New Theories and Must Practice Cursing(?!)

Friday, September 22 at 8:40 PM
la lang...9.22: 8.47 got Me and You by Cassie, Bitiw and Nakakapagtaka by Sponge Cola and Stars by CallaLily... what's in your head?

Oh well...

Hahahaha... Well, I think I should start with the whole day, hehe... Well, the most of the day was okay... Chinese, hmm, let's just say nagkainitan, but, cyempre, nagkabati ulit. Good news sa SocSci! hahaha!! Salamat naman at tinanggal na ung mga gawain... Double Science was okay... We stayed sa ITK... Du'n sinabi sa akin ni Paul na there's such thing as Microsoft Image Documentation (ung nagco-convert ng text sa image sa text... hehehe)... Well, I'm searching for it now, haha... Sa Lunch, sinamba ko ang Panginoon, hehe... Well, it felt good... Relaxing, Soothing, Entertaining, Exciting, Naninibago... it feels good! It's like listenng to Paris Hilton's Stars but much more light... Para bang lumulutang ka sa langit... Iba talaga ang epekto ng Panginoon... hehe! Hmm, Examen just got boring... I used to enjoy the feeling of the sweat puring as you listen, tapos, un pla, ur not sweating... I liked the feeling na when you open your eyes from listening, parang u feel so enlightened.. SERENITY... There are only two things that might have happened to chyange my view on Examen, Stress or Voice... Stress means I like sleep and my mind drifts on in Examen to things like how it's raining, bad luck, smiling and such... Voice means the voice talents suck... hahaha... Seriously, kung hindi sila OA magbasa, monotonous naman, yikes! Well, English was nice... I really like staying in the middle-front... It's a more laxed environment. It doesn't take much to participate and it's more fun to be near the discussion than be in the outskirts of the room talking about a topic I've started hating to hear since this week... Hayz. I think the only way to be able to withstand it is to sleep earlier... My listening barriers have broken, meaning I will not be able to take 'sirang plakas'... By the way, did you know that lack of sleep weakens the immune system... Haha, PG: DON'T FOLLOW ME AT HOME! hahaha!!!! Well, next was newsday... Boring ung reporting... napatawa lang kami kay Karl Kue at Karl See... Math was fun without 1B... It's more casual and noise-less, hehe.

Haha... Well, I have new theories... Smiling for one... Smiling releases endorphins which keeps people awake, haha... Smiling is contagious to yourself and others, really, I couldn't stop smiling... LOL... Smiling doesn't amke you look sad or snubby... hahaha!! So keep smiling! The wrid thing is though that it takes more muscles to frown rather than to smile but it hurts to smile for a long time rather than frown for a long time... hahaha!

For FX, here's the thing, rant-rant-rant, haha... Not what your thinking! Hindi ako galit sa comments... galit ako sa taong nang-aabuso sa aking pagiging mabait... I mean ****** haha.... Well, we jus did some run through's and critiquing... The comment that I need to practice my Puta'ng Ina's, Putres's and Gago's... hahahaha!!! I'll try, not used kasi... I'm a type that says (what the) f^ck; sh^t (ka); cr^p (3x); and ^ss(/hole)... haha... Oh well, this must be my breaking free... don't ask! hahaha!

Well... i'd have better do my Chinese now... gngn


"C'mon, it's fun!"

"Mom: Puta'ng ina mo!
Son: Yes, mom!

New Theories and New Practices

Thursday, September 21 at 10:24 PM
Sad and/or Worried9.21: 10.22 got Get Up by Ciara... what's in your head?

Oh well...

Hmmm.... I have new theories to my bad luck... I mean, the storms are getting weaker, but I'm not heading anywhere... :((

I bet it's sleep deprivation... I hate HW! But I will REALLY REALLY REALLY trry to sleep earlier... I already have the symptoms:

  • Half asleep in Examens
  • Excessive acne growth
  • Unusual afternoon drowsiness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Laziness
  • Getting easily annoyed with topics I usually talk about with Paul
  • Jealousy.... You figure out what kind... ;-)
  • Weird dreams/fantasies/day dreams
  • Eye bags that can fit all my school stuff
  • Critiquing Examens and Morning Prayers... wait... I always do that
  • Vanity and Grade Consciousness... wait... vanity is from the derma
  • Excessive pride

Oh well.... For an update: I failed two LT's and a Yedu... I was called by Fr. Go together with Paul, Ken, and everyone else who participated sa catapult... He congratulatwed us and asked for some feedback... hehehehe....We were late, so we missed the check-up quiz... hahahaha!

Well... ? I have now proposed plans to improve my life... Academically... First, I will strictly implement Filipino day... for me at least, I fixed the rules for the Chinese day rin... I stopped DOFED 'coz it doesn't work... Next, I will sleep earlier... That means I must try to prevent temptations like YM, etc... Third, I will study better for LT's...

    At the end of the quarter I must have:
  1. Remedied my Chinese grade and passed
  2. Be honor-worthy if I exclude the Chinese grade
  3. Have better quiz scores

In other news, I am very glad to say my splinter-nana-boil-something-thinggy-on-my-hand is growing smaller... YIPEE!!! And yes, the song is now Nakapagtataka by Sponge Cola/APO and not Panic! any more... hihihi...

According to older theory... Luis is gone... but there's still the ITCZ and Yagi which will continue the rain... therefore, if my calculations are correct, my bad luck would be gone by... SemBreak? hehe.. I gtg... #1! SLEEP!


"Di ka ba napapagod o di kaya'y nagsasawa?"

    Can't It Just?

    Wednesday, September 20 at 8:03 PM
    Another Abstract Blog9.20: 8.01 got Nakapagtataka by Sponge Cola and But It's Better If You Do by Panic! at the Disco... what's in your head?

    Don't you just hate hearing the same things all over again?

    I mean... it would be nice for a change to have a decent conversation....




    One can just wish!!!

    Contest Pix and Recent Update

    at 7:12 PM
    Sleepy and Tired!!9.20: 7.12 got Nakapagtataka by Sponge Cola, I Do by Nina, and Me and You by Cassie ... what's in your head?

    Well... As I Promised, I'm putting pics of the contest here...
    Just some...

    If you wanna find out about the details of the contest, go here:

    If you wanna see more pictures, go here:
    btw... Thank you, Mrs. Tan (Marquis' Mom) for the photos!

    Oki... here are the selected pics:

    Kaming Lahat

    Team B.A.B.S.I.

    The Babsinator

    The Babsinator in the Making

    We're on TV!

    Tactic Making

    The Catapults

    The Prizes

    Our Trophy

    Our Certificates

    Buong Grupo

    First Place: Team I.P.I.S (Intelligent People of Integrated Science)

    Third Place: Team Strife

    Well, I'm definitely failing Chiense Advanced... hahha... Well, if I don't get an honor this quarter, I'm quitting it! OMG! I just thought... I might fail Chinese Advanced... and that would be my lowest score in history! I have to study better... for the YeTu's and Oral's... Must pay more attention...
    This week, I feel really tired... I need to sleep earlier... hehehe
    Well, I'm trying to survive now...
    wish me luck!
    gtg do hw!!!


    "Sitsirika - Pink Periwinkle ;-)"

    Dermatologist Prescribed Eck-eck

    Monday, September 18 at 5:28 PM
    la lang...9.18: 5.24 got Yakap sa Dilim by Orange and Lemons... what's in your head?

    Well... This is the final look of the moodies... at least for this week.


    I just arrived from the dermatologist. We had my thingy cheecked... the one on my arm, which I got from a splinter while trying to find the marble on the grass. XD haha...
    Well, she wants me to mix a solution with water and dip my hand into it... Also, she gave me a cream to apply and medicine to drink...
    But then, I dunno how frequent I should put cream and drink medicine because I can't understand her handwriting... Doctors should really practice that... their handwriting.... I mean, can you understand them?
    Well, since we were already there, we aksed about my pimples also... She gave me this soap and some cream to apply... hehe...

    Well, that's mostly it... I've got tons of moework to do! and I have to get started!


    Saturday, September 16 at 11:43 PM
    In a Hurry! got Bitiw (rin pala) by Sponge Cola... what's in your head?

    By the way...
    if you've noticed: i fixed my blog:
    I now have mood avvies... yay!... i was referring to this when i told u i was gonna fix my blog ala-LJ
    If you POINT or HOVER YOU MOUSE OVER IT... you'll find out the mood i am in..

    I also put back the quotes (looka t friednster blog and first few blogs ko in this blog)... it used to be the verses of the songs stuck in my head...
    but now it's gonna be "lines, dialogues, and words" that are stuck on my head... kasama na rina n gverses ng lyrics ng kantang SUPER GLUED sa head ko! :D

    tomorrow is my couz's bday!
    im also going to tutor tomorrow morning.. then straight to my couz's house for lunch


    at 11:08 PM
    "Good Luck? Bad Luck? Who Knows?"
    9.16: 11.04
    HAPPY!! got Bop to the Top... what's in your head?

    Well... only God would know... haha... (Fr. Go's homily)
    You can call it bad luck or you can call it good luck... I'll tell you about the Chinese LT, FX Auditions and the Catapult Contest!!

    Chinese LT.
    Long story short:
    I definitely failed... hirap ng advanced!
    Short story long:
    Ung easy part ung numbers... anything that had to do with the numbers was easy...
    Ung hard part:
    Conversation & Arrangement!!!!... malay ko ba what's a nobel prize... I wasn't in advanced lst quarter
    Shengci... next time, i have to study a verb and a noun per character
    Ung medyo-medyo:
    Yedu... hahah
    I'm quitting next quarter..
    kung pede...
    I don't have honors..
    unless may miracle

    FX Auditions.
    Well... I auditioned for the part of... let's hide him in the name of "CF" as in childhood friend... He's is part of "EP" which means English play... (will not name it)... Well... i was only able to memorize during lunch because I was studying the night before because of the Chinese LT... I was very nervous... and I switched some lines... So, I almost didn't suditioned kasi walang ibang gustong mag-auds na H1... buti na lang Christian and Mark continued to do it... :D Haha... after my audition piece, we (Christian and I) went to the bodega where all the members who are finished auditioning, not auditioning and prod crew... not auditioning = prod crew... haha... So, we just did some stuff in a dusty room behind the MPH stage... hahaha! When, we were called back, we had reminders and said to dtay later if we wanna know the results... so I did, with Christian and Mark... i didn't find out the results but they made me audition for "FP" or Filipino play... and then I left coz naroon na ang sundo ko... haha...
    Well... just now, I found out, I get into the Filipino play... I'm not even good in Filipino... I'm very barok.. and it's embarassing to be like... speaking barok...
    Is this good luck? Is this bad luck? I dunno...
    (By the way... I ripped my pants while trying to sit on the floor... definitely bad luck!)

    Catapult Contest.
    Well... we made ours out of cardboard and a mouse trap... There are more, but I don't wanna name them... Well, my job was to make the base/mounting apparatus... I had lots of fun doing it... My best friends were the glue gun, the packaging tape and the cutter... hahaha... Well, we were ahving problems at first pero naging okay... confidence booster ang pagpapakita sa amin ni Kevin ang mga catapults ng Pisay... ahahha! No Offence.. pero... *shuts mouth na lang*.... haha... well... we only started playing late kasi we were the bi team... hahah.... kami ung extra sa bracket... kaya we fought the winner... we were ont he wrong side of the bracket... ung side ni Marquis! Grabe! Kinakabahan kami nu'n! ahha.. His catapult was strong and accurate! Sa first round, we lost... nag-fire agad kasi... Sa second round, we to we'd lose... pero nagkaubusan ng turns.. 10 turns max... and we were nearest to the destination... WE WON!!!! Sa last round, we won! haha.. (good luck) So we were to fight the champs... pero, at least 1st or second na kami... and definite PERFECT sa lab post test!! haha... So sa last battle... for the first... we lost... no offense:! naging bad luck sina Ken at Paul... just kanina, they shot ryt... pero sa last game.. puro miss! haha.. no offense!! so we won second.. sayang hindi first (bad luck).. but at least we got our goal... to have a high rank for the grade... and...
    I promise to post pics on monday!


    "Kung nanakaw ka ng hotdogs, kuha ka ng 6 para sa ating lahat!"

