I was a sailor. I was lost at sea.

Monday, July 6 at 8:32 PM

I'm inspired to blog right now.
I thank my iPod. Hehe. Shuffle mode is giving me awesome songs. ;) I haven't pressed the forward button yet.

Thing is... I don't know what to blog about. Silly.

*humming uptown girl*

I slept at 3am last night doing homework.
As such, I have won the elections. Do congratulate me. I'm now the president of the Procrastinators and Crammers Society. :P

*now floating in a relaxing song*

Unlike most people, I was actually thankful when the announcement about the quarantine came. The first week of school already felt like hell week for me. It was friggin' horrible. I couldn't take it. I needed to rest.

God really does answer prayers.

*rocking out*

What's more, I enjoyed my birthday. Proabably one of the best I've ever had.
Then again, I think it's the only time there weren't any classes on my birthday--except when it falls on a weekend of course.

I really enjoyed everyone's company. It was a crazy day.
What we did exactly? (I can't believe I'm only blogging about this now.)
We played bowling at E-Lanes. Awesome. We found new techniques ;) (Right, Tish?)
Then we adventured all the way to Promenade.

We decided to eat in Yellow Cab, which is in the same direction as Krispy Kreme.
Kim sighed that the red light wasn't on. I told him it'll turn on when we get there, and wouldn't you know? It is my birthday after all. Free doughnuts AND COFFEE. ;)

After dinner, we went to the karaoke bar.
Went crazy, of course!

And that was my night. It ended to early, but what the hell. I had fun.

*flowing in the river that is the smooth melody of this song*

Anyhow. Back to the topic.
I did enjoy the break. I'd rather have that than go to school. Online classes. Hehehe.
But of course, we have to step back into reality.

Thing is, before the break, I was already hyped up and all ready for everything.
Returning, it's like I'm too lazy to follow up on all the things I told myself I would do--one of which being not procrastinating.

I guess I'll just have to work harder.
Meaning I should get back to work now. ;)

0 reps.: