the acoustic version....

Friday, March 27 at 9:44 PM

Patring's Birthday Gimik

Awesome. Awesome.
I had a wonderful time. Happy Bithday, Yaya!

Let's call this blog, live blog.
No. It's not really live. But rather than make full paragraphs, i'll list down everything we did.
Today was epic! Must remember everything.

Woke up friggin' early. Thank you, wake up call! [/sarcasm]
I guess that made me hyper THE whole day. :))
Made my very last-minute paalam.

Rode with Stacey to Tobias's house.
Sorry for making you wait, Ryan. ;)

Played around for a while.
Sandy taught me that piano race thing.
Stacey + Yakult in back pocket + slippery floor = EPIC FAIL

Walked to Greenbelt.
Awesome. Never been in that underground pedestrian thing.
Tobias brought us to Starbucks where everything is expensive.

Went to McDo instead. :D
Sandy taught me to kick ass from the side. Tobias is a failure!
Sandy... HAHAHAHA. That man! And the woman... shoulda seen her face! :)) EPIC FAIL.

McDo was yummy.
Sandy. Tsk tsk. Chicken nuggets, what were you thinking? It's a Friday!
(Don't throw it back. I ain't holy. :)) )
Sandy has her epic fail number 3. Bad luck with coke cups, I see.
Yaya came! Pika too!

Went to Starbucks.
Might I mention we were hyper and noisy both on the way and back.
Met Mara. Went up. Stood there. Stacey being emo.

Ate Gelatone. Yummy.
Others went to Mac place. Boo.
We got vain. And when we were tired, we went to Gelatone and sat there.
Everyone else followed.
Truth or Dare. Being noisy. :))

Movie daw. Pero sa TimeZone napadpad. :))
Played a lot. I can do shwing-shwing with one hand!
Dance Dance Rev. Still a classic. And I'm pretty good at it!
The bato-bato ball at the screen! <3
Super crazy.

Fought about movie. =))

Went to Glorietta. Split up. :>
Got bored. Photo op sa may wall.
Tested out the "Filipinos always answer to psst" theory. Gumana! One guy looked.
We were a floor above. I went PSSSST!
Also did the big laugh at three. :)) A girl looked up too.
No one answered to "PARE!" Coz none of them were loud enough.

Very tired. Feet aching.
Walked back to Tobs's house.
Mara played the piano! AWESOME! :D I sang along with her. :))

Stopped Patring from leaving. Cake!
Yummy dinner.
Stace and Sandz come back.

Time to leave.
Looked for Big Buddha and dropped Tring off there.
Parents invited us to stay. Her sister kept looking at me. :|

Sandz and I getting lost in Makati.
Eventually made it to the MRT station.
Super crazy.
We just stopped in the middle like lost tourists. Where are we supposed to go? :| :))

MRT wasn't full. LOVE!
Made craziness. :))
People staring at blue eyes. Add that to the list of others who did today.

Walked and waited at Caltex.
Singing in the gas station. Fans look on! :))
Met Sandy's mom. She called me David. :| :)) How does she know that?
They brought me home. THANKS! :D

Got home.
Fixed up.
Dropped dead on bed. Listening to iPod. Half-asleep.
Woke up. Here.

Feet aching. Freaking tired. No energy.
Awesome Epic Day! w00t!

That blog. Did not feel like me. :))

How many times did I just say epic? :| :))

borderline barker

Wednesday, March 25 at 11:18 PM


I'm emo over something.
THING... is it even? I dunno.

I wanna talk about it. But the only people I'm comfortable about sharing it with aren't anywhere to be found... so it's kinda stupid.

I dunno. A few minutes ago, I wasn't.
But the way things rolled, it's all changed. And now I just feel... emo.

I'm so emo, I'm writing an emo song.
But I can't get the right words to finish it. The tune is in. The chorus too. The first verse. Part of the bridge. But I can't complete it. Too washed out.

Emo. I don't even think that's the right word to describe it you know.
There are other words. I mean... I know them... I'd like to use them. But that'd give too much away, now wouldn't it?

(How many times have I used emo in this blog?)

Dude! Weirdo! Where are you?

How crazy is this?

Gahd. This isn't me.
Snap out of it. o.O
but I can't... :(

i wanna love you, pyt.

Thursday, March 19 at 7:59 PM


So far, my summer's been about clearance and appeals, tv show-obsessing and American Idol music. I guess before I go to the main point of this blog, I'd update you first about them.

I've been in school since yesterday... and I'm still going back tomorrow. o.O Darn. I just don't need that low of a score right now. It's going to be deadly for me.

I slept at 5am last Tuesday. Why? Watching TV.
Wow, right? And I even let my PC run for two days just to download new episodes and new movies. Hehe. I guess, I'll be watching a lot of things this summer.

American Idol. Michael Jackson week was quite good. It got me to download all of Jacko's top ten hits. Hehe. But yesterday's country week was plain jane annoying. I already hate country to begin with, but their performances really sucked.

I just love Megan. I dunno why they're all hatin' on her. Rockin' Robin was awesome if you'd just listen to the power and rawness of her voice. Great jazz twist on the country song. :P But the iTunes Studio version ruined it: it went back to country-sounding.

Kris Allen is doing well too. Hehehe. I enjoyed both his performances. Adam Lambert. He's just awesome. His latest though struck me weird but awesome at the same time. These three people were the ones whose songs I downloaded this week.

Lil lost her charm during country week. Danny Gokey is annoying me. Allison Iraheta is really good but still not something I'd watch out for. Matt is good as well but really seems just too annoying and fake.

Alexis went out this week. Not much of a shocker. I don't really care. But I'd rather keep her over Sarver or blind dude. Seriously, Scott CANNOT sing. Why is he still in?

I've just recently "come back online."
Last Sunday was just too emo for me that I couldn't really upload or blog about anything. Then the lack of enthusiasm affected me for most of the week. But now I'm back. I uploaded all the pictures I had. Stole a lot too. Hehe.

If there's something I need to do, it's to write my movie reviews. They're long overdue.
Here's a list so you know what I've been watching:

  • Step Up
  • Take the Lead
  • Doubt (feakin' awesome!)
  • Repo! The Genetic Opera (piece of s***. i regret anticipating it)
  • Ang Tanging Ina
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Valkyrie
  • Gran Torino (AWESOME!)
  • Dekada '70
  • Burn After Reading (o.O)
  • I Not Stupid 2 (still a goody)
  • Rocket Science (brilliant!)
  • Watchmen
  • Rachel Getting Married (brilliant! but I'm not yet done.)

Quite a lot, right? So I really have to get started.

Add to that, I really feel the need to update my blogspot. It's kinda empty. Hehehe.
I have quite a lot of reflective material in my head, but it gets taken over by sabaw-ness. o.O.

Anyhow. I have quite a busy summer.
I need to make my 2008 album. I need to write my adaptation. Hehe!

I've decided not to take review sessions. Instead, I'll take the Xavier refresher courses, so I don't have to study over the summer. I want to take piano lessons, but I don't know how feasible that'd be. Hmmm. I'm taking driving lessons, definitely. Lastly, boxing.

Add to that, I hope I get in to the Ateneo Arts Workshop thing. I worked hard on that. Hehehe! I think it will be fun... hopefully.

I'm just happy I get to stay over with the babies again. I miss them sooo much! :))

Lastly, I hope my appeall works out. I need it to get to ensure I stay in FX... and so that I can party and gimik more. ;)

I've been singing a lot lately. I blame American Idol and The Last Show.

I think my voice has matured mored.
I can reach higher notes. I learned I do have a false but I still can't control it.
I can do things with that raw rasp start. I can hold notes longer. :))

I'm seriously thinking of putting up YouTube videos. What do you think? Lol.

you remind me of...

Wednesday, March 18 at 6:34 PM


This is long overdue. :))
25 things about myself. Seems like everyone's done it except for me. Hehe.

1. people say i look like david archuleta. i disagree. :))
it got crazy actually during edsor. I'd pass by and people started screaming. o.O c'mon, people.

2. i like critiquing. :)) anything. proofreading and commenting on compositions. singers on american idol. english oral tests. i am notorious for being frank and, maybe, negative. like... giving low scores on oral tests and stuff.

3. i enjoy watching movies. really. especially them critically-acclaimed, award-winning movies. i'm always on the look out for awesome performances. :))

4. i have a thing for lists. i dunno, i'm always so interested. top 10 this and list of happiest countries and award-winning blah and any other kind of lists. i'm like always into finding out about them.

5. i am very frank. i mean, really. :P

6. i am obsessive-compulsive... maybe even a perfectionist. but when i give up/am really tired, i stop. :))

7. i get high for no reason sometimes. it isn't weird anymore for me to burst out during lunchtime. shouting weird things. trying crazy accents. making prayer rallies. haha! i don't need alcohol or caffeine. in fact, they can slow me down. :))

8. i like playing with accents. they really fascinate me. what i really want to perfect is the scottish accent.

9. i am very into music. it's my life. i listen to practically anything except country and heavy metal and some stuff that sound annoying.

10. i'm very friendly. very approachable. but i can be an ass. beware.

11. i'm a shy person. i mean, i'm the kind that, when i meet new people, i'm really quiet. that is unless i'm meeting this new people with some friends. but afterwards, after getting to know them a bit, i can be really friendly in the outgoing sort of way. :D

12. it may seem like i don't, but i really care. :D

13. i'm single. i've never been in a relationship. ;) nbk.

14. i find myself talking to myself at times... when i'm lonely and in an awkward situation. it sounds insane, but it actually keeps me sane.

15. i like to let go. get loose. go wild. it makes me happy and relaxed... i mean, my life is quite stiff and tiring, so it's really a stress-reliever.

16. i enjoy the feeling of pressure. not of stress. of pressure. :D i like the feeling of reponsibility and power.

17. i don't have a big range in singing, but i always air-sing and pretend i do. i usually have quirky "concerts" in the bathroom. haha!

18. mababaw ang kaligayahan ako. mahirap akong paiyakin. :D usually, instead of crying, my voice just cracks from saltiness.

19. i think i can call myself a hopeless romantic. ;)

20. i have an uncurable lss. just sing a song in front of me, and it'll be stuck in my head. (make sure though i'm unaware that you're making it stuck in my head)

21. i'm a very secretive person. i don't tell much to many people. but i trust people a lot and easily, it's just that i'm not realy that much a share-r. sometimes the trust though, it's too much... i find myself made a fool of.

[wala na ako maisip... o.O writing break]

22. my family is very catholic. very filipino. very spanish (though we're not even aware of it).

23. i am easily annoyed when i have a negative impression of someone. i forgive but i never really forget.

24. my relationship at home... it's not really something ideal. i mean, i envy other people with what they have. but at least mine isn't as bad as others.

25. (finally) i get emo excessively. ;)

do it if you want. :D

high-pitched screach

at 5:18 PM


Amazing. :))

We went to Subic and Pampanga. First time! :D

Stayed in Albert's house in an office.
Awesome, comfy and cold place. :))

We swam in Subic Yacht Club.

I can't say much 'coz there's nothing much to say. :))

Anyhow... I started missing Manila. :))
I'm such a city person. Lol.

new series.

at 5:18 PM


This is late. Like really late. Hehe.
For some reason, I've been avoiding tinkering with my Multiply (and Facebook). I dunno why.
It sorta seems depressing. :))

Well. I was there [prom] the day before and the morning before.
Preparing... it was kinda... yeah.

Lalo na sa Decors SubComm. Awesome mahn! We did real awesome.

Prom night was awesome. (WTH lumiit yata ang vocab ko.)
I don't think I have much more to say.

Thanks, Mara! I had soo much fun.
Thanks to everyone we hung out with! :D

Anyhow. So I picked up Mara from Paranaque.
Kinda late... not really. :))
Dinner... it was ayt.
Dancing... meaning going wild. :))
Karaoke at Prome.
Sabaw-ness in the parking lot. ;)

:D I'm happy.

Anyhow... pictures soon. :D

and honestly.

Friday, March 13 at 5:33 PM


Repeating what I said before, 2008 is MY year.
I said that when the new year struck because I had this amazing, strong feeling that it's going to be one of the best years of my life.

When 2009 came, I said MY year wouldn't end yet. I said it would end on March. Today is practically the eve before MY new year's eve. In other words, the eve of my own prom.

Since I won't be here to blog on the eve itself. I thought that right now would be the right moment.

I honestly felt I made the most out of it. It was definitely a great one. One to remember.

Well, I dunno what to say right now. Just felt like blogging.
Right now just seems so bittersweet. It's about to end. Already. Sigh.

I wanna say THANK YOU to everyone. I mean, you all made it a special one.
To the povedans, my prom dates, cousins, fx peeps, staffers, pamangkins. I can't name you all. But really, all of you just made this year awesome.
Quoting the song, "my life... would suck.... withooooooout youuuu!"

(Advanced) Happy New Year!
I wish I had fireworks. Hehe.

diapers and report cards.

at 5:19 PM


Okay. I spent most of Thursday in Xavier.
Doing what? Practicing. Preparing.

Things were really going crazy. But I'm glad with the people I was with.
Somehow, I feel really connected. I'm just happy I got to bond with all of them one way or another. That connection was there, so it didn't go too hard.

Anyhow. We were sabog. But it went well. It went great.
I'm glad it did. I hope you guys enjoyed.

To me, it was just sad and scary to see them go.
I was crying internally again. (Meaning no tears, but my throat was breaking and I had colds.)
I'm really gonna miss you guys.

We went to Greenhills after. Well, seven of us did.
We all tried to fit into one taxi... but the driver got mad. =))

We ate dinner muna in Mexicali.
Not in our Staple Gerry's or KFC. :))

Then we went to World Music Room.
Karaoke! The best ever! :D I went wild. Seriously, W-I-L-D.
It was crazy, especially Bohemian Rhapsody, and I wasn't even drinking that time.

Anyhow. We we ended an hour later.
Perfect night-enders: Everyday... and Don't Stop the Music!

We ended the night buying at McDo.
Yumm. I had great fun. :D

good. bad.

Tuesday, March 10 at 7:36 PM

PRE-PROM... sort of

Okay. Today was our last test-date. Final day of school.
Today is spelled as F. R. E. E. D. O. M.

Anyhow, after the relatively easy soc sci test, the crazed invitations and the planning of whatnots, Jerold, Kim and I went to Prome! :))

Passed by my house first, and then we had our bulok "pre-prom."
Bakit bulok? Wala na nga ang mga dates, hindi pa kami kumpleto. Nyek nyek nyek.
Anyhow, I had so much fun. It was friggin' awesome.

When we first arrived, we went to Krispy Kreme.
Bakit? Kasi nagkandabaliw si Kim noong nakitang nakabukas and red light.
Spent some time there, talking.

After, we went to Prome. Checked the movies. Decided on Watchmen.

Tapos, pumunta kami sa TimeZone sa theatre mall. <3
Hahahahahaha! Pawis na pawis ako doon kasi atat na atat ako... parang bata!
We basically took all the change we had to pay for everything.

We did the air hockey and basketball and deal or no deal and shwing-shwing.
We also tried Dance Dance. I've never played it before. Kinda fun. :)) (I beat Kim!)
My favorite game was the batuhan ng mga bola! :)) Baliw na baliw kami doon!

Anyhow, we bought the tickets. Then ate lunch at McDo.
Then we chilled at McDo. To waste time, we just talked and laughed and took pictures. :))
That was fun.

And then we went to Fully Booked.
By this time, pagod na pagod na ako. I just sat on the floor the whole time.
There was this one point sa sobra kong katamaran, I crawled.

Nakakinis si Kim. May ipapakita daw... nung tumayo ako...
"Haha! Made you stand!" o.O And then he showed me something useless. O.o

Anyhow, we saw this OOBER FUNNY pregnancy book and baby-handling book.
Tawang-tawang-tawang-tawa kami.
Actually, joke nga lang siya eh... Kim gave it to me dahil magkakaanak daw ako.
I read it talaga... mamaya na lang tumatawa na ako nang malakas, and they started looking at it na rin. LOL!

After, we went over to the cinema na.
Amazing movie. Sadly, not for everyone. Review soon. :D

Afterwards.... blah blah blah. Magulo na.

Amazing day!
Thanks, Jer... for EVERYTHING na nilibre/binigay mo! :D

you are my destiny

Sunday, March 8 at 7:58 PM

Saint Paul Prom

Somehow, Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) is stuck in my head. o.O
Anyhow, it's 12, I know. But I wanna blog. Hihihi.

Okay. So yesterday--technically, last Saturday,--I went to the Saint Paul prom. I had a lot of fun! Thanks, Paula. And thanks din, couz! :D

Dance floor was too small. And I heard there are around 300 (double it for their dates) of them. o.O Somehow, we managed to fit. But it was cramped. But that was fun.

Wish they had more programs 'coz we danced too long. Hehehe.
We were actually counting how many more hours/minutes before we could leave.
(They locked the gate so you can't leave earlier than 12. o.O)

Did I mention I kept dancing? :))
My date was corny. JOWK! Peace!

But I had loads of fun! :))
Enjoy ako.

When I was first introduced, they referred to me as "Anapat's cousin."
Wow. May narating tayo. Lol.

Oh! But Trisha--este Anapat--was like girl most screamed at.
I saw my cousin in a dress! w00t! :))
She sorta reminded me of our tita. :P

Anyhow, after their prom, we went to a *somewhere* and partied away. First time ko dun! :))
Except it was paused when they had a "contest" and they stopped the music. Damn.

Anyhow, did I mention, naka-dalawang beses ako sa McDo that day? :))

Well.. thanks ulit, Paula, Trish, cluster/party peeps!
(pictures soon. :D)

i might get lost

Friday, March 6 at 5:26 PM

BIRTHDAYS, HANGOUTS, DEFENSE, IDOL and other random stuff.

Okay. I shall ramble on about my day. Yipee.

From being late by just one or two minutes yesterday, I arrived at 7:15. Yehey.

You spin my head right round, right round.
Mrs.H makes the wittiest titles for her Geompardy. Hahaha!
WE WON! w00t. May prize daw kami.
Mrs. H! You still owe us our prize! Hihihihi.

Friggin' Chinese MT. Grrr.
I dunno, I think I did well. But that's usually a bad omen. o.O I hope I really did well.
I was the second to pass my paper. First because I answered everything already, and I don't think I could add anymore. Second because I was anxious about:

We were supposed to give Mr Legs's cake during recess.
Actually, we were supposed to give it the dismissal before. We waited quite a while till I told Dulay to check if his car was still there. Damnit.
So here we are. A day late. But the cake's still in the Science lab, which was locked.

I've been sleeping through every English class. Why? Oral defense. Lol.
I usually wake up to find them being stumped by Mr Chua's questions or find everyone starting to leave the classroom.

Finally got the cake. Finally sorta not really complete.
No luck though. He wasn't there. o.O

We, meaning a select few, arrived earlier than the agreed meeting time.
We didn't call yet. But he was walking towards the workroom door.
Me: ran to the canteen and looked for people to no avail; went back up to the stairs.
He passed by me. o.O

We were basically complete-not-really. I told Joshua to see where he went.
He was GONE! o.O C'mon!
After a while, we saw him coming. So there, we prepared the cake. Damnit, no match. It's an invisible flame-candle. Yipee.
Giving it was awkward. I mean really. o.O Naman kasi... everyone was scattered. I wish we planned this better. O.o We didn't even sing.

Amen. No, you didn't do anything deliberately.
Don't get mad. Coz I'm not mad! :))

Filipino class. Video cord wouldn't work.
Ariel told riddles/jokes. Real funny.

Happy Birthday, Ms. Cuevas!
Wow... a belated birthday and an advanced birthday. What a day.

Setting up video for Ms. Cuevas. I said it was a end-of-the-year class video. She spoiled herself and saw it was actually for her. o.O
While setting that up, I asked people/fellow mentees to sign our "gift card."
Video full of funny pics, smiles and happy moments. See it here.
Gave Ms. Cuevas another cake. Yehey. Wag ka mag-diet, 'kay?
Talked about the class. :D

Pulubi has a whole new meaning now! *winkmarkwinkkyne* YUM!
Cake wars. Jasper put cake on me. Twice. I put cake on him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Also, my glasses got "lost." Kim was freakin' me out again.
Weston, KARMA! :)) Although it was meant for Kim. :))
Eww, Mykee. That's worse than my making pulubi.

Hung out with Dulay, Ian and Ms.M. That was fun. Nakaka-miss.
Sabaw quotes include:

"Work in progress."

"I might get lost."

"Mamma Ria! Here I go again!"

"BLUE since the day we parted."

I ran from the Grade 6 to the canteen to the high school to the AVR. Grabe. Hingal na hingal ako. Grrr. It didn't help. Thing is, I though I was late. Apparently, I wasn't.
I think I answered the questions right... except for that one particular question. I was also running out of words to use. Some words I just couldn't translate because my brain was in recovery-from-running mode. And I kept breathing loudly a lot. Partly because I was nervous and partly because I was tired. (See running.) Other than that, I think I spoke my Filipino well enough and I talked about CLE well too. :D

Mara came. Got prom pics! Hahaha. Sadly, I wasn't able to give the invitation yet. o.O
I thought you weren't coming. But you did. :)) I had fun. :D
Quite funny how we ran into Mr. Legaspi.

I got home just in time for the wildcard show (and dinner.)
I wish they didn't let some of them in.
I didn't like Von, Ricky or Matt. I wish they put in Ju'Not or Taylor instead.
I didn't expect that from Anoop. He was really good.
And wow, Tatiana just surprised me. This time, she was into it. Kinda sounded a bit off though when it was low. But that was a good performance.
I agree with letting Jasmine, Megan and Anoop in! But NOT MATT! Grr! I wish it was Jesse instead! :(

Anyhow. I got myself fixed up. I don't look that much of a mess right now as I did the whole day. Prom tomorrow. I'm sleeping early! :D

**shoot. it still hasn't donned on me that today was the alst day of regular school. o.O two more days to go, and it's SUMMER!

cut and paste a pound of flesh

Monday, March 2 at 3:37 PM

Mornings and Feelings.

It's either I was just cranky or I just had bad luck.
I woke up in a not-so good mood. Hehehe.

I practically had two hours of sleep, which should explain a few things.

But then... I guess I was just unlucky.
One reason: that self-designed Starbucks CJ gave for Christmas... it's wrecked. They poured coffee with the cup unsealed, so the coffee wrecked the design. o.O Annoying.
I guess I'll make a new one?

"Who wants to be the first to share feelings tonight?"

It was English class... before I decided to study Chinese and fall asleep.
(We were doing oral defense, so it's technically legal... sorta.)

I was singing a couple of songs in my head till I realized something.
I'm practically in the same predicament as two certain characters from two certain musicals/movies. I was running it through my mind, and it just hit me.

Hint hint. Help me out, out of this nightmare.

And both of them each have these two songs that they sing. And it just friggin' applies.
Damnit. I was banging my head on the wall (back row) not only because of that "coincidence" but becuase the feeling common between us was friggin' overwhelming at the moment.

Sometimes you just wanna scream. It's too much.

Inspired to make a new iPod playlist.


Sunday, March 1 at 4:27 PM


My tongue hurts.

I burned it last night. Because Starbucks was not an option, I made my own coffee.
And it was sooo hot, I burned myself. o.O Dumbass.

I had to add 4 ice cubes to drink it. It was still hot enough, but not scalding anymore.
I had to drink it sideways... Lol.

Doesn't matter. It tasted good. I added cocoa.
Like real Starbucks... only betaaahr!

In other news, cramming time. =))