some vulgar shirt and a glass of red wine

Tuesday, September 30 at 7:23 PM

The Best Night Ever.

I was excited as hell when Soc Sci was over. Hehe. (but I was depressed for like five minutes. but hey... not like i haven't failed before.)

Why? Gimik! I planned it so last minute... just last night when I found out that monthsary was just in the patio. Hehe.

And yeah... since it was last minute, no one was able to go. Except CJ who I talked to the night before. And Kim who I asked at the very last minute during dismissal. Para hindi naman kami nag-dadalawa. Haha!

Anyhow... since 5:30 was meeting time, Kim and I had spare time as CJ was still in tutor. We had quite a fight with Charles over the song recording schedule. o.O
The song-making though is good. Feedback so far is positive for my song. Kim has a good one too. I just worry about recording... especially because we have no instrumentalist.

Five-thirty came. At last.o.O
We took a jeep to Greenhills. Since mali ako ng tantsa ng mga streets, napaaga ako ng para. Pero sakto lang siguro sa crosswalk. Haha!

Finally, I bought the jacket I saw last Saturday! :D Looks so kewl. Hehe.

Then, we bought tickets for My Bestfriend's Girl. (Dane Cook. Kate Hudson. Jason Biggs. Alec Baldwin)

Then we went to Krispy Kreme where we each got a free doughnut--my first free one in fact. (kapal din e) Kim wanted two pero I discouraged him na. Haha.

We ate dinnner at McDo. We lounged there for a long time. And I overspent. Grabe. If I had just stuck with the original plan of 2-piece chicken with rice, I wouldn't have spent too much... neither would I have eaten too much. (i almost puked)

We stayed there till 8+. Kwentuhan sobra. Haha! Bonding. Lol.

Then we walked to Prome na. Watched trailers.

GRABE! Nakakatawa talaga ang movie. I was literally laughing out loud. I don't do that a lot... especially inside theaters. Haha. Galing! And all those one-liners and funny stuff. haha! I loved the movie. Lol.

This is like... WOW! Perfect end to a (n almost) great day.

I'm glad I planned such a last minute thing. :D <3
Totally great gimik!

that little voice... listen to me!

at 6:35 PM

Worst and Best Day.

TODAY was probably both the worst and best day I've had so far...
It just proves something.

I'm such a bad person.... bad, bad person...
"It's all wrong... wrong... wrong... but it's all... right!" (Dolly Parton song.)

Y'know what... the best way to just express it is to tell it all.

So I woke up with a bad headache and a bad throat too. Like I couldn't breathe.

Anyhow, there it went. Usual stuff. Rushing. :|
Then, when I stepped into the school bus: oh shit. There's PE today. And I was hitting myself on the head for forgettinng my rubber shoes. Damnit.

Blah. Blah. I crammed stuff in the morning. Read up a bit for noli. Sayang talaga sa papel.

Second period was Newsday. Thank God for Mr. Lapena and Newsday!
Let's just say... It came in handy with "Spanish" class. :P

Recess came... while everyone was cramming Noli. I gave up on it.
The only reviewing I did was reading ten chapter summaries when the LONG TEST was until chapter twenty-one. :|

So Filipino came.
And... I am pretty sure of my answers. It wasn't as hard as expected. :| I actually think I scored high on it.

But it also made me realize a big, big mistake. I am just sooo stupid.
One essay item talked about Sisa... ang babaeng nabaliw dahil sa KAHIHIYAN. damnit!
During the writing contest yesterday, I put in the word kahiyaan. Damnit. It's kahihiyan!
Shame on me. (pun intended.)
(crazy thing though. google says a dictionary, a newspaper and quite a lot of blogs say the word exists. o.o)

Instead of worrying about whatever and what-not, I started drawing on the board. It was crazy. It was fun. And a lot of people joined in the fun. Hehe. It made me laugh a lot.

But reality struck. I had to change into PE uniform... with leather shoes.
Shhh people, okay. I'm really good at evading. (Though I swear I think he saw me.) Sigh. I was worrying all the time... Was it just me or were the ODS people just everywhere?

Before eating lunch, I did my Science make up quiz.
It's the first time that I was VERY confident of my answers. :D I hope I'm right.

And then I ate lunch... a doughnut. No time kasi e.
And I had to cram something pa. ;) Pero damn library... nagsara agad. There goes cramming.

Then more evading.

Then Math. Damn that quiz. I was absent the day before but I still had to take the quiz. I didn't get the last number. Oh well. Sigh.

Chinese. Laoshi was extremely nice! Love her!

PE. I was going to use my no-shoes as an excuse to sit in the corner and cram. But Kim said it wasn't due pa. So I played badminton. It was REAL fun. :D

Then... dismissal.
GOD! I failed the SocSci quiz. God i need some serious making up to do. Argh Mr. Lapena and Soc Sci!

But the worst part of it all was that I missed the monthsary... :((

The rain was symbolic that day. Wrong decision... should've skipped the quiz and went to the monthsary. Hehe. But it's also symbolic in that it began the best night ever. :D

Let's review. 2 good tests. 2 bad tests. Worrying and success in evasion. Had crazy fun. Loved the teachers. Bigtime mistake. Missed nmonthsary. Successful cramming.

I guess God was giving me a sign. I stayed positive throughout all the bad stuff... and I noticed all the good stuff. Hehe. I'll continue this on another blog.

gimme a back rub. ugh.

Monday, September 29 at 6:16 PM

School Paper Conference Thingy.

Today was awesome-ly fun! And it was unexected...

A few worries though in the morning but that was easily settled. :D
... and I think I wrote the most sabaw article ever. o.O But that's fine.

Bonding with people... woohoo. :D

Thank you, Stallion! That was a really memorable experience!
I'm so glad I skipped school for this...

PS. Yihee... heartthrob daw siya! Maraming nagsitilian at kinilig! (kahit ang mga...) And yeah... you talked too much, I wasn't done explaining.

who'll be willing to take your pain and all your heartache, too?

Thursday, September 25 at 6:34 PM
Public Schools

Filipino Class. We watched a documentary on the situation of education in the Philippines.

My cough was getting worse. But that doesn't matter.

Grabe. It makes me want to work as a public school teacher.
For a year or so. Pang-exposure kumbaga.

I dunno. It's just... the wanting.

I really wanna help them.
I want them to learn. I really do.


Somehow. Someday.

Aren't we just lucky?

no one can get in the way of what i feel for you

at 6:02 PM
Songs, Patterns and HEROES

Wow. That song's been in my head since... Woah.
And not the normal version... the live Grammy version. (it's edgier)

What was I gon'na write about again?

I just wrote new songs--two more. That makes a total of four. Lol. I'm on a roll.
But the first three seem sappy. My last one's my favorite... but it isn't finished yet. o.O

In other news. I've noticed. I don't have regular eating patterns anymore. Blame all the meetings and stuff. I'm not saving enough either.
That's one thing irregular to add to my already abnormal sleeping patterns.

Oh! And I've watched two movies already. Prarie Home Companion and Monster's Ball. They're both bittersweet. I liked them both! :D

I feel so good right now. It's probably the cool weather.

When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain

You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry cause
Everything's gonna be alright

People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright

Heroes ROCKS! Woohoo.
It started off TOO fast-paced. But it went on great!
It's the shi*, mahn! Can't wait for next week.

An'daming may powers! Including Mohinder who has super-libog powers...
And Peter, Claire and Nathan have a new kapamilya! :O

wash away my fantasies

Wednesday, September 24 at 4:30 PM
Forgetfulness and Chinese Computer.

Nakakainis! Nasa mood na ako noong umaga... nakasulat na 'ko ng dalawang kanta (para sa English.) Arghh! Nakalimutan ko iyong tune! WAAAAAAAA!

Sigh. Babalik din iyon.... eventually. o.O

Sa kabilang dako naman.

I survived 7 and a half hours of my life on only a stinking piece of bread and spam. Damn.

Halimabawa ng isa sa mga araw na kinasusuklaman mo nang buo mong pagkatao ang Chinese computer. ***sa

I mean... record it third period. Tapos due na ang project by dismissal? Hello. Subukin kaya nilang mag-record ng boses nang di nagkakamali-mali. Lalu pa't kailangang sakto sa video.

Iyon tuloy. Di ako nakakain ng recess o lunch. Naman. Hilong-hilo na ako nang Science. Kuamakalam na noong ECA.

Pero fulfilling siya tuwing nakikita mong sumasakto naman ang mga dinu-dub mo. Hahaha.

BTW. HEROES!!! Season 3. AGHH!

when you're all messed up...

Monday, September 22 at 8:56 PM
Why'd I play the fool
Go through ups and downs
Knowing all the time
You wouldn’t be around
Or maybe I liked the stress
'Cause I was young and restless
But that was long ago
I don’t wanna cry no more

No more pain
No more game 
No more games messing with my mind
No drama
No more drama in my life
No ones gonna make me hurt again
No more
No more in my life

...with the same energy. the same emotion. the same passion. the same power. 2001

when the rain is falling down and my heart is hurtin

at 8:13 PM

you got a fast car but is it fast enough so you can fly away?

Monday, September 15 at 6:59 PM
Crazy Day and Google's Browser

Once again, I've chosen to blog. o.O Here we go cramming!

I think last night was the latest I've ever slept the whole school year. Past four. Wow. Bakit? Kasi naaliw ako sa paggawa ng kalendaryo. o.O

Anyhow. Today was crazy. Krezeee.

My Filipino report was postponed. Haha! But it's so crazy that everything seems so contradictory. What's up with Tasyo?
(Perps, where are you? Get well!)

Apparently, I didn't sleep much. That's strange.
Only on one subject. And only on the video NOT the lecture. :|
Oh yeah. Also when I was finished with both the seatwork and the quiz. But that doesn't count.

Anyhow. Chinese Oral Test. Argh.
I flubbed. Bahala na. It seemed convincing naman e. :D
What with all the dance moves and ewan.

By the way. Them moves we practiced over lunch in AVR 1. Grr.
First of all, it's the avr closest to public access. Next, mr avr man won't let us close the curtains. So we were under the humiliation of Ms. Chua, Stacey, Chrispy and friends.
At least... may fans kami!

Sigh. Any song can get stuck in my head even if I don't want it. But now that I need that damn Chinese song, hindi gumana ang LSS powers. Grr.

Wow. That was inchoherent. o.O

In other news, from Internet Explorer 7... I've downloaded both IE8 and Google Chrome.

IE8 has got a lot of issues. It slows my computer down. Plus, it's so rectangular and boring. I miss the old shapes and color. They were more eye-friendly.

I think I've moved over to Google Chrome. It's really cool. I love it all.
The only thing that's missing is an RSS reader. But I don't even read RSS so it doesn't matter to me. Hahaha.
Oh and the other problem is that the Tabs bar is right on top. Thus it interferes with my Start bar which is also on the top of the screen. So I can't use it in full mode.

Chrome gives you the impressing the screen is big. Dunno why. I like it. hahaha.
Also, it's got the BEST bookmarks bar. You can have it with pictures only unlike IE8 or Safari.
It feels like my google toolbar only better.

Plus, the searching tool is way cool and way easy to understand compared to IE. :D

Oh yeah... did I mention the cool page you get whenever you open a new tab? It shows your most visited sites, bookmarks, etc.

Oops. Too much techie talk. Hehe.

GTG cram. o.O

now this is the actual drop... if you know what i mean

Saturday, September 13 at 8:16 PM

Mooncakes, Dr. Cheng and Galleria

Today was love. *dances like a weirdo*

I think I should stick my mental post-it here: you talk to yourself out loud too much. Lol. La lang. Sorry, I'm schiz. hehe.

Anyhow. Here I go:

I woke up. Got dressed. Left. Boy there was a jam over at Ortigas. Grabe. I chose to sleep rather than watch the non-moving cars. :|

I finally arrived at tutor. It was... as usual. Hehe. But one thing made it special: MOON CAKE!
She gave me two of them small ones. Yey!

I've been craving for that piece of Chinese love since August. Hahaha. I even asked my classmates when was the moonncakefestival so that I'd find out when I get my moon cake. :D

If there's something that makes me love being in Xavier... it's for introducing moon cakes. hehehe!

I left tutor. Song barely memorized. Ate lunch at home. Left.

I went to Medical City. Finally... a cure to my sickness. Haha.
So I read Catcher in the Rye while in line. I'm beginning to like the book. :D

So I went into the clinic. My dad suddenly popped him a question. "How's being a doctor?" And I learned a lot. First of all, it disproved my persistent mom: medicine isn't lucrative. LOL.
Anyhow. I learned a lot more to. He's really, really good at it. Hahaha. You need connections and money. You need patience. Doctors will use your worries to get more money: greedy people. It's hard to find doctor's you can really trust. (Garces came into mind) Et cetera.
His advice: you only have one life, so pick what will make you happy.

Aside from the college-consultation session, he diagnosed me as he always did.

We left there... finally.

Went to National. Saw some Xaverians. Finally scratched them materials off my list. Finally got Noli pt.2 :D

Went home. Got dressed. Went to Galleria.

This is the first time I've been to Galleria alone. The first time in a long time in fact. The last time was last summer... the last before that was when I was very young. o.O

As I stepped in, thought of the snake-man rumor went into my head. Yeee!

For a first-timer, I was pretty good. I only climbed one escalator and found gmask right away! Yeah! I had my iPod gmasked! Woohoo! It looks cool and it's now scratch free. Smile!

I also bought birthday gifts. That made my life really accomplished. At least if I made a mistake with the first bday gift, I have this one pa. I also bought krispykreme for the soiree.

I left Galleria. I almost walked to Podium. I finally found City and Land. Gahd!

And as for the rest of the soiree.... uhh. Mas mainam na hindi ko na ikwento. :D Hehehe. Nothing bad naman. Nothing that good either. haha.

And that is how my day was. :D

the rain's objective: drench in water. walk through flood. cause blackout. not suspend classes the next day.

Monday, September 8 at 6:33 PM

The Rain and Some Realizations.

Yikes. The Rain. Sigh. Here's how it goes.

So I came from an FX meeting. And grrrr. Just grrr. It was raining like hell. Their was this stream rushing down to gate one. And I mean a real stream dammit. o.O

So I got into the car... all wet. My first thought: sana hindi nabasa ang mga laman ng bag ko. My second thought: oh shit. Why????

Anyhow. Jam in Ortigas. Grabe. And it was flooding too. I could almost feel it enter the L3. o.O That'd be freaky if it did. Not to mention stinky.

It was at this time, I was already composing a song. I had all the bits and stuff. If I only had a pen to write it down. o.O So now, it's gone.

So we drove along till we finally reached Mariposa. And my jaw dropped. The whole street: blackout. If it weren't for the headlights, the whole street would be like horrorville. Wahaha.

Anyhow. As expected, my house was also blackout. Our whole street was.

As expected, I was drenched once more. Fully... right after drying up. o.O I finally reached my house.

But the evening wasn't all bad. It made me realize stuff. I skipped some parts, so here it is:

When I came out of FX and saw how strong the rain was, I waited by the water fountain on the ground floor, hoping the rain would calm down a bit before I start running.

Then, this man, coming from gate one, went all the way to where I am and offered to bring me down there with his umbrella. Although I still got drenched (the umbrella wasn't effective), I really smiled. Talagang na-appreciate ko iyong kabaitan niya.
Nakakataba ng puso. Minsan lang ang mga may totoong hangaring magdulot ng kabutihan. I'm really grateful. I'll do that whenever I see someone in need. Promise. For his sake. :D

Anyhow.... fast forward: home. It was heaven... kahit walang ilaw.

I took a lovely shower. I ate sinigang <3!!! The lights went on. I thanked the Lord for the experience.

Sana lang tinuloy-tuloy pa ng langit ang pagbuhos ng ulan... kahit hanggang 9am man lang bukas. o.O

por accidens. por mi.

Saturday, September 6 at 3:02 PM


Sigh. I'm sick. Fever. Sore throat. Headache.

I dunnno how. I just got it while sleeping. I fell asleep watching TV. My mom woke me up in the middle of the night to change my clothes. My throat started hurting then.

Sana I get well. I don't wanna miss school. Mas malaking iyang sakit sa ulo. Sigh.

Anyhow... I'm on my bed. Buti na lang my mom has her mini-laptop. Wahaha. Listening to ehem music. Ang sad naman ng mga songs. Lawl.

I think I should release my overdue Hal Castro blogs. Sigh.

And then maybe start with desigining my--ehem--pies.

Anyhow. Watch this: Finding Emo. Haha.

buti na lang sa pesto creams... walang disgrasya. part 2

at 2:58 PM

Food Accidents.

I think midnight snacks are unlucky na. o.O

Last Thurday, I went down to make a PBandJ sandwich. (huwaw. sosyal. jowk.) And it was good. YUM!

Pero when I was putting back the bread and the spreads, my hand hit the cabinet. o.O

It hurts. I can't write well. Wahaha.

Plus, there are red marks on my hand.


pambansang alagad ng sining para sa panitikan

Wednesday, September 3 at 12:19 PM

God. I must be sleepy ain't I? Not only was I woken up during class twice today (Mr. Lapena, please come back!)... something else happened. Just a few minutes ago.

I'm in the library right now. Hehehe.

Well, around 20 minutes ago I decided to read Noli.

Apparently, they turned all of the ACs off. :| So I settled on the coldest spot I could find. Correction. Coldest spot with a couch. That's right beside the Filipiniana.

With a dictionary (from the library. lol), I started reading. And you guessed it.

Funny. I was on the couch half lying down already. I wonder if anyone noticed. It seemed like no one passed by naman. The only other person in the area was reading and giggling with the Chinese comics. o.O

Anyhow. La lang.

Kailangang matulog nang maaga. But before that... kailangang basahin ang Noli... nang di nakakatulog. :| Wahahaha.

buti na lang sa pesto creams... walang disgrasya

Tuesday, September 2 at 8:07 PM


Que tonto! Hahahaha. At least natawa naman ako. tamad na akong mag-type... basahin ninyo na lang:

Luis: ang bobo bobo ko
Michael Lim: bkt bobo?
Luis: kasi
Luis: ganito
Luis: tinignan ko... may panggawa ng champorado..
Luis: so sabi ko gawa na lang ako
Luis: it's not the maggi kind ha. it's the other na nasa pouch
Luis: anyhow.... first i put it in a bowl and then i added hot water.
Luis: naghintay ng kaunti...
Luis: tsaka ko narealize... niluluto nga pala iyan
Luis: o.O
Michael Lim: :|
Luis: tapos... so sabi ko
Luis: naluluto siguro to sa microwave... so nilagay ko sa microwave
Luis: a while later umaapoy na ang loob
Luis: ang bobo-bobo ko
Luis: hahaha
Michael Lim: =))
Michael Lim: did u eat it?
Luis: syempre hindi
Luis: e hindi pa naluto e
Luis: :))
Luis: dagdag pa dyan.... i'm such a klutz
Luis: so sabi ko kuha na lang ako ng tinapay....
Luis: so while opening the container.. i knoced the kroutons tupperware and spilled all of it
Luis: halos di pa yon gamit... sayang
Luis: napawalis pa ako ng wala sa oras. :|
Luis: kaya to prevent anymore stupidity,
Michael Lim: :|
Luis: kumain na lang ako ng presto peanut butter creams
Michael Lim: :))
Michael Lim: kawawa k nmn

Lesson learned. :|

i'd mention all the numbers... but i forgot them all. basta i had 12's, 5's, 7's, 8's, 31's and 35's

Monday, September 1 at 8:19 PM

Days with the Lord (syempre nakatago 'to from those unworthy. haha.)

