Christmas '06 and Other Exploits

Wednesday, December 27 at 3:29 PM
HAPPY!!W: 12.27: 3.31
BEWARE! Contagious: Nano Love.... Ahahaha!...
5 days till New Year
That's right. <3iPod<3 .
Hahaha. Shallow? Definitely.

Not as grand as I expected it to be. But still the best of all holidays. Haha. Wow. How it went by. ENTER.

It started okay. The regulars. blah. Somehow, it was boring. I loved it in Crame. They were absolutely more fun. Why? Most probably because there are less people now. Most of our relatives--the Syquios, the Garcia-Carrancejas--have migrated to teh US. Damn. I miss those days. More cousins. Hayz.
Well. Gift giving. Elf-business. Eating. The usual. Hmm. I miss the Lengua. It was replacced by roast beef. Sana sa new year meron. Wow. And the lechon was, once again, makunat.

At first, I thought I saw it already. But I was disappointed to think it was not IT. (Confusing?) And then... I saw it. NANO. Good enough... I wanted the Video but oh well... LURVE. Haha.
And so, the reason I haven't blogged... other than the fact that there's a lack of time and that i haven't uploaded the pictures... is that I have been busy trying to work iTunes out. That evil player. Especially the fact that it won't convert DRM-WMAs and that it can't separate artists. Damn. Oh well.

Haha. I slept at around 3. Shucks. bakit pa kasi ako sinama? Ma-bo-bore lang naman ako doon. Hayz. Oh well.

I had sort of a "headache" if you know what I mean, and I rather not express my grief. All I can say is that I'm so happy that I got myself some iPod accesories and An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle. (BTW: I also now ahve The End)

Tito Dick arrived last night. Wow. There was so much pasalubongs. Even an mp3 player. Really grateful! Wow. They're really thoughtful. Haha. Trisha now has a webcam, too. Hehe. Well. The night was also boring. Haha. Oh well.

Hayz. So short? Yep.
Now, I must go continue fixing my iTunes. Damn that player.

2 reps.:

Unknown said...

It was replacced by roast beef.

ROAST BEEF!! >:) JOKE. Both are equally good...lengua and roast beef...literally.

OMG! You went to a bar?!

Anokaba? Don't damn iPod! haha! or iTunes! You wanted it...the whole packages goes with it. hahahah!!! :)

Unknown said...

*i meant package...not packages