Oh! Darling

Saturday, February 28 at 4:08 PM


I have a headache. Been haveing it the whole day.
Dunno why.

Strange thing during tutor. I was really sleepy. But I had enough sleep! I slept relatively early yester night. 1:30am. Hehehe.

When I got home at around 12, I slept till like 4:30pm.

Sigh. I want a cup of Starbucks.

I also want sweets.
Since I ate lunch, I've been wanting something sweet so bad.
STS = Sweet Tooth Syndrome.

So I'm chewing gum right now.
Dunno if it's helping.

God, I can't work. o.O
I need something to motivate me. (Starbucks? :)) )

Because I'm bored, have some ym copy-pastes.
They aren't really funny. Just ftw. Full of "realizations."

Weston on my Facebook status change.

Luis: gago... :))
Wes: facebook? :))
Luis: yuh :))
Wes: wahahaa
Wes: you arent single no more
Wes: you've got me
Wes: my friend
Luis: whut?
Wes: nvm
Wes: sabaw
Luis: sabaw nga :|
Luis: :))
Luis: asa weston... :))
Wes: :))
Wes: im thinking of a smart comeback
Luis: it might only be sabaw-er
Luis: :))
Wes: hmm
Wes: i give up
Wes: lol
Luis: =))

Conclusion: Sabawwwww.

Me on Stacey's YM replies

Luis: ang gulo talaga kausap si stacey. :|
Mara: Why?
Luis: his only replies are
Luis: huh? yah. huh? no. huh? why? huh?
Luis: :|
Mara: :|
Mara: What did you ask?
Luis: that's the thing
Luis: i've only asked one question
Luis: and i've been clarifying it that many times
Luis: :|
Luis: o.O
Mara: :|

Conclusion: Stacey. Whuuuut?

Me and Weston on his YM pic.

Luis: and ur pic looks weird
Weston Lee: why
Weston Lee: :))
Weston Lee: edited
Luis: u look too...
Weston Lee: too?
Luis: i dunno...
Weston Lee: pale?
Luis: not in the right color
Weston Lee: i bleached it
Luis: yeah... looks weird
Weston Lee: :))
Weston Lee: i likes
Luis: what that? like... michael jackson?
Weston Lee: oh shit
Luis: =))

Conclusion: Weston = Michael Jackson

hindi mo lang alam...

Friday, February 27 at 3:29 PM

Busy Day

Wow. I haven't used that since seventh grade. o.O

Today was hectic. I was running all over the place.
Can't say I didn't have fun though. Can't say it wasn't extremely tiring too.

The cause of my troubles: that application form. Rather, the recommendation letters.

Really. Minamalas ka lang talaga na nawawala ang sangkatauhang Pilipino kapag kailangan mo sila.

Pati yata si Charles napagod sa kakaconsult sa akin eh.

There was one point, I got so tired and partly hopeless that namulubi2 na lang ako doon sa path heading to the patio. And I hadn't eaten lunch that time.

Come to think of it, my lunch was just a bite of pandesal. :|

Anyhow. My feet hurt. I'm friggin' tired. But I'm good. :D Satisfied.
Now, for some sleep. =))

In other news. Adam, Allison and.... Kris got in.
Meaning... MEGAN for WILDCARD. :)) She deserves it more than the four I mentioned earlier.

And peeps, thanks for the amazing view! :)) and the bonding time too.

1 - to run about, chasing people, doing errands. taken from the word habol-habol. =))))))
2 - to sit down on the floor, knees up, leaning on some wall, all stressed out. :))

sit on my window

Thursday, February 26 at 8:05 PM

American Idol

Okay. Idol tonight was WAAAAAY better than last week.
Last week was a mess. Only Danny Gokey performed well. Everyone else was a wreck. This week, there were more solid performances. Add to that, there wan't anymore of those parent interviews. o.O

Jasmine Murray
Why oh why? She was one of my favorites. o.O
She did well in my opinion. But not well enough. She was really pitchy. Sayang.

Norman Gentle
Yeah... ain't his real name. I don't care.
I'm really doubting how he even got in. o.O Other people deserve his spot.

