Because I can't get my thoughts straight...

Tuesday, October 20 at 7:01 PM
I guess I'll tell my story straight--as in, in a narrative.
I'll separate the immersion 'coz it's a bit more... reflective. naks.

So Thursday started pretty well in a sense. I had the school bus drop me off in front of Ash Creek. I was wearing casual clothes, so I bet they were thinking I'm off to play hookie.

I walked from there all the way to Jollibee, that wretched restaurant. Yes, the class was meeting up there, and yet again I have proven its unworthiness of my presence. The coffee tastes like shit, but it's all good because they're at least keeping line with all their other shitty products.

Why'd I order coffee? Because I know their hot chocolate tastes like shit.
Adding more than enough packets of sugar and creamer, I came to the realization that I should've bought coffee from Delifrance next door. Besides the chicken and the tuna pie, what tastes good in Jollibee? I never really enjoyed the sauce of their burgers. Their ice cream is a wannabe of both McDonald's and Burger King's old clay-tasting vanilla flavor (which I enjoy. Sadly though, they've replaced their ice cream) that it comes off as something... ugh.

But why am I ranting about Jollibee?

I met up with almost the whole class there. Enjoyed the company.
We all eventually found ourselves in the MPC around a few before 8.

The retreat was refreshing. And I'm really glad it sort of "improved" our class unity, which we've been working on since like... doh. I don't think I'd want to spoil everything in here, so I'll keep most of the things secret.

I'm just glad our class got the best venue and the best teachers.
Speaking of teachers, we put one of them *ehemxehem* under the spotlight. I have to thank him... it's class unity. Who would've thought the whole class would actually make itself fit into one table. But he isn't alone in the list of people to thank. There's also *ehembarbehem* whose "presence" was truly felt in the room. (Inside joke? Oh, Xavier peeps should get this.)

Other events that took place include rape (no, not rape-rape, mind you!), a mania for gelato, the devouring of chocolate cakes (happy birthday kim and liboro!), overdressing Charles and a lot of love. Yes, a lot of love. :D

The retreat really was a great experience.


After which, Charles and I sped through Ortigas all the way to UA&P. We had our entrance interview exclusive to the people who chose Entrepreneurial Management. (sosyal, right?)

Inside the car, I was sipping on some Starbucks--not coffee, it was a shake,--Charles was bowing down in all directions with his eyes closed and his consciousness taken over. Charles's mom was passenger-seat driving, which did help in getting us there right away.

The interview went great, if I should say so myself. I'm accepted, undoubtedly.
(And so is Charles)

Confidence, check!
Loud voice and good accent, check!
Always being one of the first to answer, check!
Really creative answers, check!
Other people agreeing to your answers, check!
Everybody looking at you when you answer, check!
Interviewers smiling, check!

If I'm not accepted, that just probably means I'm not what they're looking for...
SCREW YOU THEN! I'm blue-blooded anyway. :P

The ride back home involved me staring out the window, Charles dozing off again and Charles's mom teasing me. Yes, she was insisting on my non-existent date with ICA. Why? We were headed back to that direction.

But no, I didn't go to ICA. I don't even know anyone from over there (bus mates and the two Edsor people, an exception) I went back to my beloved club. Naks.


Auditions were... exciting.
I guess that's all I need to say.

I'M DIRECTING. Aren't you proud? Hehe.

Oh! And someone's still ignoring me for no reason at all. :P


From there, I walked all the way with Keith to CJ's house.
Yet another birthday, isn't that nice? And on the eve of our big Chinese test, too. But that didn't stop us from taking a few... well no, that was a lot. Was it?

What can I say? It was overwhelming and a bit embarassing.
But it was fun nonetheless. I miss seeing people!

I was probably the earliest to leave since my test-loving father would detest to staying up late on the eve of a big test. I stayed up late anyway and watched only the awesome-st show ever. *you just keep me hanging oooooon....*

(That friggin' song has been stuck in my head for quite some time now.)


The evening later, I watched Spring Awakening with Artswork. Weee.
This time, instead of orchestra left, I was seated onstage right.
(Meaning instead of Melchi's butt from afar, I saw Wendla breasts upclose. And yes, it was exposed.)

Yes, I was seated on stage. Since I wanted to be close to the action (and probably close enough to grab a mic if somebody should accidentally fall down and become unfit to perform), I sat on the front row. However, the only seat left that wasn't too far away was the one directly above the stairs. So I looked like a little kid hugging my legs as my feet rested on the stairs that were unfortunately placed below me. I was having cramps, Gahd.

But whatever pain I had in sitting, I didn't experience with hearing. People say they can't hear anything, but I beg to disagree. Everything was loud and clear. In fact, I found it louder than when I was in the orchestra. It's just that the band overpowers some of the singers when they begin the slow soft--but never for more than 5 seconds.

I must say being on stage made the show much better. You could feel more intensity more up close, I guess. It's either that or because my expectations were already lowered.

Still the same problems as before, but the new perspective gave a whole new... well, perspective. (The former being physical view and the latter being opinion. Gahd, vocab!)

I have to say, the girls were wearing weird shoes. It had holes on the back side, so I guess that might be one reason behind the lack of stomping. Then again, it might not be. :P

I also forgot to comment before. The set's okay, but I was expecting something more modern. Just like how rock music, something modern and rebellious, is infused into the dated piece, I was wishing the set did the same. But, oh well.


The trip was quite an adventure.
Let's just say I was shocked to find a sign that read:

[Name of Bank]
South Super Highway Branch

Who wouldn't freak?
Well, I finally found myself back at Starbucks 6750, sipping on some Caramel Cream. Ha! Still no coffee. Hehe.

(I think I saw Mikee Lee--yeah, the Atenean from PBB--hanging out there.)


Anyhow, that's all I have for now. It's officially 12:00, and I am now going to retire. :D

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