alyssa and dillan.

Saturday, July 28 at 10:23 PM
HAPPY!!s*: 7.28: 10.23
BEWARE! Contagious: Beautiful Girls Reply...

Oki. So this day was really memorable in its own weird way.
Pics are available at:

Well... Haha. Since Kuya and Tita are my ninong and ninang, I texted them the night before. Haha. Cyempre, they always wake up late. Hahaha.
Pero sila pa nauna sa akin. I just woke up, nandun na sia sa labas. Haha
7pm pa nga raw natulog si Kuya'eh. Haha.

So yeah. We forgot the camera. So mom and dad went over to get it. I rode in kuya's car and went to Xavier. Well, I was almost late. Hahaha. In the nick of time lang talaga. Haha!

Well. There it went. It was quite a surprise na iba ang misalette ko. It must be a sign! Hahaha.

So yeah... the piano was out of timing again. And so were we. And then kinokontra pa namin ang timing ng choir. Hahaha! But at least it's better than sing-shouting. Hahaha. I mean it wasn't a Saint Ig Luceat Lux song... but it was good enough.

Hahaha. The Bishop was fun. Hahaha. And he watched this season's blockbusters. Hahaha. Weirdly, he kept conducting us and did sign language with fervor. Hahaha. He's Tsinoy din pala.... that's the Bishop of Cubao by the way. Haha.

Weird thing. He called me Albert. Haha. He's like. Luis, be sealed with the Holy Spirit! Amen Peace be with you. And also with you, father. Ok, Albert? Hahahaha! May kasama pa yang thumbs up. Funny. Must've missed my O. Haha.

Anyhow. We ate sa Saisaki. I think I overstuffed myself. Ugh. It's not my fault they ate so slow. Hahaha. Dun ko nalaman na nakikipagkulitan ang ninong at ninang ko. Grabe. You should've been there. Tawa sobra! An dami nilang side comments. Hahaha.

By the way, Kuya Ricky is now sobrang related to me na...
So he's Kuya... as in cousin.
Then he's my ninong in baptism.
He's my kumpare because of Alex.
And then he's my ninong in confirmation.
Tapos may plano pa atang gawin akong confirmation ninong ni Alex. Hahahaha!
Kulang na lang gawin ko cyang wedding ninong in the future. Hahaha!

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not my daughter. you bitch

Friday, July 27 at 9:24 PM
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

HAPPY!!f: 7.27: 9.33
BEWARE! Contagious: nothing na...

Anyhow. I've just finished the book yesterday.


It really kept me guessing, but in the end, all your questions from either book has been answered. It was fantastic.

I mean. Everytime I read the book and fall asleep after, my dreams are usually about it. Making some assumption and what not. I really, really love it.

It had so much emotion, and I was drawn to them. The battle kept me excited. And those solemn hour. And who can forget the adrenaline rush back in the real final battle?

Each chapter really got me excited, and once I've finished it, I can't put it down no matter how much homework was piling up. I mean, it was all fantastic. And then, I'd end up reading it till late.

Right now, I'm still quite thought-less. Just wanna say it's awesome.


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no. we're not models

at 8:38 PM
Potter, Mass, CLE & FX
la lang...f: 7.27: 9.17
BEWARE! Contagious: Mass songs....
Here I go again.
Anyhow. Today made up for whatever yesterday wasn't.

I'd just like to say I've finished Harry Potter. Hah!
So let's see. I started Tuesday evening. Continued till Thursday evening.
So that's like really little hours. Weee. I'm beginning to read faster na. Hahaha.

Not like I'm complaining. Hahaha.
I plan to read the whole series. But that'd be after I've bought a copy of the first book. Yes. That's the only one I haven't read. Weird noh?


Anyhow. Today, I almost went to sleep on top of my table.
But I didn't coz it'd make me feel sickly again. So I just... I just... what did I do?


So we had a Mass.
I liked the songs chosen.
One More Gift. Anima Christi. Take and Receive. In Him Alone. Panalangin ng Pagiging Bukas Palad. How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place.
I just wish they completed it with Humayo't Ihayag.

The one I hate the most is Tanging Yaman.
Imagine me behind Mrs. Angeles. Beside my makukulit na choir-mates.
Sleeping. And at the same time, singing. Impossible... but it's happened. And it's scary.


Blah. Chinese test was eeeeveeeel.
Plus... we've got to memorize two stories for the oral test! damn.
And I barely even know the Pin-yin.


Well. A lot of people did well--acording to me--during the Oral Tests.
It really makes me nervous. Especially the content part. Partly on my nervousness.

Hayz. I just wish it was easier.


CLE was awesome.
We started it with a reflection sa chapel. That really got my stress out. I mean. I loved the reflection part. AND NO KARL! I was NOT sleeping, you..... .
I really liked the music he was playing. It calmed me down... especially the quiet time too.

And then, we played for the Mafia second half.
What's annoying is that they released me from the village.
Why? I'm not the murderer. And I'm not acting like one. Bias!


This continued for mentoring. This time, I was killed.

It's really exciting.


Well. Spent time with Mark whil waiting for FX.
And then with the H2s and Ms.A.

We started off sourly. And we did wild stuff.... i mean, i'm not the kind who does that. Hahaha. And then, we had some forum, which really was cool and lightening. Haahaha.