Allison Iraheta
Wow. She was amazing. Never heard of her before though.
Her hair's so red. o.O

Kris Allen
I liked his performance. Started weak though. But nice soulful voice.

Matt Breitzke.
Pleeeeeease. He's not going to make it anyway! :|
They already have Michael Sarver as the big blue collar soul dude. This guy's just the weird goatee version. o.O

Megan Corkrey
I looove her voice! :)) Really awesome. Reminds me of Amy Winehouse.
But her movement was kinda weird. :))
She's sort of like Carly Smithson: weird arm tattoo. o.O

Jesse Langseth
She's the sister of Jonny Lang! No wonder they sorta have the same vibes.
Wrong song choice. Too bad, she had a great voice.

Adam Lambert
I hate him :| Voice envy here. =)))))
But seriously, awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

I think Adam, Megan and Allison are getting in. Whatchatink?

I agree with some blogs.
I don't like the format this year. If you're good, but you're unlucky enough to make it into the group with the bigger stars, you're out instantly. Left without the chance to prove yourself again. Sayang if you were good. :(

I wonder how many contestants are they taking in for the wildcard.
I wanna save Stevie Wright, Casey Carlson, Kris and JASMINE!
But I doubt they'd let that number in.

Wait a minute. If my prediction comes true, there aren't any black people in the race. Gasp.

onetwothree... go

Tuesday, February 24 at 7:13 PM

Komunista, Ortigas Gimik, Bipolar, Gran Torino, Starbucks, New Camera and Sleeping VERY Late

Here's how my weekend went.
It went well. Hehehe. (Sabaw moment.)

After tutor, went to Greenhills to do some errands.
One of which was to get a book for my Filipino class research paper:
I went to Fully booked and got The Communist Manifesto.

Nahihiya pa ako nu'n.
Isip ko kasi, "Siguro iniisip nila komunista ako."
LOL. Strange experience.

Evening came, and I joined Trisha and Paula in watching their school play.
(See the review here. You may find it harsh. If you think you'll be offended, don't open.)
Basically, I met Paula for the first time. *ehemehem* I'm going to go with her to her prom.

After that really long play that started late, *ehemfxehem*
we headed over to Pivo. It's this small pub at Ortigas... I had to meet her parents.

Naaaah. They were really friendly. :D
Thank God there wan't any interrogation. Mukha naman akong inosente, diba?
Good impression naman daw, so phew!

The place was cool too.
Music wasn't too loud. Food was good. Not too crowded. Comfy spot.

Went to Pier One after.
Sina kuya were there. Hehehe. Some overrated college talk. Lol.
Overall, it was a fine night.

Sunday was pretty much a bore till evening came.
Went to Shang to watch a movie.

After getting tickets, I finally got earbuds (which I lost the last time). I also saw this nifty bookmark, so I bought it too. It wasn't my money anyway. =))

Then, I spent the biggest amount of money I've spent since ever.
And this time, it was MY OWN money.
I bought a new camera. :D Make amends.

It felt good getting it. Real good.

(Abenson is a rip-off. They sell the same camera for a lower price in the Sony shop.
Strange thing is Abenson owns the Sony shop. Whuts?)

Also, I passed by the record store... and I snagged the last copy of BIPOLAR!
w00t! Amazing album!

Anyhow, we watched GRAN TORINO.
Best movie evarrr. It moved Juno down from my list. Hahaha!
Wait for my review... which will come with every other movie I've watched. Hehe.
Basta, amazing movie! Gotta love Clint Eastwood.

(Sadly though, there was a small crowd in the cinema.)

Went to Starbucks after. I had a macchiato.
It was good, but I wish I got something else.
Donut was love. Sausage croissant thing was also love.

Back to the camera.
Yehey, may maliit na camera na ulit!

Anyhow, it was met with "mixed reactions."
I'd like to say it was positive. I mean, sino ba naman ang hindi masisiyahan?

Monday, no school!
go EDSA!