    " --Bitaw
    --Hindi! Bitiw! Bitaw ka d'yan"

    "The force..."

    "I told you to shoot! Sabi ko na kasi! *pretend walk out ako with folded arms... haha*"

    "Go! Go, Xavier! Go! Go! Go, Xavier, go!... Let's go Xavier, let's go!"


    "Ikaw si BABSI... kami si B.A.B.S.I.... ito ay ang Babsinator!"


    Bad Luck Explained!

    Thursday, September 14 at 10:25 PM
    9.14: 10.27 got Panalangin by Moonstar88... what's in your head?

    Yes, I have found the reason to my bad luck streak... (it seems ironic to make a post like this since I'm gonna print it for my Science journal and Science doens't believe in bad luck... haha)... You ask why?

    Well... during the time there was no school for a long time, they changed the name of the storm from Gloria to another one since it would be unlucky to name a storm after a president....
    I found out while watching TV Patrol that there's a storm named Luis on the way to the Philippines.... nyek!

    Well... that's my current explanation to the bad luck I've been having... since bad luck cannot be explained... hahha... Well, current things that have happened:

    @ Gonna get a green slip - waah! First ever in my whole Xavier life... long story short... no materials... short story long... I picked up my Chinese envelope instead of picking up my English envelope... waaa!
    @ Boil? - well the splinter thing is swelling... People in school call it a boil... hahaha... I hate it..!
    @ Itchy! - well, I've been feeling itchy his past week
    @ I've been getting forgetful - i dunno why!
    @ Chinese LT tomorrow! - waa! I'm dead!
    @ FX Audition - magkaparehang araw talaga sa Chinese LT!
    @ LAst place in catapult - jowk! *knock*knock*knock* on wood (superstition ulit on a Science journal)... haha.. jowk lang!

    Well... I have a long list of to do:
    @ Catapult Contest!!!
    @ Church
    @ Cousin's Bday!
    @ Tutor
    @ Chinese: Family History
    @ Chinese: Riji
    @ Computer: Research on CSS
    @ Filipino: Research on Panitikan
    I hope I get to do them all... I'm really excited for the contest... la lang...
    gtg... wanna sleep


    Tuesday, September 12 at 10:24 PM
    i am...


    i will...



    i have my own life you know!

    (don't mind this just another abstract log)


    at 6:53 PM
    9.12:7.33 got _... what's in your head?

    I just thought that I won't read An Acceptable Time during sem break... I'll just ask for it during Christmas... and so with the other books! haha... I'll just watch Yakitate Japan! via YouTube... haha...

    There are more books before An Acceptable Time and after Waters/Planet... The only difference is that those three books are not Science Fiction and more of a normal novel.. so I have no plans to really read it... If I suddenly gain the interest, why not?

    this week has been busy... btw, "VoiceX v.s. SophProf Battles" are becoming more and more frequent! hahaha... well... It is busy! I have a lot to worry about... Buti na lang, in-announce ni Fr.Go na no class on Monday!!! YEAH!... More time for homework, which is lessened by the contest and trisha's birthday and tutor... hahaha....

    in other news...
    I don't wanna talk much... I wanna sleep early... so I'm gonna go now!

    oh yeah...
    When I have the time na, I'll fix my posts... ala-LJ! ;-)... watch out!

    What a Day

    Thursday, September 7 at 8:20 PM
    9.7: 8.18
    CAUTION! entry is contagiously: sleepy... tired... stressed... busy... content got Ewan by Imago, and other Kami nAPO Muna songs.. what's in your head?
    keep saying it!... Araw ng Paghasa ng Wikang Tagalog, Hanyu Tian, Day of Fasting and Deep English [no... fasting is not "not eating or eating less"... as in Filipino, it is a Salitang Talinhaga ;-)], schoolaholic

    Well, I lack sleep... I slept at around 12:30 last night finishing my English compo and making sure the Filipino sun design looks good... :) Oh well... I wont really describe most of my week becasue I have memory loss due to sleep deprivation... hihihi... Well, I'll start off with my deadlines and other school stuff needing attention:
    ~ Science AA1 (or whatever you call it)
    ~ Chinese Riji and Baogao (Journal and Study Report)
    ~ Chinese Family History Report
    ~ Read A Wrinkle in Time chapter 1-4 by Tuesday
    ~ Practice Chinese Houzi Qiu Yueliang
    ~ Filipino Idiom Skit
    WORK!!!! schoolaholic.... hahaha....

    Today was fine... But of course, I am banned from shutting my eyes... Just 45 seconds and I'm asleep already... hahaha... Of course, since I don't have regular sleeping habits, I have to manage my time more wisely so I can get more time for sleep... I already have my SemBreak planned:
    ~ Sleep
    ~ Read An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle (tamang-tama, I'm reading A Wrinkle in Time again... hahaha)
    ~ Sleep
    ~ Celebrate friend's B-day
    ~ Sleep
    ~ Sleep
    ~ Pack all of school stuff and do HW
    ~ SLEEP!!!
    hahaha... LAYO PA NIYAN!!! waaah.... oh well... Today started with Chinese... BAD TRIP!!!
    I think I failed my second quiz (and my first quiz) and we got a lot of mistakes in the group oral test!! "Why will I go to China over summer if I can't even survive Chinese Advanced Class?" haha... Just quoting myself... :D After that was SocSci, it was okay and sfter was Science... I didn't even know it was Recess already... haha.... It's like time went by so fast...
    After was CLE (with the new and improved note-taking system and the baby with devil horns, black eye, third eye, black teeth, etc... :D) and then next was PC... i finished all teh activities already, and I was able to finish Mr. LAmbus' dare... hahah.. and now I know of Ampersand Codes... haha... reminds me of our first Chinese Computer Class... we use MACs!!!! SO COOL!!!.. comparing Mac with PC: Mac has better GUI (if i'm not mistaken that's Graphic User Interphase... that's like the slide transition in PowerPoint, but it's for the whole computer itself.. PC's suck)... Macs are also slicker looking.. SHINY WHITE!! NO MORE CPU... etc, etc... hahah.... PC's suck.... Mac has only a few known viruses... PC's got a lot!!.. but then, more programs are only usable by PC and there are a lot more PC users... hahaha... that's what Mac doesn't have.... hahahaha... back to topic, next was Lunch where i had a song practice... I'm gonna sing for batch mass... hehehe... Choir...
    Then there was Filipino, Math (bagong seating arrangement na naman!, I've been switching for a lot of subjects na: Chinese, Math twice, etc) and English... In the last meeting, I swear, Jan doesn't know how to murder... I'M AN EXPERT AT THAT... He even corrected but by saying it forms a fragment... but it isn't he wasn't listening to last year's lesson on Fragments, RUn-ons and Conjunctions & FANBOYS.... And for another, he kept editing my style... YOur suppose to edit Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Syntax, and Content... not style, unless it is inconsistent or unappropriate... My style was not both... haha.. No grudges of course, and NO OFFENSE MEANT.... hahaha... Well, it's second draft writing is the reason I stayed up late last night... haha.. (by the way, I murdered William Cabangon's paper... Every other line had a correction... I'm sorry, my blood is frozen...)
    Well, after I went to Lecture Hall with groupmates and Ms.C to the Lecture Hall... We designed it for tomorrow's event... hehe :D It was full of jokes, Deal, designing and more jokes... HAHAH!!!... That was fun!! hahah... Of course, theme song namin habang nagtatrabaho... Isang Bandila by Rivermaya theme of Bandila, the ABS-CBN 10:00 News Program... ahha... cyempre... Buwan ng Wika.. Isang Bandila? (ginagaya pa nga namin ang design ng Bandila... ung sun na may flags na umiikot... ahha.. babaw!) Afterwards, we rode the JR Bldg Elevator... haha... first time! Umuulan kasi... TY, Ms.C! Well, after they all left, we ahd a decent talk.. hehe.... and I'm now doing work... hahaha.... that was nice! What else? Well, I waited for a long time for my fetcher... I stayed in Gate 14.... but I had to go out kasi umuulan... So i walked through the roofed path... then I had to run under the rain to Gate 2... and waited under the shade... hahaha!!... we went to National after... on the way, I fell asleep... I hated it! If you found the right color, it's too mahal... GRR!!... instead of buying red and blue, I ended up buying just red... waa... so I'm now here... and LAN card is finally working... YAY! well.. i gtg na...