Went home. Haha. I'm now. Here.
I gues I better start writing about Harry Potter. Hahaha.

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terribly indelibly feasible

Thursday, July 26 at 7:02 PM
Bad Trip
Sad and/or Worried*t: 7.25: 7.18
BEWARE! Contagious: Don't Stop the Music...

Well. Today turned out to be irritating.
It was as if the it was the best when I woke up.
I guess you can actually stop the music.

Hayz. I'm still trying to think... where did it start?
Maybe it was during confirmation practice.
We were singing out of timing.
But the piano was out of timing too.... and it could barely be heard.
And no one cared to even conduct. I mean... ??
Plus, they were singing like retards... sing-shouting just to make it louder.
Could the bad music have done it?

Then again, there's all this religious wars going into my head.
And I can't make it stop.

Well. It may also be how my seatmates are blabbering and ratting away.
I'm not the type who cares much if you're not singing in a mass/practice, but for some weird reason I could've hit them on the head with the misalette.
And they kept playing around and syit like that.

But maybe it's just because the MPC was extremely hot.

What really fueled me up was some pesky asshole in his PE uniform. I dunno if he's my batchmate or not. I didn't recognize his face.
I mean, I wasn't doing anything. I was just ordering a sandwich in the grade school canteen.
And he tells me off in a boastful way.
I mean... what did I do to you?
And strangely, I could've punched him... but I kept myself calm. You know me.....
Could've just been all the weariness today.
But that feeling was weird... although good. Maybe it would have released all the inner tension.
But I don't wanna go talk about violence coz i'm not that person... i hope.

And then.... they have to ruin my day some more at home.
I mean blaming things and making me do things all over the house.
And then more syet like this and that.

Anyhow, I've managed to almost finish Harry Potter. I'm on Chapter 34 na. I know.... cool... I don't think i read the other books this fast.

Hayz. Anyhow. There's some back-comment over there that I can't stand.
I just hope... ... ...
And I wish you see this...

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your highest pleasure in every bite

Tuesday, July 24 at 10:20 PM
Harry Potter, The Speech & LTs
HAPPY!!t*: 7.24: 10.47
BEWARE! Contagious: Umbrella (Cinderealla Remix) - Rihanna and Chris Brown...

Okay. I let it get to me.
I just put the book down for a while so I won't blow my cover....

But i can't take it. It's driving me nuts! I NEED TO READ IT!
I'm on chapter 7... but I've got tons of homework... waaa!

Anyhow. Temptation is strong.
Even though it's quite sad to find that....


Anyhow. I'm still fixing my English speech.
Just thinking about it makes me nervous.
I feel like I'm going to do reaaaaal bad.
Waaaa! I mean.... base it on my oral tests.

I like being on stage better because I'm with other people.
But being alone with 33+ eyes staring at you ALONE in broad daylight.
DAMN the ALONE part. Waaaa!

And I have to talk with emotion here to give more life to Charles.

And his speech is too flattering... I'm not the best actor...
And it's quite hurtful to say my drawings suck like hell....
And why use friendster info??
Hahaha.... la lang.


Imelda Marcos must really love beauty.
That's all she ever said in her dokyu.
It made us all laugh everytime she said it.


I love Li Laoshi and that other laoshi.

I got a 92 on my LT and a 94 on my orals!

Weee... i didnt do that bad after all!

But the Filipino LT was a disaster.
Hopefully with an incentive and with the corrections, i'll still be scoring high....


Avada Kedavra

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mama, the weeping

Monday, July 23 at 8:51 PM
Wii and Write Up
la lang...m: 7.23: 9.02
BEWARE! Contagious: Mama Who Bore Me...

Well. I haven't read the seventh book simple because time doesn't want me to.


The Wii was FANTASTIC!!!

Right now, I could still feel the pain in my back from the Wii boxing, but I don't mind. It was one hell of a game. I loved it.

After the game though, I was sweating as though I played badminton. And I could feel the pain in my back and arm muscles. But hell! I loved it.

I just wish I can have it forever. Definitely still on my Christmas list.


WE're supposed to write about our partner in English class.

I simply just couldn't find inspiration. I mean. I really couldn't.

I needed that Shazam! Gladly, I have it na. Weeee. I'm typing it right now.

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slow down, baby

Saturday, July 21 at 9:03 PM
Temptation & Doctor's
la lang...s*: 7.21: 9.37
BEWARE! Contagious: My Junk - Spring Awakening...

Wow. There's a Wii upstairs. Book 7's beside me.
And in front, I have homework.

How tempting is that?


Well. My dad brought home the test Wii.
Sadly, it's not ours. Waaa.
Anyhow, since the company makes the chips needed for the Wii, they have a sample.
And my dad was able to bring it home.

I wanna try it out na.


So kanina lang, after all the hectic-ness, I got my copy of Book7.
With complementary teaser-bookmark and somekind of clear poster. Hahaha.

I wanna read it na.


Well, this morning, we went to Doctor Cheng. Hayz.
As always, the line was looooong.

So, I got some Starbucks.
Not yet pa.

We ate lunch at Pancake House.
The food there is ghastly! Not worth it.... ever. I should've just stuck with the Fried Chicken.
Not yet pa.

Getting some trouble in the rumble.
I learned my lesson. Bring a wallet... and change. In case the hospital doesn't have tissue.
Not yet pa.

Hayz. After more waiting, tsanan. Nakapasok na.

He just diagnosed me with Pharyngitis. Gave me meds. Hahaha.
So it was a good thing that I stuffed myself with all things cold.


Tutor was moved all the way till 4.
Ghastly traffic in Ortigas. But more blame is put on the doctors.

Anyhow, she's quite paranoid about China-made food. But still eats it pa rin. Hahaha.
La lang.


Well. Last night, after FX, due to the lack of sundo, Cj and I walked to his house sa Greenhills.

And we waited for his dad for...

So we just waded in the pool and talked for like soooo long. Never a hearty talk as that. We would've swam. But I'm sick. For heaven's sake.... why am I sick?!?!

And so he arrived, passed by McDo. And then I slept early. Goodnight.

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in sickness and in bleh.

Wednesday, July 18 at 2:03 PM
Being Sick
Sad and/or Worriedw: 7.18: 2.29
BEWARE! Contagious: I Believe - SA...

Well. I'm still sick. Bleh.
I'm thirty-eight today. Hayz.

Oh well. So I woke up. Sheepishly.
Ate Tapa and Scrambled Eggs.

Went to school.
Has such a humid feeling.
Eck. I felt like barfing. Ugh.

Anyhow, so the day starts.
Even Mr. Marana noticed how "tired" I was.

Most of the day, I was coughing like a horse.
And I had this really weird sensation.
I'd woke at my normal pace but felt somewhat weird while doing it.
Each period, I was thinking, "Should I go home?"

During Math period, I felt like going to the bathroom.
And I saw scrambled eggs and tapa. ;)
And that sensation I had was gone.

Well. I had gotten more energy by the time it was Soc Sci. Weeee.
Manang didn't know I was coming.
It was a good thing Manang Petma was there, so nakauwi ako.

I wanna get well.
Gonna rest now. Bye.
Hopefully, I get to go to school tomorrow.

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thirty-eight point five

Tuesday, July 17 at 8:31 PM
Sickness & Chinese MT
Sad and/or Worriedt*:7.17 :8.52
BEWARE! Contagious: Ale - The Bloomfields & Stranger - Hilary Duff...

I'm sick. What great timing. 38.5 degrees Celsius.
But I have to go to school. I've got an English LT and a Chinese LT. Damnit.

According to my sked, I can only be absent from Friday to Monday because of the Math LT.
Hayz. I wanna attend FX, I wanna see my friends and teachers, I don't wanna go catching up on shit. Especially SocSci. Lessons there are so fast paced. I wanna go out and run in the sun (well maybe not). I hate this. emoslitswrist

WEll. I either got this from the mosquitoes or from Kim.
Waaa. Get well, Kim! Get well, me!


Okay. I hate the Chinese LT.
Sobra akong kinabahan. I kept stammering.
That lowers my score together with my wrong intonations. I'm so dead.

The teacher asked me: Are you Filipino?
I'm like yeah. Wow. She can either tell from my last name, my looks or... MY BAD SPEAKING SKILLS in CHINESE.

She said: at least you gave your effort.

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my father's come to pass

Monday, July 16 at 11:59 PM
Transformers, Die Hard 4.0 & Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
la lang...s*: 11.15: 12.21
BEWARE! Contagious: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day...
Well. The three movies of July. Wow. Hahaha.

Transformers was fantastic.
It was cool. It was awesome.
It had great sounds. It was hillarious. It was filled with action. It had a cool story.
Hahaha. What else should I say?

The only prob I had was I couldn't distinguish who's who once the battle begins. I mean if two grey metal machines fight each other in close combat, won't it look like one big grey metal machine that's falling a part? But that's just me.
Really fantastic. Nothing more I can say (partly because I last saw it a long time ago.)


Die Hard was really cool no matter how impossible it was.
I liked the story. It was fantastic.
I wished his daughter and the geek got together though. Wahaha!
It was weird how the movie had PCs while the geek was actually Mac from get a Mac ad. (Justin Long)
It was filled with action and stuff. But there's this part of me that makes me say the movie wasn't whole in some way. It didn't gimme that feeling as I leave each theatre.


Anyhow. For Harry Potter. (I'll be talking more about this because it's more recent)
At first, I was quite disappointed. I mean, I read the book and I barely understood or remembered it. But the parts I actually remember and understand weren't shown in the film. They just mashed everything up to make such fast scenes which really need more substance/pace. This should be the longest movie, but it's actally the shortest.
(I was hoping for the statues of the ministry to animate as it should.)
I still love the third movie (Azkaban). It's still the best!!

It was quite weird how Lupin appeared out of nowhere to stop Harry. Hahaha. It was sudden. They should have given the order members more scenes. I liked the newspaper transition. And the way they had those repeating of lines. Like when Neville said Petrificus. Or when Harry was surprised by Moody. Hahaha.

The acting in this movie was the phenomenal. My favorites were Evanna Lynch as Luna, Imelda Staunton as Umbridge and Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange.
There's also Emma Thompson who briefly reprises her role as Prof. Trellawney. Snape was great as well. And I liked how Neville's character evolved. Hahaha. I liked how Tonks looked. I imagined her to look weird as I was reading, but she doesn't... her pink hair even makes her look great. The film needs more of her.

Evanna Lynch was like soooooo cool. A blonde emo girl. Hahaha. As I read the book, I imagined her to look not as.... But then, they made her look better. And she acted fittingly with her role. Hahaha. She sort of reminds me of Paris Hilton for some weird reason. (Maybe the hair and the voice... or something.) They really picked the right auditionee.

And then there's Imelda Staunton. (She really reminds me of Umdridge, a former GS teacher. hahaha. They're both short and stout. They both have high-pitched voices and they're both eeevvvvviiiiiiillll!) Her acting was great, she was realy able to maintain her whole character throughout the whole movie. She was always composed and weirdly "happy", but annoying and hillariouClick to Enlarges at the same time. And she really stayed that way for the whole movie.

Helena Bonham Carter. I LOOOOOOVE HER! She's all deranged and crazy and evil and cunning ang PSYCHO! Ang galing ng portrayal! I imagined Bellatrix to be boring, but she gave life into the role. Wahaha! I'd watch it again just to see her go all mental and wacko... and to hear her laugh. Ngiheeheeheehee.

And I should mention Emma Thompson. Even if she is only briefly sClick to Enlargeeen, she was superb and funny! What more if she was seen more. Wahaha! She really made me go like NAKAKAAWA! You're evil Umbridge and stuff like that. It was so sad when she was leaving, and she was going all crying na and stumbling on her luggage.

And I liked the directing. David Yates really gave the movie depth. He gave the book a darker tone. It had more deep moments and put in a few laughs too. I just wish it was more.... ...

Well. I just though of it and it isn't that bad a film. It just captured how the book really was.
Although, it seems you really must read the book to be able to understand. For example, it was Umbridge who sent the dementors. And that Cho didn't betray the DA. But the story still made sense either way.
Somehow, when you think of it more, you appreciate how good the movie was. So it isn't much of a let down. It just failed my expectations, but that doesn't mean it was bad.

But among all the Harry Potter films... still The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Followed by Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix at a close tie having both their own ups and downs.
And then Chamber... then Sorcerer.

Click to Enlarge
That's Hot.
(Somehow, they have a resemblance... at least in my view.)

Click to Enlarge
Uyy. Wahaha. Wait... somehow she looks like Violet Baudelaire.

Click to Enlarge
Oh yeah 'cause remember Rae, twenty-seven cats. Meow!
- Chelsea (Annaliese Van der Pol on That's So Raven)

Click to Enlarge
Haha HA Haha. <3

Click to Enlarge
I'm a little teapot short and stout----my voice is like the steam and behind me is the fire.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge
Ang Puti ng Kili-kili ko!
Well. This is the closest I can get, but this isn't the scene. Voldemort, in the final battle, he has a close-up shot where... you get the point. It makes me laugh remembering.

BTW. So this real cool site: It has videos.

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high ho.

Sunday, July 15 at 1:35 PM
Bad Luck and Good Luck

HAPPY!!s*: 7.15: 1.57
BEWARE! Contagious: I Believe...

well. i forgot to add something from the last post.

it was friday the thirteenth nu'ng gumimik kami.

my friends and i... welll at least me, cj, ran and varr believe in friday the thirteenth.

on the first friday, it's unlucky; by the next, it's lucky; the next is unlucky; and it goes on.

this year was unlucky.... for them. not me.

why? i dunno. maybe because it fell on a july. i dunno. wahaha!

anyhow. they had a sore day. varr had the shits. cj stabbed himself with stapler bullets. they both got forgot their scripts. and blah. blah. blah. Wahaha!

well i had my moment of bad luck too.

after the movie, we threw our trash in the biggest plastic bag. that's my watson's bag which held my MnMs.

it was overstuffed and sprite fell on my pants. it fell on my bag. and it slid down my chair to the butt area of the pants too. but i was still smiling. hindi naman halata'eh. and my day was too perfect. hahaha.


oh yeah. for those wondering about the black entry called father hascome to pass. or something like that. i made a blogspot mistake.

i pressed the publish instead of the draft. i didn't notice there was something wrong. hahaha.

so abangan ninyo na lang ang totoong entry with that title.

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but perhaps it was only an echo

Saturday, July 14 at 11:22 PM
Giver, Tutor, Mentoring, CLE & HP-Prome Gimik
la lang...*s: 7.14: 11.43
BEWARE! Contagious: Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day...

Well. I just finished reading the Giver. Even though it has a somewhat happy ending, it makes me sad. Weird, noh? Hayz. Ganiyan talaga masira ang biskwit.


Hmmm. Contemplation. That's what I was doing during Chinese tutor. If not, I was either answering questions... or sleeping.

It was quite a coincidence that the kids outside her house were playing FOOTBALL... as in American football. But we a mini-football. One that squeaks. But they sounded like they had fun. Makes me wonder what would've happened...


Wow. I can't write in the usual happy mood I'm in. The Giver makes me emo.


Hmm. Friday we had our Mentoring Period.
According to the "test", I'll give up the following things in the following order. My Pride, My Children, My Friends, My Basic Needs and, last, my Passion.
I know: eeeek. At least I didn't let my friend go before my pride, unlike some people I know. Wahaha!!

So, Mrs.S made us write our passions. And sadly, I felt like I didn't have any because the closest thing I could think of was being OC, using the computer and drawing (because of the tree I've drawn on my fan-folder). I'm a failed artist. I hate computers (although I can't live without it) and I'm not perfect. Plus, the last two don't really count as passions.

Then it donned my passion must be writing... songs, stories and blogs.
Yeah, I write songs and stories. Wahaha! Recently, I've been having some inspiration to write stories. Like that of the dead lover and the broken wedding. Wow. Hahaha.
For some reason, I feel compelled to submit it somewhere... just don't know where.


I loved my prayer for CLE class. Hahaha. I wrote it under--u guessed it--(the same) inspiration that told me to write the stories above. Hahaha. I submitted it to Michael Lim for revision. I smiled from his first comment. PARANG EXAMEN. Well, sort of 'coz I used the first person a lot, and I recalled events a lot.

Hahaha. And then a compliment from Mr Marana. Beautiful. That made my day. I haven't had an actual compliment this whole year. And by compliment, I don't mean "You're my new best friend!" For fcuking sake. Hahaha. Anyhow, it was followed by life story, lesson, blah. And then we disscused holy spirit, great big yawns, etc. Well. We had two breaks this period. First is from the thunder. Wee. Loved the refreshing rain that day. The second was at the end. I nearly completed my tree drawing. By the time it was mentoring period, I was inspired to draw the trees in the patio. Wow. Perfect timing. HOLY SPIRIT.


I believe.
There is love in heaven. I will be forgiven.
Peace and joy be with them. Harmony and Wisdom.


Hmm. So last friday, gumimik kaming mga H2.
Hahaha. That's me, kim, mark, jerza, ran, cj, varr and matt.
So Kim and Mark had to leave first and I was supposed to ride with Varr and CJ. But I said I wanna leave early since I don't wanna be late.
They wanted to leave at 6:30. But
1. It's always traffic at Ortigas during this time, and I have no plans of being late.
2. I wanted to eat a proper dinner before watching the movie.
3. I wanted to buy bath wash for swimming class.
So I left early with Mark and Kim.

Anyhow, we changed clothes, and then I followed the duo to Netopia and left them there. (And they keep teasing me for not knowing where Netopia is.) Anyhow, I went to Delifrance to check the price of a sandwich since we agreed to eat dinner there. Then I went to Watson's and get Body Wash. I find it weird why no other place has body wash. And then I went to Unimart, I was supposed to buy MnMs, but they didn't have any. So my vain self told me to buy a comb. And I did. I went back to Watsons and bught 3 packs of the Mini MnMs worth 31. Yeah. I love chocolates.

I went back to Netopia after their promised one hour. And then we argued over dinner. We ended up at Time Zone. Mark's treat. I kept winning the trivia game. But you know what was annoying. He said, di na ako kakain ng dinner. I'm like. WHAT THE FCUK? Anyhow, we saw the others na, and I was able to drag CJ with me to take a Delifrance sandwich out. And then I bought Coke and water.

So I ate dinner in the movie. At least it was better than there bucket of unhealty popcorn... and their big tub of melted fat. Eeek.
I'll review HP at a latter time.

Anyhow, we went to Fully Booked after. I was on a frantic search for Mark who was in the third level pala. Anyhow, CJ, Jerza and Ran left na. And then Mark and Kim wanted to eat. I wanted to say goodbye to Varr who was still inside, but I couldn't because I remembered Mark--my only ride home and the one who has my bag in his car--would run to his own car and leave you (like what we did to Kim when we had the Stage FX gimik). So I was forced to follow. He bought a drink and Kim had to pee upstairs. And then biglang sabi niya: "TAKBO, LUIS!" I'm like. How sad, Kim, but oh well. Anyhow. That was it.

And we waited for Kim to come looking for us. He went out once, but entered again... and we both guffawed! And he finally saw Mark's body guard. I hid in his open trunk as instructed. I stayed as quiet and as unseen as possible. But both of us wondered how Kim knew I was hiding there.

And then, home.

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i'm crap at being crap

Thursday, July 12 at 8:02 PM
End of the Day & School
la lang...

*T: 7.12: 8.22
BEWARE! Contagious: Spring Awakening...

Well. Today's end was awesome! Hahaha.

So English, we have this groupwork concerning animal idioms. And for some reason, I just started ariting a script out of nowhere. Wahaha. That easened our lives. Hahaha.
I just finished it now.

I thought we didn't have Filipino today. Hahaha. But it turned out great. We had this debate of Rizal as our national hero. And I gave my really, really long point. And then it's the other's turn... they defended Bonifacio. And I have this really cool kontra to theirs na. Hahaha!

And then PE. It was what Mr Marana called (in today's lesson) as something that seems like a desolation but actually a consolation. Yeah. That's what happened this PE class. It was swimming.

First, we were made to do 200 fcuking flutters. I mean. SO MUCH! My upper leg hurt so much, and when I got out of the pool i had cramps.

Anyhow, I was put in regular. SUCH A BLESSING! Advanced PE will be haaaard. Haha, CJ! Anyhow. It's a consolation kahit masakit kasi it feels good. Refreshing. I mean.. it's swimming. Hahaha.

Well. I got into the bus, and I started on my defense on the debate. And I'm here.


Well. School is sooo annoying.

My notes are so clean... cleaner than ever! Well, except for English, Science and Filipino. Filipino, i haven't written much. Science, it's all in the ppts. And English, it's all in the modules.

Except maybe for Science, I don't think I need reviewers.

Well Then... I'M FAILING! Particularly Math, Chinese and Soc Sci. Waaaa!
Not really failing... but my scores are so low! :((

I wanna quit Chinese advanced... but how?

But a real consolation for Math is I only have 1 failing quiz out of the suspected 3. Weee! But my average is still 85... that's minus 8 in the report card.

Yeah Grade Conscious! Whatever.


Can't wait! Watching Harry Potter tomorrow!

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sabi ni father yayaman din ako.

Wednesday, July 11 at 8:54 PM
Saturdays, Birthday, School & Aussies and Fil Teachers..
la lang...W: 7.11: 9.15
BEWARE! Contagious: Makes Me Wonder - M5, Mama Who Bore Me, My Junk, I Believe, Totally Fucked and The Bitch of Living - Spring Awakening...

Well. I've been wanting to blog for some time now. But I never got myself to actually doing it. Anyhow. Here I go.

New vain pix!

New gramamr blunder pix!

Paos ako this week. laging may parang ewan sa throat ko. I frequently clear my throat na.


Ah crap.
Mosquitoes everywhere. I can't wait to move na to the newly renovated house. Not only are there no mosquitoes, IT'S SO COOL NA! Especially my room. But I wanna move the computer to my room. But I don;t think i'll need to. If my dad starts invading the study room, I'll start moving it na. Bahala siya. Wahaha!


Ngeks talaga. May Yamaha na pala ko since noon pero di ko lang alam. Bigla lang akong tinext ng teacher ko kung bakit hindi ako pumupunta. Wahaha!

Well. Kinda stupid. Tapos ung mga 3 hour tutoring sessions ko. Evil Laoshi kasi with all the homework kaya humahaba ang tutor. I mean. Why? Hayz.

Tapos in the morning, may FX. Okay lang. I just helped in designing the set. Hahaha. Umalis na ako nang hindi pa nakakabasa. Hahaha.


Well. We celebrated my birthday in Pasig. Hahaha. Saya. Alex can walk na! Ang saya. I'm like, go to tito. I'm really glad she still remembers me over mom and dad. Hahaha. Robin's getting so botchok na. Hahaha.

pix here:


School was a great big hodge-podge. Hayz.

Laoshi calls me lucky! Hahaha. I like that.
She calls me by my first name. Jili... luck in chinese. Hahaha.
She actually remembers my name. Hahaha. Ako kasi ung laging nagtatanong ng mga kung anu-anong ewan. Laoshi, zhe shi shen me? You xiao kao ma? Wo men kao shen me? Wei shen me zhe shi blah blah blah....

Okay so I was put into the journalism. Love the teacher... so nice. Hate the teacher... so boring. First day pa lang yan at nakatulog na ako. My God. Hahaha. Bakit kaya I wasn't put in accounting or culinary? Hayz.


I'M FAILING MATH! :(( waaaaa!

But I'll do better. I hate these last 2 quizzes. And the first one too.


Well. Today, the Aussies were introduced. Hahaha. There was this one who was sobrang tangkad. Grabe! Napapatingala ka. Damn why I'm soooo short. Waaa.

Then two of them are Pinoy din. Hahaha. And the other one's like emo. Hahaha. His hair's black and he let it down. And he always looks down. Well, during the assembly at least.

And talagang unang naisip ni Kim ang tanong na.... "... pa sila" Sabi ko tanong mo na lang, "Gooday mayt. Are you...?" Ang weird nya! Yan talaga ung unang nag-pop up sa utak. Parang nung sa CLE period. Pinaghihinalaan ba naman na....

Then they had the basketball game kanina. One team won by 62. The yellow team. Can't really tell who's who since the tall guy was wearing blue and the emo guy was wearing yellow. So I think they're mixed.

We saw a lot of people there. Like Mr. M and Mr. Legs. Then Mr. Pinlac was coaching/referee-ing. May isa dung vain na nakisama sa picture ng mga naglaro. Sino kaya yun? Hahaha. And then Mr. Enriquez was there din... and guess kung anong sinabi ni Kim. Hmmmm....

Well, since we're in the topic of Filipino teachers, Kim teased Ms.Cuevas ulit during the assembly. May tumbok na daw cya... buntis daw. Kala ko ba that died down last year?
Tapos hiyang-hiya na siya kay Ms Martinez. Una daw kasi eh may reputation na siyang oily ang skin at dumidikit ang oil sa table. (This was proven by Babsi. he tooked chalk and marked the other table. It marked. He marked Kim's table. Thin line lang. Wahaha!) Tapos nung kanina sa workroom.... Hahaha.

Ang sama sa mga niya sa Fil teacher. (Siguro kung mabasa niya toh, sasampalin na naman ako gamit ng face towel. Hahaha!) Defense niya: "Mabuti naman ako kay Mrs. Enaje." Hahaha.


Well. I'm beginning to love the cafe. Halos linggo-linggo na akong pumupunta doon. I wonder kung may MSG sila. Hmm. That's not good. Sana wala para healthy. Hahaha.

Well, nilibre ulit kami (CJ & I) ni Sean after the game. Weeee! Nakakain na siya nang mabuti this time. Hahaha.


And we toured workrooms kanina. Before the game, to Ms.A to talk. And then CJ remembered we needed a girl. Hahahhaha! She said yeah. Haha.

And then to the HS faculty to report it. She wants permission kasi. hahaha. Anyhow, Mr. Legs wasn't there.

And then after the game, du'n ulit. And he was there after a while.

Tapos nung dumating si Perps, sinumbong ko si Kim. Hahaha. Am'bilis tumakbo... tapos nung bumalik sinampal ba naman ako ng face towel nya. Hahaha.

And then sa grade 6. Chat with Ms.V and Ms.M. Hahaha.

Anyhow. GTG.

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mama the angels

Friday, July 6 at 9:02 PM
la lang...F: 7.6: 9.44
BEWARE! Contagious: Totally Fucked & Mama Who Bore Me...

Well. Today was the Stage FX auditions.

Hahaha. The day before... I didn't print the script. Coz they were 57 pages. Wow. Sooo much ink and paper. Waa. Anyhow. So I decided not to print it yet..
Well. Except for this page that had a monolog of the character I wanted to audition.

Well. I wasnt able to memorize it. And I was discouraged on how I do the lines. It seemed weird kasi. So I decided na I'll audition on the second play... and work under Stacey for this prod.


Well. Varrick suddenly decided to audition. No need to memorize na kasi. U can read. (Note, still no plans of auditioning). So i decided to help him. Im like coaching him and stuff. I got all nervous for him nga eh. Hahaha!

So the auditions were done by batch. On h2, varr muna. And then cj. And then mr. legs was like LUIS! And I'm like I won't audition. (and stacey's like ASSISTANT!) And he's like u must audition. And then... I looked for a role. Any role.

Wow. Just noticed It's another force audition... like last year when I was forced to do Hulugan. WEll. I got the part then and it did help me. I mean... i got a role even if I wasnt put in the part I auditioned for. And my Filipino improved! Hahaha. So maybe being in this new play won't be so bad.

Anyhow. I looked for a role. And I found one. It was a bit easy pero halatang hindi bagay sa pagkatao ko. Haha. So un.

And then when they were announcing... I got a bigger role. the one I didn't audition for. And the sad part was that was the one Varr auditioned for. So i'm like sorry varr! Haha. Well, come to think of it, last year, I stole the role Mark wanted. Kristiyano. Hahaha. Parang epeat na naman cya. Hahaha!

Well. I now have this role. I hope it goes well.
And I hope I still get a chance to get in to the 2nd play. Hahaha!


AND DAYA NI MARK! He's watching first row of Christian Aguilerra with back stage passes. Waaa!


Well. I'm right. The ID was in the ODS.


Anyhow. I just finished printing the script. Waa... the trees! And I had printing probs since the printer skipped some pages and blah blah blah. Anyhow. I did it. It's done. And it's now in a slide folder with my big name on it so that it wont get lost like last time. (And I saved on buying a slide folder or clearbook by actually searching if i had one)


I was able to find Spring Awakening songs! Yay me!

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soy estupido

Thursday, July 5 at 6:09 PM
Bad Luck? Stupidity? some stuff
Sad and/or Worried*T: 7.5: 6.37
BEWARE! Contagious: Quando and Infatuation...

Oki. Senti music. wahaha.

Well. Sheer stupidity.
And it all started during Science class. How unlucky.

Here's how it goes.
I take my experiment sheet out of my clear book since Mr. Quijano told us to add Sudan 4 to the procedure. And then he says pass the Homework sheet. So I pass it in the mess that is my table.

Then we head to the Science lab. I figured I'll leave my bag in the room since it was heavy, so I bring my pen, my clear book and the food to be experimented on.
FIRST BIG MISTAKE: Not bringing my bag. My experiment sheets aren't inside my clearbook. I took it out and it is now in the bag.

So I find out in the lab. So sure, by this time I'm thankful that Mrs.X isn't my teacher. (No offence, cher!) Why? She'd throw anger upon me and go ballistic. Magiging oober guilty ako nu'n.

So.. I head into the ODS. Got the key. Gave my ID. (warning! warning!) Somehow, I remember the face of the ID before me.
So I head to 2B. Stroke of bad luck! The key was faulty. WTF?! WHY ME!?! Anyhow, I inform Ms. Rocafort and return the key. She said she'll inform Mr Manahan once he's back from his lunch.

So okay. I don't have the sheet. But it's okay. Mr. Quijano lets us bring it home because we usually run out of time. (Another reason why I'm glad it's not Mrs.X) So he won't collect it. Phew.
So I worked by stealing Babsi's or Caloy's sheet. I made up for it by making my self oober busy. Hayz.

Anyhow. The day passes. And PE is there. Sadly, I forgot to wear rubber shoes, pero okay lang kasi my PE is swimming. Pero still... mukha akong yagit na naka-shorts at tshirt na may leather shoes.

Hayz. Anyhow, we were kinda late. Got shocked by the 15 lap skill test. Hayz.

Well. Gate 4.. the bus arrives. I was about to leave.... until.... until...
can u guess? *great and long pause* I lost my ID. I was so harassed. And syit like that. Where is it. Where is it. Where is it. Where is it.
So I leave without my ID. My name is listed... I don't want a green slip. Waaa! (Somehow, I won't feel guilty if this is the cause of my greenslip coz it's just loss of ID. It's not like I punched someone or insulted a teacher. But still... i don't want one.)

