ang saya!

Monday, January 23 at 7:59 PM
1.23: 8:02: Sandalan; Akin Ka Na lang

ang saya last saturday! i went out with my friends to shang... it was sooo fun... so here's how it goes... so varrick and his mom were in shang so he decided to hang out with us... we met at starbucks... after my tutor, i picked up cj and then went na to starbucks in the shang... varr was there... then, i saw francis... so we all went to power station... there, we met with jerold na... and then we started playing there... the 2 games i liked the most was the dance mania and ung spot the difference... it was so exciting and tiring ung dance mania... talagang mahirap... hehehe... while we were playing, geremy came... tapos we played some more... tapos we ate lunch in cpk... francis libre us with pizza and then the rest is up to us... geremy went down to eat in the food court... he didnt wanna eat in cpk... i halfed pasta with varrick (pati ung bayad)... tapos... we went to national... and then varr and germs went to some web cafe while me and the rest waited for ken... after that we went to tower records and then radio city... i got ultraelectromagnetic jam which i am ripping right now... tapos we splitted again.. cj went shopping then the rest of us went back to power station... tapos we went out and met near a candy shop... then splitted again... cj and jerold bought cj's oversized coat and the rest of us met germs and matt in starbucks (varr went to watch a movie with his mom)... then we all went to tokyo-tokyo where some of us ate and then we were all complete except for varr.. then we had our pix taken and then went to power station again, cj went window shooping again and then me and jerold got the pictures at 4:15 (one time when i'm not busy, i'll upload the pix!) while the others stayed there and then we continued plating until we ran out of load and drank in starbucks... i got a mocha frappe.. tapos we went back to power station (germs left na) but only for a while coz my dad came na so we left na... i got to see fran's freaky house again... oh yeah today, we had the symbi pic na! anyways... that's all... till the next.... last sunday rin pala... i went to pasig...


"iiyak mo lang..."

"iingatan ko ang puso mo"

report card na!

Wednesday, January 18 at 6:30 PM
1.18: 6:32: Liu gei wo men de hai zi..., spoliarium, whereever u r, with a smile, rainbow

hey! long time na!
i received my report card na!!! I got....... 1st honor! can u bliv it?... my lowest is 96 and my highest is 99... my average is 97! heheehe... that's so fun! i'm so happy... the big surprise is varrick's score!... he has never had an honor this year... but he got 1st honor this 3rd qtr because of the flexi curriculum!... hehehe... congrats to me and varr and jeremy and raph and andy for getting 1st honors! :D
okay so i'm still slaving on the b.board... i'm almost done maybe i'll just put fireworks or chalkworks... hehehe
the fairs is happenin' na... our booth is pacinko... what else must i tell u about...
there's so much... inly tinatamad na ako mag-type... nxt time na lang!

tinatamad na ako mag-quote today...

watch out for my new blog -- FOOT CRAMPS!

I can't breathe and my feet are paralyzed!

Wednesday, January 11 at 6:41 PM
1.11: 6:44: Your Words (by me), Real (by me)

well...long time na since my last... anyway... so yesterday tues... we had our music class so we had to make a composition.... hehehehe.... I already wrote song and one of them already has the notes (real).... i'm one step ahead until teacher said it should be about grad or hs... hayyy... so i told kim, my groupmate, to ask mr marte tkung pwede hindi na grad so he said we must show it to him.... so all i had to do was show itto him (it wasn't with me at that time).... so in dimissal, i went to him with kim... sadly he wasn't there... grrr... so today... i said i'd give it to him on lunch... so i did.... but it's a long story... iwent down from the classroom and just when i was in the gr 5 corridor i remembered... the song!... so i went up to the workrrom and got the keys...walked acroosss the corridor to the last classrooom and got mynotebook wherein i put all the songs i wrote... then returned to the workroom and returned the key then i went tot he gr6 workrrom... wla siya... i went tot the music room3... wla siya so we went down th stairs then kim made my notebook fall nd only one paper fell (FYI: i put "REAL" on a bond )...and it wasn't "real" so i had left it in the classroom... so i went to the workroom... got the keys... got the paper (real)... returned the keys.... so then i went back to the gr 6 workroomm... he wasn't there... (by the way... kim was with me all the way... also... FYI... kim is fatter than me and lazier than me .... no offense).... then went down to the canteen coz he might be eating... and then kim said he passed by us.... on the way to the faculty dining... so he said he went in the direction of the gr6 workroom... so we went back up only to find he wasn't there so i was to go down... kim said he'll just stay in the sars.... so i ran back to the faculty dining and he wasnt there and then i asked my friend and i asked if they saw him and they pointed... there o... (oh yeah... there was another fight i didnt see... all these fights seem ot be happening ever since varr's grp started merging with us... it was more simpler when it was jst the 3quetra in gr5)... anyway so i ran back up to call kim then went back down and talked to mr marte for his approvel so he approved and the day is saved... let me just tell you my route:

4th floor >> 2nd floor >> 4th floor (corridor to corridor to corridor) >> 3rd floor >> 4th floor >> music room >> 4th floor (corrisor to corridor to corridor) >> 3rd floor >> 1st floor >> 3rd floor >> 1st floor >> 4th floor >> 1st floor

phew... writing it is tiring... now running thru it... more tiring... anyway... i got the rest of my dedi angels from mr balance today... i posted most of my chi bullboard (NOTE TO SELF: buy bigger stapler)... but what i really wanna talk about was the bus...
yester dismissal i saw the bus and entered it tpos sean told me that that asnt the bus anymore.... then we rode twg582... it was more comfortable... tapos this morning,... the bus was reduced to a FX.... it's tight (hence the title of this blog).... i hate... kasi naman the old bus got destroyed pa eh... so this afternoon di na masyado masikip... per masikip pa rin... there's nly one good thing about it and im not telling u.... hehehe....


