Did you know global warming f***ed the Philippines up?

Tuesday, July 22 at 7:08 PM

Global Warming and Coffee

According to Ms Cuevas, the Philippines was colder during the time of the Spaniards. That was why they always wore them Americanas, hats, baro't sayas and barongs. (They say you're naked without a hat, so you have to wear them whenever you go out.)

She said something to the effect of Manila was Baguio now. ARGH!
So what was Baguio like then? Did it snow?

I want the cold weather back. It's always so friggin' hot.

In other news, did anyone see the gloomy weather around 5? It made everything sepia-colored. Kewl.

In more news, I feel asleep while doing the science achievement tests today.
That's why I decided to drink my first cup of school Nescafe during recess. (The one I bought from last blog.)

God that was... bitter.

Of course there isn't any hot water in Xavier--at least hot water I can use--so I got water from the third year fountain, which apparently wasn't that cold. I mixed it in. and Blah!

Actually, it wasn't that bad. But it wasn't that good either. o.O

What's more the mug was stupid that it spilled on me. Hay. Good thing it wasn't hot. Wahaha!

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