Late Night Update#4

Friday, January 8 at 8:45 PM
I love these updates. They're fun.

I'm developing my writing skills, which is awesome. Don't you agree? If last time I was thinking about vlogs, (God, that still sounds awful to me. Why can't it be called blogees or blogeos or viddies or something. Okay, those were bad suggestions.) this time, I'm thinking of writing a blog.

Okay, I'm prolly not making any sense to you right now. Here. So I watched 'Julia & Julie' a few weeks ago, remember? So it's about Julie Powell--who writes a blog about her cooking adventures. No, I'm not saying I'm going to write a blog about my cooking adventures. I'm thinking, I wanna expand my audience? I dunno. I think it'll be fun. But what do you think?

Doing this everyday is fun. And yes, it's better than doing it in some one else's persona. I'm sorry, I think I get too brain dead to get ideas for a new story everyday. Hehe. Yes, hundreddays guy is prolly dead by now.

You know what else is fun? Brilliant, 100-point poems. Yes my poem 'If the stars align tonight, what would my mother say?' got me a hundred points. That's what. I literally jumped for joy. That was a gamble. I didn't know if it would hit or not. But it did, thank God.

What else have I been writing? A journal. Yes. May blog na ako, may journal pa.
Since I didn't know what to do with my Starbucks planner, I made it a journal. So every night for the last two nights, I've been writing about some thought or feeling that I had the day. Before I shut out the lights, I'd be on my bed, writing some vague personal reflection on something really, really personal. Hehe. (The last two have been about a certain person ;) )

Yes, It's 1:50. I'm way past my curfew. (So I'm not only diabetic, but also a political prisoner. I kid.) But put it into context: I woke up at 11pm. Happy?

Anyhow. I read another article from Yahoo! Lists of Banned Words for 2010.
Crazy. I don't think 'sexting,' 'app,' 'friend' as a verb, 'tweet,' or 'Obama' as a prefix will go out of season anytime soon. They kidding? Though I do agree with one commenter. They should stop attaching "-gate" to related scandals. I just find it useless.

I made a better eggy in a basket. This time, it wasn't fail. That was random.

I don't have anything much to update about now. Crazy.
So I'll shut up and go to bed. Besides, there's a mosquito that won't seem to leave me.

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