i know that you'll be back, girl

Friday, July 25 at 12:11 PM
Xuedi, Leather Bound and HAL CASTRO

So... today was Xuedi day. I was a faci. And I managed... after less than 2.5 hours of sleep. Yeah, i'm procratinating and cramming too much. Sigh.

Anyhow, the day started out great. But ended up quite shitty.

So we won first place during the amazing race. More than that, parang bonded na talaga kami. That was real fun.

However, it went wrong once we stepped into the classroom. The thing is there were two groups in one classroom... and this only led to mayhem. NO ONE LISTENED. Sigh.

Everybody was doing... ... what were they doing? Anyhow, I resigned myself into just hanging out with sina Charles, Babsi, etc. We played the finger game (where I won) and killer (where i was the only kilelr that won).

Kahit ano talaga ang gustong gawin. So in the end, parang nasira iyong bond.

I also took the time to edit CJ's Filipino composition. I can't make it pass the first paragraph. God! I know... right? (no offense, dude)

Anyhow, we had the bands right after. As usual....
The real amazing part was Leather Bound. The band of Mr. Lapena and Mr. Mark Que.

Mr Lapena's voice was a fresh alternative from... well... Napakaganda ng boses nya. "Su voz es hermosa." Lol. And he wasn't try hard on the high note. Lol.

Ang galing din ni Mark Que. After the bridge, I thought they had backup singers. It was actually him on the guitars and I'm like WOAH! Amazing. And the rest of the solo was just WOW! Rockstar talaga. Hehe.

Anyhow that's most of my day. I better run off now. Lol. I have a feeling I'm going to drop dead once I arrive home.


Oh yes. What is it with Hal Castro.

If JK Rowling writes about Harry Potter, does that mean that she's an expert at magic tricks, became an orphan and hates a certain teacher who turns out to be his guardian?

If JRR Tolkien writes about Frodo Baggins, does it mean he's short and has an actual ring? (Sorry... not familiar with the story.)

So why is it that if I write about some angsty teenager, I'm automatically him?

Grabe... kay daming intriga sa blog niyang iyon. (Four teachers have asked/told me personally) Can't I make my own contemporary interactive novel (asa) without all the assumptions that he and I are the one and the same person?

I'm Luis Marcelo and he's just another figment of my imagination. Just like the guy who like sorbetes. And the guy whose girlfriend died. And that other story I forgot but I wrote. (lol)

But if you really wan'na who the teacher really is... highlight the next sentence and spoil your reading pleasure of the next few blogs I am to make about him. (mind you, i've been very sleepy these past few days. in fact, i've planned most of the rising action already.)
Spoil yourself: Humanities Teacher = Hal Castro's widowered Father

Did you know global warming f***ed the Philippines up?

Tuesday, July 22 at 7:08 PM

Global Warming and Coffee

According to Ms Cuevas, the Philippines was colder during the time of the Spaniards. That was why they always wore them Americanas, hats, baro't sayas and barongs. (They say you're naked without a hat, so you have to wear them whenever you go out.)

She said something to the effect of Manila was Baguio now. ARGH!
So what was Baguio like then? Did it snow?

I want the cold weather back. It's always so friggin' hot.

In other news, did anyone see the gloomy weather around 5? It made everything sepia-colored. Kewl.

In more news, I feel asleep while doing the science achievement tests today.
That's why I decided to drink my first cup of school Nescafe during recess. (The one I bought from last blog.)

God that was... bitter.

Of course there isn't any hot water in Xavier--at least hot water I can use--so I got water from the third year fountain, which apparently wasn't that cold. I mixed it in. and Blah!

Actually, it wasn't that bad. But it wasn't that good either. o.O

What's more the mug was stupid that it spilled on me. Hay. Good thing it wasn't hot. Wahaha!

why so serious?

Sunday, July 20 at 8:14 PM

The Dark Knight

Side note: I've downloaded 10 movies and put them on my iPod. Woot. Lol.

Hands down: Best Summer Flick EVAR! Ang galing. It's not your ordinary comic book superhero movie. It's way beyond that. Plus, the title's the clue. It's a dark movie.

So yeah, I watched this one with my dad, Pats, Ate Kaye and Kuya at Shang.

I've gotta say: GRABE! In all my years of watching movies at Shang this is the first time I've ever joined a LOOOOOOOONG line. The only other movies I know that had a line are those free ones during the French and Japanese festivals. Amazing. I usually watch first weekend and this is the only one with the line.

