Birthday Chronicles. Vol. 1 Pt. 1

Saturday, June 30 at 5:43 PM
My 15th--
HAPPY!!M: 7.2: 12.06
BEWARE! Contagious: Waterfalls - TLC...

Okay. New segment. LOL

Okay so it's my birthday today! So I have to greet myself.

Happy Birthday, Luis!

Okay. Back to me.
I'm really excited. I'm sooo exuberant.
I'll be jumping for joy--if I haven't done it yet.
I was born 15 years ago this day. Hahaha!

But seriously. What's happened to me since the last year?

Well. I feel much better about myself.
Weird isn't it? I feel more confident like I can do anything!
(wow. this is beginning to sound like one of those napkin commercials.)

Smarter? Maybe.

Better at Filipino.
Definitely. I'm not as bulol and barok as before.
And when I speak to someone, first language ko na ang Filipino.
(Even during English class when Julius attempts to ask me stuff in English class)

Hahaha. Bigla akong na-shock sa comment ni Ms. Lampa.
But you gotta admit, it's quite true now.
I've been fixing my hair a bit better.
I think I got that habit from Trisha and CJ.
Cj as being the person who find a mirror in the most non-reflective substances.
And Trisha who brushes her hair for one hour as I'm wearing my paraphernalia.
Oh yeah. And my mom who keeps complaining about my blackheads. Now I always find myself washing my face. Hahaha!

Maybe just a bit of improvement. Though I could do better.
I've only gotten to the part of making hirits. Hahaha.

Sana lang. Hahahaha!

by a few inches.

Wow. You can't imagine. Sinabawang Gulay pa nga lang eh. Hahaha!
The songs I sing. The dance I dance. The things I do.
The crazy things I do.

Gotta work on that.

I've significantly gone from OC to half-perfectionist.
Jowk! Hahaha. Yeah. I'd like to think I'm organized.
But then my whole place isn't.
Books are scattered everywhere like syet and stuff.
And I still lose my things.
And even if I set a plan to fix my stuff, I end up not doing it.
And don't get me started on study and sleep habits.
That's not my department. Hahaha.
Somehow, I always lag my studies to the middle of the night. (like what I'm doing right now. hahaaha!)
Although I'm always sleepy, I can't help but sleep late. Weird noh?

Well. That's basically everything I can think of.
Wait for part two to see what I did today.
And part three to see my family gathering and gift. ;-)

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1 reps.:

Unknown said...

wow. daming descriptions ah.

taller? way to go! haha. hopefully i grow taller in canada. :))