the jalapeno elevator

Tuesday, January 8 at 2:12 PM

Back to School, Scripts, etc.

*sigh* Back at school. Hahaha. I was not in the mood for it, actually. Usually, when the break ends, I'd be packing my things already kind of excited to see my classmates and friends. This one's different. I just slacked off watching TV. Only at around 12 did I realize I had to wake up early, so I crammed packing. I was having too much fun, and our break was too short. The most bitin ever.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I still had my Christmas insomnia--something I developed over the break. I was in bed by 12:30. Being in bed doesn't mean being asleep. I was jsut there. Bored. Not asleep--trying to though.

At around 2:30 I decided to take a snack , and into the blinding light, I made a sandwich. I would have had some pandesal, keso de bola and Christmas ham. But I couldn't find the Christmas ham--but I found the meat for beef steak, tilapia and the Christmas ham sauce. I would've cut the keso de bola but it was too hard and too messy. So I settled with the pepperoni that was lying around. Took some normal cheese and pandesal. Hahaha!

I finally fell asleep at around 3. And woke up at 6. Bad start: I thought the school bus already took my green envelope. I was mistaken... good thing we didn't need the contents. Hihi.

If I had a bad start, I had a bad ending: the school bus left me. I was already at gate 4. Waiting for the school bus. I regularly took trips to the real gate and see if it was there. When it finally came, I went back to my seat. Fixed my stuff. Talked a bit more. When I was about to go out. Poof! It's gone. Dammit! It's a good thing the van was still at the office. *phew!*

Today was fine. I finally got the Step Up CD! Wow! Thanks sobra, Jer!

Filipino class, I took the time in the library to grab a book on some plays. Just my luck. I found 21 scripts by Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero. Yeah... the writer of Condemned. So far, I've found 3 good scripts to present tomorrow. Hahaha!

In other news, it' script, script, script time! LOL! We've gotta make a script for Filipino. For a movie about Balagtas's life. Ang galing ng title namin. ROMANSA: Ang Pag-ibig sa Likod ng mga Tula. LOL!

In Science, I've been made scriptwriter for our bodyworks. Mr.Q kasi! No one volunteereed so he said... "Stage FX!" Pangalan ko ang lumitaw. Hay! Lapit ngang naging director... He said, "Luis, ulit!" Sumigaw-sigaw ako: "NO! NO! NO! NO!" LOL! Hahaha. I don't want to direct another class production. Ayoko! With no one working and everyone complaining about staying late but still doing nothing. Gusto ko lang i-direct na class prod: radio play. Hahaha.

Crazy thing. Right after Computer class, I accompanied CJ since he lost his library card and needed to borrow a book with scripts. He took one of the books. Opened it. Browsed. Closed it and poof. Dust spread everywhere. LOL! We looked and it was only borrowed thrice. The last time was 1982. Woah! No wonder it was dusty.

Breaking the chronological order, this is computer class: it was scary. Mrs. Demegillo was scary! Hahaha. Period. But she did commend me for making a nice newsletter. Weee!

Breaking the chronological order even more: I finally went to the doctor's last Sunday.

After going to Mass early (a first this year not counting New Year's!), we went to Shang. There was Healthway there. So we checked it out. The doctor gave me some antibiotics. And I am finally feeling better now. LOL!

Anyhow, that's it. Gotta go back to homework.

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