Nothing much happened.
I skipped the "interaction" to do homework. Hehe. Sorry na. :))

Fast forward, fast forward. I slept at 5:30am.
Procrastination is NOT your best friend. Get that.
In effect, I opted to skip the subjects before recess.

Waking up felt glorious. I know, four hours of sleep isn't much, but it felt glorious.
I woke up with the blinds folded, the sun shining in the room. It was beautiful, a big change from the regular 6am dark sky. I miss the glorious morning sun.

I wish we woke up at 9:30 everyday.

I just want to...

at 6:43 PM


Luis: kala mo i don't know ah!
Jer: about what?
Jer: what are you talking about
Luis: ano ba... pakipot ka talaga
Jer: pakipot means?

Sa'n tayo darating niyan? :))
'yan na lang ang sasabihin ko.

In other news, I might sleep early today.
That's most probably a one o'clock. Hahaha!
Early na 'yon ah!


Monday, February 23 at 2:18 PM

Paul! Paul! The Musical

I had to go watch Saint Paul Pasig's musical: Paul! Paul! The Musical
Why? So I'd meet Trisha's classmate whose prom date is me. I dunno the right word for it... I don't recall... was I asked or set up?

It was in the Meralco Theatre.
I'm just like... woah. Damnit... them nuns and their high budget school stuff. Don't you wish Xavier would at least give us some money to build bigger sets or something? And to think the place was full... halos.

Sadly, I believe that the venue was way too big for them. The show wasn't really good, in my opinion. I mean... the plot wasn't dragging, I'd like to believe. It went somewhere, it had direction. (Why wouldn't it? It's based on Saint Paul's life.) But the writing, the dialogues, the scipt... otherwise. Not really that well.

Paul Reyes is a lawyer, not necessarily on the good side. He has everything he could ever want, all the money, all the fame, all the girls. (First of all... lawyer... with crooning fans?) However, he doubts his own profession. After having sentenced Stephen (an allusion to either Saint Stephen or Christ) to death, he suddenly lacks the same conviction he used to have. There goes to road to change when he is suddenly involved in a car crash.

The lead actor was wasn't that bad... to say. I mean, he's have a really good performance if it weren't for one thing: the things that came out of his mouth. His accent was bad. But he shouldn't worry, everyone else's was. It wasn't like a bad American accent... more like a bad English accent. (Not the people from England. But the language.) They all sounded like true hardcore Filipinos. Back to the lead... his singing voice was also quite annoying. Add to that, it didn't even fit it... he had that operatic feel (if I could call it that?) against everyone's Gospel school voice.

The whole thing was reminiscent of Gospel school. Not a Gospel choir... Gospel school. Each song felt that way. It was tiring and annoying.

The cast was big... and I mean really. But they kept coming out of the stage too much. I thin that was one of their weaknesses. They had a choir offstage (orchestra area) who sang all the parts... meaning all the voices were the same. Take for example the scene where the activists were against the rich girls. They had the same voices because the choir was singing both parts. I couldn't understand. Add to that, people enter the stage just so that the whole stage was dancing. Whatever happened to spotlight on one person. They really enjoy filling their stage with useless roles. There was just an excess of them.

Characters couldn't be established. There was no "big entrance" for them. When the real lead actor came in, I didn't think much of him. None of the other people too. The script needed to build up the hype for each character if they wanted them to enter at a latter part. That's the reason it wasn't effective. The characters didn't stick early on. It was only when they kept appearing onstage that you realize... "ahh, they're the leads. Damnit, I've been following the wrong person."

The only standout performances, I'd like to believe, is that of Ana... the activist girl. And maybe that journalist woman. Of course, the comic relief people were noteworthy too--Barnabas, assistant girl and three fangirls.

Technical side... they had good lighting equipment. What're you expecting, Meralco Theater? But lighting was bad. Sorry. I'd note that. I was Stacey's apprentice, after all. :)) Usually, I wouldn't mind... but watching the actors was boring so I was looking around... and I noticed it. Lol. Too bad for them.

However, I stil commend them though. That was a HUUUUUUUGE cast and crew. It's definitely hard to make it. So, kudos to them. They made a good enough show for a high school production... though I expected more since it was in the Meralco Theater.


Monday, February 16 at 12:15 PM

Don't you hate it when those anger blogs get all the traffic habang nilalangaw ang mga masasaya mong blogs? =)) It makes you look like a helpless emo dude, rather than a happy-go-lucky person.

(Reminds me of Hal Castro.... who needs to update. I have a couple of them lined up in my notebook na. Pero tinatamad akong mag-transcribe. o.O)

Anyhow... I'm much, much better now. :D

Long sleep helped calm me down. iPod helped too... love them relaxation podcasts.
BTW. I HAVE MY IPOD BACK AGAIN. The store replaced it with a new one! Wee. Scratch-free ulit. :D

need to breathe

Sunday, February 15 at 8:46 PM


I just had one.
It was bad. It was real bad.
I was crying. I still am.

Underlying Cause:
I've been holding so much anger and tension today. As I said, I had a bad day.

Immediate Cause:
Sudden increase of anger because of a certain sudden event.

You know how you've reached enough? The bar? The line?
How you're crossing it. Apparently, I can't hold as much as I thought.

I wasn't raised to shout back at people in more authority than me.
I wasn't raised to fight back against my elders.
I wasn't raised to disrespect them, not even to say what I have to say... even if it's really intense.

So there we go.... I couldn't hold it all in anymore.
But I still couldn't fight back...

That was when my heart started breathing faster.

That was when you could feel the blood pushing and pushing. Until you can't feel the blood anymore since it's moving too fast.

Until I started shaking. Shaking very much.

Until I started breathing deeply to help myself.
Until it didn't help and I started breathing faster. Until I hyperventilated.

Until my whole face became numb. My hand followed.

My skin turned yellow.

My legs turned numb. Then my stomach.

Then tears started flowing. Not dropping. Flowing.

Then I felt like dying. Or killing myself to end the pain.

Then I couldn't even move anymore.

And I was sitting there helpless.

And there you go... Now you can't sleep.
It's all your fault.

I'm a bit better now. Still traumatized.
I might not go to school. I'm thinking about it.

It's a good thing I have relaxation music podcasts.

This is the first time it's ever happened to me.
Although thinking about it, I think it almost happened a couple of times before... closest one? In Church today. No wonder I was thinking about that novel idea.

I wish I had a shrink.

hopelessly devoted to you

at 4:49 PM


the holiday for lovers. ugh.
don't you just wanna stab them at the back with those sharp things from cibo? ;)

anyhow. yesterday was the date.
and it kept me uneasy.

i was thinking a lot.
throughout the last 15 years, i didn't mind being single. but this year is different.

this year, it was lonely.
SAD nga talaga. Single Awareness Day.

longing. not wanting. longing.
i suddenly felt unsure of myself. i hate you, cupid.

shit, hormones.

my tutor is hillarious.

see, i was wearing a red shirt that day.

and she went:
"uy. nakapula! valentine's today ah! may date ka? may date ka siguro. sino? secret date ba?"

i'm single, woman.

sigh. oh well.
to all hopeless romantics out there:

Jagged Edge - All Out Of Love lyrics {{VERSE:1}} I'm lying alone with my head on the phone Thinking of you till it hurts I know you hurt too but what else can we do Tormented and torn apart I wish I could carry your smile in my heart For times when my life seems so low It would make me believe what tomorrow can bring When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know {{CHORUS}} I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you I know you were right, believing for so long I'm all out of love, what am I without you I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong {{VERSE:2}} I want you to come back and carry me home Away from these long, lonely nights I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too? Does the feeling seem oh, so right? And what would you say if I called on you now? And said that I can't hold on? There's no easy way, it gets harder each day Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone {{CHORUS}} I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you I know you were right, believing for so long I'm all out of love, what am I without you I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong OoOooOoh, what are you thinking of What are you thinking of What are you thinking of What are you thinking of I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you I know you were right, believing for so long I'm all out of love, what am I without you I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong {repeat 3x} Lyrics | Jagged Edge lyrics - All Out Of Love lyrics

Rocksteddy - Lagi Mo Na Lang Akong Dinededma lyrics Matagal ko ng gustong malaman mo Matagal ko ng itinatago-tago 'to Nahihiyang magsalita At umuurong aking dila Pwede bang bukas na Ipagpaliban muna natin 'to Dahil kumukuha lang ng tiyempo Upang sabihin sa iyo Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang alam Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang ramdam Mahal kita, kahit 'di mo na ako tinitignan Mahal kita, kahit 'di mo lang alam, ohwoh.. Matagal ko ng gustong sabihin 'to Matagal ko ng gustong aminin sa'yo Sandali, eto na At sasabihin ko na Ngayon na, mamaya O baka pwedeng bukas na Dahil kumukuha lang ng buwelo Upang sabihin sa iyo Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang alam Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang ramdam Mahal kita, kahit 'di mo na ako tinitignan Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang alam, ohwoh.. Ngunit kumukuha lang ng tiyempo Upang sabihin sa iyo Mahal kita pero hindi mo lang alam Hindi mo alam kasi hindi mo naman ako tinitignan Ayaw mo naman itanong sa akin Kasi baka nga naman hindi naman ikaw At hindi ko rin naman sa'yo sasabihin Kasi ayoko pa sa ngayon na manligaw Mahal kita pero hindi nga lang halata Hindi halata kasi wala nga naman akong ginagawa Hindi ako kumikibo, hindi ako nagsasalita, wala! Pero hindi ako torpe Hindi ko lang talaga masabi sa'yo ng harapan Mahal kita pero dehins mo pa rin ramdam Hindi mo ko titignan, hindi rin kita titignan Lagi mo lang akong pakikiramdaman Lagi rin kitang pakikiramdaman At araw-araw tayong magdededmahan Hanggang sa tayo ay magkabistuhan Pero ngayong malapit nang matapos ang kanta ko Nais kong magkaalamanan na Nais kong ako na rin ang magsabi sayo ng harapan Kasi alam kong dun din naman ang tuloy nyan At dalawa rin lang naman ang posibleng sagot dyan, oo o hinde Kaya eto na sasabihin ko na para matapos na At hindi na magka-tsismisan pa Sasabihin ko na para wala nang problema At para hindi na rin kayong lahat nabibitin pa Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang alam Mahal kita, pero 'di mo lang ramdam Mahal kita, kahit 'di mo na ako tinitignan Mahal kita, kahit lagi mo na lang akong dinededma Lyrics | Rocksteddy lyrics - Lagi Mo Na Lang Akong Dinededma lyrics

baka loser?

at 2:48 PM


i just had one. i just hate it.


even from the person i didn't even expect it to come from.

it's just a pain in the ass.

i don't even want to talk about it anymore.

just fuck it.

trust. that's it lang.
and you can't even give it. so fuck them.

i just thought of a cool idea for a novel while in Church.

if only i had the time to write it.

luis, that's called a fly.

Friday, February 13 at 6:08 PM


Corregidor was friggin' AMAZING!
It was a really awesome experience...

So yeah. Woke up early. Got to school eary. Left in a bus. Weston was late... he chased the bus talaga =)) Didn't fall asleep. Got addicted to Durian candy. Kinontra ang madaldal na tour guide. Arrived at CCP. Boarded the boat.

Beginning pa lang, may kinukuha na akong picture ng mga tulog. LOL! (Time for revenge ba?)
Quite funny actually. :)) Iyang ang nagpaubos ng battery ko sa cam.
The other reason for that being that I took tons of vain pics. Hehe! I'll post them soon.

Unavoidable. o.O Coffee saved me.

We finally arrived. The place was really cool!
The Malinta tunnel was awesome. Everything was just amazing.
I never really wanted to be in a war. But after seeing this, somehow, parang masaya. I dunno why. I could imagine myself being in there... in the Malinta tunnel.

It was really annoying that my cam ran out of juice right before arriving.
I was only able to take a few pictures talaga. Sinisimot lang until my camera won't work anymore. Now, I have to keep stealing to the max. Lol!

