Varie + Fair

Friday, March 2 at 12:10 AM
HAPPY!!F: 3.2: 12.21
BEWARE! Contagious: This Guy's in Love with You and Bongga Ka Day...

I had such a wunnerful time. Hahaha. Let me start with the Varie. (BTW: This also doubles as my computer project that’s why it’s a bit straight English.)

What can I say? It was the best. THE BEST! It was so exciting and I enjoyed all the bands. Hahaha. I’ll be uploading pictures soon. Haha. So right after making my last minute arrangements on our fair booth, I rushed home. We walked towards a taxicab and I dressed up. I charged batteries, picked out clothes, the usual.

When Trisha arrived, we went to Gate 4. It was packed with people but the line moved fast. That was a good thing. While falling in line, we kept talking. I was also communicating with Paul, CJ and Varr via text. Apparently, they were already inside… right. (What they meant was they were inside the school but not inside the varie area. In the canteen, to be exact. And they really made me call them so that I could ask where they were seated. Grr. I only saw them thrice: in their seat in the sports center, when they moved to the quad,a nd when I brought them home, except for Paul who went home at around 8) When I went in, I did as I said. When I found that they weren’t inside. I looked for some people I know, so I can get a seat. I found Charles… with Kim, Mark, Michael Lim, Jervis, Kenrick and Chris Ureta. Kenrick was spending his time there before he moves on to the sponsor area.

Later, these seats would be useless. For now, we used it as aour barracks, we bought pizza. Or shall I say Michael Lim bought us pizza. Wee! Thanks! We also got Pepsi and some glow sticks. Haha. I got all the colors. Mark went loco and filled his arm with glow sticks. Also, we were stealing some from Kim. We traded the colors we didn’t like and those that were quite defective. Hahaha. He was off buying pizza and left his glow sticks on the chair. Hahaha. Well, most of the time, we talked and talked. It was fun! We really didn’t mind the emcees and amateur bands that were playing. Hahaha.

When Imago started, we didn’t really mind them… Until they sang Taralets! I was able to catch her dancing on video. Hahaha. As for Charles, he practically recorded the whole variety show or shall I say Voice of the Youth Concert. BTW: from this part on, we never used the seats. We ran to the mosh pit. Hehehe. After Imago, I ran back to our seats since it was only Charles, Kim and I in the mosh pit. We collected Chris, my cousin Trisha and Mark. Jervis was nowhere to be found but joined us in the pit at a latter time. Kenrick was already in the sponsor area. Lucky kid. After Imago, Gng. Enaje graced the stage to introduce the real emcees in her strict teacher impression called Mrs. Dimatulak. From then, we found out the hosts were Mo Twister, Andy9 (Manzano) and Miss Earth Philippines. They introduced the cause of the concert showing off some Kapamilya stars. Haha. Then, they introduced Chicosci. They were so good! I loved Seven Black Roses. They were also throwing glow sticks around. Haha. They also sang Sexy Back. SO COOL! I wish they sang the whole song though because they didn’t. Next was Calla Lily. They also threw glow sticks and I was lucky enough to catch one. Hahahaha! They sang the intro of Welcome to the Black Parade. (A song that was overused during the whole varie. This was also done by an amateur band). BTW: during the whole time we were in the mosh pit, we slowly moved forward from the back part until we reached the stage… this happened by the time Dicta Licence was playing.

Alright, after Calla was Kamikazee, and they were wild! THE BEST! Each song was so filled with life. He did head stands, impressions, everything imaginable! COMEDIC! THE BEST! They put on a really great performance. Loved it! We were even shouting for them to play Narda. Narda! Narda! Narda! Narda! After Kamikazee was Kjwan. Unlike last, year I could now understand what they were saying. He wasn’t just shouting nonsense… I heard music. GREAT MUSIC! The best! I loved Pintura! And they were really friendly with us. They even gave out posters. I wasn’t able to catch one. But they were really wanted. One girl raised up her open poster… it was ripped. That’s how much people wanted it. Hahaha! By this time, we were in the front already. By the time Mo was hosting again, all of us in front felt a longing for water. (BTW: everyone went to the back already… except for Charles, Michael Lim, Trisha and I) Therefore, I wasn’t able to pay much attention to Dicta License since I kept begging for Michael Lim to go to the very back (Sports Center) from our position in the fence separating us from the stage so that he could get water. Nothing happened. Soon, everyone slowly came upfront (including Jervis, except for Kim, Chris went back again)

After Urbandub performed—which was also great! I loved it! They were so good. Especially First of Summer!!! They rocked!—I forced Michael to accompany me to get water. Wow. Then, I found out there was no more water. Out of stock. Zilch. Nada. Not even soda or Gatorade. So we just drank from the water fountain and bought Dippin’ Dots for everyone. THAT WAS EXPENSIVE!! A hundred a cup. What a waste. But it quenched our thirst. So it was worth it. All this happened while the AC dance troupe was performing. By the time we got back from all the squeezing in, the Ateneo HS dance troupe was performing already. Everyone was excited by the EXPENSIVE Ice cream I bought. Hahaha. Rivermaya was up next.

Just when we were settled, we all got thirsty again. This time, Trisha, Charles and I went back to buy anything. We finally found water. It was available again! WEEE! WE bought P200 worth of water and trudged on. Finally, we found that we were being blocked by a barricade of bouncers. When we couldn’t get in, we just told Mark to come to us to get the water… so that they could at least have water as they were in front. Since he couldn’t hear us, we called Jervis. They went to us, and got our water. WE went on back and sat down for a while. After a few good minutes of rest, we tried to find another way to enter. We tried the right side since the left side was being locked. We found Chris and he showed us the way. Apparently, the Bouncers on that side were so moved by Rivermaya that they were “akbay-akbay at nagwawagayway.” HAHA! Our companions in the front were surprised to see us again. Haha. We finally caught the last of Rivermaya and watched Francis M who was next. He was less talk and more sing-rap.

After him, they moved the front fences for the fashion show. The organizer was so excited but there were still 2 dance troupes. Hahaha. ICA went first. They were really good. They were followed by Poveda which only danced to one song and were composed of so much people. Haha. After that, Sandwich was preparing for their turn as the models readied themselves, too. Since there were a lot of models, they went first. Sandwich was done by the time they were in their mid-start. Since the fashion show went before them, the drummer was drumming furiously as the fashion show’s song was playing. Eventually, they made him stop. In the same way, they stopped the fashion show, too. They were stopped by Gang Badoy, the RockEd girl who introduced Rivermaya earlier. She was saying something like saying sorry to Sandwich. When Sandwich was performing, the Vocalist was fuming. The expression on his face was so scary. He just stood there singing. On the second song, he went wild a bit. He mocked the fashion show, too. In the end, he got mad telling us never to singit. Hehehe.

After that, Itchyworms leveled the tension a bit. The alumni sang their songs, and were followed by Sponge Cola. Before their intro, Mo and Andy said their goodbyes saying Sponge was the last performance. The crowd was wondering what happened to Dance X. Sadly, no answer was given. Sponge Cola came up. THE BEST! THE REAL BEST! THE MOST AWAITED! THE ONE THAT DID AN ENCORE! THE BEST!!!!

We went home at around past 1:30. it was really late but definitely worth it. I loved the show it was the greatest. Michael left during Sandwich. Kim left a few after him. Mark left before the Itchyworms. Charles left during the Itchyworms. Chris left before Sponge leaving my couz’ and I the last to watch Sponge… alone. WORTH IT! It was so sad that my camera was empty-batt during Sponge. The closest thing we had to pictures were on Trisha’s 3650, which weren’t high-res. Annoying! At least I have the memories. Hehehe. Throughout the whole varie, I’ve been shouting and screaming and singing and singing-shouting. That was the best varie I’ve been to. That P300 was well-spent. Hay.


The fair was such a wonderful experience to me because a lot of unexpected things happened to me. I arrived in our booth hours before my shift and started on some work. I made a new poster to advertise because no one was arriving. When I was not doing this, I was helping customers play the game or pumping some balloons.

After this, I escaped to take some lunch with Varrick. Then, we rode the octopus twice. It was so exhilarating to ride it, especially when the ride would go so fast. After the second ride, I took a drink and returned to help out in my booth. After my shift was finished, I left together with my friends to ride the octopus. On this third time, I rode it alone while Michael and Kyne sat together. Kim, on the other hand, sat alone because his size didn’t permit him to have a partner. Opposite my seat was Mr. Young. Once again, as we went around, I kept screaming and shouting, not only just to express how much fun I’m having, but also to tell the mechanic to make it go faster. “MANONG! BILISAN N’YO PO!!!”

After this third time, we went on to the wet maze booth to cool ourselves on that very hot day. Coincidentally, Ms. Cuevas, our Filipino teacher, was handling the booth. We hid all our belongings and then ran inside the maze with a bottle of water. As we were being wet by the handlers, we too wet each other. It was just after this that we realized we should have kept the bottle of water so we can wet Ms. Cuevas. So we tried one more time. Sadly, they didn’t give us water anymore. Since our plan to wet her failed, we just decided to take a picture of her. And she got wet. Hehehe.

After that, we rode the octopus once more to dry ourselves. Sadly, the operator didn’t make the ride go faster. It was annoying, but we were content. After which, I went back to our booth to help out a bit and then I left with all the seniors wetting each other. It was truly a fun-filled and enjoyable day. I had so much fun!

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