Really, I Don't Understand...

Thursday, October 22 at 3:55 PM
I can't believe we're having Saturday classes.
It's like being in a clingy relationship. As if five days isn't good enough, they still want us for one more. Whatever happened to room to breathe, ey? Sadly, breaking up isn't as easy as a normal "It's not you, it's me" speech.

That's like the second Saturday they've taken away from us. Gahd, I feel so loved. o.O
Prolly not for the other levels, but Saturday morning, we took the HSK--a.k.a. Chinese Shotgun Test.

See, that's another issue over there. WHY MUST WE TAKE IT.
Yeah, school bench marking and all. But I'm not that interested in finding out how bad I am in Chinese. Well, fine, that isn't the right question.

What I should be asking is WHY AM I STUDYING CHINESE.
I'm not Chinese anyway. They should make it an elective for us Filipinos. Hahaha.
Fine, tell me to go study in La Salle. o.O

But seriously, I'm not learning anything in Chinese class. For me, it's just the basics and memorization that gets me by. I don't even understand anything they're telling me, and to be honest, they don't understand my fail accent either when they aren't prepared for my sentences.

Prepared meaning it's an oral test, and they know the subject of my speech.
Unprepared meaning I ask a question in class. o.O

But I will tell you this, I am getting better. Mind you.
It's quite funny that I'm in Chinese advanced. Most of the people in this school have some mix of Chinese blood in them, but they still find themselves having a hard time. I guess I'm blessed.

Chinese in this school should be more practical.
I think they should adapt the English way of teaching things. You know, how grade school English teachers teach students. Nouns. Verbs. This topic and that. I don't find the vocab + story thing working out for me. (Then again, is there some kind of new Singaporean thing working for the batches below me? Damn those colored books. Hehe.)

You know what, even Filipino seems useless.
Well, not for me of course. But other people still speak and write Filipino as though they're foreigners. (Take my seatmate, my best friend and that other guy as examples.) Analyzing short stories and reading Rizal aren't exactly helping THEM communicate in the language better. I think they should have more oral tests. And more writing things... blogs for example.

But whatever. I'm a senior. It's my last year. I may do something, but I can't do too much. The lower batches should take the reins of their education.

(Damn. I was supposed to blog about something else. Haha!)

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