What do you do with something that killed you?

Monday, April 30 at 10:08 PM
Attack of the Crab,
HAPPY!!M: 4.30: 10.20
BEWARE! Contagious: wala naman....

Grabe nakaka-adik ang Heroes. Just today, we finished the whole DVD. Nakkainis lang kasi DBD-DBD cya kaya it says the Complete Season 1 Episodes 1-18. The real thing is actually till Ep 23. DAmnit. WAAA! Well, we watched Ep19 on the web, pero we wanna watch all the others.
Ang ganda kasi ng story. Hahaha. I wanna know na what happened. It has sooo much cliffhangers. I wanna see it na. Hahaha. Just kanina rin, I knwew there were other fans as well like Joaquin and Kim. Hahahaha!

Anyhow, back to real life.
Yesterday, pumunta kami ng Shang pagkatapos mag-misa (Mass after pagkatagal-tagal sa bathroom. Hahaha!) Anyhow, nagpalamig kami dun habang nag-de-day off si Yaya Grace. Hahaha! First, bumili muna kami ng tickets. We watched the Shooter. And we bought na for Spiderman on Saturday. Wiheee! Haha.

So after, we went to Starbucks @ 7, we lounged there for a long time and then went muna to Powerbooks habang nasa TrueValue si daddy. WEll, they still don't have what I want. And I saw this other book on the catalog called "The End of Harry Potter." It intrigues me. ANyhow, after that, we went to the movie house na.

Well, when they sell tickets they say, "Food and drinks from the CineBar lang po." Hahaha. WEll, my dad sneaked in some Grower's peanuts by hiding it inside my jacket being held (and later on worn) by Trisha. Haha! Pasaway talaga.

ANyhow, ang cooool ng movie!!! Hahaha. Super galing ng guy (Mark Wahlberg.... forgot his name.) Hahaha.

What else, well after that we went to National, and I saw a Photoshop book! And we bought it. WEee.. It's very very cool. Kumpleto cya tapos may 2 Cds pa! Hsahahaha.

Anyhow, after long decisions, we finally chose to eat in MongKok. The food there was really good. Hehehe.

And then Heroes marathon.


I woke up, and Trisha was watching Heroes na. Haha. S we rewinded and then we finished the whole DVD. And we're SOOOOOOO BITIN!. Hahaha. Anyhow. We're trying to discuss the Scheduling problems with the swimming kasi parating na ang trsining ko sa school. Hahaha. ANyhow.

La lang. You are the wekest link... Goodbye!

just keep walking

Saturday, April 28 at 6:14 PM
Heroes, Swimming, PC and other stuff.
HAPPY!!S: 4.28: 6.26
BEWARE! Contagious: Eyes - Rogue Wave...

Grabe! I'm so addicted to Heroes. Ang ganda ng story! I'm on Episode 7 na. Wihee! Hahaha. Nakaka-adik pati nga ang kanta 'eh. (Eyes- Rogue Wave) Hahaha.

Anyhow, let's start with WEdnesday.
So we went to Megamall to buy some stuff. That's me, Trish and Mommy Fim. (I don't care about the order of pronouns. Haha!)
I'd just like to say I hate Megamall or any other mall for that matter. Not only is it too crowded, it's just too big. Making me think of all the space you can walk on tires me. Parang nakakadiscourage na malaman mong di mo mame-memorize ang mga stores kasi ang laki laki ng lugar. Hahaha!

Anyway, we went to Podium after to snack on some Cinnabon. Sarap ng Chocodip Stix. Hahaha. But I still love Pecan. Yummy! Hahaha.

After that, we bought a stroller for Alexy. Hahaha. I got tired there even it was more interesting than buying houseware kasi SM tired me out. So pagod na ako when I entered Baby and Co. Hahaha.

When we got back in Narra, we delivered the stroller na. Played with Alex. Ate Kaye wasn't there but Kuya Ricky was. So, when Ate Kaye arrived, we asked for the stuff Mommy Fim wanted. And brought it to her house. Tinkered a bit with her Mac. And then back to Ate Kaye who were jsut about to leave for dinner. We joined then, pero pumunta muna kami sa Mercury.

And sad ng story ni Ate Kaye. Hehe. Sceeereee ung mga pantal pantal niya. Hehehe. Anyhow, we ate in Katips. And mas-sad kasi halos wala siyang makain. Hehehe. Anyhow, after a great night of talk. Haha. We went home kasi Kuya Rix had to go to a wake. Hehe. So we went kina Mommy Fim's. Tinkered with her laptop and left for home.

By the way, while ate Ate Kaye's we borrowed their Heroes DVD na. So when we got home, we did some PC-ing. Trisha made gulo my YM contacts and then we were ready and excited to watch Heroes na. Hahaha. Pero, pagkapasok. I bent the lalagyan of the DVD. Surprisingly, it bent. Kaya pala: It's empty! WAAAAAAAA! Anyhow, we watched LoveWrecked na lang. Rather I watched coz she fell asleep.


I woke up with Trisha leaving for the dentist na. Dapat kasi our swimming lessons was today. But it wasn't. The real sked is MWF. But our coach said: "Thursday ulit'ha." Un pala, WED FRI. We only found out today. So we actually missed yesterday's and now Trisha's dentist appointment which was set for the afternoon but moved to the evening (because of supposed swimming lessons) has been moved back to the afternoon... but later than planned.

So. Anyhow, after some lone time to do some wallpaper editting, blogging, etc. I went to Narra to address Mommy Fim's computer problems. I told her. If she would just read/watch/look at my powerpoint complete with word, pictures and video, she wouldn't be needing my help with the computer. She keeps asking me how to close or open or connect or whatever. KATAMARAN And then, I can teach her more advanced stuff like iPhoto or Safari or YM. But no, she wouldn't. Naku.

Anyhow, Trisha arrived sooner or later with colds. Hehehe. So we pretty much didn't do much so I'll speed on over to the night when I was finally able to watch Heroes. Yes! Ang ganda. Hehe. Trisha chose to fall asleep coz she couldn't hear it. Nakakainis kasi and dad ko 'eh. Too loud daw... But it wasn't maarte lang. Kaya yun. I ahd to use (my iPod) earphones to hear the TV. Hahaha!


Friday. I did swimming all by myself coz Trisha's cold worsened. He taught me na how to dive. Wihee! Hahaha. Hanggang kneeling nga lang ako kasi di ko kaya ang halfstand... pero that's okay na noh. Sakit nga lang sa stomach and eyes. Stomach kasi ang sakit ng tama ng tubig. Eyes kasi pinupush ng tubig ang goggles ko kaya parang na-su-suction ung eyes ko. Hahaha!
Anyhow, it was raining when it happened so may mga interruptions. Umahon nga kami nung nagka-thunder. Hahaha.

ANyhow... blah blah.
I had a Heroes marathon all the way till 2am. I've now finished ep6. hahaha. that's 1/3 na... ahaha!


Anyhow, here I am.
I just cancelled my Yamaha. which was already cancelled yesterday. Hahaha. Anyhow. Nagkagulo-gulo dito dahil hindi marunong magsalita si Daddy ng ibig niyang ipahiwatig. I told him during lunch kasi na i have Yamaha. He said, we don't have a car, how will we go. (BTW: Our car is being repaired since there isn't any aircon.) So I texted to cancel. And then, after I take a shower, he says: Let's go. I'm like WTF. I already texted him. (I didn't really say WTF... ahhaha)

Anyway, I earned 50 pesos today for my job as Computer Consultant. BWAHAHAHAHA! Yehey! That will be added to my funds. Hahaha. I need money to buy CDs and Books. Tangi kong kaligayahan. Hahaha. Reminds me. I haven't finished my books yet. Hahaha.

Other than that, Trisha is catching up on the episodes she's missed on Heroes. We also made delicious pizza today. Hahaha. Now.. to leave. Haaha.

Don't Put It Off... Procrastinate NOW!

Monday, April 23 at 1:16 PM
Grabeng Weekend! (and Movies)
HAPPY!!M: 4.23: 1.32
BEWARE! Contagious: Hairspray...

Wow... where should I start? Hahaha!

Hmmm.... we've been watching movies the whole time. Scary Movie 1 & 2. United 93. Pursuit of Happyness (again). My First Wedding. Yours, Mine and Ours. Munich. And more.... all on DBD-DBD... HAHAAAHA! Top of my list are Munich and United 93. Sayang lang I didn't get to finish Munich kasi we were watching DBD-DBD. Bwahahaha! It was really, really interesting. Hahah. Then, there's also the United 93. Super sad, grabe. I loved it. Trisha cried pa nga'eh. Hehehehe. I loved both movies. And the other two.

We were going to watch Syriana. But we didn't... why? It couldn't get it to take our attention. We kept replaying the first five minutes of the film because we kept talking to each other instead of staring at the TV. Hahaha!

Anyhow, we also watched Wild Hogz. But I'll talk about that later.

Well. We just started the all new Trisha Carranceja Online Show. Bwahahaha. She doesn't even need any guests. She can do it ehrself. Bwhaha. Well. what I mean is, we were able to catch up with Ate Car and Kuya Pao. Using the webcam and the microphone. Hahaha. It was so fun talking to them... and we even tricked them into watching the site. Grabe ung reactions nila. Hahaha!

Well. Last saturday, we went to Shang to cool off. We bought ticketsmuna to Wild Hogs. And then ate in Starbucks after much a stir. We then went to the grocery. And then we watched the movie. Grabe... sobrang nakakatawa ng Wild Hogs. Hahaha. You SHOULD WATCH IT. Bwhahaha! After, we went to Powerbooks. I found myself a new set of books that I wanna read. (Look there sa sidebar na lang) Hahaha. After, we went to the music store. Hahaha. I found two things din.. Haha. Ciara's Evolution and J.Lo's Spanish one... Haha... SPANISH? Yeah... sounds nice... wanna learn din. Hahaha.... Wanna listen to Press Play chaka Shock Value pero hindi nakalabas... Hahahaha...

Anyhow. I NEED MONEY. Buwahahaha. Must save up talaga if I want CDs and the books... mahal kaya ng isa: 1800.. DAMN! Hahaha. And the bad thing is, at these times, my dad won't spnsor! Waa! Haha.

Anyhow, we ate in Green Tomatoes. Hahaha. Sarap ng pagakain! Haha. Anyhow, first time ko dun. Anyhow, I've never ever seen Beatrice Letters pa. Hahaha. Anyhow... Where am I na? Hahaha.

Anyhow, Sunday, we went to Mass.. LATE as usual. Haha. We saw Mommy Fim and Kuya Rix and Ate Kaye. Haha. After, we ate in T-Boy. Wahaha. Anyhow, after, we visited Ayala and then Home and then Pasig. Spent a techie day. Anyhow. Mostly it. Nakalimutan ko na kasi an'layo-layo na nu'n... i keep forgetting. Daming interruptions sa pag-blog'eh. hahaha. Anyhow.

Seryoso't Maayos Na Toh. Yesterday, Trish and I went for swimming lessons. But before that, we had some bathroom problems, so Trish rushed out of the bathroom to Narra with a towel around her ulo and ako, naka pantulog. Yak! Hahahaha. (Water stopped flowing as she was shampooing) Wahaha. Wawa! Haha.

Anyhow... after that experience and bonding with Alex, we went to our swimming lessons in Narra after like 5 years? Hahaha. Well. When we went there nahihiya kami. Haha. Puro bata kasi nag-si-swimming lessons'eh. May mga fans pa nga kami'eh. Hahaha. Ung guard chaka mga bantay ng ibang mga nag-si-swimming. BWAHAHAHA! Anyhow. Am'bilis namin. After like 30 mins (?) Advanced lessons na kami. Haha! He taught us ung Back, brest and fly. Ayoko nang mangarap mag-back kasi irritated ang eyes, nose and ears ko sa tubig. Hahaha! Ung Breast... try hard pa rin. Fly. I can do it satisfactorily. Hahaha. Si Trisha (ang master sa Dog Paddle) ang galing daw mag breast stroke. Hahaha. Parang professional. Hahaha. Anyhow, after we just swam some more after some indecision and skyflakes. Haha. We ate dinner at home and slept late. Hahaha.

Today naman, I was woken up at 9:30 so that I can be picked up by 10pm to go to Podium. Yeah: nag-wake up call si Mommy Fim para may kasama syang techie sa pagbili ng 3G Internet for her new Mac laptop. haha. Can u believe it? That's me and Trisha sharing 30 mins. An tagal pa naman namin sa bagyo. Haha... So ako nauna.. tapos siya.. and then we ate breakfast together. And then un pla she'll pick us up at 10:30. Bwahaha. Anyhow, after much traffic, we arrived at Podium na to Valet.

Hahaha. After that, we went to Globe HUB. Tapos much turmoil disgusting. So after, she brought me home and then we left for Yamaha using Mama's car. and then taxi to the office and do some techie support. Bwahaha! We then wwalked to Narra and mommy fim brought us to Greenhills para mgamit nya ung Cinnabon gift certs adn to buy a laptop bag and fix her pants. Just when we got to the parking lot, Mommy Fim saw she left her Cinnabon gift certs and now... damn! Hahah. Anyhow, after errands, we ate Yellow Cab... merienda cena. And now... we're on the pc... we jsut finished cahtting with Ate Car and fixing mommy fim's laptop... may internet na.. Hahaha... Anyhow... yun na.

When will that be?

Friday, April 20 at 12:21 PM
la lang...F: 4.20: 1.06
BEWARE! Contagious: wla pa rin...

I should really make more avvies.... one for extreme happiness, lauging hard and one for informative... Hahaha. Oh well. When I have the time.

Click to Enlarge
If you can't see it says: "Its what computers have become."
The corret one is in the Mini (with the smaller pic of the phone including some details) Suposed to have an apostrophe.

See that? That's from a Nokia site. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Wrong langauage use! I know now what it means to have your eyes hurt... Francis didn't even spot it! Wahahaha.

Reminds me of that one store in Shang on the fifth floor (alam na alam!... di nga lang alam ang pangalan ng stor... bwahaha!) it had a poster in tagalog that said support the Philippines. But it was wrong grammar. WTF? If i remember right, it used a space instead of a dash. bwahaha. Why would u say support the Philippines if you don't do the langauge correctly... Hello?

Bwahahaha. For more errors see this Japanese site: http://www.engrish.com/

And the witch laughs....

at 9:45 AM
Movie Marathon and Scary Stuff
HAPPY!!F: 4.20: 10.12
BEWARE! Contagious: la masyado...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Gotta Love This Girl!


Anyhow... we watched Scary Movie 1 and 2 yesterday! Hahaha!
Oki lang. Still funny... hahaha!

Well, before watching, we (Trisha and I) watched YouTube videos of Windows against Mac. Hahaha! We got bored so we saw this video of the number 11's relation to 9-11. Hahahaha! She got interested so she tried to find pix of Satan's head in the 9-11 while i basked in the aircon upstairs. So I went down and she was unsuccessful so we looked for scary vids in YouTube. We ended up with stupid ones.... ESPECIALLY THIS:

When it was her Ellen na, I stayed on the PC to look for some sites to freak her out... as in totoong scary. When it was time to eat, I showed them (Trisha and Yaya Jean). Wa epek. But it worked on Yaya Grace! Wiheee!

Well. We were supposed to watch She's the Man but my dad arrived so we slept na. But while he was in the cr we were kwento to the max. Hahaha! And i love the lollipops she gave... ung may powder dip. Hahaha. Not the one that crackles... (but it's good too) It tastes good. Hahaha!

Mmm... WE have yamaha today... and i think swimming lessons too.... I dunno. Hahaha. Oh well. Not sure bout swimming. Hehehe. Sige....

Anyhow, look at this: (I love poppin'em!)

Get the code at www.winterrowd.com

Where will the computer be?

Thursday, April 19 at 1:57 PM
HAPPY!!*T: 4.19: 2.12
BEWARE! Contagious: Ilalim - Kjwan...
Well... if you've been reading my previous blogs or looking at my multiply, Yes, I have moved. Hahaha. Funny thing is... it's just 3 doors away from my own house. Hahaha!

Well. For the past days, we've been packing up to move. (The picture shows all the stuff I'll be using.. kaunti noh.... Add oa my computer) Most of our stuff are in my lola's house in Pasig, but what we'll be using for the whole 2-4 months is in this new house. We moved because we're haviong our house renovated so we evicted (hahha) those renting this apartment and moved here.They'll come back when we leave. Hahaha.

Well, we've been here na for 3 (or was it 4) days. Yesterday eve, Trisha arrived so it isn't that boring anymore. Hahaha. My computer, right now is under the stairs. Hahaha! La lang. Still awkward ung place kasi ang gulo dito sa baba. Hahaha. Anyhow, here are some weird highlights from this house:
    I know... DISGUSTING! Do not read if u don't have the guts! There are a lot of "kapatids" here. I like the mabaits from our old house better: at least may hiya silang gmapakta sa akin. The kapatids are like evrywhere. And our mattress pa naman is on the floor. One eve (or morning... haha!) nga, my mom shouted kasi while she was texting on the bedside, and a cockroach passed by. Disgusting. Paranoid na cya in bed kasi baka makagat. Hahahaha! And then my yaya got bitten on the arm by a flying cockroach. She saw something flying kasi tapos she thought it's jsut something. And then dumapo sa arm nya and kinagat cya. Ackk! She slapped it and saw it was a cockroach. Yuck! First tym nya raw makagat. Reminds me of the time I was in the bathroom about to brush my teeth. When I picked the cup up, a roach was on my hand and it flew around and i'm like. AWAY! Away! Away!, going crazy in the bathroom.
    Yes, it's been locked twice. It's such a hassle. The first time, for some unknown reason, it got locked up by itself. The second time, it was because of Regine. It can't just be that. So I say the door is prone to being locked. Hahaha!
    When we were given the house there was no bed. As in... not the mattress but the frame that holds it. Hahaha. The house didn't have built in cabinets, so we brought our own plastic ones. And worst of all, it didn't have mirrors. Hahaha! So we bought our old whole-body one to bring to the masters bedroom but the problem was the bathroom mirror. Hehe. Anyhow, we figured it out and we bought a mirror from the hardware. It's just small with a plastic frame. We hung it on one of the three hooks already provided on the concrete wall. Hehe.... Now the problem is, the mirrors are ouyt of place. The bedroom mirror is too short, it was supposed to hang on a cabinet door but now it's just made to ahng on the wall. So it's too short. The bathroom mirror naman is too high for most people in the house. I can see myself, cyempre. My dad can. But the maids and my mom can't.. they have to tiptoe pa. hahaha. Anyhow. la lang.
    There's really something wrong with their pipes. Hehehe. The kitchen faucet is yet to be fixed and it keep sleaking so we had to lower the water pressure for the whole house, weirdly, it's still strong. haha. And then the bathroom showr was leaking so we had to fix that too. Hehe. By the way, we also have a new phone number to ward off my mom's clients, guards and unsolicited calls from my yaya's manliligaws and other prank phone callers. Haha.
    Hehe.... Well, we moved our telephone and cable wires from the old hosue to new house... it isn't illegal but it can be counted... Hahaha! Anyhow, the cable is working perfectly on the bedroom TV but not on the dining TV. Hahaha. There's really something weird so there's no TV while eating. Aww.... Oh yeah, did I mentiion we have 5 TVs in the house? Haha. Only one is being used... hopefully 2 na... hahaha! 3 came from the old house, 1 also came from the old house but we just recently repaired it. The other is really from this house. Hahaha.
    Yes. It's weird. It's not clogged. The first time, we had to hold it down... manual flushing parang sa mga province. After, the handle doesn't wanna go up, it's stuck sa baba so u can't really flush. And when it was up na, can't flush pa rin. Hayz. Anyhow, we always have to fix it. Haha!
    This is my yaya's story. It's so weird and freaky, but she says it's funny. One time, she was making coffee, and then she went to get something in the fridge. When she went back for the cup, it was gone. namangha sya. So she went up changed clothes and then went back to the kitchen and there it was untouched from the table. SKereeee!
    Not proven because we haven't seen it. Haha. But it always makes sounds pretending to be a frog. But even in our old house u can hear it. It's jsut louder coz we're nearer the location. Haha. We suspect it can also be Bubuli. Whatever it is. Hahaha.
  • HEAT!
    Yes. Not only is it summer heat. But the ventilation in this house is bad. So it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!

Anyhow, I took a pic of my old house right now when the carpenters left for the night. Here. Creaky! Parang mahuhuolog. Hahaha!


Wednesday, April 18 at 6:14 PM
HAPPY!!W: 4.18: 7.05
BEWARE! Contagious: These Boots Are Made For Walking...

