Birthday Chronicles. Vol. 1 Pt. 1

Saturday, June 30 at 5:43 PM
My 15th--
HAPPY!!M: 7.2: 12.06
BEWARE! Contagious: Waterfalls - TLC...

Okay. New segment. LOL

Okay so it's my birthday today! So I have to greet myself.

Happy Birthday, Luis!

Okay. Back to me.
I'm really excited. I'm sooo exuberant.
I'll be jumping for joy--if I haven't done it yet.
I was born 15 years ago this day. Hahaha!

But seriously. What's happened to me since the last year?

Well. I feel much better about myself.
Weird isn't it? I feel more confident like I can do anything!
(wow. this is beginning to sound like one of those napkin commercials.)

Smarter? Maybe.

Better at Filipino.
Definitely. I'm not as bulol and barok as before.
And when I speak to someone, first language ko na ang Filipino.
(Even during English class when Julius attempts to ask me stuff in English class)

Hahaha. Bigla akong na-shock sa comment ni Ms. Lampa.
But you gotta admit, it's quite true now.
I've been fixing my hair a bit better.
I think I got that habit from Trisha and CJ.
Cj as being the person who find a mirror in the most non-reflective substances.
And Trisha who brushes her hair for one hour as I'm wearing my paraphernalia.
Oh yeah. And my mom who keeps complaining about my blackheads. Now I always find myself washing my face. Hahaha!

Maybe just a bit of improvement. Though I could do better.
I've only gotten to the part of making hirits. Hahaha.

Sana lang. Hahahaha!

by a few inches.

Wow. You can't imagine. Sinabawang Gulay pa nga lang eh. Hahaha!
The songs I sing. The dance I dance. The things I do.
The crazy things I do.

Gotta work on that.

I've significantly gone from OC to half-perfectionist.
Jowk! Hahaha. Yeah. I'd like to think I'm organized.
But then my whole place isn't.
Books are scattered everywhere like syet and stuff.
And I still lose my things.
And even if I set a plan to fix my stuff, I end up not doing it.
And don't get me started on study and sleep habits.
That's not my department. Hahaha.
Somehow, I always lag my studies to the middle of the night. (like what I'm doing right now. hahaaha!)
Although I'm always sleepy, I can't help but sleep late. Weird noh?

Well. That's basically everything I can think of.
Wait for part two to see what I did today.
And part three to see my family gathering and gift. ;-)

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Friday, June 29 at 9:19 PM
HAPPY!!Sleepy and Tired!!F: 6.29: 9.30
BEWARE! Contagious: Spring Awakening, Love Stoned - JT, etc....

Anyhow. Right now I'm really, really tired. I last felt tired in this actual way the last time I did the workshop we just repeated. Grabe. And we have a lot of newbies. Sadly, iisa lang ang High One. Sad. Anyhow.

My "sucessor" (as called by Mr. Legaspi as the H1 Adv that's a member of FX) was my partner sa activity. And well. Okay lang. Nag-sorry cya out of the blue sa may ending.. dunno why. But how thoughtful. Hahaha. (No more days of being called first for the workshops just because I'm his advanced student. hahaha. Sana lang. Good luck, tim.)

Grabe. I still remember the FX run. I broke my arm then. I was limping all around the place. Can u imagine dancing with a broken arm? Hahaha!
Pero I didn't quit... unlike my pair that day. And it's really worth it. Bagong pamilya. Being in a play. What an experience.
Anyhow. At least we didn't have to audition, which made life easier.

GRABE! Ang init sa lecture hall. Lalung-lalo na pagkatapos ng workshop. pawis sobra!

Well. Namomroblema ako sa Filipino. Hahaha. Sino ba naman ang marunong pumunta sa Marikin sa amin? Anyhow... Pinaglabanan na. Hahaha.


Hey! Jsut received the gift! Thanks ha! I didn't expect it talaga. Na-touch ako! Andami! I love them!!! Thanks sobra ulit sa gift.

practice lang :D Baka meron na.


MATH! Syet. I bet I failed this quiz. Waaaa! The alst one was 77% lang. Ouch.
This one parang naging 0 ako. *iyak-iyak*
Hayz. No mroe shortcuts na. I think it's all carelessness. Hate myself. *hits head with keyboard*

dksf;lasdh;vjnfsd p cfnhiopcqwnvr


Well. I've been so busy this week that I forgot the only day that makes me jump for joy like hell. The only day that make me bubblier than soap. The only day na nanli-libre ako. Wahaha! MONDAY NA PALA! Shucks. How could I forget?

Para na akong si Violet. Nakalimutan nya bertday nya! Hayz.

Well. I guess I have to buy M'n'M na. Not for myself though. Hahaha. Although I love chocolate soooooooooooooo much! Giving them instead of making libre. Makes the P500 rule easier. (Cyempre, good boy... HAHA!)


Somehow, I still feel discriminated. It's so sad. Don't ask.


Well. I just took a pic at the phones I want. Biglang nag-last minute pop sa list and 5700 Xpress Music. Hahaha. But I still want the 7390. Ung black chrome color. Cook sobra. Hahaha. Love. Kailan kaya darating ang dream phone ko na n93i, Hahaha.


Wow. So exicted for next prod! I'm still thinking though which role I want. Cyempre crossed out na ako from Archie, Carter, Goober and Jerry. Hmmm. Ung utusan na lang kaya? Hahahaha!


I'm totally loving the Spring Awakening. THe music soudns real cool. And the story seems interesting. Unforunately, I can't download it. damn.


Chinese quizzes. THey're quite easier! Weeee. But I'm sure I commited mistakes. But still... it's easier! Loving Li Laoshi. Hahaha!


Grabe! Saya. Nilibre kami ni Sean sa Cafe! Oh yeah~!

Sobrang saya nu'n halos di na makakain at makahinga sina Kim at Sean sa pagpapatawa namin ni Mark. Grabe! Hahahaha! Enjoy.

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kapag sinabawan na siya

Thursday, June 28 at 7:52 PM
Knorr Ad, Sleep, Morning Prayer, Stage FX Posters, Movies & Marriage
HAPPY!!la lang...*T: 6.28: 8.04
BEWARE! Contagious: Makulay ang Buhay...

Grabe that song. Na-LSS talaga ako! Hahaha.
Ang buhay... ang buhay... makulay ang buhay sa sinabawang gulay!
I've been singing-humming it the whole day. Haha! Lunch. Recess. Class time. Hahahaha!


Oh well. I've developed some plan to not fall asleep. Hehehe. Look up!


Well. I just woke up.
Sara was lying down sa bus tapos while writing on my notebook, bigla na alng akong inantok dahil sa kanya. Next thing I knew, it was 7:00 and dinner was waiting. I rose from the living room. Damn.
WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?! Dami pa namang homework!
Sabi daw kasi an'sarap ng tulog ko. Kunsabagay... hahaha!


Well. I was harassed this morning. The bus was runnign late. Let me rephrase that: the bus wasn't running at all. Damn it. It's like it wasn't moving. All the way from Boni Serrano towards Xavier Washington. Hayz.

So I walked-ran all the way from the gate 10 are to gate 14 to the classroom to the faculty. Hayz. Iw asn't able to have the FX posters signed and posted. I wasn't able to finish doing my Chinese HW. I had to read the morning prayers. Hayz. Kala ko I was late na. Hayz.

WEll. It was really weird! I was shaking like hell! I mean. I can literally see my hands jittering. And my knees were wobbly. I would've almost fell. Grabe. Sobrang nervous ako dun. Weird lang kasi di naman ako ganun for the last 2 times I did prayer. Hayz. Well, I said it too fast. hayz.

WEird thing. From the ODS, I went down the stairs and towards my classroom. What's wrong with that sentence? Dunno? "I went down the stairs". I don't go down the stairs. My classroom is on the smae floor. Bigla na lang akong nagulat nang nakita ko si Gng. Enaje na angtuturo. Ganun ba talaga pag sobrang nervous? Grabe. Anyhow... back to life.


Weird thing. I noticed I have callous on my wrist. Siguro, that's from the computer table. Grabe. Hayz. Evil mouse and keyboard.


Well. During recess, I kidnapped Varr and CJ and we posted the posters I made. Had it signed in the IT Kiosk. And then put masking tape sa patio. And then ran inside the H1 classrooms. Enzo took the one for the H3 corridor. Oh well.
Sana naman may dumating sa Auditions tomorrow.

Hmm.. I just thought. Paano kung pasayawin sila ng Makulay ang Buhay sa Sinabawang Gulay! Wahahahahaha!

Weird thing was when I walked into the bathroom, instead of seeing myself, I saw someone. (Siyempre di ko sasabihin kung sino ang taong yun.) Grabe. Parang I'm starting to look like him! Hahahaha.


Grabe. I wanna watch Transformers which is now showing (according to TV Patrol)

Other must-sees are Die Hard 4.0 and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


Hmmm. Love is really something special. And making it last... grabe, that's even more wonderful. So, Mom, Dad--kahit hindi n'yo toh nababasa:

Happy 20th Anniversary!

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i'm not mental!

Monday, June 25 at 10:39 PM
Sickly, Boredom and Chocolates
la lang...M: 6.25: 10.58
BEWARE! Contagious: Hump de Bump - RHCP & Out of Control - Mutya Buena..
I don't wanna study Chinese (eek!) yet. So blogging is a good substitute. Hahaha.

Well. THis cough is getting worse. Colds are getting better though. Haha.

Did I mention Mr. Marana mentioned he had cough and colds before as a sample desolation? Hahaha. Either I got it from him or he got it from me. Or we both got it from that guy who raised his hand and said he also has cough and colds. Hahaha!


Well. WE have a psycho test (that sounds weird) tomorrow. I'm sharpening pencils right now. (that sounds weird, too)


God. It's just a Monday, and I'm sooo tired na. Hayz.


There's M'n'Ms in the fridge. Sooo tempting! I want it. But I can't eat it... 'coz it's not mine. Must resist temptation to let the delicate nut covered in luscious chocolate and a colorful shell caress my taste buds, and bring me to heaven. (that doesn't sound right.) Yikes.

Must get rid off my sweet teeth. No, I don't have one; I have 32. Dang. Why? 'Coz it's healthier for the body to get rid off these.... what am I talking about? I just want whiter teeth. Hahahahaha. (Babaw!) As I read on the box of Colgate.
But chocolates taste gooood. They're heaven. Oh well.


Well. What else? Gah. I've run out of topics. Hayz.... Chinese

by the way. for those who're wondering... I enable cross-psoting since it's schooltime na... and how often do I blog when I'm so busy with homework?

don't cry for me argentina.

Sunday, June 24 at 5:17 PM
Sickness, Contest & Dark Grocery
la lang...*S: 6.24: 5.33
BEWARE! Contagious: Ale - The Bloomfields...

Syit. I'm crying... again. Evil ONIONS! They're so strong... I'm like 3 meters away from the kitchen!


Wow. It's a peaceful day. Haha. Or maybe it's just the chocolates.
Anyhow, I'm still ill. Well, not really. Just colds and cough. But colds that either run or clog, and cough that sounds like a horse. Ack! I hate it. But what can I do? *blows nose*


Yesterday, was the Rio Tinto contest. Okay lang. It was definitely easier than the practices wher I got below avergage scores (?!) But to quote Mrs. Albano: "Dapat lang. Kung madali ang practice, eh pano na sa contest?" Hahaha.
It was a good thing I still had time to review. I'd have had a lot of blunders, if I didn't.

I wish it was a practical contest though.. rather than a written one. Hahaha.


Well. Came from Unimart kanina. Weird thing was there was a sudden blackout. Hahaha. Everyone in the grocery went: "AW!" Parang Marimar.... "Marimar, AW!" Natawa ako!

Well. All the lights went out and I got lost looking for my mom. Hahaha.
But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that it was fcuking hot! I was sweating like hell!

he's happy.

Friday, June 22 at 11:25 PM
First (and a Half) Week of School
HAPPY!!Sleepy and Tired!!F: 6.22: 11.38
BEWARE! Contagious: Someday -Nina & Time In - Yeng...

I'll try to make this short coz the Rio Tinto contest is early tomorrow. :D

Okay. So here are my teachers:
Mr. Pinlac - math again
Mr. Perez - english... and with a complicated recitation thing but a cool no homework on weekends rule
Mrs. Santos - mentor.. HOLY ng class namin!
Mr. Sandico - mentor
Ms. Martinez - filipino. kala ko sobrang eveeeeel. Parang mangangagat'eh. Pero after frist day, sobrang bait! joker din pala. hahaha.
Mr. Quijano - science. galing. hahahaha.... may gum experiment pa kami. nakakain ako! hahaha. i have a feeling though na parang magiging Mr. Alano ulit.
Mr. Marana - CLE. again
Mrs. Lugay - soc sci. ang saya ng klase!

hahahaha. anyhow, that's mostly it. what else do i have to tell you?
well. last monday, we had the annual reading of honors. that's me over there.
Click to Enlarge
2nd! Wehheeee! Congrats din sa mga may honors din! At kay Mic Tan at AQ, at Gian na nakakuha ng Magis, at Xavier!

Hmmm. What else?
Oh yes. Chinese is eveeeeeel! We have Ling Laoshi as our teacher. She's really nice... but..... Riji is worth 300 words!!! and then we have to write 3 of them so it's 900 words a week. But we were able to bargain and it became 150 words na lang. Whew!
I spent 3 hours in Tutor because of those Rijis.

Well. This week, we had the club fair. FX wasn't cathcing much attention. And their damn posters put black ink all over my hands and face. Anyhow. By friday recess, we had lots of people signed up. But most probably most of them don't know the audition date was today. Too bad for them. (i'm not sure, but i remember high-one jose luis yulo... i think he's a xavier awardee. but he didn't go... and neither did his friends (the people listed down beside him with the same ball pen ink).. the only h1 that showed up was A timothy dulay. when mr legaspi told everyone he's h1 advanced like me... they're all like aww... and i'm like wtf. hahahaha!)

Anyhow. I also had my own problems. I had to pick a Wednesday club. The choice was Glee and Peer Faci. I got peer faci. Actually, I was going to audition for glee had I had a song. hahaha! I was already outside teh mpc. Varr adn cj even literally dragged me inside... until enzo said, if he doesn't want to audition, don't force him. hahahaha. anyhow. hopefully, i get in to peer faci. Or else i'll have to join... join... join.... damnit. wait for the bus till 4:30


Well. Last Saturday, I went to tutor after some errands. And yeah... I spent 3 hours on the Rijis. And then we picke Trisha up from Pasig and went to Shang to watch 4: Rise of the SIlver Surfer. So. I had my pic taken in the photoshop your ID pics place. And then I went to National to buy school stuff and useless father's day cards. (You'll know why later.) WE ate at KFC coz food is fast there. And made it just in time in the theatre.

Grabe! Loved the movie! Hahahaa.... Pirates is still number 1... but it beat Spidey. Hahaha. Or somewhat tied it. Hahahaha.

We went home afterwards. Wrote on cards.

Sunday. We went to Mass... late, again. And then went to Greenills for some errands and then passed by home. I got all my school stuff which I needed to do homework. Hahaha! Just when we were in the middle of the place. Trisha remembered. DID WE BRING THE CARDS? Damn. Bakit ngayon mo lang sinabi. ANd so now, it is deemed worthless.

So there. Father's Day steak. the end. bow.

foxes at play

Wednesday, June 13 at 7:38 PM
Last NIght and First Day
la lang...W: 6.13: 7.50
BEWARE! Contagious: Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna...

Okay. So here's how it went. Let's start with last night which was the last night. Hahaha. Anyhow. I fixed my music libraary, updated my iPod, finished On The Lot then stepped into the bathroom. Hhaha. So I went to sleep na. That's 9:30! Can u believe it? Soooo early. Hahaha! But then..... I woke up ulit at 10:30. Hayz. And from then on, I wasn't able to sleep. Hahaha.

So I listened to my iPod till 12. I got sleepy by then. So I tucked it away. And.... damn, I still couldn't sleep. So I'd have regular trips to the bathroom This went on till 1. I was finally able to sleep... but I didn't check the time. I bet that was around 2:30. I woke up by alarm at 5am. Made myself a clubhouse sandwich. And then I took my turn in the bathroom. Got ready. Waited for the bus.

Hahaha. It arrived soon. ANd then I got it. Wow. It was free. The SEAT was free. The seat that has been fought over by 592-riders was free. The one that Maan always sat on. The one that every other person in the bus wanted when she was absent. Hhahaha! Anyhow. Un lang. It was traffic sa Xavier because of all the diggings. Damn.

So from the front of MTQ, we just walked to school. Saw everyone. I love my new seat. I'm in front. No more squinting just to see what's written. (Especially when I'll be having my new glasses!) MR MARANA IS MY CLASS ADVISER!!! Yay! Hahahaha. This is gonna be a great year. Hahaha.

So blah. blah. blah.
My only confirmed teachers are Mr. Pinlac and Mrs. Lugay. Hahahaha. I'll get to know them all tomorrow. Hahahaha.

Anyhow, so I went home with sore feet and sweaty clothes. GRABE ANG INIT! Hahaha. Anyhow. For the rest of the day, I fixed my stuff. I fixed my new universal and I did my schedule na. Hahaha. Well. That's all for now

flames to dust

Tuesday, June 12 at 6:57 PM
Summer's End
Sad and/or WorriedT*: 6.12: 7.08
BEWARE! Contagious: All Good Things (Come to an End) - Nelly Furtado...

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?
I don't wan'ta go to school yet. I really haven't any motivation.
No... I don't wanna see my friends.
No... FX may be fun but that's also a different problem that makes me wish I have a car and driver, insead of a schoolbus or temporary fetcher
No... I definitely do not wanna study.
I don't wanna wake up early
I don't wanna rush in the bathroom
I don't wanna be stressed with all the portfolios
I just don't wanna go to school

I really enjoyed this summer. Right now, I'm looking back at my first post. I planned what I was going to do on summer. I didn't finish most of it. Hahahaha! But that's all right. I had lots of fun anyway.

I just wish I actually got to finish reading the 2(/3) books I wanted to read: SoUE, An Acceptable Time (and Eats, Shoots and Leaves). But I was able to read Stepping, a book that's a bit more mature. Hahaha.

I'm really glad that I was able to spend more time with Trisha, Kuya Ricky and Ate Kaye. It was really fun hanging out with them. Hehehe. It was even ore fun having been shared Heroes. This summer was really hyped up by that one show. I loved it. And I owe it to Ate and Kuya that I got addicted to it. I also miss the times we'd go out at night. Hahaha. A lot more has been learned. Nothing you can get in class.

I really miss playing Badminton. The last time I played was the summer of 2006. How sad! A least, it was replaced by simming lessons. At least I earned new friends. And I even learned to do things I never thought I can do. I wish I can five better though. Hahaha!

Hey. My interest in photography was hyped up too. I now have some Photoshop DVDs and a cool book. Hehehe. And I wish I have a better camera. Same with my interest in Friendster. Hahaha. I actually update it from time to time. Hahaha.

Somehow, I miss my barkada. My crew. Wahahaha! I wanna spend time in EK with them again. Or even in Shang. I wish we were able to do our Karaoke gimik. Hahahha!
But once I get back into school, it's another world now. Especially that Paul has left na. What am I to do? Huhuhu. No offence, but I'm blessed with friends who are plastic. Hayz. For heaven's sake....

I can't wait for StageFX! Grabe. I love acting and doing lights. Hahahaha. ANd I really can't wait for the Chocolate War! Hahaha. Hayz. But this is where my parents come in. WE have a new maid so she doesn't know how to fetch me from school while our other maid is at night school. The office van is being repaired and won't be done till the end of the month. WHO CAN BRING ME HOME? Hayz. I just hate it. Especially my dad who's like mind everyone else's business and complain. Hayz.

Grabe. I can't wait to know who my teachers are. Hahaha. Wow. Something to look forward to. Hahahaha!

Anyhow. Let's face it. School begins. Hayz. 7 more years till freedom. Well... not really... freedom na may pain. Haahahaha!

stop it

at 2:52 PM
la lang...T*: 3.12: 3.02
BEWARE! Contagious: some annoying old song...

RIght now, I'm deciding if I should cook the pizza or go to Alex. Hmmm....

Well. I just saw this post from Gina Hughes. And I was like COOL!
So I downloaded it.

It's Safari for PC. As in the web browser of Mac.
Get it here:

Well. I'm putting it on trial for a month. 'Coz I really like IE7... but I also like Safari.
Although I hate iTunes/Quicktime, maybe this from-Mac-to-PC might sell with me. Hahahaha.

Here... I'll compare.

I like IE7 more than Safari. Safari is all gloomy and grey. IE7 is blue and stuff. And for some reason, text look bold on Safari.

I like IE7 better. But it isnt really IE7. It's the Google Toolbar which makes Bookmarks (or as they call it, buttons) better. Instead of the words Safari has, you can put icons/pictures. The Buttons of the google toolbar also have drop down arrows for RSS feeds.... and when you click it, it goes to a certain site; when you click the RSS arrow, it shows the feeds; when you search, you can choose from a different site. Ay basta. Too complicated to explain.
Although, I like the Bookmark menu of Safari better.

Safari rocks. It manages all the downloads into one window. Windows has like separate windows for each. Too much clutter.

IE7! The corner search box can assign different search engines... in Safari, it's Yahoo or Google... or I haven't figured out how yet. Also, using the Google Toolber, things are easier since there's button searching... the thing I said above.

IE7. Safari kept logging me out after I closed the window. IE7 kept me logged in... But there is the problem with Google/Blogger/Google Toolbar login. But that's Google.

There. Photobucket, Multiply and LJ don't slow down the browser with Safari unlike IE7.

There isn't a Back/Forward menu on Safari!

IE7 beats Safari by a little. Tabs are fairly the same. Except it's easier to create a new tab on IE7... just a click. On Safari, right click, new tab. Oh yeah... when you make a new tab, it doesn't open your homepage on Safari.. unlike IE7

2 or more homepages on IE7!

Come to think of it... I don't like Safari as much....
(I was about to list more until my Dad emailed abouts which DVDs I wanted. When I finished emailing, I forgot. :D)
I'll use it from time to time then. Coz I like some features better. Hahahaha. But here's more info.

- cool private browsing feature
- bad pop-up blocking
- not nice for blogger
- gmail's reply button disappeared
- cool snapback feature

Anyhow... I'll be closing this browser and switching back to IE7. Hahaha.
But I wanna recommend this:
I love it. I un-subscribed from Birthdaytime coz this is more helpful!

nevermind.... no med school for me

at 11:02 AM
Sad and/or WorriedT*: 6.12: 11.13
BEWARE! Contagious: First Love...


I just cut myself. I was cutting the envelope using cutter.... and accidentally cut my left thumb joint area. Ouch! It was bleeding kanina! It didn't really hurt. It jsut stings... and I don't like the idea of blood flowing out of my body! ACK!

Reminds me of when I sliced my fingertip while slicing some bell pepper to make pizza. Reminds me... I should make pizza today 'coz I won't be able to make during schooltime.

It also reminds me of Grade 6 when nose bleeds were ever so frequent. Ack! I hate blood. I hate blood. I hate blood.

OMG It's bleeding again! Ayoko na!

Oh well. Back to fixing my school stuff. Ack! See... school is evil. It just cut my thumb!

a bit more padding

Monday, June 11 at 12:03 PM
Midnight, Mass, Pasig & Shang
la lang...M: 6.11: 12.16
BEWARE! Contagious: Kim Chiu.. WTF?!?!...

Okay. I hate that song! I meant those songs! Disgusting commercial jingles.
Well. Let's try no shortcuts today!

Hmmm. So we went to Mass at 10:15. (Well, not really.) And they woke me up at 10. Rather, I refused to wake up till ten. Why, you say. Because I couldn't sleep the night before. So I woke up to take a piece of Pan de Sal... until my mom came and started talking. Hayz. So I woke up a 10. And since I had no motivation, I took quite some time in the bathroom. So... I'm not the late one today. Hehehe.

You know what time we arrived at Mass? Before the Our Father. My Dad arrived in the middle of Our Father to hold my mom's hand, and all of us laughed. Well. We spotted Kuya Ricky and Ate Kaye in Mass. Hahaha.

So I rode with them going to Pasig. My mom and dad picked up the food at home first then went to Super8--the grocery near the vilalge--and into Mama's house. We had a different itinerary: So we first went to the hospital. Kuya Ricky's made gave birth.. LOONG Story. We were gonna pick'em up but it's not yet allowed. So we went to Narra. Waited for the babies to get ready then went to Pasig... after a lot of waiting. Hahaha.

And then... the usual. Hahaha. So most of the time, I was fixing Trisha's computer. Hahahaha. A bit slow... but better than before. It's normal na. Unlike before... ten minutes to open one program. Hahaha! Anyhow. During dismissal, we decided to watch a movie...

So Trish, my dad and I went to Shang. We watched Ocean's 13. Hahahaha. The movie was neat. Cool actually. But it isn't topping my list. Hahaha. Anyhow, we ate in Mong Kok. I didn't like their noodles... And then we went to Brothers Burger to pick up some food for my mom. Brought Trisha home. Went home.

Hahha. Today, my dad isn't at work.. GRR! At least he's out all day... Errands. So that's good enough. Hahaha. Well... my right eye is hurting again. Hahah.

drop it and get down

Saturday, June 9 at 10:40 PM
of errands & glasses
HAPPY!!S*: 6.9: 10.51
BEWARE! Contagious: Maroon 5...

Okay. So I wake up in the morning and bum off. Ladidadida.
As usual, I didn't hear my alarm. Wahaha!

Well. When I woke up. Checked my PC. Took a bath.

But before taking a bath. I fixed my shoes which are newly cleaned. Sadly, they still look like they came from teh dumpster. Waaa! This time, when I buy new rubber shoes--or sneakers--i'm gonna wipe it clean with tissue once I take them off my feet. Hayz. Footwear... one thing I love choosing...

Then we went to Wilcon. Got bored. Hahaha.

Then... to Ash Creek. Got myself some new glasses. Well. This time, i went for the full-rimmed glasses. They look good kasi. hahaha. Well.
Glasses... the other thing I love choosing...

That isn't a short story. It took me like an hour to find the perfect pair! Hahahaha! It's just like buying shoes. Hahahaha. There were these cool rimless glasses. As in full-rimless. They look good din. Pero the problem (with my dad) is I don't take extra care of my glasses. Hayz. One day, I'm claiming it. Hahaha. Well.

You're asking me why I don't take care of it well... hmm.
Number 1: Bastards who envy it. KIM!
Number 2: I easily put it down... beacuse I need to or I'm getting a headache.
Number 3: My laziness makes me entrust it to other people like KIM, my yaya and Chuahiock and other people who don't know how to properly put it down on a table. That's frame down... NOT LENS DOWN

Anyhow.. no, Kim. You're never getting my old pair. One kasi mahal... bumili ka ng sarili mo! Number 2, they're going to get new lenses din, so it will be my spare. SPARE as in when I can't use my current ones... not something I'll lend to you.

Wel, after, we ate sa Ice Monster. I ate my fave ulit... blueberries! and peaches. This time, I added 15 pesos for Vanilla Ice Cream. Wat can I say? It was the bomb! Hahahaha.

Well, we went to the grocery after, then to National to get me my sticker labels. And then home... blah. blah. blah. I'm now here! Hahaha.
Right now, I'm checking out Tablet PCs. hahahaha!

Sumusunod sa aking galaw

Thursday, June 7 at 10:17 PM
Listerine Commercial
HAPPY!!*T: 6.7: 10.29
BEWARE! Contagious: none at the moment...

Hahaha. Really makes me laugh.

Tipping is NOT a city in China

at 9:09 PM
Movie Marathons & Other Stuff
la lang...*T: 6.7: 9.28
BEWARE! Contagious: none at the moment...

So oki. Nothing much. I should rename this log La Lang 18.5

Anyhow. Movie Marathon ulit. Yesterday, we watched. Let's Go to Prison and School for Scoundrels. Late evening, we watched Kabagang ulit.

Well. This morning, the vainmonster took over again and I started taking pix of myself with my phone. Imagine what would happen if I had a better camera. Hahaha. I'm still deciding if I wanna post it on Multiply. Hahaha.

Kanina Trisha left, and I watched X-men and 2.

Now I'm about to leave to watch for 3. Hahaha.

La Lang 18

Tuesday, June 5 at 7:22 PM
Photo Booth & Movie Marathons
la lang...T*: 6.5: 8.15
BEWARE! Contagious: MF...
Well... last night, in our boredom, Trisha and I toyed around with Mommy Fim's MacBook. Hahahaha! Check 'em out:

WEll. Other than that, we played with Lexy din. And then made gulo the maids. Singing whatever. reading text jokes. Hahahaha!

Today naman, nag movie marathon kami care of DBD-DBD. Movie choices courtesy of Trisha. They were alright. I mean, I watched the last na. Hahaha.
Material Girls... Mr Bean's Holiday... Devil Wears Prada...

BTW. It was mentioned sa Material Girls na FORMALDEHYDE is bad. Hahaha. More proof.

WEll. Actually, before all of that, I woke up 9.30 in tha mownin. And practiced my script while watching Kds in America on Star Movies. Hehehe. Oh well.

if i had the right comb...

Monday, June 4 at 5:39 PM
Narra, Shang, FX, Recital, The Afternoon, Sunday Morning & The Baptism
HAPPY!!Angry Like Sh^t!M: 6.4: 5.55
BEWARE! Contagious: How Do I Breathe - Mario...

Hayz. Well. Here I go.
Hmmm.... Where do I start?

So. Friday na.
I bummed off muna at home before I decided to go to Narra. And Mommy Fim made me send her invitations via Cellphone. I updated her MacBook na rin.
When she left, pumunta na ako kina Kuya. I just started playing with Alex when Kuya gave me some shirts, shorts and shoes. And then when I went back to Alex he told me to dress up na for Shang. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I walked home. Dressed up. Tried on the shoes he gave... maliit. Sayang. Maganda pa naman ang design niya. Kilala mo naman ako. Mapili sa design. Hahaha.
So I walked to Narra to find out thye went to pick me up at home. Hayz. Hahaha. So we were in the Ortigas district and thought of going to Podium but we didn't find what we wanted. So sayang ung parking fee.

Well. On the way to Shang, Kuya asked what my mom's gift from me was. I said none. Hahaha! Well. He asked bakit and how much my allowance is. Sabi ko 100/a day. Hahaha. Sabi nya hindi daw un enough. Hahaha. So he called my mom para ma-increase. Hahaha. Pero hindi cya sumagot. Sabi ni Ate Kaye: Ang galing ni Tita Tess sa pera that she knew na magpapa-increase ng allowance kaya hind nya sinagot. Hahahaha! So sa Parking Lot tumawag ang mom ko. At na-increase ang allowance ko. Hahaha. eh di masaya.

So we ended up na sa Shang... ang orig plan. And we bought Robin's baptism socks and bibs. Hahaha. And then dumating si Mommy Fim. Pinapalit ang binili namin and then we ate in Clawdaddy. Sarap! I especially love their Homemade Grape Soda, although it stains. Hahahaha. It's quite weird though that we wear bibs. hahaha.

So we planned on picking Trisha up. Pero she said dipwe. So we just went to Narra. Hahaha. Hangout and I went home kasi gigising pa ako ng maaga. Hahaha.


So. I woke up early. And then took a bath and used the spare time to update my iPod. And then after a lot of waiting for my dad. We went to XS na.

So, when there, there was a lot of waiting too. And some other stuff too ;-). Well, in the heat, Nagpahangin ako sa lanay... until the aircon was opened. And then I went back in. More waiting... tutok as aircon.

And then we started with the workshops. Saya. Hahahaha. Nakaktawa ung huli. And then I left just when the KFC arrived. So I waited some more in the heat till my dad arrived and then we ate lunch muna. And then we left for La Salle.

So there goes the recital. And I had sobrang daming mistakes. At least di masyadong halata. Nakakainis! Nakakahiya!

So I left ad we went to various places for the house and i fell a sleep in the tiles store. And then we ate in Iceberg. I miss that place. There's one in Timog pala.

And then I went home and then did stuff. We picked Trisha up later that night. Drove thru McDo. Slept... late since Trisha had a fueled mouth.


Well. The moment I woke up for Mass.... I knew I was going to have a bad day.... with only a few to blame. Hahahaha. Well. I wouldn't want to talk about that... now would I? Hahahaha!

Welll. Mass. the normal thing. And when I was just about to be blessed by the priest some girl invited Trish and I to join the youth ministry... ung ushers, nag-co-collect ng money and that. Hahaha. Sabi ko di ko sure kasi sa scheduling. Tapos excuse ni Trisha.. lagi kaming late. Hahahaha. Nakakahiya

Anyhow, after Mass, pinag-isipan ko talaga un. Hahaha. Nasiyahan ako sa thought na pwede akong mag-join. Hahahaha. Mukhang masaya. Talagang cinoncsider ko eh. Hahaha. Naisip ko lang na weird kasi sobrang nasolidify na ang impression ng tao na goody-goody ako. hahahaha. Nagple-play ng piano, tahimik, stuff like that... tapos naghe-help pa sa church. Hahahaha!

Anyhow.... I'd trade that for Yamaha any day. Iniisip ko rin kasi na I wanna quit na kasi I can learn naman by myself. And maski ako, I don't know the songs I'm playing. Isip ko na gusto kong magplay ng Mass songs chaka new songs. And I'm always so busy with this and that na laging conflict sa sked ko. And I can use the hour for travelling and lessons to do schoolwork. So I don't do homework on Sundays. Hahahaha. Well. Patatapusin ko na alng siguro ang remaining lessons ko. Which is like... 17 lessons

Then we went to National. And then to Mann Hann. ANd then I was forced to have a haircut. At least it isn't too short. Hahaha.

So after, I fixed my new songs while Trisha was in the bathroom. That's like 2.... she finished at 3:30. TAGAL! And just when I enterd the batroom, biglang tinext ako ni Ate Kaye na they're about to leave. WTF?!

So after rushing, we went there. And then we went to Santuario na ulit. Hahahaha. And then Robin's baptism. (where we were proxys) And then the reception sa Wack wack. It was mostly boring. hahaha. The last of the night was spent sending pix via bluetooth, playing witht he hyper Alex and not much. WEll, my allowance increase was revoked for some reasons.. :|

And then we went home. And I thought about money. How my dad won't buy me CDs and books. How Kim makes me spend more money in the canteen than I have. How I have to save more money na. And stuff like that.