tagged by Nikki. :D.... 10 facts naman.

Tuesday, April 22 at 11:42 PM
Post the rules: 
*each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. 
*bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. 
*at the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names. 
*don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I have performances in the shower.
Normal people sing. I do that and more. There's dancing too.
This is the one reason I take long in the bathroom. (Other than when I'm sleepy.)
Yeah, embarrassing but true.

2. I always listen to my iPod when I sleep.
These past few weeks, that's been my habit.
I just find my iPod low in charge when I wake up. That is.. after I find it in my bed.

3. I am STRICTLY OC when it comes to my music library.
Before anything can be loaded to my iPod. Before anything can be listened to on my computer, it has to go through my Tag Editing. All info must be correct--title, artists, album, album artist, genre, album cover, track, year, rating.

4. I have sweet teeth... a habit I'm trying to change but CAN'T!
Chocolates WILL ALWAYS brighten my day.

5. I easily get jealous.
I get jealous quickly when someone really CLOSE to me has plans of getting something kewl.
Or when someone has done better than me on a certain project I've WORKED HARD ON.

6. I wake up to the alarm clock only to turn it off again.
I really need a person to shake me and bother me and shout at me. Not even a nudge won't do. If you think you've waken me up, think again... I'm back asleep.

7. I am sentimental.
I keep a lot of memories and stuff them into my overstuffed time capsule. I'm going to seal it soon... mostly because it's about to rip apart.
In fact, I have  new plans to start with on my birthday: instead of finding a keepsake, I'm going to put pictures of that certain event in an album.

8. I am color blind.
No, I don't see black and white only. I'm not that bad.
I just can't tell between some colors and shades. I got it from my mother's side.

9. I remember the weirdest details.
I can tell you the middle name of your mom as long as you tell it to me 5 years in advanced in a casual way. I can remember these intricate details... but not the simple ones I'm really supposed to remember. Tsk.

10. I am very precise when buying school materials.
I cannot have other people buy them for me. I really have to buy them myself.
For example, my pens must be Artline only. Only I know where to get it so my dad just can't pick up any pen from National. A certain brand of clear book. I'm still on the search for the best Filipino dictionary.
I really spend time in National just to pick the right office material. That's why I'm kinda disappointed when I don't find what I like.

Hmm. Who's tagged?
Fact #11: I may be very OC but when I find that being OC will not benefit me anyway (such as editing typos for my blogs), I won't apply myself. I get lazy and procrastinate.
Why am I telling you the 11th fact? Because I am tagging YOU.

You who are reading this right now must do this survey :D.
I will check on you... I mean, I know who's reading. :D

**phew. that was close. multiply almost killed this long entry. good thing this mac saved it. btw, it's 4:02 am. :D

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