NEVAh Maynd

Hahaha.... I dnt wanna blog these long stuff. I'll list them na lang. Hahahaha.
  • Enchanted Kingdom
  • Alex's Birthday
  • Playing at Narra with Alex
  • Going to the hospital to visit
  • Robin's homecoming
  • Visita Iglesia
  • Pokemon Crystal and my Umbreon
  • Stepping (a wonderful book)
  • etc.

Lahat yan masaya......at cyempre... and pagdating ng bagong PC... sobrang saya... pero lots of hassle before the happy part. Hahahha.

Anyway. Promise, I'll blog tomorrow about MOVING. Hahahaha! PROMISE!

You can't wake up if you're not asleep

at 5:48 PM
Alikes and Sleeping Problems
Sleepy and Tired!!W: 4.18: 5.59
BEWARE! Contagious: Like A Boy - Ciara...
I think I have insomnia... Or not. Hehe...
I tried to sleep early... but I can't. As in. So, I woke up at around 6:30... so early. I didn't actually wake up coz I wasn't asleep in the first place. Anyhow, I took a bath and went around and got greeted by Ate Carla. Haha! I love chatting with her. Apparently, when she goes to New York na, and if I ever wake up early again, we can have nice long chats. hehehe. Oh well.

Mostly, the day was spent fixing my computer and editing photos. I'm making myself a new wallpaper so I'm colelcting and editting photos. hahaha! Anyhow. They're so reminiscent. hahaha. Boring though. At least my Photoshop skills are getting better. Hahahaha!

Also, we had McDo delivered. Wow. First time na nagpadeliver ako nang ako lang... other than the maids. Usually, nandun pinsan ko, mom, friends, etc. And usually pizza. Hahaha. Anyhow... Kanina, I posted my look alikes... la lang. Anyhow. I have some sound alikes too.... Not me.

Listen to these songs, they sound almost the same:
  • 4ever by the Veronicas vs U + Ur Hand by P!nk
  • Trouble Sleeping vs Put Your Records On, both by Corrine Bailey Rae
  • Be Good To Me by Ashley Tidale vs Rumors by Lindsay Lohan
Diba? Ill try to upload'em one time so u could hear. Hehehe. I-Limewire mo na lang.

Anyhow... Off to the EK entry. Hahaha.

Taking a break before....

at 11:18 AM
Look alike?
la lang...W: 4.18: 11.30
BEWARE! Contagious: Umbrella - Rihanna...


I'd paste what kind of Nerd I am... but another factor contradicts me from doing so so nevermind....

La Lang 15

Tuesday, April 17 at 5:17 PM
Blogging Day
HAPPY!!T*: 4.17: 5.30
BEWARE! Contagious: These Boots Are Made For Walking - Li'l Kim...
Okay.... I'm starting really late, but I'm going to try finishing blogging about (significant) everything I've done during the past days when my computer has been broken. DAMN.

Anyhow, last night, it took me till 2:30 to finish uploading ang caption-ing on photos on my Multiply. So it'd be really nice if you take a look at them:
http://dewe52.multiply.com (/photos)
New Albums include:
  • Alex's 1st Birthday
  • Enchanted Kingdom Outing
  • Summer Bonding With Alex (and first sight of Robin in the hospital)
  • Swimming in Narra
  • Robin's Homecoming
  • Moving/Renovation of Houses
Well. What else? Anyhow. Today na lang muna. I woke up first at around 10ish. But I was so sluggish that I brought myself to sleep again. And grabe... the sunlight was hot. Anyhow, I woke up once more at quarter to 2 to look at my cellphone. And I saw something deadly: My Yamaha instructor reminding me about my lessons today. I totally spaced out... It was 2-3. Siht! So I rushed to the bathroom and left right away. Sadly, traffic is evil! I arrived 30 minutes late. Damn.

You know what? I've never broken my late streak. Ever since--I dunno?--I've been late. Grabe. Anyhow. I shall be reminding myself about it, so I can break my late streak. Hahaha.

Anyhow, I would've started early if Tita Ann hadn't come to ahve photos scanned. But that's okay. Hehehe.

Anyhow. Now, for the other entries. Hahahahaha. I'll see if I can make them go in the correct date order. Anyway. Hehehe! Here I go.


Saturday, April 14 at 12:26 AM
HAPPY!!S*: 4.14: 12.38
BEWARE! Contagious: Confessions Part 2 by Usher...

Siht! I'm back! I miss it all! I miss blogging. I miss multi and LJ. I miss the internet. I miss my computer. Hahahaha... Akala mo kung ano'ng nangyari sa akin. Hayz. What a reunion. This is a lucky Friday the Thirteenth... hmm, ibig sabihin next Friday the 13th is hell. Tun-dun-dun. Bwhahaha!

Shucks! I miss this. Hahaha! Wow. I'm back! Well, by Monday or this week, I'll be blogging na about everything.... as in lahat ng nangyari while my computer was destroyed. I feel so happy. Bwahaha.

BTW... I'm moving na on April 15th, Sunday. Haha! I'm moving three doors away to the other apartment... Hahaha. They're going to renovate the house kasi and I'll be moving back by late June or early July. Sadly, I won't get my 7390 till Christmas because this computer costs hell of a lot of money. Bwahahaha! The thing is, they're saying I used the alkansya money to buy a cellphone.... But that usually amounts to 11 thou... Which is like 5 thou short.... or something like that. Basta it's more expensive so I'll wait till Christmas. Tapos on the next gift-giving holiday, I'll ask for a Wii! Haha... or a dog! Bwahaha. A house, tame, not-hyper dog. Haha... I don't care about the Order of Adj ryt now coz i'm so happy that I'm reunited na. Bwhaha. Oh well... to sleep!

Santa likes the cheese

Tuesday, April 3 at 11:30 AM
Stupid Broken PC and EK
HAPPY!!Angry Like Sh^t!t*: 4.3: 11.50
BEWARE! Contagious: Senti Songs...
Well... My coputer is fcukin broken! It's so annoying. Hayz. I blogged on some bond paper but then I left it at home... I'm in Varr's house right now... We're about to go to EK na. Weeee! I'm so excited.

Anyhow... you'll have to wait for the pictures from Alex's birthday and the EK trip. Hayz. Nakakainis!

Oh well:
ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek! ek!
off to Enchanted Kingdom.... Weeeeeeee!

WAA! Sira pc ko!


Sunday, April 1 at 7:08 PM
Broken Computer
Angry Like Sh^t!ReWrite
Apparently, the computer is so fcuking non-functional. Actually, it is. but it can't handle 2 hard disks so it has to use the new hard disk coz... I DUNNO?!?! That's what the PC Express peole did. GRRR! What am I going to do with the old hard disk? Para namang lahat ng gamit ko nandun. HELLO?! And kahit na ganun, I can't use it pa rin kasi.... IT KEEPS HANGING! So this computer is still going to hang and there are no programs/files and I can't do anything important like upload the pix of Alex's birthday party yesterday. ARGH!!! The only fcuking thing left to do is to replace the motherboard and only God knows how long that will take since my parents have too much expense: house renovation, enrollment, blah. blah. Plus, all things slow come from him. Grrr. So Now I'm just too frustrated. Here is a list of things I can't do.
  • Blog about:
    • Alex's Bday
    • EK
    • Summer Lessons (Photoshop? Badminton? FX? Swimming?)
    • House renovation/moving
    • Etc.
  • Upload pix to multiply... I can't even save'em in the computer
    • Alex's bday
    • EK
    • Whatever
  • Check on:
    • LJ Friend
    • Multiply
  • YM

Hayz. Sorry for the cursing, bad tones, frustration... jsut so frustrated. nga diba? So... Here naman is a list of things I CAN do.
  • Be a bookworm
    • SoUE:13
    • An Acceptable Time
    • Eats, Shoots and Leaves
  • Be a geek
    • Finish Pokemon Crystal
  • Be a nerd
      Study hard for the contest?
  • Be organized
    • Fix my school stuff in the corner of my room
    • Actaully fix my grad album
    • Help in packing stuff
  • Be a musician
    • Live off my un-updated iPod
    • Practice on my Yamaha Organ
  • Be emo
    • Feel for the departure of 4 people
      • Paul
      • Dictator
      • Ms. Yao
      • Ms. Lampa
    • Feel for my broken computer!