Choral Recit

Thursday, December 7 at 6:17 PM
HAPPY!!*T: 12.7: 6.49 got random... what's in your head?
18 days till Christmas

So it was our choral recitation today. After, more or less, 10 hours of practice, it all came down to those last five minutes. Wow.
With shifting ratings from me, our final (during lunch) was 7. I was worried. but that was great because there was a big shift. Hehe.
And might I say, only that day were you loud. And I was lovin' every minute of it. If only you got the tning right, but of course, you can't expect the whole class to stress stuff, prolong stuff, etc.
I was contented, but I knew it wasn't good enough. Haha.

I have officially become Hitler. Hail, Hitler! Cyempre, nakuha lo ang skills na 'yan mula sa nag-iisang dikatora. Hail, Diaz! Haha. And I'm so proud of myself! Haha. During lunchtime some time before, before leaving with Paul, Francis, CJ and Varr said: "HAIL, HITLER!" Together with the hand gesture. Haha. I said thank you! Haha. Proof#2: I shouted at the people who were peeking inside our classroom as we practiced. Some told Paul they're lucky to have a kind director like him. Mic told me he's now afraid of me. Haha. (Well, that takes care of people with thoughts about science.)

In the morning, WE WERE SOOOO BUSY! Haha.
Mykee, Weston, Karl and I made the banners.
Charles, Kim, Christoper and others fixed the crowns and the wand.
Shucks. What I did was really cool! What sucked were the crowns. Gr. Haha. During the contest pa nga, we had to make last-minute adjustments to the crown of Edmund. It was downsized so much. But it looked better. Haha.

BTW. I got a 91 in the Chinese LT. First reaction: I PASSED! Haha.
I also failed today's Filipino quiz. EVIL MS. CUEVAS! She said it was post discussion so I didn't read. But it wasn't!!! Ahh. Learend lesson. Read.

Oki. So we got ready and went down. Just then, I ask Karl Kue about his folder. HE DIDN'T BRING IT!!!!! I swear, I could've murdered him there and then. First, he forgets about his jeans. And then he forgets about the folder!!! He tried to get the key but he was denied of it. I told Ms. Afuang, and Mr. Gabriana agreed na. Hayz. It's a good thing Ms. Afuang was there. Or else, it's either we're going to be toasted in the contest or we would be going to the cemetery to bury him while I'd be imprisoned. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Oki. They were all so good! I didn't care that much though. Although I was calculating our chances of winning, I wasn't betting on it. Haha. I KNEW WE SUCKED. PERIOD. When it was our turn, we were so nervous. I though I would forget the actions. Gosh. Haha. So I wished them good luck. Then we started.
Wow. The marching of the soldiers was a menace!! Aye caramba! Oki. So everything else went smoothly. But I still knew we sucked. MY SEATMATES WERE JUST LIFTING THEIR SPIRITS BY SAYING WE DID WELL. Hehe.

So everything went by. Before the announcement of winners, they ahd a best dressed contest. AN'SAMA N'YO KAY RYAN. PERIOD. Then that was it. We won Best Choral Piece. (which by the way I though we wouldn't win because I didn't see the full potential of David's work. NO OFFENSE.) And then. 1F (Varr's section) won 2nd. 1B (CJ's) won first. I was totally shocked when they announced...

OMG! Haha. VERy, VERY UNExpected. On stage, I was mostly NR. But when I got down and sat, I noticed that we did really well because the prize was VERY VERY VERy unexpected. *SHOCKed* I was all happy after that. Really happy. VERY! Haha.
All my hard work in directing the ever un-direct-able IC. And most of all, my class's hard work from bearing with me--the ever lenient first time director turned evil Hitler after a few practices--paid off so much!

i'm sooooo proud of you guys, 1c!

To leave you, I have here out choral piece.

The Fall and Rise of Edmund
by David Tan

Edmund, how could you do such a thing?
And yet still end up as a king?
The story went like this of course
The history of Edmund’s remorse

In through the wardrobe, Edmund wandered
And little did he know, he stammered
Upon the land of Narnia, where pine trees grow
The expression of awe, he seemed to show

Stumble upon the White Witch, he did one day
With her cruel elf servant and a horse-drawn sleigh
She invited him to talk for just a while
Her gift of Turkish Delight made poor Edmund smile

He told her every little thing he knew
And the White Witch’s face went askew
His other siblings, she also wanted
The doubt on Edmund’s face, it flaunted

But with her offer of more Turkish Delight
Edmund thought that was oh, so right
And so he did take the White Witch’s side
Little did he know, he was in for a bumpy ride

And he spent more time with the “queen”
Her true colors, he must’ve seen
Edmund got scared, he wanted to flee
But this was hard to do without anyone to see

Luckily for Edmund, his siblings won him back
From the evil queen in whose joy there was lack
After sorry was said and a few hugs were made
A new bond was made, one that would never fade

With the vast knowledge of Aslan put to the test
And the siblings’ courage maximized to its best
The foolish White Witch was overthrown
And Narnia was spring, the flowers grown

With the stone table cracked and the rivers flowing
All the snow melting and the creatures rejoicing
The once trapped land of Narnia was finally free
To show its beauty, to be all that it could be

And thanks to the force of four that united
Especially to Edmund whose heart ignited
Everything is finally normal in Narnia
Completely rid of the White Witch’s mania

***Sorry if the photos have no people. It's not my fault we didn't have a cameraman during the event***

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