Hangovers and Awkward Hilarity

Sunday, December 27 at 7:09 PM
So what happened today? Quite a lot--or maybe not.

Today started at 12:00 in the morning.
I'd tell you what I was doing, but I don't really remember. What I do remember was that I was tinkering with my brand new phone and watching movie trailers. Oh! And I made pancakes because I got hungry.

So I headed to bed past 3am. (Yeah... so early, right?) But damn, I couldn't get myself to fall asleep. It was insomnia or something. I passed the time playing in bed with my two best friends. :> My iPod and my new phone. (What the hell were you thinking?) Because they're my best friends, they shall be called Poddy and Slick.

Slick is fun. He's like having a cross between a T-Mobile Sidekick and an iPhone.

Anyhow, I think I finally fell asleep when the sun came up. That was 6am. Unluckily, it's a Sunday, so wakey-wakey! Let's go to Mass. Strangely, we weren't all that late. Then again, we went to the 12:15 mass, so how much later can you get?

But God, it was like I was hungover on something. I couldn't get my head to concentrate. Usually, I'd have a talk show or one-person seminar in my head during Masses, but today all I heard was the sound of the Mass echoing and echoing, entering one ear and exiting the next as I stared into the Christmas lights. Gahd, that felt bad. Not to mention the lack of air conditioning made my skin feel all bad.

Yes. Aside from light headed-ness, that bad feeling in my skin is a side effect of the global phenomenon called puyat. When not in aircon, it just feels bad. I remember I barely slept one Thursday night/Friday morning: SCIENCE LAB PERIOD WAS HELL. HELL! HELLLLL!!!
(Yes, the Physics lab doesn't have air conditioning just in case you didn't know.)

Anyhow. Moving on. We went to Shang, and I was still woozy. Note: I was bumping into things and tripping. And it's not just my normal klutziness.

I went to Gap but didn't get the sweater I want. I thought about it again... it seems a bit too loose for me. I'll try it once more, and I'll see what happens then...

Anyhow. Fast forward to home. It's family get-together day with the father's side. Weeee. (Note small hint of sarcasm.) I just have to say it's awkwardness to another level. I don't really relate that well with those who are sorta my age--quite strange since they're my neighbors. Usually, I stay inside the house, but since my mom wasn't able to plan some office Christmas party on the same day, she got me to accompany her with the awkwardness.

I just have to say: My mom + Father's side get-together = Awkward Hilarity. Amen.

Anyhow, when it was getting too dark, I went inside and read me some Twisted. Jessica Zafra is a goddess--in writing that is. Then I watched HIMYM.

Aww, Ted. Aren't we all just looking for love?
Alyson Hannigan has to be given more props. NPH is hogging all the spotlight, but nonetheless he's pretty fucking legen--wait for it, and I hope your not lactose intolerant 'cause the next word is--dary! (Yeah... if you've forgotten about the first season, you'll prolly think that dragged too long. Haha!)

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