soupy soup soup, pt. 2

Tuesday, May 5 at 5:06 PM

Since I'm gonna be doing this a lot. Might as well use the same title.

I've been Plurking in class. On a notebook though.
I'm just transferring it here.

For those who didn't see part one, this is just me ranting about review scool. :D

Ally says he's bored again.

Ally says "Oh sh*t. She started na?!"

Ally says he's gonna do this again. (this being plurking.)

Ally is not listening

Ally says at least this teacher isn't as perky as yesterday's.

Ally 's friend from the other classroom is banging his/her head on the wall again.

Ally is not listening pa rin. But he's staring at the teacher. :| She's staring back. I wonder if I scared her with my eyes?

Ally can't believe he's using his notebook to "Plurk" rather than to take down notes. :))

Ally has begun banging his head on the wall.

Ally isn't even flipping the pages properly.

Ally says this is so grade school. (this being the lesson)

Ally wonders if he'll have to do this for 4 weeks just to keep himself from going sabaw. :|

Ally wants to scream :| ReAlly...

Ally is drawing the tree outside his window.

Ally says no one is listening to her. No one answered her very simple question. (LOL)

Ally 's katabi is sleeping behind his book... niiice. Why didn't I think of that?

Ally is writing a poem. It's about the tree he's drawing. Wow. Wer're taking up poems in Ateneo tomorrow. :))

Ally likes his artwork. Tree + Poem = <3. Hahahaha.

Ally is going to attempt to draw the classroom.

Ally says his drawing's not bad. :D

Ally is now writing a poem to with it. :D

Ally is filling his notebook with too much poems and drawing :| I'm THAT bored. Not even school maked me do that.

Ally says "BTW. these are 'modern' poems."

Allys wonders "artistic epiphanies"?

Ally does not have anymore inspiration to draw :| But he can't sleep.

Ally made the most sabaw drawing evarrrr.

Ally says 15 minutes till break!

Ally is pulling out his hair. :|

Ally has an early break. Her watch is advanced.

Ally made friends with Isabel. Hahaha. Life isn't that boring now. :))

Ally passed by the corridor and a group of girls stopped talking and stared. :| Must be the eyes.

Ally hates it. Class again.

Ally is "chatting" with his fellow headbanger.

Ally fell asleep.

Ally took the test and didn't finish.

Ally is going crazy.

Ally is banging his head on the wall.

Ally failed by one point.

Ally is finAlly done. YES!

Ally says a group of girls introduced themselves all at the same time. I only remember the first one. :|


view the accompanying photo album!

In other news...
ATENEO was fun! Hahaha.

Met new friends. And saw old one (hey Kyne and Albert!)

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