let the sun shine in!

Wednesday, June 24 at 8:25 PM

This blog will be composed of totally random thoughts.
I'm having a headache at the moment from wearing my classes for too long a time, but I can't see the screen without them. As such, I cannot properly arrange my thoughts. Bear with me.

Hmm. Where do I begin?

Let's start with a topic that's timely.
Xavier declared there....


Talk about that later. I got a sudden surge.

I can't blog properly.
I feel so... caged.

Well, ever since Mr Nicolai made blogging homework (well, one a week), I've felt so caged when I write. Like it has to have perfect this and that. Argh.

I dunno. And I'm the one in the class who blogs the most.
Sigh. It's a good thing I'm already used to blogging in (almost) straight English. See my Blogspot for all my old Taglish blogs.

Anyhow, where was I?
Ah yes. Classes have been suspended. Xavier now has a confirmed AH1N1 case.
(Please do pray for him.)

Now, when I first heard the news--sometime in the afternoon--my reaction was... What was my reaction again? Oh yes, I was dancing around.
Then again, I was dancing around even before I heard. leeeeeet the sun shiiiiine!

Well. Unlike most, I'm actually quite relieved.
I've been feeling really stressed these past few days. To think it's only the second week of school. I really need the rest, and I was granted just that. THANK YOU!

I dunno how ELF is going to work out. I hope it does.
(See, take a look at that. I like my colloquial British spelling of "don't know." Do I have to change that to just so that I'd be grammatically correct?)

What I'm quite worried about is how things will work out when we get back. Sigh.
If life were more simple.

Anyhow, I hope the teachers don't dump us with a million reading assignments and stuff.

Well. Transformers is showing now.
I dunno. I'm not as excited as everybody else. Looking back at the old Transformers movie, the only things I liked about it were the small hints of comedy and Megan Fox. Hehe. I cannot CANNOT understand robot fight scenes. It's just metal clunking. I can do that with pans at home, and I can still differentiate which pan is which.

But hell, I'll still watch it. Why wouldn't I?

In other news, I'm having evil thought regarding green slip virgins. Hihihihi.
Nah... I'll be good.

Well. My current addiction is the newly revived musical Hair.
I only have the soundtrack, I need to see it. Anyone with a vid?

Anyhow. I'm supposed to be talking about more stuff, but the aforementioned headache is not helping me remember.

I guess I shall go watch a movie on my iPod now.

Enjoy the clips. :D

0 reps.: