Late Night Update#5

Monday, January 11 at 6:59 PM
I think this is the latest late night update I've ever written. Oh wait... nevermind.

What can I talk about? About how I blocked Ms. Lopez from escaping the classroom in order to stall while Rap finishes our group work? About how lunchtime CAT training was a big mess? About how mentioning the words 'what're you gonna do about' and 'college' can ruin my night? About how a sphere can be filled with orange liquid by twice the volume of a cone?
Nah. Boring.

Then again, I have nothing much to talk about...
Except maybe about my epic fail. Hehe. I'm sorry, world. I ate some sweets last Saturday. I couldn't help myself: it was too tempting. How often do you encounter Fig Newtons anyway? (No, I'm not talking to you. Apparently, you stock up on them.) And also, how often are you served sweets whose names you can't even pronounce right?

Yes. I went to a debut last Saturday night. It was awesome.
There was a photo booth. There was BAMBOO! There was head banging and what-not. Don't you just love being plus one? Happy Birthday, Clara! You may not know me, but thanks!

Anyhow, today was a day of intense singing. I'm doing the solo for Don't Stop Believin'. It's in my range, but it's in a high octave. I can reach every note, and it's brilliant. But gahd, that's intense singing. Then more singing for FX.
Don't we ever get tired? Nope.

Anyhow. Night!
Three witches await in my bed. And prolly a dagger as well.

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