So when I get into the bus, frantic search pa rin. I gave up and just thought... where could it have fallen. Surely not during recess because I was counting my money and could clearly see my ID. So think... think... think.... It could have fallen out of my wallet while I was changing clothes for PE. HOW WONDERFUL! This means my dad would have something to sermon about. He perpetually hates the magic wallet because things may fall... and this ia added reason of hating it.

But I kept thinking. Until... I remembered a face. a face. a face. And it was clear to me. Can you guess how I lost my ID? *another long pause* Yes! You're right! I left it in the ODS. For fcuking sake. ARGH! I know. Me estupido.


Other than that, there's the case of the missing homework. Well, I print most of my homework, and put it in my file folders. I'M VERy SURE. They're there But they go missing! 3 HWS! Soc Sci's Buddhism and Hinduism, and Filipino's talata. WHY ME? Hayz.


You may have noticed. I never typed Haha. I was proofreading (for the first time) and I noticed it too.


Well. I'm thankful I saw Obie's line.

The Chocolate War is set in Massachusetts and not in England. So bye-bye British accent.

I've been having problems because of this. Over the summer, I tried perfect pronunciation leading to me sounding like a half-American person. And somehow, the British accent I used to be able to perform disappeared.

I mean it got lost... I was able to say my whole grade seven oral piece in a non-intentional British accent. Ironically, the poem's name was I am a Filipino. (by Carlos Romulo)

Sadly, my American accent is bulol. So I don't expect much there.

(But hey, I still have the a-accent, the Soph Prof accent and the new yet-unnamed accent.)


I can't wait. After FX next week, it's HARRY POTTER!

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Birthday Chronicles Vol. 1 Pt. 2

Monday, July 2 at 9:36 PM
What happened.
HAPPY!!M: 7.2: 9.48
BEWARE! Contagious: Love Stoned - Justin Timberlake...

Okay. So I won't begin with today even though it really did begin today.

I'll start with tomorrow. No, not Transformers and the like, that deserves another post. Hahaha!
What I'll talk about was our trip to Podium. Why? 'Coz its when got my cellphone. Weee. Hahaha!

Well, we were arguing which mall to go to. And we finally said Podium because it had the Nokia shop. So that's where we went to first. So when we entered after a long talk on how to choose phones I just quickly pointed at my choices. The 7390 and the 5700, which I just discovered a few days ago.

Both phones have the same features. But they have different emphasis. 7390 on fashion and 5700 on music.

I wanted the flipphone. But the thing was, it didn't fit me at my age. It looked like an old person's phone. So I chose the twistphone. And I think I made the right decision. I got the 5700. And it's awesome!

By the way, I found out it was only recently released. Hahaha! Bagong-bago! Wahaha. My first non-second hand phone, and it's new off the market. Wahaha! Anyhow. That was a great expense. Hahahaha.


So today. I woke up. Worried in the bus again. Hahahaha.

The first person to greet me--other than the peeps at home and those who greeted me in advanced--is.... Can u guess? Kim

Yeah. I know. Among everyone, he was the first to greet me.
But the annoying part is... 1-It took him 20 whole minutes to remember by himself. 2-Biglang sumigaw ng LIBRE! (Cyempre... he's a pig. What do u expect?)

Anyhow. Day went as normal as usual. Until. tsan-tsanan. Fate has it.
Mr. Perez called me to do Examen. Wow. So okay. Like that.

So lunch came, and I went to practice in the ODS. And I found out: I'm doing it today. LIVE. WTF? Bigla lang. God works wonders talaga... especially on your birthday. Hahaha!

Anyhow, AN DAMI KONG MALI! Grabe. I mean. I was so nervous that my pronunciation of some words isn't nice. Hayz! Anyhow, at least it wasn't as bad as Friday's prayer. At least now, my knees weren't shaking like hell.

Anyhow. Right after dismissal, I got a piece of paper saying their was the Peer Faci Interview. I hope I get in kahit na may interview was so sabog... just likt the essay. Hayz.

Okay. So I just bought chocolates a while ago. Giving them out instead of libre. Makes my life MUUUUUUCH easier. Hahaha!

Oki. So when my dad got home, he just gave me the iPod dock with speakers and alarm. Wow. Hahaha! But I'm not going to use it yet. I'm going to use it once we transfer... on my bedside. Hahaha!


Well. First, I wanna greet Lindsay Lohan happy birthday too! Hahahaha!

But that isn't it.
This July and end of June ahs been great. God really has given me a lot of things this year.

Last week was my parent's 20th wedding anniv.
Just last week I did PA prayer. And today, the examen.
At the end of the month is my confirmation.
Friday the lucky 13th is this month, too.
My first passing Math quiz was taken today.
Transformers, Die Hard and Harry Potter come out this July.
Book7 of Harry Potter comes out this 21st.
On July 7-the day of my family get-together-is 7-7-7.
Christina Aguilerra is coming this week too... kahit na walang relasyon at di ako pupunta. Hey... Big Night din. Hahaha. Was yesterday.. (still, no relation)

And so many other stuff have happened.

You just have to be grateful to the Lord. He's such an inspiration.
HE really does things unexpectedly and just when it's needed. Hayz.

(Wow. How CLE is this getting?)

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