i'm crap at being crap

Thursday, July 12 at 8:02 PM
End of the Day & School
la lang...

*T: 7.12: 8.22
BEWARE! Contagious: Spring Awakening...

Well. Today's end was awesome! Hahaha.

So English, we have this groupwork concerning animal idioms. And for some reason, I just started ariting a script out of nowhere. Wahaha. That easened our lives. Hahaha.
I just finished it now.

I thought we didn't have Filipino today. Hahaha. But it turned out great. We had this debate of Rizal as our national hero. And I gave my really, really long point. And then it's the other's turn... they defended Bonifacio. And I have this really cool kontra to theirs na. Hahaha!

And then PE. It was what Mr Marana called (in today's lesson) as something that seems like a desolation but actually a consolation. Yeah. That's what happened this PE class. It was swimming.

First, we were made to do 200 fcuking flutters. I mean. SO MUCH! My upper leg hurt so much, and when I got out of the pool i had cramps.

Anyhow, I was put in regular. SUCH A BLESSING! Advanced PE will be haaaard. Haha, CJ! Anyhow. It's a consolation kahit masakit kasi it feels good. Refreshing. I mean.. it's swimming. Hahaha.

Well. I got into the bus, and I started on my defense on the debate. And I'm here.


Well. School is sooo annoying.

My notes are so clean... cleaner than ever! Well, except for English, Science and Filipino. Filipino, i haven't written much. Science, it's all in the ppts. And English, it's all in the modules.

Except maybe for Science, I don't think I need reviewers.

Well Then... I'M FAILING! Particularly Math, Chinese and Soc Sci. Waaaa!
Not really failing... but my scores are so low! :((

I wanna quit Chinese advanced... but how?

But a real consolation for Math is I only have 1 failing quiz out of the suspected 3. Weee! But my average is still 85... that's minus 8 in the report card.

Yeah Grade Conscious! Whatever.


Can't wait! Watching Harry Potter tomorrow!

best viewed on http://dewerants.blogspot.com/

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