yow in trobow

Saturday, August 4 at 8:21 PM
Sleep, FX, Prod, Chinese and House

HAPPY!!Angry Like Sh^t!s*: 8.4: 8.22
BEWARE! Contagious: Totally Fcuked - Spring Awakening...

Okay. this day has been... ugh... okay, i guess.
It had a few sweet spots... ... ... and a bit of sour ones too. hayz.

Well. woke up.... barely.
It was a good thing i had my alarm... or else.
Let's just say that I have two rules regarding sleep.
1. Wake me up when I tell you to wake me up.
2. Leave me alone if I didn't tell you to.

Btw... sleeping at 2:30 and waking up at 7 is the same as sleeping at 11:30 and waking up at 5.
So, went to FX. And passed time by playing on the piano....
and I can play totally fcuked na! weeee. hahahaha
lem'me just add that i am the worst at the workshop. hihihi.

so yeah. we were looking for pushcarts all around the campus so that it wouldn't be a burden to go carry all those heavy props from the gym to the lecture hall.
even ms.dy noticed us.
after all the looking and asking, I was able to find a trolley sa likod ng lecture hall! weee! so ako yung hindi nahirapan. they all left ahead of me, but left two chairs there.... so sad for them, they carried those chairs. hahaha.

seriously, i forgot to bring extra shirts.
not only was it hot, the manual labor was exhausting.
AND THE DUST AND DIRT OF THE PROPS ruined my white. Hahaha.
Pinahid pa nga ni kim sa shirt ko ang dumi niya sa kamay. hahaha. revenge is SWEET. :))
plus. Pawis na pawis ako all day. hahaha.
But doing prod work makes me happy, kahit anong hirap and stuff.
I dunno why, but I enjoy lugging all the props from one place to another, no matter how heavy (or dirty) they may be.
(no, i'm not being sarcastic.)

anyhow. i left to be sermoned and syit.
cant u just stop? i mean i have enough to deal with in my life.

and then headed to yamaha.
my first since may. woah. hahahaha.
it was satisfying after all the tension i had.

and then i found out i won't be going to national.... naman kasi'eh.
oh see, you bought the wrong size of glue, and now i'm forced to use it.
naman kasi.... tapos di pa ako nakabili ng stapler and other stuff.

so tutor.
my chinese orals are on monday na... so we memorized the two stories given.
damn... y?
btw, i fell asleep.

so the ride home got me thinking how stupid school is. i mean...
by MEMORIZING how Chen Atu mistakes "good morning" with "what's your name", are we able to associate with Chinese businessmen in the future? let alone bargain in divisoria?
by solving the fourth root of x to the 9th power, will i be able to pay the electricity? or find out the price of a discounted shirt from ?
by knowing how NADHP is formed by e- and NADP+, will i be able to toast bread? or maybe prevent getting Dengue?
i mean... hello? can't they teach more practical things like how to say please lower that down so u can bargain with a Chinese trader? or perhaps how to ask someone where the bathroom is in Chinese? or tips on how to add numbers without much brain-use so that we don't have to use a calculator to find out how much P5544545646.65 and P554498498465.36 is? or maybe find percentage better... or even plans on how to save money for a concert?
They're teaching us too much unnecessary stuff we won't even use.

well. went home bleh.
i can't wait to move! weee.
everything looks so beautiful... with all the new paint.
and then the floor in my room is so shiny.... oki lang pala na they didn't put tiles... sana nga lang walang scratches ung wood. hahaha. pero okay na rin.
i cant wait to sleep on my new bed. and my new room... now, it has oober daming cabinets and shelves... weee! hahaha.

best viewed on http://dewerants.blogspot.com/

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