    first honor

    Sunday, September 3 at 4:35 PM
    9.3: 4.38
    CAUTION! entry is contagiously: _ got No Hay Igual by Nelly Furtado and Nakapagtataka by Sponge Cola... what's in your head?
    keep saying it!... _

    Well... today, i celebrated my 1st Honor... LOL!...
    In the latest news, no cellphone for me... They must have forgotten... Oh well... Christmas is only a few months away!!! LOL!!!!!
    What else? hmm... Let's start from the morning.. HAD THE BEST SLEEP!! all the way till 11... ahhaha.... took a bath and then went to Shang... we ate in Tratorria... and contrary to what I said, I ate Penne with Three Cheeses.. lol, yum! After that, my mom went to the derma as I went to Tower Records... got 2 cd's! Kami nAPO Muna and Loose (Nelly Furtado)... i plan to get the following next time:
    Fergie's Album
    Sponge Cola's Album
    Imago's Album
    la lang....
    well, the day ended and I'm now here doing homework....
    oh well... gtg

    WANTED: True Friend

    Saturday, September 2 at 11:44 PM
    i don't need one...
    someone else does....
    my own friends.............
    i don't think.........
    anyone knows me........
    at all..........
    this not an excuse to not do homework....
    well, yeah....
    actually it is....
    but still...

    there's something wrong with me......
    the world is quiet here....
    no wonder..
    it's lonely.......

    wtf am i saying?
    wtf am i not saying?
    what am i NOT SAYING out loud?

    all ALONE in the moonlight...

    wanted: true friend
    come get me...
    the real ME

    i hate u.i hate me.i hate this.
    im not human.

    it's so lonely having many friends
    it's so sociable being alone

    im lost.i need direction...
    i need *.......

    im nowhere
    in earth

    i had at least let it out....
    before i get out.....
    how can it be so wrong?

    where am i?
    find me..
    save me...
    im wanted...

    Bad Luck Streak?

    at 9:34 PM
    9.02: 9.54
    CAUTION! entry is contagiously: unlucky got wla naman... what's in your head?
    keep saying it!... _

    Before you start wondering, here it is:
    I will try to make my blog more readable... I mean... I'm gonna write better...
    Oks ba? Hahaha...

    Oh well...
    I've been having bad luck! Cr^p! Why?, you ask.... well
    1. Scratched my glasses (small scratch lang naman)
    2. Scratched my watch, may black line pa 'yan!
    3. Rubber marked my envelope... those black lines when you use leather to skid on the floor...
    4. I got splintered... explain later
    5. I got burned... explain later

    well... in my Science Training, I lost a marble after shooting it with the catapult... well.. it was color green... and grass is green... tamang-tam talaga... CAMOUFLAGE!!!.. hay..
    so in desparation... i kneeled down and when i finally found it and got up... i noticed: SPLINTERS>>> sh^t!
    hayy.... it's gone... with the help of Mrs. Albano and our maid..
    but it itches like hell!! waaah

    well.... again, in Science Training, i was telling paul how to strengthen his spoon by putting a popsicle on it's handle... i was pointing at the handle...
    and out of nowhere.... poof, he finished gluing the joint and hit my arm..
    well... it hurt for some time.. pero hindi na ngayon
    but there's a mark
    THANKS, PAUL!!!!

    oh well....
    Science Training is FUN!!!!
    sayang lang na ini-interrupt kami ni Ken kaya hindi kami nakapag-usap ng matino....
    hayzzzz..... oh well....
    today was a very busy day! daming ginawa....
    and.. then... i there's the cellphone matter..
    i think my mom forgot... waaaa..... oh well
    ill just wait till Christmas.... ahahha....
    btw, we're going out for lunch tomorrow to celebrate my 1st Honor...
    no Asian Cuisine, no Pasta....
    what am I going to eat..? nakasawan ko na ang Salmon Sashimi at Penne With Three Cheeses...hahaha
    oki then... gngn.. color homework...