And my we were lucky. There were no more seats for the 9:30 show. The 10:00 show only had seats at the front side and some holes at the back. The only one left was the 10:30 show where the seats weren't as good either. We were separated into two groups at the very side.

Side note: I bought the Giver (again) and I reserved Swiftly Tilting. :D

Anyhow, there was even a line going into the theater. Wow.

So I have to admit. For most of the first half I was dazed about the movie. And they hyped up anticipation for it went like... Wah? But that's mostly because of the headache I've been having since I entered Shangri-la. Blame it on my glasses.

The cool part was when everything was starting to turn around. And I was like... Oh yeah!

I've got'ta say for a superhero film, the villains were the real stars. Harvey Dent and--OF COURSE:--the Joker were the interesting ones in this film.

Aaron Eckhart was real good. And he set himself aside as another villain in the film rather than a copycat. Morgan Freeman--who again has another god/big boss role--was cool too. And Christian Bale and Maggie Gylenhaal were cool too. (Maggie Gylenhaal reminds me of Kirsten Dunst. I dunno why.)

But AMAZING... the Joker. Heath Ledger. Wow. It's like goddamn. He's the best part of the movie. Crazy. Maniacal. Evil. Cunning. Smart. Deranged. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

It's so sad Heath Ledger died. How would the best friggin villain ever return for the third film and the fourth and the fifth and the...? I don't think anyone can beat that. (Not even Jack Nicholson--who is complaining he didn't get the role.)
What's more, how would he accept his Oscar? (he better win.)

Gahd. FANTASTIC movie. Woohoo. Made everything drop a spot. Wahaha.

am i sick?

Thursday, July 17 at 4:30 PM

no seriously...

I slept in all my classes today taht didn't involve the use of a mac desktop. that's basically 5/8 of my classes. :|

I usually have trouble sleeping at night.

Then again... it could've been the fact that I drank coke an hour or two before I slept, and that's like my first can of coke in weeks. :|

Anyhow. Why did I bring this up? I just bought 5 sachets of 3 in 1 from 7/11. And I'm already planning to bring one of them insulating mugs to school just in case. :|

You know what? While paying at the counter, I was thinking: "You're going to be addicted."

Am I crazy?

I also bought a pack of peanut M'n'Ms. That's not the crazy part. This is:

I was biting it like I was going to murder someone. uttering words I don't usually say in a voice so subtle and scary that I only do when I act like a madman.

Or maybe it's because I watched Hard Candy. Damn cool film. Bittersweet ending though... not the kind I wanted. But hey.

my attempts at being emo.

Tuesday, July 15 at 8:41 PM

Little Miss Sunshine and Shang Gimik

Why's everyone so angsty. I just opened Multiply a while ago to find all of the most angsty entries :|

Is it because it's almost-but-not-really hell week? I've got a Chinese LT tomorrow, I've barely studdied and it's already 12:45. Don't see me emo/angsty. Hehehe. Lol.

Maybe it's because I just watched Little Miss Sunshine. Lol. Yeah, I saw it on Star Movie a few hours ago. Hehe.

I like it. It reminds me of Juno. It's not that strong comedy type. But not the drama type either. It's light and fun to watch. I think most relate with Dwayne in the sense that... lol. Abigail Breslin was fun too. The dance sequence had me laughing sooo much. I'm actually downloading the torrent right now. Haha!

If someone has the soundtrack or can get one... PLEASE SEND!
Again, it reminds me of Juno. It's the kind of music I feel like listening: slow and paced but not a ballad or senti song. (The other would be the super pop dance hit... and who knows where to get that? These are the two albums I'm missing on my iPod.)

In other news, I put full-length stuff onto my iPod. I have Spring Awakening, Duwa and Juno. Soon to add Little Miss, 21, Speed Racer and The Happening. Maybe Wanted and the Hulk.

Wow. I feel so light today. SOO LIGHT. Thanks to the movie :D

This one's quite overdue. But if not now, then when?

Last Sat, went out with friends: Paul, Ran, CJ, Jerold and Germs.

I finally completed my birthday list: portable iPod speakers and the last CD.

We ate lunch at Kimono Ken. (NAKAKAHIYA KA CJ!) Then, we did whatever errands. Had a peechur. Bought Paul 'Bakit Baliktad'

We then watched Mamma Mia. It was so-so. Quite random. Umm.... I dunno how to describe it :|. But at the end, I enjoyed it naman. Hehe.

Then Starbucks... and powerstation. WOOHOO! Ang saya dun. Lol. Same games pa rin... the racing thing, the shwing-shwing thing and the picture thing. Lol.

Basically, same staples: picture, movie, powerstation, starbucks.

I had fun. Really nice to have fun with friends. Sayang I didn't get a pic with Paul. Oh well papel. Sa sunod na lang.
Discovered things. (tsk... it's...)

God, i need to cram. Walang tulugan na toh. Hahaha.
God, help me with chinese. tsamba tsamba.
God, don't pick me for English.

I've been trying to be emo since a while ago, but I always end up smiling.
damn the lightness. love them movies. :D

Kwento ni Rey: Ilaw ng Umaga

Sunday, July 13 at 2:47 PM

Gabi na pala, kay rami pang taong gumagala o nakatanga.

Baka mahuli pa ako sa curfew, makauwi na nga.

Hindi pa nga ako nakakaalis mula sa plaza, parang may ginagawa na akong masama’t tila sermon ang titig ng mga tao sa akin. Bakit kaya? Hindi naman marumi ang tisyert ko. Bakit parang lumalakas ang mga bulungan? Nakakabingi na.

Si Kuya! Narinig ko ang pangalan niya. Uuwi nga pala siya ngayong gabi. Minabilis ko na ang aking paglakad tungo sa bahay. Baka’y umalis agad siya’t di ko maabutan. Ngunit paano nila alam na narito siya? Kung hindi man, bakit siya ang pinag-uusapan? Tumakbo na ako palayo sa plasa bago ko pa malaman ang sagot sa aking katanungan.

Nang malapit na ako sa may kalye naman, halos walang laman ang mga lansangan. Maliban sa ilang taong dumaraang parang may tinatakasa’y napakatahimik ng lugar. Naaalala ko ulit ang gabi ng karumal-dumal na pagpaslang kay Putol: lahat ng tao’y tahimik nang hindi masuspetsahan ng mga tuta ni Marcos.

Napakagulo ng katahimikan. Walang tigil ang mga tanong sa ulo ko. Binabagabag na ako ng iba’t ibang tanong na dumaragdag lamang sa pagkabagabag ko. Nababalisa na sa mga eksenang nangyayari sa aking ulo. May sona ba talaga? Sinaktan kaya si Nanay? Nakauwi kaya si Kuya? Kinuha kaya siya ng militar? Ligtas ba ako? Nakakabulag ang katahimikan. Hindi ko na pinansin ang kapaligiran. Ang bahay na lamang ang tangi kong nakikita. Nagmadali na ako’t kung ano pa ang maisip kong masama. Kailangan ko nang makauwi.

“Umalis ka mula rito! Wag na wag mo akong pagsalitaan nang ganyan!” Nay?

Nasa tapat na ako ng bahay.

“Akala mo kung sino ka! Huwag mo akong hawakan!” Si Kuya!

Nag-aaway lang ulit sina Kuya at Nanay kagaya ng dati. Kaunting lambing lang iyan mamaya at mawawala rin. Salamat naman at hindi totoo ang mga iniisip ko. Salamat at wala namang nangyaring—

"Tumahimik nga kayo!" Kaninong boses iyan?

"Nay, tumabi k—————"

Iyon na siguro ang pinakanakakatakot na tunog na narinig ko’t napatago ako sa may tambak ng basura. Sa isang saglit, napatahimik ang buo kong pagkatao. Isang tunog na nakamamatay, tunog ng katahimikan. Isang putok ng baril.

Dehins. Hindi ito pwede. Sana'y walang namatay. Sana'y nananaginip lang ako.

Pagkatapos niyo’y nakita ko na lamang na kinakaladkad si nanay palabas ng bahay ng ilang taong naka-uniporme. Kitang-kita sa kanyang mukha ang napakaraming damadamin: paghihimutok, pagkabigla, takot, galit. Halos binura nila ang dignidad niya’t nag-iwan ito ng pulang marka sa maruming lansangan. Bigla-bigla lamang, nakasalubong ng mata ko ang mata ng kanyang mandarakip. Walang pag-aalinlangan niyang tinuro ako sa kasama niya. Nakita rin ako ni nanay.

“Rey, TAKBO! TUMAKBO KA! TUMAK—” Matinis ang kanyang tuloy-tuloy na pagsigaw habang mabilis siyang nawawala mula sa aking paningin.

Walang tigil ang aking pagtakbo. Malalalim ang aking mga hinga. Pilit na lumalayo. Walang hinto. Walang pahinga. Lumalayo para lamang makalaya.

