
Thursday, November 30 at 1:38 PM
I Don't Give a DAMN*T: 11.30: 1.42 got Ain't No Mountain High Enough by the Australian Idol Finalists... what's in your head?
I'm so sick and tired of being, literally, tired and sick... and DON'T COMPLAIN 'coz, frankly, I DON'T CARE
The Field Trip was all good. No complaints. What got to my head was the practice and the cab-hunting. Especially those people who left and that cab driver that declined.

Right now, my mood is swinging. I'm mostly contented with having no classes and having such a long sleep. From 8pm-11.30am. But my mood isn't all that well. Especially if you remind me about anything related to the Chorals. I'll jsut be more pissed. Thanks to CJ, Paul and Zyg. Through their IMs and thair blogs, myhead sort of heated. Not your fault though.

I better release the steam before it explodes... silently or violently.

After the field trip, one we set foot on the school grounds, I gathered them, and we went to the tennis court. Some followed right away, again, some had VERY, VERY, VERY slow feet. And of course, as always, one would have to escape.

The practice was both torture and entertaining. Torture? In the bus I had a throbbing headache. I tried to sleep, but someone--let's hide him under the name Kim--really didn't allow me, and, as always, put me to my cranky level. Something that always happens to me when I'm woken up. Now, it would almost reach anger level, but I kept calm. Now, that headache didn't stop. And throughout the practice I felt nauseated. Adding to that, my already sore voice. I could barely speak right, but of course, no one would listen; therefore, I had to shout. and shout. and shout. So much, that, when I got home, I was practically voice-less. I couldn't speak.

Ha-ha. (in that evil voice) Of course, I had to relieve myself. Each time I saw one tiny msitake, I'd make them repeat everything. A single scratch? Talking? Standing crookedly? Holding the folder wrong-ly? AGAIN! Ha-ha. I don't give a damn how tired you are, we'll keep repeating. Ha-ha. I drove a lot of people to the wall. And of course, they'd keep blaming the name I called. Bwahahahaha.

Basically, from a 6 I'm putting their score down to a 5.
Just for their information, those who left early are marked absent. I would name them, but what's the point? And even if there wasn't gonna be any classes on the next day, I didn't care. We finished at around 5:13. I'm not sure about what time the last person left.

So I hydrated myself and left. We walked oh so far and found no taxi at all. Losing hope. Then there was this taxi, only the other girl took it. And then there was this other taxi. Ugly fucker. Didn't wanna go to Crame. It just disgusted me. We ended up walking to Petron and taking a jeep there.

I ate dinner and fell asleep. I woke upa t 1 to change clotehs and went back to sleep. Mighty good was it, too. Well. I'm configuring my XP Theme. B2W

0 reps.: