Oo, Bawal Ka!

Sunday, January 3 at 3:45 PM
I am enjoying my music tripping right now. Flamenco guitars. Janis Joplin. Billie Holiday.
Quoting Sister Act, my taste in music is eccentric. I'll listen to anything. :P

However, I shouldn't be enjoying them. Boo.
My poem won't record itself. And that project won't finish itself. God.

But I'll have two more songs before I finally send in my recordings.
Then I'll watch Almost Famous. :P

Oh yeah, have I mentioned I've been watching movies lately. (No, not the crappy MMFF entries.) Recently, I watched:
  • Adam - Hugh Dancy was great in the role. Too bad he's gonna be snubbed this year. Lots of contenders. And the story was awww... Though I think I share some symptoms of Asperger's. Oh noes.
  • Funny People - I wasn't satisfied, I wanted Adam Sandler to die. Lol. I'm sorry, but it just wasn't complete enough. Nabitin ako. Though it was a great movie. Bo Burnham was there, LOL. Leslie Mann and Eric Bana were amazing. Hehe. Fuck Facebook!
  • Julie & Julia - Meryl Streep was wow. Haha! Hey, and give Amy Adams some credit! Gotta marry a girl who's ambitious in the kitchen. Hahaha!
  • Precious - That was just WHOA. Mother fucking' bitches, it was mother fuckin' amazin'! Gabourey was great. Ang Mo'nique was mother fuckin' scary. And Paula Patton made me want to become a Harlem teacher for a few moments.
  • An Education - Carey Mulligan! Totally convincing acting. I thought she really was schoolgirl age. She's 24. Wow.

Since my titles already have some kind of significance with my blog. Here's what I mean by that:

I shall now go on to an at called discipline: Bye bye, sweets (and other unhealthy food).
I know. It's sad. Why I'm doing it, I have no idea. But what the hell. Bye bye.
I think I'll set this till Easter. :D (Early on the Lenten sacrifice? IKR?)

1. No more candies--not even Mentos. Exception being mints when I need instant fresh breath.
2. No more chocolates. Exception being M'n'Ms but only when I'm sad.
3. No more soda. Not even zero. Not even light. Not even on special days.
4. No more Frappuccinos. No whipped cream. Only straight hot or iced coffee from Starbucks.
5. Any other drink that's not water is banned. Exception being Nescafe Latte in Can but only during show dates and days I didn't sleep.
6. No more Starbucks pastries. (Oh shit, cinnamon twist!)
7. No more chips--not that I really eat them.
8. No more unhealthy snack biscuits and the like.
9. No more pastries. Not even the cookies or the banana bread in the canteen.
10. No more pancakes, ice cream and cake. Not even on birthdays.

Instead, I shall indulge myself with... FRUITS!
:| Wish me luck.

What do I hope to achieve? I dunno exactly.

One, discipline. Two, better health.
Not that my sugar is high--though my cholesterol sorta is... But I can't do anything about that. Don't you just wish the canteen sold healthier food?

Anyway, that's it for now. :D

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