Makalaya? Mula sa saan? Mula sa lipunang siyang nang-aapi sa sarili niya? Mula sa pamilya kong nasaan na? Mula sa aking sarili? Ano ba pa ba ang halaga ko rito sa lipunang walang kahihinatnan? Anong pamilya pa ba ang babalikan ko? Ano pa ba ang punto ng pagtakbo kong ito?

May katuturan ba ang ginagawa ng mga militanteng kumukontra sa gobyerno? Ano pa ba ang halaga ng lahat ng paghihimagsik na ito kung kamatayan at kalungkutan lamang ang magiging bunga? Hindi ba’t wala naman talaga tayong magagawa sa sitwasyon ng bansa natin ngayon? Hindi ba dapat ay nagsasayang tayo ng oras sa paglibang sa isang plasa? Wala rin naman tayong magagawa kung magrebelde tayo.

Doon ko naisip tumigil. Napadapa ako sa pagod. Hiningal ako. Ano pa ang punto ng lahat ng ito?


Sa sandaling narinig ko ang boses ni Nanay, tumigil ang oras. Halos hindi ko na siya nakilala. Iba siya. Iba ang tono. Tonong ni minsa’y hindi ko narinig. Bagamat sinasapawan ito ng ingay ng humaharurot na sasakyan, dinig na dinig ko pa rin ang tono kanyang boses. Dinig sa kanyang pagsigaw ang pagtatakip sa kanyang bibig at ang kanyang pagpilit na balaan ako. Halos tinatago ito ng lumalakas at lumalapit na ingay ng makina ng isang sasakyan, ngunit nakilala ko ang tonong iyon: pagmamahal.

May nakabubulag na ilaw na nanggagaling sa likod ko.

Humarap ako sa ilaw.

Michael Tan, Luis Marcelo, Timothy Chua
PS. sori kung mahaba.

eternal ecstasy. w00t.

Wednesday, July 9 at 7:02 PM


Who's da man? It's me. Lol.

Okay. After the great long struggle, i can now finally and proudly say.

I'm in FX again! w00t. Oh yeah.

My other clubs are Peer Faci (again) and FunXSions (math club)

Yeah... i know. Math club? Well I admit. I could be in Math advanced if I (1) wasn't so careless with practically everything and (2) didn't sleep often. Nyek.

Also, I'm part of prom comm. Lol.

Watch out world: I'm coming! (wtf)

vertigo and bliss.

Tuesday, July 8 at 7:10 PM

Migraine and Birthday Part III

Hay carajo! Headache. I call it a migraine. (Because some clinic website says so. lol.)

Don't you just love Nyoy Volante's Heartstrings? Pampa-relaks. Hahaha.
I sorta feel better though after the bath plus the music.

In other news, here's birthday part III. (Hanggang four 'to.)

Last Saturday, we went to Shang. We returned the headphones and got my... ten-ten-tenen... IPOD! Woohoo! I spent the whole midnight fixing its contents. :DD

Also, we watched Hancock. I enjoyed it more than most of the summer flicks. But it doesn't go up to the ranks of my four faves. Lol.

So last Sunday, we were finally early for Mass.
As usual, still distracted. (Yes, I think of all sorts of things during Mass: problems, homework, the future, the history of..., how stuff work, plans, etc.) This time though, it was different.

There were these two sisters who were right in front of our pew. Hahaha.
I was just... (okay I can't find the words.) They aren't what most consider hot... i think. But they really attracted me with their mestiza-tanned skin and unique flowing hair. Sigh. I don't think they go to Mass often. Pang-birthday lang talaga?

Anyhow. We went to Greenhills right after to buy food.
Then, we went to Pasig where we had birthday lunch with Mama and Tita Beth. Trisha was there. Haha. Apparently, she had stomach problems.

How lovely that Red Velvet cake was. Yum.

So yeah, we went to Shang right after. Shopping! Woohoo.
So I got 100 worth for CDs. I got KC Concepcion, Usher and Nyoy Volante. I love the CDs.
I also got myself an iPod case.... after a great, long search.

And then Trisha wanted to go shopping. We found ourselves in the American imports area of Crossings. Since she wanted to use her money, she bought us shades. Lol. Thanks, couz!

Then, we ate dinner at Clawdaddy together with Ate Kaye, Kuya Ricky, Mommy Fim and Daddy Rey. I was soooo happy! I saw the babies again! BONDING! Woohoo.

I'm also happy that Robin would still only go to me. Lol. Kyut! Si Alex din, kinakalaro ko. Woohoo. Miss them na.

Anyhow, we went to Bench right after where they bought me two jersey polos. Yehey! lol.

Well. That's mostly it. Gotta go cram. Happy Birthday!

kayong dalawa talaga! almost burned the school.

at 4:41 PM
Science Lab.

Science class was... interesante. :|
Also, it was near-death. Hahahaha.

See the picture? The wave?

Now, imagine that wave heading for you. Now imagine it wasn't water: it was fire. Ble flames to be exact. Creepy?

I was just washing the test tubes when suddenly: BOOM!
Next thing I knew, I was telling myself: HOY, LATE REACTION! MOVE BACK OR YOU'LL GET BURNED!

Grabe talaga. Babsi and Jus almost blamed the school.

The story? Babsi left the gas valve open. Jus just happened to be playing with the matches. Next thing we knew, Jus burned his hair and a flame wave was coming to my direction. When the wave finally "disappeared," only the part under the valve was flaming.

Mr. Chua extinguished it. Phew.

Anyhow, right after, there was this weird sensation on my right hand.
The sink was at the very end of the canal. And it so happened I was right there. My left hand was inside the 'bowl' but my right was still exposed.

It's probably nothing. Caloy's theory: na-trauma lang kamay mo. Hahaha.

Wow. That was interesting. Thank you Jus and Babsi for almost burning my hand or the school. :D

there's a moment you know your f***ed.

Saturday, July 5 at 2:43 PM

Birthday pt. 2: Math Club, Paul, Spring Awakening, Spanish Club, FX, Alexie!

Friday was wonderfully awesome! Lol.

Do you know Mrs. Hernandez invited me to the the math club? Lol. I love her na sooo much! Hahaha. It's not that I wan'na be in math club--coz I don't, and if I did, I wouldn't have the time either.--it' just that someone finally recognizes I can be good at math.

Paul came to visit! He did.
So excited. So happy. Sana he comes everyday! Lol. (oh yeah, i gave him his tagalog dictionary na. lol. he better start reading dekada) This, for the most part, was the highlight of the day.

Paul gave me my birthday gift--the one I've been waiting for a year in the making: Spring Awakening Vocal Selections. AWESOME! lol.
I've already been playing some songs (i know na the notes for the start of totally fucked.) but I really need piano lessons: I dunno how to play the notes for the left hand. Yamaha organs only teach me to play steady chords with my right not those weirdly fluctuating ones.

Also, Sean lent me his Spanish Club worksheet. Amazing! Something to practice on. Some more teaching. But nothing will beat being taugh Spanish--especially by Mrs. O--since the worksheet is kinda vague. I hope the club's still open next year. (Who could be the moderator? I only know two Spanish-teaching teachers and both won't be here next year.)

Stage FX is <3. They brought in cupcakes... shaped in a letter L.
That was another highlight. Then they sang me happy birthday too. Speechless ako sobra with my mouth open. Lol. I love you guys! Thanks soo much.
No wonder Stacey kept asking: "Are you going?"

By the way. I'll correct my other blog. Someone did sing me a decent happy birthday. (no, not cj and his "hoops & yoyo" version in the patio) It's Alexie. Ang cute nya over the phone. I miss her terribly! I wanna hug her and squeeze and carry her. So if you ask me, she's my favorite but I still love Robin as much. (Who wouldn't if he kept sticking to you?) Buti na lang I'll see her tomorrow.

you're my PUSTISO 'coz i can't smile without you.

Wednesday, July 2 at 6:19 PM

Sweeter than 16

THANK YOU, KARL SEE! Grabe that IM came from nowhere. But I'm laughing until now. you're my pustiso... :))
Oo na, am'babaw ko. But I guess I really needed that laugh.

Anyhow. Today was quite an okay birthday. Last night ended kind of... bland. But things are looking up since then. And thank God for the long hours of sleep.

Thanks to everyone who greeted! (trivia: stacey was the first one to greet me at around 12am. he was also the first person na nilibre ko.)

You know what. My day could have been perfect. But it wasn't. And I guess, I loved it that way... imperfect.

I really, really like the new shirts I got. And I got new headphones, which I will trade for my new iPod classic. (Yes!)

Probably another sweet birthday gift would be watching a movie with friends. I can't wait to see Paul! Lol. Magpakita ka na! An dami mong utang na kwento. Gusto na rin kitang tuksuin. I miss the nasal congestion! (because it affects your hearing.)

Oh wow. The radio (rx) just greeted happy birthday. Not to me directly of course. Pero kahit na. Wahaha. Wag ka nang manggulo pa.

You know what. No one has sung me a decent happy birthday yet. I'll do it myself. :D Good night.

Okay. My last birthday gift. I hope I get it... 'coz I'm not going down without a fight.