The place was really beautiful. I had fun looking at everything.
But everything is friggin' overpriced. Soda at 35? 1 AA battery at 100?

Our tour bus was fun. Our tour guide (different from the other one) was really helpful... and he really knew a lot. It was great.
Iyon nga lang... langgam! Becuase they hit some branch while parking, there were these huge red fire ants that swarmed the whole bus. We were going nuts trying to kill them. We even stopped in the middle of the road. o.O =))

Anyhow... an daming mga vain pics.
Must steal!

The most annoying part is that they only had AA batteries at the last stop.
So there... I have tons of pics in the boat but really little on the island itself. Grr!

We left past two. With juice in my cam... more vain pics! more ambush sleeping pics!

Anyhow. Nag-"adventure" kami ni Kim.
Grabe. Grabe lang talaga. o.O

And then we watched the Poveda play: Sister Act 2
They were awesome... and you know how high my standards are, right?
It could use of some more fixing, but they made do with what they had. It went out really well.
What really amazed me was that they were really in character even if they're idle.
Kudos. Congrats, Annagab!

Hay. I miss FX.
I miss seeing all you guys. I miss the Povedans.

Well... much ado... much ado...
I'm home. All tired. Ready to sleep. Good night!

17 signs you like someone... :>

Thursday, February 12 at 5:17 PM
You look at their profile constantly. 

When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them
even when it was just two minutes ago. 

You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again. 

You walk really slow when you're with them. 

You feel shy whenever they're around. 

When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time. 

You smile when you hear their voice. 

When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her. 

You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them. 

They're all you think about. 

You get high just from their scent. 

You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them. 

You would do anything for them, just to see them. 

While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time. 

You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself. 













































Post this as : 17 signs you like someone 

*And something good will happen to you tomorrow . 

*If you don't... you'll certainly regret


stolen from paula.

what'd you think... did i fall for it?

All shall know the wonder of purple summer...

at 3:48 PM

Organized Ramblings.

Let's try a new blogging style.
I'll write down a topic, and then I'll talk about it. :D

Field trip na namin bukas! Woohoo. I can't wait! I just really wan'na get out of the city. I just wanna escape all the hells of school. Anything na.

Temperamental Bitches.
Sadly, I'm still trying to deal. Damnit. I've taken steps though... *evil grin*

I wasted Monday morning on it. No standout performances. Top prizes went to... ugh. I should've just slept.

Friggin' hell. It's the topic of mostly everything. Gahd. I'd like to blame certain people for it, but it only goes back to me. Hehe. I am excited now, but also a bit anxious.
Crazy thing is... it's still a month away. O.o

I'm getting so much college email right now. But only one college really interests me... Columbia. Hehehe. But there are some other good colleges too. I wanna take the SATs. But, one, I dunno how. Two, I don't wanna review. o.O
But why anyway? I'll probably end up studying here. But still... umaasa. :))

I'm at a loss right now. I can't keep track of what's happening... I can't tell if I'm doing good or not. All I know, is it's crazy.

I'm fucking tired. Please. Ayoko na.
Thank you, Kim. At least nakapaglabas ako ng sama ng loob. But there's more I really can't tell. But thank you for the time. :D

Sleeping Disorder.
I think I have one. I was browsing through Wikipedia past two (in the morning) today. I saw some sleeping disorders... and some of the symptoms of a couple of the disorders match mine. o.O But of course, I'm not a doctor, I wouldn't know. And I have no plans of going to the doctor either. Are you kidding me? That's just more nagging. (I agree with Kevin.)

Spring Awakening.
I can't believe it's closed already. :( I haven't even gotten a chance to watch it. It's my favorite musical. Damnit. Let's hope the Philippine version comes out well... and does not have Sam Concepcion in on the two leads. :))
I heard their in talks of making a movie version. Kewl. I hope it turns out great... maybe even an Oscar contender?

Spring Awakening

I don't want to be lonely on...

horror in love

Tuesday, February 10 at 7:04 PM

Xavier Fair '09

Freakin hell. That was sooo much stress. But soo much fun too.

First of all, stine-stress na ako sa pag-collect ng fair funds at sa paggawa ng design. Weeks before the day itself. Who knew it would get worse?

The night before, we stayed in school past 11. Talo pa ang FX!
Since we couldn't fix the booth during class time, we had to do it after school. We did so much work on it talaga! Me. Mykee. Kim. Mark. Albert. Jasper.

Well... at least I got to see DanceX's varie dance :D
Didn't miss that. Galing ninyo!

But wow... we worked so hard for that booth.
Sad thing is... hindi pa siya tapos that night.

Anyhow, I rode home with sina Mark.
On the way out, sabog na sabog na sabaw na sabaw na ako. Kung ano na ginagawa. Ask them. I was going crazy on the streers. Malapit na ngang mamulubi eh. ;)

Saturday. I woke up friggin' early.
Rode with sina Mark ulit.

We still had to fix the booth. Still needed much work.

By the way, it's very comparable to making a play! =))
I did a lot of roles: supporting actor. lights director. makeup/prosthetics artist. co-stage designer. set builder. props handler. co-director. ano pa ba?

We opened with a line already waiting for us.
Since then... tuloy-tuloy. There was no friggin' time to stop! The customers just kept coming in. Wow. At least, we generated enough buzz. Good business! Yay!

Anyhow. I left early to prepare for prom.
Came back the next day at a later time. Hayun, nagme-make up pa lang.

God. It was spectacular. It gave us an amazing rush everytime we successfully scared them.

"My prep teacher said it won't even be that scary." -- kid who was rushing out all shaky.
Ha! Prep teacher, you're WRONG! =))

But it did get annoying at times. Especially during Sunday!
When the people talaga in the shift are... Wala, wala kang maasahan.
I hated going to the first classroom because naha-high blood ako sa mga ginagawa nila doon. Walang kwenta sobra! Naiinis talaga ako.

Huxley, Weston, Mark and I got so fed up, we walked out on them.

That time, minalas pa ako. Una kong break, nahuli pa ako ng marriage booth. o.O
And they didn't let me bail. o.O

I saw Stef, Ana, France and Tash by the way. :D

Anyhow, our last few scares were amazing. So I was happy. :D
Naaalala ko pa, may mga tinakot kaming matatanda. Super... o.O

I wanna thank Machi, Mykee's little sister. You were a darling! And you were sooo much help!
Napahanga ako sa iyo. :D

Cleaning up is a whole new story.
Kami lang ni Mark, Mykee at ang pamilya ni Mykee ang tumulong.
Nakakahiya nga eh. Pamilya pa mismo ni Mykee ang tumutulong. Nasaan na kaya ang mga tao noh?

Super sabaw na kami na ang saya-saya na namin nu'ng tinatanggal namin ang cloth at newspaper sa window. As in. Sayang-saya kami. Parang mga presong pinalaya! =))

Anyhow, Mykee and his family had to leave. So it was Mark and I who were left to transfer all the stuff. Super sabaw na kami. We were taking pictures na of the skeletons. See the album!

Nagkahirapan pa kami sa pagtulak ng mga cart. Paano... sa dami ng lubak at rampa. Add to that, sira pa ang mga gulong ng cart ko. o.O

We finally left at 8:30pm. Wow.
Fulfilling ang pakiramdam na nagawa mo iyon lahat. Pero super nakakapagod. At mas lalong nakakainis na walang ibang tumutulong.

Anyhow. I had fun. Undoubtedly.
I took charge for a lot of this, so I'm proud na meron namang na-accomplish. :D I'm happy.

Sayang nga lang, hindi ako nakalabas masyado.
The booth really needs a lot of attention. So yeah... sayang. Hindi ako nakasali sa basaan. :(
And ito lang ang fair na 2 times lang ako nag-octopus. Nahihilo ako agad for some reason.

champagne supernova

at 7:04 PM

Poveda Prom.

To be corny: it's the night of nights... Hahaha! Jowk.

Well. Saturday, I came from the fair. All frazzled. (grabe that booth)
I had to walk all the way to the flower shop. And then, to Starbucks to get picked up. That was freaking tiring considering my feet were already aching to begin with.

Anyhow, when I got home, I has a foot massage and fell asleep. o.O
So yes... Rush, rush, rush! (I liked my hair. Lol.)

Awkward pictorial session. Lol.

Then, I went to pick Mara up. :D More pictures
Then, we went to Sofitel na. Sosyal ng prom nila. More pictures ulit. :))

We stayed outside first with friends.
There were cool fireworks over at MoA. You could see everything from there.

Finally, we went in, after much waiting.
Videos. FIREWORKS! Loved the songs. Amazing dinner. Makalat na tinapay. Talking. Laughing. Spacing out. Walking. Seeing people. Teasing people. Awarding. (Go Tash! Go Stiff! Go Carla!)

Anyhow... fast forward to dancing.
It was crazy! That's all I can say. Hahaha. We probably stayed at the dance floor the longest. Lol!

We finally went out and hung out in the grass area. They had leather beds on the grass. Whatta hotel! Hahaha!
La lang. Talking. Being sabaw.

Finally, we decided to leave. Starbucks daw.
We ended nga in Starbucks... Serendra. Lol! It's my first time there. Not bad.

We stayed there with Stef, Aldo, Ana and Tobias.
Ana and Tobias left. Stef, Aldo, Mara and I went outside. Hung out sa fake grass. It was fun. We even danced ulit. =))

Phew. Brought Mara home.
Very sleepy. Lol. Throat dry too.


can't move me

Thursday, February 5 at 8:12 PM
American Idol

I've only recently started watching.
I skipped the boring auditions and started on the real singing in Hollywood week. Hehe. Are there any Filipinos this season?

I saw the group performances. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Here are the people I like:

Adam Lambert -- damn. naiinggit ako. i wish i could hit notes like him. o.O he's really good. and he's got the soul thing going on. :)) for now, he's my bet.

They're soul singers, i'd like to believe. Also in it are:

Jeremy Michael Sarver -- another soul singer. but he looks too much like a trucker to make it i think.

Jesse Langseth -- a female soul singer. really beautiful.

India Morrison -- she's confident, stage presence! she's a good rapper too. I wanna see her sing though. I bet she's good too.

Also in that video is
Kris Allen -- he sounds good. :D

Danny Gokey -- sounds really good with the blues and soul thing, but he reminds me too much of Gavin DeGraw. I don't like Gavin DeGraw. :))

Tailor Vaifanua -- she looks pretty and her voice seems pleasant. I wanna hear her do a solo though, more airtime. :))

Jasmine Murray -- friggin' amazing voice!

Muna Hiluf -- she sounds good. i love the black soul.

JB Ahfua -- i like his voice too!

Kristen Mcnamara -- she has the makings of a pop diva, i guess. great voice. umm... showbiz answers? hahaha. pero naawa rin ako sa kanya. :))

Nathaniel Marshall -- he has a good voice and good stage presence. i prefer him over danny noriega. though he should take the piercings off. :)) but he's a drama queen. eww.

And then...
these are the people I don't like:

Tatiana del Toro -- too desperate that it comes off boastful.
Katrina "Bikini Girl" Darrel -- she's a prima donna. grr. and her voice isn't that great either. "i was in high heels for six hours." eh di.. take it off. :| (go team kara!)
Nancy Wilson -- she exemplifies bitch. i thought she'd be good pa naman. apparently, she was off-tune
Norman Gentle or whatever his name is -- total weirdo. o.O this isn't last comic standing.

my new blog.

Sunday, February 1 at 6:42 PM
The Permanent Marker

Hello people.
I have a new blog.

No, it won't make this Multiply obsolete.
For whatever and whenever, I will still be using this Multiply.

However, I decided to make a new one to contain all my deeper thoughts.
More reflections and realizations rather than rambles and storytelling.

Blogspot is more open and universal.
So I chose to make a new one there.

(however, if you are lazy, the posts will still cross-post back to Multiply ;) )

See it here: