baliw ang umiiyak at ang tumatawa nang sabay

Tuesday, April 29 at 10:09 PM

News here from Ayala. Yaya Ellen, my godchild's yaya, is leaving. Shucks.

She's been with Alex since she was just two months, and it's really sad how she's leaving already. (Family issues)

Wow. This really reminds me of Yaya Terry. She had been my yaya since I was born. She also left--when I was around 5 years old--but this time to start a family.

The day she left, I really cried. She had been a big part of me.

Even though she had left, her memories still linger.

Actually, she would call me every July 2 just to greet me a happy birthday. Isn't that sweet?
(She isn't so far away either. Her niece is a maid here in Ayala; her brother-in-law, a security guard in our company.)

Although Alex is much younger than I was then--making her not as conscious of her yaya's departure,-- I'm sure she'll really miss her. I feel for her. Life would really be different.

Then again, Alex's not the only one who has an impact from her. I mean, what about Robin who plays with her. Or Kuya and Ate (who are still having trouble finding a replacement) who were almost and already in tears. And even on me.

I can't imagine how Alexie would be without her. She's been like a mother to her.

We'll miss you.

why starbucks sells

Monday, April 28 at 3:30 PM
Updates, Shang, Street Kings, Sunday.

I feel so accomplished. Why? Because I've finally organized my clothes cabinets, thrown all useless school trash and finally fixed my drawers. (Yeah, OC.) It looks so neat. I'm so proud. 

In other news, I've got more computer problems. Add to the fact that I don't have an antivirus yet (damn kaspersky licenses), my printer conked out. Shit. Anyhow, problems should be over before school starts. By then, I'd also have my new external hard drive. Yeah! 

In other news, my dad, Trisha and I went to Shang last Saturday. Got school supplies from National. (shoot. summer's ending. wah!) Wow. If you read my 10 facts, you would've seen the bookstore thing. Well, it took over again. Hehe. (i think trish got annoyed with me when i had to find the exact brand and style of file case)

After that, we had a delicious dinner at Le Couer. And then, I missed a chance at getting a new CD.

Anyhow, off to the real purpose of why we were there. We watched Street Kings. Honestly, I didn't think the movie would be nice. I mean. I dunno. Wow, I was wrong.

It was really unpredictable. And that's what I love about movies--being unpredictable. (however, what ruined it was that the bad guy is so predictable. damn.) Next, the story was really good. Also, I didn't even notice but Chris Evans (Fantastic Four), Common (the rapper), Cedric the Entertainer and Naomie Harris (28 Days Later and Pirates of the Carribean. i love her!) were there. It was funny how Hugh Laurie was introduced in a hospital. And wow, ang galing ni Forest Whitaker sa staircase scene! And I'd like to mention that Keanu Reeves was surprisingly good as well.

The night was ended in Starbucks. I got my new favorite--White Mocha Frappe--as usual. Aside from that, I discovered something really good: Cinnamon Twist. It's so good. It's like a better version of the regular Cinnabon. Grabe! It tasted like sex. LOL!

We went to Mass last Sunday. And I wasn't the reason we were late. Woohoo!
(i'd like to say I slept at 5:45 the night--or day--before. that's right after watching heartbreak kid. god that was funny... both of them.)

Anyhow, after eating really good spaghetti (yum!), the whole family went to the cemetery. We haven't done that in like... years. (it was quite ironic how a few days before i said I wanted to go to the cemetery because i wanted to complete my list of birthdays and anniversaries. wish come true.)

After that, we ate in Freska. Their garlic rice was real good. Kanin pa lang, ulam na.
I didn't wan'na drink but we were celebrating (?), so I tried a sip of Margharita (it tasted familiar although i haven't drank it. when i said that, ate kaye gave me a look along the lines of you're such a drunkard and damn) and a glass of Tequila Rose (the best!!).

And I'm back at Ayala. (shucks. i missed the babies, the wii and the bonding moments.)

Answer: the don't try hard. 

one rock 'n' roll too many

Thursday, April 24 at 4:55 PM

closer. closer c'mon.

Wednesday, April 23 at 11:39 PM

Okay. Cool. I just found out recently that I'm not 1/16 Spanish.
Sorry for the lie.

I'm actually 1/4 Spanish. Cool.
My lolo is actually a full-blood Spaniard.

That makes me: 1/4 Spanish, 1/4 Bulaceno and 1/2 Ilokano. And somewhere in there, I have Chinese blood. I just don't know how much because... long story. Basta it comes from the Bulaceno side.
And by association, I have an American great grandfather. But not biological. Haha!
(Can I add that I have half-American cousins?)

Did you know that if things didn't change my second name and middle name would be the same. As in... Luis Alberto Alberto Marcelo. Instead of Carranceja?

Apparently, Alberto was my grandfather's last name. But it got switched with Carranceja just because my great grandma remarried (with the American).

I am now proud of my name Alberto. :D (I used to not be 'coz it sounded baduy)
It marks how Spanish I am... I technically retained the Spanish side. Alberto-Carranceja. Cool! I feel so Spanish.

Have you noticed how Spanish my name is? Luis Alberto Carranceja Marcelo.
Cool. I do. People always get intrigued when I say my full name.
(I find it weird how people always mispronounce Carranceja)

But please. No matter how Spanish I am by blood or name. No matter how Chinese I am by school, friends and that tiny squirt of blood. No matter how American I am by association only. (HAHA!)

YAHOO! Go brown! Hahaha.

isang dangkal. isang patay.

at 11:23 PM

Wow. Natapos ko na ang libro sa loob ng 2 oras. MacArthur ni Bob Ong.

Bob Ong, ang misteryosong may-akda ng ABNKKBSNPLAko, Bakit Baliktad Magbasa ng Libro ang Pilipino?, Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas, Alamat ng Gubat at Stainless Longganisa.

Ang lahat ng mga ito ay may elemento ng komedya. Kungkayat kakaiba ang MacArthur sapagkat hindi ito nakakatawa maliban na lamang sa iilang mga kabalintunaan.

Grabe. Napakalalim ng akda. Talagang pang-required reading.

Kung iyakin lang talaga ako, umiyak na siguro ako. Ganoon din kalakas ang tensyon at drama sa kwento.

Kung may guro ng Filipino na nagbabasa nito, inimumungkahi ko talagang ipabasa ito sa mga mag-aaral ninyo. (Kung magamit nga ito, wow! Book 2 na matapos ang Vicassan.)

tagged by Nikki. :D.... 10 facts naman.

Tuesday, April 22 at 11:42 PM
Post the rules: 
*each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. 
*bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. 
*at the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names. 
*don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I have performances in the shower.
Normal people sing. I do that and more. There's dancing too.
This is the one reason I take long in the bathroom. (Other than when I'm sleepy.)
Yeah, embarrassing but true.

2. I always listen to my iPod when I sleep.
These past few weeks, that's been my habit.
I just find my iPod low in charge when I wake up. That is.. after I find it in my bed.

3. I am STRICTLY OC when it comes to my music library.
Before anything can be loaded to my iPod. Before anything can be listened to on my computer, it has to go through my Tag Editing. All info must be correct--title, artists, album, album artist, genre, album cover, track, year, rating.

4. I have sweet teeth... a habit I'm trying to change but CAN'T!
Chocolates WILL ALWAYS brighten my day.

5. I easily get jealous.
I get jealous quickly when someone really CLOSE to me has plans of getting something kewl.
Or when someone has done better than me on a certain project I've WORKED HARD ON.

6. I wake up to the alarm clock only to turn it off again.
I really need a person to shake me and bother me and shout at me. Not even a nudge won't do. If you think you've waken me up, think again... I'm back asleep.

7. I am sentimental.
I keep a lot of memories and stuff them into my overstuffed time capsule. I'm going to seal it soon... mostly because it's about to rip apart.
In fact, I have  new plans to start with on my birthday: instead of finding a keepsake, I'm going to put pictures of that certain event in an album.

8. I am color blind.
No, I don't see black and white only. I'm not that bad.
I just can't tell between some colors and shades. I got it from my mother's side.

