Late Update #2

Wednesday, January 6 at 4:39 PM
Right now, I am munching on a slice of an apple.
By munching, I mean to imply that I'm not enjoying. By apple, I mean to imply that it's just some red fruit with meat that's too mushy and totally unlike the apples I like eating. By a slice, I mean to imply that I'm not eating anymore slices of said fruit. Bleh.

God. A life without sweets.
How long will I last. Till Easter, duh. You have discipline! (...right?) But someone seems to enjoy mocking me. Tonight, I spotted food for the gods, butterscotch, durian candy, this sugary ball thingo and (my all-time love) piaya. Why?!

In other news, I listened to the music on my (brand new) phone last night. Yes, I did complain about the sound quality of the speakers. But hot damn. I plugged my earphones in last night, and it was music heaven. Seriously. It would totally kill my iPod if it had more memory.

And in more totally unrelated news, I am glad to say I will be enjoying my Chinese-free curriculum once I graduate Xavier. And I know you might say I'm wasting all those years of Chinese education (or not), but seriously, I don't think I'll be using it any time soon. The world is globalizing (if you want to think it is), yes: that's why there are translators.

*Luis, at the moment, is being child-like and shallow. He is enjoying playing with the apple he bit but did not chew or swallow. It has formed some kind of strange but interesting shape.*

I got a C in my HSK results, which I am totally grateful for. I'm not even Chinese, so what am I bothering about? But what is bugging me is the fact that Chinese might be my downfall. My poor long test grades don't exactly bode well with my hopes of graduating with honors. Meh.

I am hoping for a miracle. Amen.

Now, I shall finish my apple. Uck. Finished.

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