cover your ears when someone shouts oh my god!

Wednesday, October 29 at 5:56 PM
QT Day 3

It's official. I can't eat food anymore--that is... until the morning.
I'm going to my annual checkup. So I can't eat anything for the tests to be.... accurate? But I can't wait: after, I get my fave breakfast in the world: Sausage McMuffin with Egg <3

Okay. Day 3 started out real bad.
I wanted to strangle someone.

Why? The school bus arrived late all because he (rather they) took really long.
Hell, I take long, but I don't make everyone late.
But... we weren't really late. It's just that, we arrived at 7:15.

But that wasn't it. He was "bullying" the other kids. And I can't stand for that.
Plus.... THE NOISE! It ruined my morning.
Sana pinagsabihan ko.


Science: "i dunno if it was hard or easy. i really dunno"
Yeah. That's true. I dunno how to classify it. It was ??
But I bet I got low. As usual... it's Mr. Chua.
(plus, I was careless... I mistook Si and S. sheet.)

CLE: "damn easy"
no more words to say. :D
lol... the title.

I ate lunch at TOSH with Charles and the guys. Sorta like a despedida.
Buenviaje, Chinamen!

Faci Auditions.
Nerve-wracking. The wait was really long. I was one of the lasts. And butterflies kept flying in my stomach. Haha!
The actual auds went well enough at least. :D I hope I get in.

After... I took my first Jeep ride ALONE. As in... walang kasama. :))
Off to greenhills.

I bought MnMs and Hershey's.
I bought a screen guard for my iPod.
I canvassed around for DS prices. :D
I read a joke book in Fully Booked to pass time.

And then I met with the gang. (sori na!)
We watched high school musical. o.O
Hahaha. I think it's the best among the three. Hahaha.

By the way. I kept talking myself in a sucky scottish accent. :P

And that's it.
happy sembreak y'all.

must watch heroes...

eris quod sum... no, i haven't watched it yet

Tuesday, October 28 at 5:01 PM
QT Day 2

Aye! I'll be cramming. Again.


Fil: "sorta easy but ayoko na!"
i hate those sentence answer tests. ack.

hindi ko pa natapos ang essay ko. ToT
(hindi pa solid ang tekstong patunay. at least maganda ang ulat ko. at sinalungguhitan ko ang aking tesis statement. o.O)

Soc Sci: "three notches above easy but not yet entering moderate"
i don't know why everyone found it so hard. was it just me?
this coming from the guy who started studying at 8:40pm... and kept falling asleep doing it.
and ended it at 11++ by faling asleep and not waking up.

i mean. come on. i just crammed it. (in fact, i didn't get to study Filipino.)

then again... this could be a sign.
maybe i failed.... it was too easy. ack.

yes, how very filipino. (pun intended...not unless you didn't get it... then it wasn't)

uhma-hisir uhma-uhma-hisir

Monday, October 27 at 10:24 AM
QT Day 1 (Sleep, Frank Wang and Grammar)

For some reason, I haven't been feeling like blogging lately. Sigh.

Aside. For some reason, I want a Scottish accent.
I blame James McAvoy (Last King of Scotland) and Johnny Depp (Finding Neverland).

Last night, I was restless. I would've been in bed before 12, but...long story made short... I couldn't brush up on Candide on the internet.

I would've been asleep by 1, but I couldn't. I really couldn't.
I just laid in bed. Tossing around.
Excited? No. Nervous? No. Restless? Yes.
I think I finally fell asleep at around 4.

So... I was dazed the whole day. Even right now.
I stared at the English test with sparks flying off in all directions.

So let's get on with it...

Math was fairly easy.
But of course... when I say Math is easy, I mean I made a lot of careless mistakes. o.O

Recess. Idea struck. :D

Then... English.
English on the scale would be in "quite hard, but not THAT hard. but still difficult" o.O
I didn't read instructions. Waaa!

English test was quite interesting though.
Frank Wang was our proctor.

No offense to him, but I saw how bad his English was. He shouldn't try so hard.

1. He went all Indian on the board. He could've written "Time Allotted" but he did the longer version with "Time Allocated." Stupid H2 student(s) thought there was something wrong. "Diba dapat allotted? I-correct mo."

2. Stupid H2 students trying to screw with him: "[Do] You come from FEU?" And he answers with "Huh?" And the question was repeated thrice. o.O

3. He saw a piece of paper under one student's chair. "Whose that?"
The stupid thing was pinatulan siya ng H2. Talagang natawa lang ako sa sarili ko. "(to friends:) Mali.... (to Frank Wang:) It's a paper." And by paper, I mean pronounced as pepper.

Hay. I don't why you have to treat the damn guy that way. He's still a teacher you know. Okay lang kung may grudge ka sa tao, pero huwag mo namang harap-harapang BASTUSIN. Tao pa rin iyan.

And please.... kung babastusin mo na lang, siguraduhin mo namang tama ang mga pinagsasasabi mo. Di you get that "a pepper"?

Anyhow. The school bus left me. I blame someone there. o.O
I had to make sure plans for the exhibit were ready. They weren't. Ack.
So there.... inasikaso ko. Kaya napatagal pa ako sa school.

While waiting for a fetcher, I hung out with Dulay. Auighh!
Met a coupla teachers. Ms.A, Ms.Magallona, Mr.Yu :D
Didn't go inside the Mac lab. ):

Anyhow. Home.

Well.... I finished a couple of new movies. I shouldn't be. Sigh.
Oh well. Soc Sci and Fil. Gawd.

a whole new perspective

Sunday, October 26 at 1:05 PM

I got two best answers from Yahoo! Answers.

See, last night, I asked something.
Then, I got bored, so I answered three questions.

And I got best answer for the two. (the last one is still open.)

Ang galing ko!

Quesadillas <3

I was going to say something.... but i forgot. o.O

oh well. back to homework

and God made flood...

Tuesday, October 21 at 7:42 PM
A Sign, Beginning and Duwa

I saw a sign. It was a rainbow.

I guess it was a message from God.
A beginning. For me.
Better heed it.

I was renewed.

No seriously... I was.
I woke up in my bed not knowing how I got there.

The first thought in my mind was... shit, i haven't done homework.
I don't even know how the computer shut down.
In fact, last I rememeber, I was taking a nap on my keyboard.

As I was saying. A sign.
A sign. :D

I'm glad he gave me a sign. :D
I've been feeling quite lost lately. Sigh.


In other news...
Saturday night, I slept at 4 am. I watched Duwa.
It's the first time I've ever watched it though I've had the file since H1. o.O

Ang cute ni Ms. Lampa sa dance niya! Haha.
Bongga talaga.

Grabe, ang weird ng acting ko. Haha.
Parang ibang-iba.
I blame it on Filipino. Lol.
(I finally conquered my fear of watching myself. o.O)

Ang haba pala ng Condemned.

Grabe, nakaaktouch talaga part ni Ms. Yao at Wesley.
Nakakaiyak. (pero di ako umiyak. hahaha.)

I miss you na, Ms. Lampa!
I miss you na, Ms. Yao!

Grabe... watching it made me senti. :(

ain't no such thing

Thursday, October 16 at 7:56 PM
Ramblings and Stuff that Require a Lot of Guesswork

Fail! Waaa. Wala na. :(
No... nothing personal-related. Guess.

I'm really, really WOAH!
w00t! Today, I received my first perfect Soc Sci and Science quizzes of the school year.

Grabe, bobo ko 'noh? Ngayon pa lang... o.O

Did I mention, last week, I didn't fall asleep in any class?
Achievement! Lol.

Pero ibang kwento naman ang this week. Haha!

Grabe. I'm cramming!
An'dami nila! I should have done it ahead.

Naaawa't naiinis ako sa FX. o.O
Wala... walang-wala.

If only I had the power, I would--
I think I can... Hihi. (plotting something evil and of actual help)

I'm excited! I made it through the first audition! w00t!

This year's thing is looking up.
May connection kasi. Hahaha!

Muli, humula't huminuha!

I'm scared of the possible outcome of a certain something.
I don't wan'na leave the table. Haha!

I hope he doesn't become too presumptuous like someone. :D

Ewan ko lang ha. Parang kontrabida na naman ako.
And not just to him, but to everyone else too.
As much as I enjoy it, I don't wan'na sever anyting. Neither do I want any unexpected fires.

I'm so excited for tomorrow!
And this time, ipauubaya ko kay CJ ang pagsakay namin sa jeep. (pray for us. jowk lang!)
I'm worried baka masyado nang late.

I have a plan!

I wan'na - - - - -. But I'm too afraid.
What am I talking about? I'm trained at these kinds of things!

I did it.... maaaaayyyyyy waayyyyy!

Don't you just love Laoshi?
Kahit wala akong libro, kahit natutulog na ako, hindi pa niya ako pinapahiya. Awww.
Love you, cher!

Ms. Cuevas. USB koooo! :D

Happy Anniversary din nga pala!

Do I hear bells? Ano kaya 'yang pangmatandang dahilan?

Peace. Love you too!

Wow. Finally, I'm appreciated.
Yess! Iyan ang hinihintay ko!

And I also learned a valuable lesson:
Stop it, you please-r! You can't please everyone.

Kaya sa mga tao diyan... Fuck You! Okay ba?
(a pro-active step! lol.)

I feel so accomplished. Don't you?
(of course you don't)

I wan'na buy some books!
They look interesting!

I write too much lit about acceptance and rejection. lol.
I just noticed.

Never trust me with comedy. Lol.

With what's happening now, I'm worried for next year.
Parang gusto kong mag-quit. o.O

No I won't...
But I'm still worried.

If ever naman, I have a great idea na on what to do!
And it's going to S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R-!
Syempre, last year ko na 'e!

Congratulations to mee~ee! Conratulations to mee~ee!
I did it. I made it. I won it. And I got it!
Raise your hands up in the air! And wave them out like you just don't care!
Say he-ey...

This is getting awkward.

Ayoko pang i-announce dahil wala pang official statement.
Pero... in advanced. Congratulations to me!

Peanut butter pancakes. <3

Must jog!

Belated Happy Bithday, Kim! (kahit di mo ko binigyan ng banoffee icing.)


One day, I'm gon'na be...
And on that day, you're gonna wish...
But you'll just be...

Living the dream. :D

Goodbye. Must cram.
Luis. :D

'coz she wakes up in the morning and she's oh so fine

Thursday, October 9 at 6:45 PM

You know what? I've always wanted to make a serious film review.
One day. Soon. Maybe one of the movie's I'm going to watch.

Anyhow. Here're my long-overdue opinons on the stuff I've watched. :D

Daniel Day Lewis was INTENSE. He played it really, really... wow. Paul Dano was amazing too... all battered and shit. I still don't get why he didn't run away. I mean, the man was walking damnit you could've escaped na. o.O Kawawa din iyong anak. :(
However, the plot hit me with with a great big... what? I dunno, it was only after a few days did I start analyzing... And then I went with... ohh, i get it.

This one is a cool movie... i guess. I find it in ways better than Sukob but in other ways not. I dunno. Nakakainis ang ending! Akala ko na e...

This one is a movie that made me... feel good. I dunno, there's something so nostalgic about it... like it made a connection. It felt so soft and stuff in ways I can't describe. It's a good film. Although the death was quite out of nowhere for me since the character wasn't established. The ending leaves me wonderin'.
Oh yeah... Meryl Streep was great! but when isn't she? (I wanna watch Doubt.)
And Lindsay Lohan was good too! But then I expected more from her voice. John C Reilly was great was the howdy-man. The other actors were solid din kahit di ko sila kilala. Hehe.

When I watch musicals, a good indication that I liked it is that many of the songs or scenes would be stuck in my head. Sadly, this didn't do it. I dunno... it falls together with Phantom and Evita which I enjoyed to some point but not really. o.O I only downloaded a few songs. Hehehe.
And I hated the ending! I wish it stayed true to the Shakespeare story. It would've been more interesting.
But I have to admit... I really like Anita's (I dunno the actress) performance. No wonder she got an Oscar. And the leader of the Jets was really good too.

I really liked this movie. Hahaha! Jack Nicholson was awesomely crazy. Louis Fletcher was a bitch! And the whole movie just seemed so great. I enjoyed it VERY, VERY much. Hahaha!
I found a connection most with Billy Bibbit. I dunno why. I guess we're the same in a lot of ways. And I liked his type of crazy. Hahaha. (the other types of crazy just annoyed me to death! nakakinis sobra)

Okay. This movie was really good too. Hahaha. Sex, people? Hahaha. But beyond that... I really connected with ALL the characters. They were played really down to earth...really in character. So bravo to the whole cast. Diddy, Heath Ledger, Billy Bob Thornton, etc. Halle Berry deserves her Oscar! Haha.

This movie made me think. Oh shit, can this be true? Hahaha. It was really well thought of. The sequences were great. I enjoyed. It was a fun watch.

FREAKY FILM! I kept pausing my iPod. It freaked me out sooo much. It was a really good horror! Congrats. :D But no images are stuck in my mind 'coz it seems highly unlikely that I enter a haunted hotel room. Haha! (Unlike the hooded Zodiac killer... the image haunts me when I remember it.... 'coz there's a bigger possibility a serial killer is out to get me.)

I loved this film! Hahahaha! It was just soo... soo... light? (that's the same category as juno and little miss sunshine) Don't you love dramatic comedies? I loved it! Nuff said.
Oh yeah. Amy Adams was AWESOME! Hahaha. She was just so quirky. I wish she won the Oscar. Hahaha. And the song Harmour Love is addicting. :D

and finally...

Total w00t! These are the types of comedies I enjoy watching. (Zohan was what the hell? where's the story? Heartbreak Kid was like... okiiiiiiii. And all those other comedies were slapstick as well) This one was really fun! The green jokes were really funny. This one had a story. Did I mention it was funny as hell? Dane Cook, Lizzy Caplan and Alec Baldwin were the bomb! Woohoo.
It's fun watching it in a theater with your friends. You really get to laugh out loud. And you feel the audience's enthusiasm too.

So there you go.
I'm gon'na pick a movie. Then I'll make a real review soon.
Then let's see if I have a shot at becoming a film critic. Haha! (I'm considering it actually. lol.)

i don't want to wait

at 6:19 PM
what the hell was i thinking? i'm so sorry...

this one's for you...
this day's for you...


panaginip sa isang magasin

Tuesday, October 7 at 6:48 PM

Well here's another to add to the book. :D

I was the commentator in the Mass today! Hahaha. :D
La lang.

I feel proud.
It's like one thing I've always wanted to do. (Aside from singing the responsorial psalm)

Okay... so I flubbed on my first line. And I don't know the cues.
But what the hell... I just laughed it all off. :D
I was smiling onstage. Hahaha.

That was fun. Haha.

Just as a mental note: it's the Mass in Commemoration of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. :D

listening to artists with names that start with k

Sunday, October 5 at 6:15 PM

Wow... it's been a long time since I last used that avatar. Lol.

So here I am... blogging. It's a Sunday night and I'm supposed to be doing homework.

Who the hell does homework at this time? Sigh.

I blame the stupid bus for bringing me home late. I blame myself for sleeping this afternoon.

I miss the old days in grade school when weekends were spent having fun. Sigh.

Did I mention I have a headache? Could it be a migraine? Vertigo? Whatever?
I've had it since yesterday.

That's just one question I wanna ask a doctor. I have it on a regular basis.

Sigh. And I'm burried in deep shitty homework.

Someone save me.

Can I just miss school tomorrow? Can I just die?
(ouch headache.)

You know what... I'm being a hypocrite but...
I'm really tempted. I dunno why.

I'll quote mic.lim's stat:
"pucha :|"

... talaga!

a japanese garden is authentic only if it has japanese people in it

Saturday, October 4 at 6:31 PM


Finally! I'm home. Munching on comfort food: MnM's. Getting a foot massage. Just took a hot bath. Ahh. Don't you love the city?

Long story short: good things went terribly long.

Short story long: read on...

Okay. So we had the Caliraya field trip today.

I arrived kinda late so Karl See didn't leave me a seat. o.O So I had to sit in the middle aisle. Not only was it a nuisance to have to let other people pass, it was a bigger nuisance because of my seatmates. Them tards behind me just wouldn't shut up. I got a major headache the whole day.

I watched Crash (a really good film by the way) and went to sleep.

Skip to tree planting. The place was beautiful! I took so much pictures. (soon to be uploaded)
I planted six trees compared to last year's one. w00t! I feel so accomplished that I helped mother nature. Hahaha.

Know the Chinese saying "to have a complete life, one must plant a tree, write a book and bear a son." I'm a step closer. Haha.

Anyhow. The downside to that. The walk was long... and thorny. o.O All those damn seeds...
But what's worse was it was terribly hot! Like fucking hell. Last year, it was really cool and windy. This year made me sweat like hell.

So. We went to the Japanese garden again. Instead of staying where I've already been, I went to where I haven't: I climbed the stairs. really beautiful site! <3 I love the vista.
Next time: visit the cemetery. I was alreadyn by the grave... I was about to take pictures. But damn those batteries! :| Next time....

And then... the ride home. And this is where it all goes WRONG.

Instead of riding our original bus, we had to switch bus so that it would be "fair." Apparently, their a/c was not workinng well. So great, I was already in the middle aisle with no a/c... and now I have to experience more of that. Just great.

But that wasn't it. The bus broke down! Damnit. TWICE pa.
And the annoying part was when it was beyond repair already, the bus we were supposed to be on left. Damn y'all.

Buti na lang Ezra's aunt was going home to Manila. They were able to pick him up. Karl and I were able to hitch a ride since we had a group work to get to.

But stupid bus ruined all my plans. Grrr. The group work didn't push through since it was too late na. Nakakinis sobra. Stupid bus!

I stayed over at Karl's house for a while. That's where my dad picked me up. That was 9 na. Grabe. (Inaliw ko na lang ang sarili ko sa Vista ni Karl.)

But amidst this, I stayed positive. I think I'm getting more optimistic. Lol. I had some realizations. Hahaha.

Thank you for the beautiful scenery and for all the photos and vain photos I took.
Thank you for the pozo negro. It was fun pumping and cooling myself with its water.
Thank you for the sari-sari stores that gave the most refreshing softdrinks ever.
Thank you for the Juno and Junebug soundtracks that helped calm my nerves.
Thank you for my iPod for the entertainment... fine, noli too.
Thank you for the really good company I was with.
Thank you for really good friends.

You know what, because of this, I realized there's more to people. I learned to value them. :D I learned a lot of new things about them.
It was a great experience. (but... stupid bus!)

You know what.... malas ata tong mga Caliraya field trips. Pag pauwi, laging may problema. Pagkakaiba lang is last year sa bahay ang problema. Haha!
I noticed din... both days, I end up being uber grateful for Ezra. haha!

quoting sylar.

Friday, October 3 at 6:25 PM

The Week in Passing... and Tree-Planting Field Trip

Sigh. Marahil. Marahil lang talaga.

An'dami talagang nangyari noong linggong ito. 'Lam mo, bagamat an'daming mga bagay na nakapagpasaya sa akin, 'di ko pa rin masasabing okay na okay ako.

Bakit? Tila naging pabaya ako... sa pag-aaral, sa responsibilidad, sa aking sarili.

'Di ko alam kung bakit. Pero ganoon lang talaga.

Am'bababa ng mga nakuha kong marka sa mga pagsubok. An'dami kong nakakalimutan. Late-na-late na talaga ako nakakatulog.

Kailangan ko na talagang magbago. *que magbago by kulay*

Siguro makabubuti talaga ang mangyayari bukas.

Pupunta ako ng Caliraya. Tree planting. Makiki-extra sa mga Oikos-Eco Club.

Noong isang taon, pumunta rin ako. Talagang ang saya-saya ko noon.
Pero hindi rin iyon nagtagal.

Bakit ako pumunta noon? Oo required... pero kung hindi dahil sa klase, siguro pumunta ako para makalayo... sa lahat.

May nangyari kasi noong linggong iyon. Ayo'ko nang ikwento't masyadong...
Pero noong panahong iyon, nakalayo ako. Nakatakas mula sa lahat ng problema.

Pero hindi nga nagtagal. Noong bumalik na ako, isa pang mas problema ang aking nagawa. (Siguro naaalala pa ito ng mga nasa FX.)

Sigh. Makalayo nga riyan.

Bakit ako pupunta ngayon? Iba-iba ang rason.
Una... dahil mahal ko ang probinsya, ang kanyang simoy, kakaiba talaga ang pakiramdam kapag wala ka sa syudad. Masaya ang pakiramdam. (Kaya nga, isang araw, bibilhan ko ang aking sarili ng resthouse sa Tagaytay)
Pangalawa... masaya ang makapagtanim ng puno. Para bang may nagawa ka para sa kalikasan. Kahit kaunti lang.
Pangatlo... noong huli kong punta, marami akong nakuhang litrato. Gusto ko muling makakuha ng bagong wallpaper. Haha!

Pang-apat... gusto kong makapaghinga. Makalaya. Makaramdam man lang ng kaligayahan. Sabi ko nga di'ba... ang linggong ito. Kailangan ko lang ng makasigurong buhay pa ako.

Siguro, "refresher" 'to. Para makapagbago. Magbago.

Wala. Nagmumuni-muni lamang.