Huwaw. What an experience. :D

Before anything, i'd like to quote my friend:

As you guys are well aware we aren't supposed to say anything about what happened during the Days right. But I would just like to write down everything that was going through my mind during The Weekend with Jess. So please, I trust you people well enough not to go around posting this and spoiling the fun for everyone else. So please, if you think of posting this, please don't. (Warning Long entry)


So yeah. Thursday, the 28th of August.
I basically crammed shining my coin using the Glo I luckily bought. I crammed packing all my clothes. Crammer talaga. :| Since it was PTC day on Friday, hindi kami pinayahang mag-civilian. Sigh. Dagdag karga.

Basically, no feelings. Siguro kaunting pananabik habang nag-shi-shine ng coin. Syempre, proud akong napakakintab niya. Aside from those moments, wala. Blank.

Friday, the 9th of August.
Same old, same old. (I ate two bars of KitKat during recess.) I didn't help fix the classroom because (1) I was still being nosy and noisy, (2) i was still packing.

Anyhow, after lots of waiting--in hunger--I ate lunch with CJ and Kim at T-Boy. Syempre, we're such kids-at-heart, sinagot namin ung spot-the-difference na place mat nila. We couldn't find the last 2. :| While eating, CJ was giving out his advise na. Kaunting "spoilers." T-Boy basically made me broke. I only had a few more than ten pesos in my wallet.

So bumalik na kami nina Kim sa school. I bugged Perps a bit. Then we bugged Toshi. Then Perps wouldn't want to be bugged again. (Mr. Lapena deserves on half of the room. Dapat din mas marami siyang upuan.) We left an hour before dun-dun-dun.

So we went to the gs canteen. I changed and ran off into a corner so that no one would bug me whilst I polished my coin. Lumapit ako past 4, when as suspected, humingi silang lahat ng Glo. :|

Before 4:15, nothing. No emotions. Not really excited or scared or anything. Dunno why. Pareho kami ni Kim.


So iyon we lined up. Pinagalitan kami agad. Pinapasok ang first line. Ang lakas ng mga hiyaw. Habang pumapasok kami, saka lang nag-sink in. I got nervous. Really nervous. Noong nakapasok na ako, shit.

Natakot ako. I'm like.... fuck fuck fuck. When all that sank in, and I began to get tired, iba naman ang feeling. Nainis ako. I'm like fuck u fuck u fuck u. Anyhow, to rest my outstretched arms, I would make them lean on the grooves of the lecture hall walls when no one was nearby. (Iniisip ko rin kung anong klaseng pagtatakas ang pwede kong gawin... tutal memorize ko na ang lahat ng mga sikreto ng lecture hall. Hehehe.)

Anyhow, they made half our row do ten pushups. And because we didn't say thank you, ten more. (WTF would I thank you for giving me pain, master? was more like it, i thought.) Anyhow, nangawit ulit kami, but they sort of relieved us by shortening the wingspan.

And then we did more pushups. 20 raw for the whole row. By the tenth my arms started hurting. I have never felt my vein or muscle being strained. It was awfully painful. The annoying part is we forgot to thank them... again. 15 more! Pucha!

So there... Sindakan was over. We lined up again with their complicated system. And then we did a count off. I was friggin scared that I really memorized my number. (I dunno what it is na. But I think it's 12 or 11.) Then they made us walk heads down into the Louis Papilla Center.

And then there were people singing on the ramps. I swear I felt the presence of Marquis and Wesley. Lol. But yeah, I supposed they were our "dazers." Whatever that meant.

So there, we entered our room. Now peke lang pala iyon lahat. Everyone was nice na. :| So we surrendered our watches (their so watch-conscious they even covered the hall clocks with black trash bags. lol)

Okay. So first we went to the chapel a.k.a. Holy Daze Inn a.k.a HoDaI. On the way there we passed by KFC (Kitchen for Christ) with the scariest picture of Jesus I had ever seen.

So there. We were introduced. We were given nicknames. (with my dad giving out the strangest information. the only one i appreciated was the embarassing moment... everything else was kulang or untrue.) Somehow, I Kissed a Girl got stuck in my head. :|

We had a rest break. I think I was stil subconsciouly scared that by this time I still memorized my number and I was still facing down. Lol.

Back to the HoDai, Mr. Yu gave a talk on finding meaning in our lives. (all the while, Purpose from Avenue Q was ringing in my head--it's that little flame that lights a fire under your ass.) I didn't fall asleep here. Why? I was too paranoid about whatever and whoever.

After his talk was Mr. Pet. (Did I get his name right?) His talk was nice as well, he told us about his contrasting Mom and Dad. Sadly, I forgot the topic. :|

Anyhow, after both talks, we went to the Disco. Unlike most, I was not acquainted of the rumor of the dancing girls. In fact, I knew it meant discovery. Why? Blame the Days with the Lord book Fr. Mena wrote and left in the archives for me to read while in High One or Grade Seven. I knew we did pray there.

But what I didn't know that D'Boss Disco (Open 24 Hours) smelled really good. I didn't know that there was a table in the middle of the room with two candles. Not did I know there was a monstrance on it. (nor did I know what a montrance was till after the first encounter. apparently, i wasn't listening to the intro at the HoDaI. neither did i put it together to think that was a monstrance. i could be so stupid.)

Well. I knew about Jess already. (blame Allen for calling out to him in some of his blogs. i sort of figured out that Jess couldn't have been his physical best friend and had to be his personal nickname for Jesus. what I didn't know was that the name came from here.)

The experience opened my eyes a little bit more. But I never spoke while there... at least not on the first day.

We ate dinner at KFC. Fortunately, I didn't hear about the laxative rumors.
Either way, our class are like pigs. At the end of Days, I heard that we ate the most among the three batches.
Kim was a constant center of attention. ABU Sayyaf Shit Thingy daw.

Then we were made to sleep. Charles warned me that this was it. Na kukunin kami if we fell asleep kaya kailangan gising kami. So there I went. I laid down on my bed. Looking at the lights to distract myself from sleep. And then...

I was waken up. Damn. I'm bad at keeping awake. Why? Back to the story. I was awoken by someone with a harsh tone. (Jonathan told me later it took me a while. :| nothing new there) Then we went outside the room.

Fortunately, I was not informed about the rumor of shouting Praise the Lord, Alleluia! (Up till now, i crack up just thinking about someone shouting it.) So I was told to take off my top and they used it to blindfold me. Then we started walking:

He asked if I was sleepy. I answered yes. His voice was rough. I thought he was going to hurt me. Instead, he made me flap my right arm like a bird. o.O He asked again, thinking there still was a punishment, I used voice projection to blur my not-really-still-a-bit. Lol. Nagtaka na lang siya pero wala na siyang ginawa dahil we reached our destination.

Dahil halos memorize ko na ang EED. At dahil para akong paniki na may super powers. I knew we were in the canteen. The place was hollow e at nage-echo ang sound. I was made to sit down and someone interviewed me. He told me we were alone. But I felt a presence at the corner of the room. Walking. Coughing. Or maybe it was him from all the echoes?

Anyhow. There it went. I won't divulge what happened... basically it was a light talk. (all the while trying to conceal my fats. lol) But it made me realize how much I don't do for Jess. (gets ba?) Then, we made our BILs to be confirmed with shouting Basta Ikaw Lord!

I was given back my shirt to wear at nagpakilala ang aking interviewer. Galvin Ong. Salamat nang sobra! Talagang nalinawagan ako. He lead me to a bigger Disco on the second floor. It was pitch black and I was alone. When I entered, the sight was beautiful. I wish I had a camera.

I sat in front of the monstrance. Again, I didn't talk aloud. But I was talking in my head. Smiling, laughing ang whatnot dahil masaya ang usapan. May tatlo pang pumasok. Lumabas din sila. I was the last to leave.

Apparently, I was also the second to the last to enter the other room. Our staffers sang We've Only Just Begun in candlelight. Nakakasalang ng puso. :D Then, the interviewers were introduced. (I saw CY) Sadly, I was blind... wala akong salamin. We were then given Gonuts and Juice. :D BIL Night.

Back to room. I couldn't sleep what with all the sugar. Mykee showed me his rosary. And something inside me said... pray! So I did. While everyone was starting to sleep (I heard someone snoring), I was praying. I even prayed one whole decade in Tagalog. (I couldn't keep it up.) I fell asleep afterwards.


Good morning sunshine! The earth says hello! o.O

I was freezing. Totally. But worst was we went into the Disco where it was colder. o.O (sa sobrang cranky--or as edric puts it, taray--ko, kinukutya ko na sa sarili ko na parang puro cle answers ang mga sinasabi nila.)

We left the room. Rest break. Breakfast. I LOVED THE HOT CHOCOLATE. Especially because it was HOT. It warmed me up and got rid of my colds. Thank you!

So there. We had a few more talks in the HoDaI and a few more visits to the Disco right after.

The first talk was on having a goal thanks to an alumnus whom I forgot. (i'm sorry. if it helps in identifying you, you just finished ur thiesis in your economics course at ateneo. you used to be in the basketball varsity. :D).

The second was from Arnie. He was probably the most convincing speaker... ever. I applaud him. He was both straight-to-the-point, witty, comic and learned. He told of the story of one of the candidates he was putting under BIL night. The kid amazed me... he was smart to keep a bad rep without hurting a fly. But his change also struck. This one was about taking off our masks.

The next is another alumnus (i'm sorry again.) as everyone is. He was holding back his tears but he sort of broke down. I was struck a lot by him. He read his mom's last letter and it made my eyes damp. (hindi pa watery) Affected ako.

Anyhow, after the Disco session (where I finally spoke). We were given the Confession of the Century. I chose the Atenean priest para bago naman. Nahihiya rin kasi ako sa mga Xavier priests.

Instead of following the normal routine, nagpakapasaway ako at indinrwoing ko ang aking mga kasalanan... symbolically ha hindi ung drowing talaga. So yun... the Fr. mananzan was very understanding. :D

BTW. I forgot to mention: we were showered with Spanish bread. Love. Hahahaha!
Also, Kim, Nathan, Mark and I played tug of war with my blanket. Saya sobra! Pero nang may nasaktan at nag-inarte (jowk! peace!), huminto na kami.

Hayun na... tinakot na kami. Sa board, inilagay: Project 3 ako. Yikes. I don't know where that is (malapit lang pala sa Cubao). Kasama ko si Kim, Dustin and Mark. o.O Paano kami nagkasama-sama? Ayoko.

Pero I was doubting this na. Kim told me CJ went to Project 3. But CJ told me he walked. AS far as I know, you cannot walk the whole way. Aside from that, I heard somone say they were just pseudonyms to parts of Xavier we have to walk blindfolded from.

But syempre, natakot pa rin ako. "Who knows Project 3? 2 or 4 man lang? Hello?!?!" "Hoy, para may pambayad tayo sa jeep, kakanta tayo ha." "Let's do the Crying Ladies technique." At kung anu-ano pa.

Si Kim nagpapatago ng 15 pesos na binigay ko na lang kay Mark. Si Kim, jumi-jingle ang paa. (Si Charles siguro nagsuksok ng bills sa damit niya. :| )

Sabi nila bawal ang medyas. Quick thinking kasi pinaglalaruan niya ang kanyang Old Spice deodorant na hindi pa niya nagagamit kasi mas gusto niya ang hard stick. (apparently, that came from the John Robert Powers talk from last year pa) He kept dabbing it on everyone a few hours ago. (kaya nag-amoy deodorant ang ulo ko habang nagco-confession)

Back to topic: I read the label ng deodorant. Anti-perspirant. At dahil walang nagdala ng foot powder. Naglagay ako sa aking paa. WAHAHAHAHAHAH! Pati rin si Mark nung nakita ako. Pero ikinahiya niya ako at nagtodo-deny nang makita ako ni Mr. Ang. Tawanan lahat. Pati ako. Pero tumawa sila all they want. Effective! The side that wasn't washed and dried (sa later portion) was still dry. :P

Anyhow. So yun. We got ready. We lined up. Tapos we went to a Special Classroom (the one we use for Chi Adv). Peke nga. Ngek. And then we went on the Way of the Cross. One more interactive and realistic.

I don't wanna go into much detail into it. But here are some stuff: Our feet were washed. (see foot deodorant) JCS was played. I noticed Wesley (halatang-halata talaga sa tayo kahit madilim). The fire was attractive. The mob was fantastic in shouting. The coin shining was wasted. (which I guess was the message on our part: to feel how it is to work hard on something only to be thrown away. or in the mababaw sense para maging true to the scripture na silver) One of the readers was amazing with his "purgation of emotions." Peace was lovely. The shadows were beautiful.

The activity was tiring. But it was worth it. I guess my favorite part was Mary's station. Not because of the aircon, but because the song was beautiful and the message was endearing.

So we went on to the Disco room with the Paschal candle this time. And we sang--albeit out of tune--beautifully. Deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome. This moment was magic in my eyes. Priceless.

After this was Crow Bar night. Palancas. I thought Palanca means love like the Ilonggo Palangga (o see... i know ilonggo a bit from my maids. hehe) Mali pala ako. Anyhow... we went into a rearraged HoDaI. We were serenaded and we read the contents of our box. It was a beautiful moment almost everyone was in tears.

I read mine. Sabi nga, ung nasa envelope muna. I was teary-eyed (though it didn't drop... bakit ganito lagi? hanggang dito lang abot) when I read my dad's. It made me so so. omg. Sigh. Sota panira ng mood ung sa mom ko kasi it made me remember bad times pero siguro this is a reopener to what would happen mamaya. I got letters from people I didn't expect to get from and I was touched with what they said. My maids. My uncle from the States that I've never talked to. My two religious titas. My other uncle who's visiting. I had laughs with my "ate's." I enjoyed my "kuya's." (Apparently, kuya also went through it din---ateneo nga diba.) And I was deeply touched by my "sister's."

The first non-family I read was Paul's whose letter was placed right on top. I laughed the whole way through. Not because i wasn't affected by it... which I was. But because the letter was so Paul. I miss him na. I also read a lot of the other letters. Really heartfelt. Even from those I'm not that close with. :D Thank you so much!

That night was emotional. (though i felt i was missing palancas. which in fact, i found out, i was.) It was soo.... heartfelt. It made me realize the people in my life. How much they love me and what they mean to me.

So we had solo flight. I basically messed up their setup by moving the pillow and the movable banig to the other end of the room. :| I fixed it din no. That moment was very... ayoko nang pag-usapan.

Then solo way. GAHD! The cross was heavy. Lifting it off the shelf was like out of balance! Turning around was another story. And walking with it was even more. Annoying part was Kim didn't wanna switch sides so I had to bring it all back. (he tried carrying it but called for help kasi di kinaya) Syempre, dahil tinulungan ko siya I lacked time kaya rushed ang message ko sa cross. Edric kasi minamabilis ako. :| Peace!

Then, sleep.


We were woken up by serenade. I think was the last to be awoken. :| But I heard their song in my dreams. I think I was drinking coffee in that dream habang may kumakanta. Gising was beautiful.

Disco ulit na kay lamig-lamig. Breakfast. Bath.

The next talk was from Harbo. He was part one of Brave, Loyal and Loving Hearts. His talk was very laid back and nice. I enjoyed a lot.

The next was from Rainier. I was way sleepy for the most of the start. But when he went on to the ending part, I was captivated. His story was beautiful and inspiring. As he was in tears reading his dad's letter, I was totally struck.

The Disco moment was really emotional. Everyone was crying. The talk really hit us all.

I finally figured out why I don't have tears. They go down my throat rather than my eyes. As such, no tears but my voice cracks bad. (Reminds me of the final show with Allen.)

I talked again. Voice all cracked. Really, really sad. (oh shoot. here i go again) I realized a whole lot during this event. A whole lot. It was the biggest truning point.

Quite sad that my seatmate Weston was NR. (if you know what i mean.) So there we were. After lunch, one more talk from Mr. Oliver. Beautiful speech.

Then, our last Disco. This moment was really beautiful for us. I sorely miss the Disco. I just wish I said more when I had the chance. :( Then we made our last ritual: we had our arms over Jess shouting Basta Ikaw Lord.

Then we wrote a letter to Jess. Then to our parents. God this was emotional for me. (and for the others too based on the tissue passed around the sniffs echoing out) This time, tears really fell. And it was intense for me. I'm not really a person who tells much about myself... but I just let it all out on this one. It was beautiful. It was emotional. It was sad.

Moving on. We had quite a feast for meriendacena. Yum! The staffers sang to us one last time then poured water all over Rector DJ :D. We then had one final talk. And off we went to the Mass.

It was really different. It was heart-warming to be with everyone. It was beautiful (how many times have i repeated that? archie costello. what a book.)

Pero tsk. Sponsor ko di dumating. Nagtaka-taka pa ako sa nag-proxy. Sana sinabi niya nang mas maaga (like during the entrance or at least sa communion) nang di ako nag-aalala. (Gahd! nakakahiya! I don't know the guy but he knows me and he did all this sponsor-work for me. Baka kilala ko. He's somewhere in there. Yikes.)

Finally. It was all over. It was a feautiful experience. I loved Days. But wait... there's more.

We made what could've been the class's best (and maybe only) attempt at a group hug. We said our goodbye's and thank-you's. We laughed together. We felt united. :D We walked in shying away, but we were about to exit better and stronger.


The exit was done one by one. And it was beautiful. Everyone was cheering us on. Mine felt wonderful. Something more than a graduation march. (I can finally take that out of my "greatest achievement" on guidance counselor sheets.)

Most of all, (although so corny and cheesy) it felt like the prodigal son running back to his father. My parents and Trisha were waiting for me at the end. It was beautiful. Really beautiful.

We had dinner at Amici's (food was GREAAAAAAT!) with the rest of my family. I feel so blessed to have them and see them. And I can't believe we were actually celebrating my days. Hehehe. But it truly is worth celebrating.

Days was priceless. It was life-changing. I'm proud.

(the CD was a let down though. it didn't have the good songs. we've only just begun (hearing it on acoustic guitar is better than the carpenter's), we shall overcome (god it's hard to find a decent version), the updates mass songs... and Most of all.. Day by Day, Shalom and Gising
Oh yeah... does anyone remember the song we sang for the staffers during the Mass?)