9. I remember the weirdest details.
I can tell you the middle name of your mom as long as you tell it to me 5 years in advanced in a casual way. I can remember these intricate details... but not the simple ones I'm really supposed to remember. Tsk.

10. I am very precise when buying school materials.
I cannot have other people buy them for me. I really have to buy them myself.
For example, my pens must be Artline only. Only I know where to get it so my dad just can't pick up any pen from National. A certain brand of clear book. I'm still on the search for the best Filipino dictionary.
I really spend time in National just to pick the right office material. That's why I'm kinda disappointed when I don't find what I like.

Hmm. Who's tagged?
Fact #11: I may be very OC but when I find that being OC will not benefit me anyway (such as editing typos for my blogs), I won't apply myself. I get lazy and procrastinate.
Why am I telling you the 11th fact? Because I am tagging YOU.

You who are reading this right now must do this survey :D.
I will check on you... I mean, I know who's reading. :D

**phew. that was close. multiply almost killed this long entry. good thing this mac saved it. btw, it's 4:02 am. :D

if you run and you look, you will find me.

at 11:00 PM
Summer Activities and Lightness.

I just wan'na say. I've finished Life of Pi. It's really, really good. I'm now starting on MacArthur by Bob Ong. It looks like realistic fiction. (pwedeng pang-required reading sa Filipino. deep.)

Because of this, I've made two new bookmarks. (Even if I only have one book. Haha!) The first is a wavy design. The second, song lyrics. They both look kewl! I'll upload pictures soon.

Also, I went to the driving range last Monday. (for golf not for driving. hehe) It was fun. I wan'na play golf in addition to this boxing. I also wan'na go back to badminton.

Yamaha will end in 4 sessions. That's the end of the road for me. I'm just gon'na stick to learning it by myself. Or I might suggest summer lessons. :D

But that ain't the whole point of this.

I just wan'na say that a whole burden has come off my chest tonight.
I actually feel normal. But I'm still doing the best I can.

I feel furthermore determined in pursuing my goals. Nothing can stop me and reason is now by my side.

Also, I wan'na say I am very happy that I'm staying here in Ayala with Kuya Ricky, Ate Kaye and Trisha. It's made me sane and, simply, happy.

Thank God for them. 

lingering on.

Monday, April 21 at 9:27 AM
American Idol and Shang.

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl, don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling, 'coz you'll always be my baby

Wow, that song. It's been on my head for the past few days.

Ang galing talaga ni Cook! Wahaha. Usually, it's Syesha who gets songs stuck in my head--and only for a few days,--but, wow!

I'm hoping that Sye and Cook would make the finale. I want David A out soon. I'm getting tired of him already. Besides, he would sell albums even if he doesn't win.

Did I say that I'm so overjoyed that Kristy is gone? Woohoo!

And we'll linger on 
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way, you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling, 'coz you'll always be my baby.

Speaking of music, my dad and I went to Shang Saturday evening and I got Randy Jackson's Music Club, Vol. 1. I like it.

Also, I also got Bob Ong's 6th book: MacArthur. It was a good thing I looked at the Philippine books section! It's my second Bob Ong book this summer (right after my long awaited Alamat ng Gubat) and my third book (right after Life of Pi, which I am 3/4 through already.)

Anyhow, the real reason we were there is because we were going to watch the Jet Li-Jackie Chan movie The Forbidden Kingdom.

I really liked it. Really cool. It was both funny and serious--exactly Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Wahaha. The story was nice too.

I just wished Zhang Ziyi played the Witch and Chow Yun Fat played the Warlord. Wouldn't that make an all-star kung fu movie? LOL.

he's got powers.

Thursday, April 17 at 3:23 PM

Scare little thing happened to me just a while ago.

I was on the internet, doing my own business.

Just then, with out any warning, one of Alex's musical toys began to sound up.

I looked around. Nothing. Nothing could have touched the switch to make it sing the ABC's. I was freakishly weirded out.

There weren't any balloons bouncing around to have touched the switch. There was no wind in a closed room save that of the electric fan facing my direction.


And then I found the culprit.

It was just sitting there on top of the bean bag.

I shoulda listened to Alex's yaya. Never mess with him--he's got powers.

Shivers. BARNEY.

That purple stuffed dinosaur the same size as Alex. He's got powers.

**it was a sign. i am now stopping....

Evil little thing.

we're not lying, we're extending the truth

Wednesday, April 16 at 8:51 PM
Party and Greenhills

Alright. Here're ramblings on the past few days. Wahaha. BTW, I'm doing this on a bean bag. I want a bean bag at home! And a laptop too! (I only discovered recently that you call a laptop a laptop since you put the computer on the top of your lap. Wahaha!)

(Wow. For some reason, Multiply doesn't give

s anymore when I press enter. Instead, it's
. Yehey!)

We finally had the babies' party na last Sunday. After hiring more laborers, working till 5:15 the night before and being late for the party itself (since we had to take a bath which we did late since we were dong a lot of last minute salpakan in the clubhouse), we finally pulled the whole thing off. SUCCESS! It looks great, we feel great and we got a lot of great comments... except for the same person. Inggit lang iyon.

Grabe the sandwiches and the spaghetti were damn delicious! Mmmmm.

Aside from the usual grr, I got my phone back. Yes!!!

I drank a bottle of beer during the after party as everyone was going crazy.
When we got home, more craziness! Shh!

I would just like to say The Godfather is really addicting on the Wii. :D
More addicting stuff: sumo, chips ahoy, playing with the kids, midnight snacks.


Today was fun. After some errands, we went to Greenhills. Trish and I ate lunch in McDo as our tita had a meeting in Sun Moon. Walked through the heat of the summer noon sun just to buy a Staedtler pen from National. Ate a doughnut and frozen caramel in Krispy Kreme.

Nagpaalam kami na pupunta lang kami sa Fully Booked. Which we did... right after the tiangge. We first bought Trisha a screen guard for her phone and then were planning to buy a wallet/money clip. Plan was cancelled when I saw that Sun Moon was right in front of the leather goods area. Shucks.

If we were sooo stupid as to pass there, she might have knocked on the glass window. "Punyeta! Nasaan ang Fully Booked!?!" We were laughing at the thought but that wouldn't have been the case if we were so stupid to do so.

Anyhow. We did go to Fully Booked. I bought Yann Martel's Life of Pie.

Then, we went to Mercury where we were to be met. I got myself Mentos spearmint and Virgin Blue. I'm not not a virgin on Virgin Cola. And might I say it didn't taste like sex.... it tasted like a virgin. (Like I know how any of that would feel. I'm using Allen language. Weeee) It's alright but not as good as Sprite.

More errands. Bought some goodies at Unimart.

IDOL! I didn't really like most of them but they were alright. My dream finale is now Sye vs. Cook! Wooohooo!

Anyhow, I just finished 4 chapters of Life of Pie and I'm beginning to love it. Thanks, Mr. M, for the tip! :D

we are all innocent

Saturday, April 12 at 12:16 AM
Mornings and Idol

Okay. I'm at home in third. Just came from Yamaha. I skipped boxing since my fucking finger joint still hurts. Why did the powerball have to peel my skin? Why not some other lucky kid?

Anyhow. Last night was sooo funny. So it was Robin's b'day. We had a small dinner. Kuya Paolo and Ate Reg came over together with Sam and Miggy again. Grabe! Those kids are sooooooo hyper! Napagalitan tuloy kami. Hahaha.

Well. When everyone left, pinagbilinan kami ni Kuya Ricky na gisingin siya nang quarter to 4. Hahaha. (Siyempre, gising pa kami noon.) So Trisha watched her show on the laptop while I played Godfather on the Wii. When we woke him up na and I played some more pa, sabi ko I'll sleep na. But then my stomach rumbled. Sabi ko, kain muna kami sa balcony. So I grabbed something from the fridge and I saw the most funny site ever. The sky was lighting up na ad the security guard shut down the street lights. SYET! UMAGA NA at matutulog pa lang ako. Wahaha!

----moves back to ayala and continues this blog there---

Anyhow, I woke up out of intense heat. Putsa, black out. 9am pa lang ng umaga. Syet! But there's something about the morning that I like. Except for the part na dapat tulog pa rin ako. haha.

Anyway timing naman na pagkalabas ko ng banyo'y may kuryente na. To pass time na lang, tinuloy ko ang Godfather sa Wii.

skip. skip. skip.

Nakakainis! Bakit na-out si Michael John?!?! WHYYY? Mamatay na kayo, Kristy at Carly. DIe, bitches. Kristy kasi matagal ka na dapat tinanggal. Carly kasi ikaw naman ang may worst performance compared to Sye and Mic. GRRRR!

Si Syesha na lang ang pag-asa ko sa Idol! Sana magka-album si Michael John (at si Syesha). I wanna hear more of him! My dream finale is now shattered. But why do we all kep hoping when we know David A is gonna bag all this. I'm tired of him na. Go, SYE!

skip. skip. skip.

I just ended the lei-making session. grabe. 90 more to go. nakakatamad! at sunday na ang party. marami pa rin ang kailangang pagkaabalahan. sigh.

but u will always be.

Friday, April 11 at 11:51 PM

I'm kinda interested and kinda bored... So I've stolen this from Jan :D

What if someone (STRANGER) insults you and tells you this:

1. Ang arte mo!

What I wish I could say: fucker, ur point is....?
What I would really say: sige nga ikaw gumawa!

2. mas matalino naman ako sayo

What I wish I could say: aba, sino nagsasalita!
What I would really say: amen.

3. crush ako ng crush mo?

What I wish I could say: die, bitch! die!
What I would really say: and ur point is?

4. am bobo mo pala sa math!

What I wish I could say: of course! but not as bobo as you!
What I would really say: of course!

5. bilisan mo naman!

What I wish I could say: putang ina tumahimik kita kundi isasaksak ko tong baseball bat sa bunganga mo at ipapalo kita sa kabundukan ng tralala nang kagatin ka ng askal ni batman! (wth?!)
What I would really say: ANO BA!!!?!?!!?! SANDALI LANG!!!

 6. ang sungit mo! 

What I wish I could say: EH kasi mas masungit ka!
What I would really say: okiiiiii... *smile*

7. Gusto mo ng away?

What I wish I could say: ang yabang nito ah! sige nga...
What I would really say: Ayoko! bakit? may problema? ha? ha? ha?

8. takot ka ata sa kin eh?

What I wish I could say: yabang mo! kala mo kung sino!
What I would really say: yabang mo!

9. Mas mahal nia ko!

What I wish I could say: papatayin kita!! (in the evil spirit voice)
What I would really say: paano ka sure? waahaha.

10. Ambababa namn ng grades mo!

What I wish I could say: tingnan mo nga sarili mo. mas mababa pa nga eh. kala mo kung sinong perpekto
What I would really say: tingnan mo nga sarili mo. mas mababa pa nga eh.

1. crush kita

What I wish I could say: SYEEET! I LAB YU TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I would really say: Wanna go out on a date?

2. Hindi kita mahal?

What I wish I could say: mamatay ka!
What I would really say: may pag-asa pa naman diba? waahha?

3. Mahal na kita

What I wish I could say: SYEEET! WOOOOHOOOO! MAGPAKASAL NA TAYO! Wahaha!
What I would really say: I love you too!

4. pakopya naman ng assignment

What I wish I could say: turuan na lang kita kung paano. :D
What I would really say: turuan na lang kita kung paano.

5. crush ko yung friend mo

What I wish I could say:  MASUNOG KAYO SA IMPYERNO!
What I would really say: ah ok.

6. pwede patabi sa upuan mo?

What I wish I could say: PRAISE ThE LORD!
What I would really say: sure!

7. cute mo magsmile.

What I wish I could say: dapat lang. wahaha *smiles*
What I would really say: *smile really really really wide... then laugh a bit* 

1. Umuwi ka ng maaga.

What I wish I could say: i hate you. inggit ka lang eh. importante din toh noh.
What I would really say: *sisimangot at susunod*

2. magaling ka pala sumayaw?

What I wish I could say: ako pa?
What I would really say: *fake laugh*
3. hindi ka pwedeng pumasok sa klase

What I wish I could say: weird! sure!
What I would really say: ok.

4. bawal ka maggirlfriend

What I wish I could say: mamatay ka!.
What I would really say: *sisimangot at susunod*

5. magaral ka ng mabuti.

What I wish I could say: you always say that but you never appreciate what i do.
What I would really say: okay already!


1.Kailangan kong makausap magulang mo

What I wish I could say: WHAT? SHIT! DIE, BITCH!
What I would really say: fynwhat? wait! why? cher naman eh! mambibiro ka talaga! waahaha! you ah! tinakot mo ko ah.................. don't kill me!

2.Ang makita kong mangopya mamatay na! 

What I wish I could say: bakit naman ako magpapatanga't ipapakita sayo?
What I would really say:
 *quiet din*

focuu~uus! focuu~uus!

Monday, April 7 at 9:43 PM

Drama, Surfboards and Freaky Stories

Where was I? Oh yeah.

Last Sunday, I went to Mass at Padre Pio. Ang kulit ni Robin: nag-iingay kapag hindi pinakain. Haha. Si Trisha, humihingi pa rin ng kendi. By the way, I saw Enzo there. La lang.

Anyhow, we went to The Podium. Same old drama. Same old. Same old. What is it with adults? Wahaha. By the way, I saw Swing Out Sister there. Sayang, she didn't sing. La lang.

Pagkatapos namin inuwi ang drama, we went to Shang. Nahilo ako kasi walang patid ang paghanap ni Ate Kaye ng damit. By the way, sobrang timing ang music don sa Shang. Right after Kuya was talking about how hindi pa tumatalab Kremil, biglang nag-radio commercial ang Kremil. Nung dumaan kami ng Mass and Trisha was talking about how unholy she was, biglang kumanta ang mga tao ng Hosanna. (Holy... holy.... holy, lord.) La lang.

Anyhow. Slept for 10 hours today and woke up at noon. Hindi kami makapag-decide kung ano'ng kakainin namin sa Jollibee (take home).

We made surfboards! Woohoo. It's one step closer to finishing the party. What party? Well, Ate Kaye is starting up an events-organizing business, and Trish and I will be small partners together with her and Ate Tash. Woohoo. Anyhow, her first project is this: Robin's birthday, which is themed Mickey Luau.

Anyhow, we jsut finished with 3 surfboards! Wooohoo. They look good. Haha. And they're much more fun than making leis. Hahaha.

Well. I just came from Dencio's. I didn't drink though. Why? I didn't want a beer belly. LOL. Naka-2 na kasi ako that week. You know what... it feels weird na marinig na umiinom ka. I mean, kanina sinagot ni Trisha si Ate Karen, "Yeah, he drinks." Parang sa akin. Okiiii. Weird. LOL.

You know what, parang nag-smo-smoke na ako. Hahaha. No, I don't smoke. But I second-hand smoke. Nakakainis nga eh, laging diretso sa mukha ko ang smoke ng yosi nila. But I promised myself I will never-ever smoke!

Back to he story. After the todo-laugh trip. They started talking about disaster stories. Doppelgangers (well, this isn't a disaster pero nakakatakot pa rin). Ozone disco. Hyatt Earthquake. La Paz Tragedy. Indian Ocean Tsunami. Natakot talaga ako sa topics nila... lalo na sa Ozone. Napaka-vivid eh. Brrr. Gives me the chills.

Anyhow. I'll be off to finishing my work with the party. Grabe, may boxing pa ako tomorrow.

salty pants

Friday, April 4 at 7:20 PM

Thumbnail, Divi, Drinking and whole lot of other stuff

Okay. A lot has been happening since April 1. Hahaha. Because of my new planner (click here), I was able to track down what time I've been sleeping: 4am, 5am and 3.30am, respectively. Wahaha! I really need to sleep earlier.

Anyhow, I went on "The Adventure of the Thumb" last Wednesday. WTF? LOL. Trisha's long injured nail on the left thumb--called 'subungual hemtoma' by doctors and 'substupidus why'dyouclosethedooronyourthumb' by kuya ricky--was about to come off. Panic! Hahaha. I was either all laughed out by her reactions or all grossed out by her descriptions. But that don't mean I don't feel for her pain. Haha.

Back to the story. We went to orthopedic/qmmc and they were going to take it off na. But she got scared of the government hospital so we went to cardinal. There, we spent P812 just for three doctors to tell us we should let it be. Naks! BTW. It was our second evening in Cardinal. A few days before, we brought Robin there. And then had a really fun car ride home. (McDo too!)

Well. That night, I slept at 5 after downloading American Idol (Go Sye! Go Mic!) and finalizing my planner (click here again).

I woke up Tuesday to a really strange dream. It started our with FX redoing the Bongga Ka 'Day sequence from Duwa. The only thing was I was the only original FX member and no one would listen to me. After that was class time and Xavier turned into a coed school. And Trisha, my cousin, was my seatmate (along with some other snobby peeps). Hahaha!

Anyhow. That day, we went to Divisoria after the crappy service from McDo drive thru. It's my first time! (An daming Chinese! ---> as if I don't see that much on a regular basis! Hahaha!) Wahaha. I was with my "business partners" Trish, Ate Kaye and Ate Tash. What an experience. Nakakapagod! Hahaha. Anyhow, after buying all the party stuff, we ended up eating Peewee and Rinbee (YUM!) in the middle of Divi Mall. Hahaha.

BTW. We got an ensaimada to go. And god was it horrible... well not really. Hahaha. We got lost going home. And we were almost car-jacked. (Some kid around my age was trying to 'stealthily' open my door; it was a good thing I locked it.)

I went home to a niiiiice bath and idol!

Ouch! Bye, Rami! ('Yan kasi, not listening to my advice. Hahaha!) Sayang talaga! Not that she's my bet (Go Sye! Go Mic!), it's just that she's Pinay and she has potential. But she didn't use it. Damn. I wanted her to at least reach Mariah Carey week. That Kristy Lee really has to go!

Anyhow. Kinantyaw namin ni Trisha si Kuya Ricky: 2 nights before Kuya Anj was the guest. Yesternight naman, it was Kuya Cisco. Bakit walang guest ngayon? So he said... let's drink. Hahaha!

Nakakainis talaga si Trisha! Sabi niya iinom siya pero hindi naman. Hahaha!

The night was fun. Listening to House music and making kwento about school life. Hahaha! Grabe talaga ang mga kalokohan ng mga pinsan ko! (I feel like a saint) I drank two bottles of San Mig Light. (almost three, but Ate Kaye and Kuya Ricky had to sleep na so I didn't wan'na drink alone naman. Hahaha!)

So yes, they left early and Trisha spilled more craziness. Tsk Tsk. I was still sane so I'm like cooooooool! Hahaha. I can last longer na. Crazy... we were planning our Tuesday and Friday groups. LOL.

Anyhow, I missed boxing today. (Oh well. I'm doing it naman tomorrow.) But what was fun was that Alex was looking for me that morning and that when I left the house she was all crying. Awwww! Cute sobra! Ibig sabihin, we're close na! Hahaha.

Instead, I ate at Conti's. OOBER delicious ang RIBS! Hahaha. Also: French Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. MORTAL SIN! And that's not the only sin. Inis! My big mouth!

Later in the afternoon, I was late for Yamaha... as usual. After that, I passed by National. And got myself Mga Alamat ng Gubat. Finally! I also finished it one hour later. Hahaha! It was nice! Funny. Satirical. Deep. and sooo true! And then I played Tong-its. Ngihehee!

Anyhow, what's bugging me now is that my phone's twisting mechanism is all wrong. I've tried doing everything bu to no avail. Waaa! Gamitin na nga ang warranty bukas!

Night all!