throw him

Monday, June 1 at 12:00 AM

Sigh. Today was an awesome day.
Sure, it's raining, but I felt really good.

I got THAT feeling again. Like you're really light.

I guess it's partly because I slept wonderfully, and I didn't have to wake up for Mass.
Just woke up on my own pace. Took a bath... and not in a rush. Felt really fresh.

No worries really.

I read more stories from the book I was given. :D
And I watched In the Land of Women... which wasn't bad. It was... good actually.

I went to Mass in the afternoon. Walked to church, actually, though it was raining.

LOVE. I wish everyday was like today. No worries.

Going back to church.

Bad English was killing me. Hehe.
(title...with him, and in him)

But something struck me.
After taking communion. I went back to my seat, knelt and prayed. Then I sat back down. I wasn't leaning on the backrest since someone was still kneeling, praying.

I couldn't help but overhear some of the words she was saying. She was actually saying it out loud. Though not loud enough for me to hear. (Mind you, I wouldn't eavesdrop on some stranger.) The only thing that she said with the most conviction enough for me to hear was peace of mind.

But was struck me the most is that she was crying.
Yes, she was. I could hear her.

She made me think about my own religion.

Anyhow. That's mostly it. I had an awesome day. How was yours?

0 reps.: