of place and annoying.

Why the hell are we being taught how to go along with our family.

It's common sense. Very common sense.
In fact, you just restated it: the family is we first learn...blah. We learn this! Damnit.

Anyhow. Go along with your business. :D
It's just me. This ain't new.
(Let's do another subject next time... this is fun.)

melting blocks.

at 1:05 PM

What's the word? Uhhh...
I dunno. 

Basta. I'm feeling so...right now.

I guess it all goes back to yesterday...
I was extremely hyper for no apparent reason. o.O

And so. I think I've lost my energy.
Last night, I felt awfully tired.

Today was just really.... Ugh.
I was lacking energy. I felt sickly. I felt kind of moody.
I felt stressed and I wasn't even doing anything.

What's the word?
I think I'll go with... haggard. o.O


wala lang....

Sunday, November 16 at 4:10 PM

With their strongest performance in recent history, the Stallion writers rose to second overall in the 15th Division Secondary Schools Press Conference (DSSPC).

In both English and Filipino, Xaverians competed with 21 other schools all over Pasig and San Juan in the following categories: editorial writing, news writing, sports writing, copy reading, and headline writing, photojournalism and features.

On the 22nd of September, sports writers and photojournalists gathered in Rizal High School to cover an exhibition volleyball game as part of the contest. For all other fields, students raced against an hour’s worth of time allotted for writing in the Brown Villa Complex of the La Immaculada Concepcion School, Pasig City on September 29.

Jose Cua (H4A), the highest individual scorer, topped the copy reading and headline writing events in English. For the editorial writing category in the English medium, Josh Lam (H3A), placed seventh, followed by Jose Cua, who placed tenth. Miguel de Jesus (H4B) also won seventh in the Filipino medium.

On the other hand, the best English news writer was Jose Cua who won first. Not far behind was Josh Lam who came in fourth in the same medium, and Martin Tee (H4B) who won second in the Filipino medium.

Photojournalists Andrew Chua (H4E) and Timothy Ong (H2B) placed second and eighth respectively in the Filipino medium while Huxley Yu (H3C) placed ninth in the English medium. For sports writing in English, Vinno Lee (H4E) grabbed second place. For editorial cartooning in Filipino, Miguel de Jesus ranked third while Eldridge Tan (H4A) ranked eighth.

All features writers entered in the English medium made it to the regionals: Jann Sy (H4B), placing second; Lancelot Yupingkun (H4B), placing third; Vinno Lee, placing tenth. Luis Marcelo (H3C) garnered fifth place in the same category for Filipino.

A limit of six students can be entered per category, having three per medium. A student may only participate in one medium in three categories at most.


the rabbit that stole my heart

Saturday, November 15 at 6:01 PM

Hmm. For some reason I've been having this in mind:
I'll move to Chicago and work as a (junior) film critic.

But not some ordinary film critic... an apprentice under Roger Ebert. (my idol film critic.)
Wouldn't that be cool? Hehe. But wait... what would u know? You don't know the person? All I can say is that he gets to watch every single movie ever shown in one week. Isn't that cool compared to those who only watch one in two or one week?
Try reading his reviews. Here.

But why the hell am I thinking about this?
As much as I don't picture myself in the future doing some kind of monotonous job in the boring Philippine offices, I still can't figure out where I'll get the money to even make a move to the states. Lol.

I'm crazy. Don't mind me. Here we go:


This movie definitely goes up there on my list together with Juno, Little Miss Sunshine and Zodiac.
Just remembering it gives me chills of what might have been and could have been. To me, it was simply a tragic love story more than anything. Just that it was hidden behind all the suspense, science-fiction, etc. Although those don't make it bad either.
The film stars a younger Jake Gyllenhaal (who is also in Zodiac) together with a younger Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone and a very much younger Daveigh Chase. The cast also includes Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Patrick Swayze and James Duval. Quite jam-packed, don't you agree?
I guess the reason it appeals to me a lot is that the character has some kind of mental/psychological problem. I really like those type of characters, you should know. (See Bellatrix Lestrange, Billy Bibbit, etc.) Don't you wish FX would have some play with some character like this? Correction: don't I wish. Lol.
Jake Gyllenhaal plays the title role: a troubled teen who decides he needs to follow messages from a demonic rabbit. Yes, strange as it is, it really has some depth to it.
It can almost be an ensemble story--many point of views to look at-- but it isn't because it follows Donnie's world and how his actions touch that of others around him.
What I think I really enjoyed was the bizaare chemistry between all the cast members. It kind felt awkward but you know it was there and you know it was really strong. Take for example Donnie and his girlfriend. Just seeing it sets a spark.

More than what it was, I think Donnie really had some depth into him. He wasn't just the schizo he apparently seemed. There was something more in him. You could really feel--dare I say it--the love. It was burning. For his sister as she bade her goodbye with a last kiss. For his girlfriend when he looked into her eyes as she laid dead in the passenger seat. It really was heartbreaking. It was.
(What the hell, I don't think I'm making any sense anymore.)
The final scene just struck strings. It was really heart-wrenching. The song was perfect (download it... Mad World by Gary Jules. It sorta reminds me of Eyes, the song that loomed in a few of the first-season episodes of Heroes.) But wow. The cast was once again shown in a most depressing state. It was beautiful. Beautiful in the way that it breaks your heart.
Basically I just loved it. That's all there is to it.
Definite Must Watch.

"I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore."
How to enjoy or be affected by Twilight:
1. Don't read the book beforehand.
2. Be a third year student without a prom date.

What is it with this movie?
I must say, it was so romantic I could puke... but at the same time I'd say I was struck. STRUCK HARD. I agree with Roger Ebert. It was erotomania all the way. But you have to say (and I quote Paula...) "Chemistry was insane."

The thing is... I had no intention of watching the movie. I didn't think I'd enjoy it.
That's why I guess I enjoyed it more... I didn't think of it.
'Coz see, when you're hyped up for something, and you watch it and it isn't what you're expecting it to be, you're disappointed. (take for example, Dark Knight.)
But when you have nothing, NADA, no cares about it, and you do get affected... there we go. Hahahaha! Twilight is an example.

I think it was the scene where they laid on the grass. I'm not sure. That scene really hit me hard. And I mean really. The romance was it? I dunno. It suddenly made me worry about prom. o.O
Well, I like movies that know how to use silence. Really, it's more powerful than a strong line. (Check out my list of favorite movies above.)
Twilight effectively used it... but sometimes, it was just too much. Too much.
But when the scene did call for it, it worked out really well.
Plot was quite screwed up. I dunno. For me, it was all over the place.
Oh yes... I have to comment. Effects were TERRIBLE. o.O
And the pale white skin took getting used to. I didn't like it. I mean... even Bella had the skin. I dunno. I just don't like white-skinned peeps. I know they vampires and all... but still. There could be a different shade that would look better.

The last dance scene. It made me imagine a lot of things about what will happen in my own prom. Gahd. Hey, I found a ways to ask a girl. Is that not strange?
Oh yes. The scene where she leaves her dad. That hurt.
In fact, the scenes with the dad were quite a relief. Chemistry was good there. The whole father-daughter bond. I wish my dad were like him... "He doesn't hover."

You know what, if it weren't prom blues for me right not, I'd give it a lower rating. It's just that it really hit me hard that I dunno how to rate it. Lol. And that's the thing... you like a movie based on how it affected you. And it did.
How cheesy can I get? I guess that makes me hopelessly romantic? lol.

(BTW. Did anyone see the Philippine flag? Canteen scene. Right above the door.)

Oh yes. You're Twilight-watching experience increases when you watch it with teenage girls. Hahaha. It was fun seeing them react. Haha.

"You are my life now."

"That's what you dream about? Being a monster?"
"I dream about being with you forever."

"I'm only afraid of losing you."

Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Hahahaha!
I'd make a review about QUANTUM of SOLACE. But i fell asleep on most of it. I was so tired kasi from XP. Kaya here, enjoy the movie poster:

if i made you cry?

at 4:15 PM
It's called Foreign Acent Syndrome. After a hit in the head, your accent changes.

Wouldn't you want that? I wish it happened to me... and I get a Scottish accent. =))
La lang.

I went to sleep so early last night!
What a record... around 8:30+

Well, technically no... I fell asleep.
While watching Scrubs and using the sub-notebook. o.O

No wonder I woke up early and didn't go back to sleep.

I was suppose to blog about something else.
I just forgot. o.O


Thursday, November 13 at 7:12 PM
Wishlist, pt. II

I forgot the following! Hahaha.

7. Starbucks Tumbler/Mug Thing
What do you call it?
Anyhow... I want one... no apparent reason. Hahaha

8. Contact Lenses
I don't like my glasses. Hahaha.
I know I will be needing them anyway (haha. ;-) ), so I might as well pay extra so I can use it for a long time. It will pay off. :D
I think I'll put off my DS or Gmask for it. :D

don't think. don't speak

at 2:15 PM

Finally, I'm done with whatever and whatever. Hahaha.
And it's all because of PAASCU week.

So yes, I did some designing over the week. o.O
I haven't done anything like it since seventh grade when I was still PRO.
The only thing I did over the high school years was help charles or criticize the board. Haha!

Anyhow. Here we go...

This first one, I'm not that proud of. it's so rushed. o.O
Harveen and I did it just the dismissal before.
It would have looked better if someone *coughjascoughpercough* had it all set up before sem break. o.O

It's our Photography Xelect exhibit. It can be seen in the LRC.
So, if you have the time, come over and visit it. :D 
Para di naman langawin. (but in all fairness, i've seen some interested people)

Have a look...

And here's what I'm more proud of...

It's the 3C bulletin board. Not too shabby considering grade seven pa ang huli kong gawa.
I'm just happy I was able to make one. Hahaha. I miss doing that na eh. Lol.

It's kinda corny... but whatever. Haha!

That's it. :D

Oh.. btw. Did I mention Chinaaaaaa won Best Classroom Design in the Xp Interaction?
All thanks to my pond and cj's chinese animals! :D Haha.
Sadly, we don't have pictures. :|

son, be a dentist.

Wednesday, November 12 at 7:38 PM
42 Days Before Christmas Wishlist

Okay. I'm weird. Haha!
I usually do this on December. But oh well.

Here I go... this year, I want...

1. Nintendo DS.
Somehow... I'm gonna get it.
I will!

2. Sleepcare Microbead Pillow.
It's worth P750. But it's really soft. Totally worth it.
I want one! Hahaha. (I'm a pillow hog. Can't sleep with at least two.)
For some reason, I ended up in the Sleepcare store with my cousin last Saturday. And I just saw them... and I fell in love.

3. Slippers
For the house. But not just them ordinary rubber or plastic slippers.
I want soft ones. (Like ms.cuevas's panda).
A more cushion-like version of the Shangri-la hotel slippers. Hahaha.
And not colored white since they get dirty easily. (I should know)
Problem is... where do you buy this?

4. Earphones
Mine right now are about to snap. haha!
But i'm quite hesitant on this one 'coz I just recently got headphones, which I don't use much.
Why? They're tight and sweaty... not the type I wanted.
The ones I want could have come in a cheaper price and would be more comfortable. (or are bluetooth. Hahaha!)

5. New Albums
Up Dharma Down and Sponge Cola have new albums!
And I don't wanna download them. Haha! Support OPM!

6. GMask my cellphone
I have the money na! I just keep forgetting to bring it... o.O

Everything, except for the DS, is easy to save up for. :D (that is unless YOU wanna buy them for me. I don't mind. hahahahahahahahaha!)

I don't really plan to ask my parents for any of these.
They have enough expenses to deal with.
Besides, they bought so much for me from Hong Kong
(well maybe... I was thinking... pay for half of the DS. hahaha.)

But I'm still saving money for Christmas cards and Christmas gifts for my family.
So I might get them after New Year pa. But I will. :D

you're in my arms

Monday, November 10 at 4:23 PM

I'm quite addicted to So Close (Jon McLaughlin) for some reason. I dunno.
How is it that it's both romantic and emo at the same time?

(prom blues ba? i dunno. hahaha!)

I'm trying to sing with what's left of my voice.
(I can't even reach the notes I can normally reach.)

I've mostly lost it to facilitating in XP.
But no regrets there. chinaaaaaaa!

(Why is it like there's only a few who enjoyed XP? Haha.)

Anyhow. I dunno what good a hoarse voice will do for bandfest.
Next week na. Hahaha.

But actually, I'm enjoying my hoarse voice.
It gives my singing voice a bit more of a distinguishing quality. Hehe.

I just realized I'm more of a blues and soul person. Haha.
And I guess that's what my voice was made for. haha.
(aside from the abnormally low mass song voice and the really crisp other voice)

I want some Starbucks. :D (that was random.)

welcome to georgia.

at 1:24 PM

Uhhh... it wasn't FAILURE.
But I'm not that satisfied yet.

I got all line of 9's. Save English.

Why the hell? It's English!?! Supposedly my best subject. o.O
EEEENGLISH na lang. argh.

I got the highest score for Soc Sci in the class. Haha.
Apparently, I'm the only line of 9 in Soc Sci in the class. Dead flat 90%. That's real sad.
(So my impression was right. :D It's just that everyone really did find it hard.)

But well... okay na rin.
I didn't do that bad compared to the others. :D

Optimism. :D

(daya ni kevin.g highest in socsci, fil and eng. nerd. jowk! :D peace!)

now, as for card grades.
may pag-asa pa ako for honor! yehey.
soc sci is potentially good enough kahit na may 12/20 ako. haha. sana nga totoo.
chinese... sana line of 9. though i think it's 88. o.O


Sunday, November 9 at 6:01 PM
Sem Break Blues

yeah, peeps. Sorry in ahead..... hehe.
I was just too... i dunno?
what am i talking about? you'll see.


