Needs Some Awakening

Friday, October 9 at 9:03 PM
(Hey, Mr Legaspi. Don't want to be spoiled? Don't read it. :D)

Just a few hours ago, I watched Spring Awakening at the RCBC Plaza.
Orchestra seats, babeh! Hahaha! I was supposed to watch in the balcony, but some change of plans, and *poof* I was all alone at the very last seat of row H.

Around me were these strange people, who were either, a, crazy fans like me or, b, people who didn't know what to expect. I laughed at them in my head.

I just have to say the theater's lighting is friggin' awesome. Sigh. High-tech-ness.

Okay. Here's my review. Really... umm... detailed.

Spring Awakening.

Background: it's my favorite musical. And I really mean it.
Why? First, because it's radical: it's not your normal musical with whimsical music and sparkly numbers. Second, because I really connect with the story.

That said, I was quite disappointed watching its Manila premiere.
It's bearable, I guess. But it's not what I was hoping for, and definitely not the same show that I came to love.

Start with the choreography.
First of all, it was too extravagant. It's one of Broadway's most angst-ridden works, and you have hands and feet flying around like it was the fourth of July or something. I wish they retained the original, or if not, did something more suitable to the theme.
Second of all, it was as if they were afraid to break the stage or something, which I think would've been okay. They didn't feel what they were doing, and it's just came off as staged.

(To think the choreographer was the same one in charge of the ah-mazing dances in Dulaang UP's Orosman and Zafira.)

Only two songs made me tingle. Touch Me and Blue Wind.
Quite strange since I love most of the songs. Sigh. The sound system is partly to blame here. Yes, it was heard, but it was too weak for me to enjoy. (Then again, my iPod always blasts in my ear.) The instrumentalists also have something to do with it. I dunno, they didn't sound good. (Add to that, one of them accidentally set off some weird sound.)

Actors. Saddening. Really.
I guess I'm too in love with the original cast (Lea Michele! John Gallagher Jr! Jonathan Groff! Lauren Pritchard!). But even if that fact didn't exist, tonight's performances weren't all that engaging.

I was most depressed by the suicide scene. Why? Because it wasn't depressing.
That scene always, always makes me emo. Probably one of the few things that actually make tears fall down my cheeks. Sadly, it was rushed and disconnected. I didn't feel it.

In fact, I did not enjoy Nicco Manalo's portrayal of Moritz at all. Moritz just acts too weird, crazy and sorta gay. He smiled too much when it wasn't needed. And he sped through most of what could've been really funny/memorable lines.

Kelly Lati as Wendla wasn't all that amazing as well. As much as I loved her innocent-sounding voice, there wasn't much emotion in it. And also, she smiled too much in Whispering. What's up with that?

I guess my favorite performer in the show was Jett Pangan. Adult Male Roles.
Every character he portrayed was distinguishable from the other, and did quite well in each of them. (He flubbed in one line though. Hehe.)

I also enjoyed Bea Garcia as Ilse. (Yes, she's the director of BlueRep's not so interesting version of tick, tick... BOOM!) She has the strongest singing voice and she really did make the most of her character's short screen time. She hit all the right marks for me, so I have nothing else to say.

Another person I guess I'd like to commend is JC Santos as Hanschen. He may not have the best voice in there, but he made up for it with attitude. He knew how to work his character.

I guess what I was annoyed at the most was that the funny lines were breezed through while the dramatic lines were all smiley. How now, brown cow?

Well. I don't think I count this as a review. Too all over the place. I don't even have a conclusion. Hahaha! Maybe I'll make a more organized one when I get my thoughts in place... and when it's not 2am.

But yes. I am watching it again. Hehehe.
It's bearable enough for me. It's still my fave show brought here. And how often do you get to watch things onstage? :D

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