Now, i'm worried about qt results. :|

is that my name in black and white?

Saturday, November 8 at 12:26 PM

XP Xavier-Poveda Interaction.

It was amazing! Hehehe.

Let's start the night before.
So we decorated the classrooms till around 7 plus. (Go lily pond!) That was until the guard shooed us away. o.O

I came home quite tired. After eating dinner and watching tv, I fell asleep.
Woke up at around 10:30 or 11. For some reason, instinct told me I should do my bulletin board. Sigh. (sorry C kung magmukhang corny.... :D)
I finished that at around 2am. Then I went to bed.

But going to bed doesn't mean falling asleep.
I dunno what time I finally fell asleep (I'm sure I was still awake at 4)

So yeah... I had a sleepless night.... So I was quite worried about XP. Might not have energy. Hahaha. Faci pa naman.

Anyhow. As I said, it was grrrreat.
I don't wanna go into much detail na kasi I'm quite tired and lazy.

Mass was fun! The last time I sang with a mic (in choir) was grade school pa. But no, I'm not joining glee club pa rin. Hahaha.

Group CHINA! (/chain) Woohooo! Alright, you guys!

I was quite worried at first kasi it was kinda quiet... pero as the day went by, mas umiingay na kami. Hahaha. And everyone's like... woohoo! Hehehe.

By the way... we made FRIEND! Hahaha. He's the best ever.

Our grrrrrrroup is da bomb!
Steven (and FRIEND!) was nominated for best human trophy.
Paula and I were nominated for Best Faci.
CHINA won best classroom! (thanks, cj!)
China won BEST BONDED GROUP! hoooooorayt! hahaha.

Anyhow. That was fun.
Go CHINA! Hahaha.

(i hope to steal and post pics soon :D)


Monday, November 3 at 7:54 PM
Handwriting Analysis

Stolen from Ms.M! :D
I found it interesting so I gave it a shot.

Funny thing is it's very, very realistic. Haha!

It's been a long time since my last survey/meme/blogthing/whatever.

Welcome Luis Marcelo, here is your handwriting analysis.

 Luis is moderately outgoing. His emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, he can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. He has the ability to put himself into the other person's shoes. (true!)

Luis will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes he will be happy, the next day he might be sad. He has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because he is in between. Psychology calls Luis an ambivert. (kewl! hahaha!) He understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, he will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." He doesn't sway too far one way or the other.

When convincing him to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to him. He puts himself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet he will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Luis is an expressive person. He outwardly shows his emotions. He may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story.

Luis is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. He weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when he finally has to. He basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue. (right again. :D)

 People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Luis doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

 Luis will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it! (very, very true. Hahaha! rofl)

 In reference to Luis's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. (ang galing!) When Luis slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project. (actually...)

He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Luis can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip. (nice. i think the minds are real)

 Luis is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. (true.) he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. (...again) Luis basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.

 Luis is constantly disappointed when trying to reach success. (ganun ba? parang half-true... pero half-hindi) He works very hard, perhaps harder than most, then just before succeeding, something happens that keeps him from success. (actually. totoo) Often, Luis changes to a second project just before the first one is finished, thus failing to complete the first project. Sometimes he changes because he feels he needs a different challenge. Luis feels dejected. This feeling relates to his failures. This trait is very important in a working situation and in a relationship. He must be handled in a very special way to get the most work from him or to make a relationship last. Concerning this trait, personality modification is available to change his life.

 Luis has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. He lets new people into his circle of friends. (i like that.) He uses his imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.

 Luis exaggerates about everything that has a physical nature. Although he may not intend to deceive or mislead, he blows things way out of proportion because that is the way he views them. He will be a good story teller. This exaggeration relates to all areas of his material world. Luis allows many people into his life because he is accepting and trusting. He is sometimes called gullible by his friends. That only really means that he trusts too many people. Luis has a vivid imagination. (i'd like to disagree. lol)

 Luis has a very unusual lower zone y loop. If the data input is correct, Luis's y or g is large and has triangle shape to the lower loop. This is not a common trait, but the implications are very interesting. As you begin to study handwriting analysis, you will learn any loop indicates imagination. This lower loop indicates the amount of imagination Luis has regarding sex and physical things. His lower zone stroke is large, so his sexual imagination is large and open. Furthermore, because the loop has a triangle shape, this indicates a particular curiosity with certain aspects of sexuality. In a nutshell, Luis is open to some very new ideas sexually and is willing to try anything once. I'd say Luis is quite a dynamic and playful lover. Watch out world! (ganun ba? eh di... welcome, sex life! hahahahahahahahahha!)