"of the game of life"

"can this be undone?"

La Lang III

Friday, January 6 at 8:39 PM
1.06: 8:42: My Hump

hehehe.... so... i'lll just tell u bout this first schoolweek of the new year.... la lang... wednesday... may homework agad?... i just found out din that day na may contest sa pag gawa ng bulletin board for the chinese spring fest kaya i'm printing animals... and soon i'll try to figure out a way so that i can make a big "fu" or luk sign... la lang... anyway last thursdasy, i had to ride a taxi going to school so coz the school bus was sira... hehe.... what else.... aahhh.... we talked about na rin the fair na... i'm so excited... i dunno what to do pa pero i'm sure i will be forced to do something... hopefully, our booth will be pacinko... hopefully... maybe, if i coud, i'lljust stay in the fair booth th whole day for 2 days... hehe... la lang... anyways... what else pa ba?.... hmmm... oh yeah... last monday i bought ice cream on a con...tapos whil i was taking my first few licks, the whole hing fell from the cone?!!!... god thing it fell on my han so i remounted the ice cream back on the cone... hehe?!.... what else pa ba... la naman... okay....


"let's spend time not money"

Happy New Year --- Super Belated

Tuesday, January 3 at 9:05 PM
1.03: 9:09: Don't Forget About Us

hey! happy new year.. --- super belated nga lang... ive been very busy kaya i didnt blog since --?... hehehe... anyway... i'll just start the day before new year's eve...okay?! (no choice ka pa rin)... hehehehe.... okay... so hte day before... we weregonna have th marcelo family reunion... so we cooked fried chicken.. tapos we bought palabok... after buting palabok sa lola idang's in white plains... we bought na rin fireworks... lucis (long and short), that rocket thingamajig and the dragon firework named after the other name you call the aurora borealis... forgot na kasi... hehehe.... ok... so after that.. (sorry... can't type straight coz limewire keeps disconnecting)... okay... so we had the reunion and so on... then they had a christmas pageant.... my cousins-nephews being the actors... and then it took a long time to start kasi st joseph had tantrums.... hehehe... it was more of comedy than solemnity... actually there was even music fom keyboards... hehehe.. tapos some of the kids danced pinoy ako.... it was all wrong dance steps... okay... anyway.... after that.. my tita trinky was o meet with her housemates in the pyro olympics so we went there with my dad and my 2 3rd cousins from london... unfortunately, we didn't arrive close enough to roxas boulevard... but! we were able to see the fireworks from a far.... seems like instead of moving... most of the cars just parked in the road and just watched the show... so together with these parkers... we watched it in the street... severe traffic talaga on the way... anyway so going to my tita's house, we drank in starbucks (there's a branch just beside her house)... so i got the peppermint mocha... than we brought my cousins home after a long search... than we went home...
new years eve... the firs place we went to was to a haircut... tapos i got to drink peppermint mocha na naman (ther's a starbucks beside bruno's on ortigas) then we bought dog food then back home... then we went to greenhills and bought my mom a new case for her new cellphone then she bough me a housing then we ate dinner at delifrance.... then we went home and got a text that we're suppose to get fruits without black seeds so we went home.... then dressed up for mass... went ot mass... then we went to the fuit stand in conecticut then went to narra (my tita's house) my parents ate their second dinner then.... i finally got to visit my cousin's new house.... tapos we went home for a while to get some tupperwares for leftovers and then on our way to pasig... ther i played playing with fire with my cousin... so exciting... and then we used the lucis... i drew an angel, devil, light bulb, snail and wrote ":) new year" and "wow" and pretty much put a lot of punctuation marks especially the !.... then we watched the fireworks... only 2 boxes... how sad... then we ate our media noche... then me and my cousins played playing eith fire until the grown-ups were done playing tong-its.. then we went home....
new years day... nothin much my yaya's had their day-off since when i went to the barber's... so we had leftover's for lunch and they made me buy coke outside which i dicn't want to do since i was tamad... grrrr... then after that we went to SM... and did nothing and had a lot of talks... GRRR... we finally ate in Max's and went home...
day after new year.... there... well i went to my tita's house in narra and had lunch there... instead of swimming (which we were supposed to do but my couin had her period) we were to go to greenhills na lang... so while my cousin wa in her bath... i read half of the 4th book of unfortunate events... then we left na for greenhills... we did a lot of shopping then went to delifrance and then me and my cousin went to timezone... it was so fun... hayy... i wanna play pa... anyway after that we ate in cinnabon tapos we went home...
today... i was waken up by my tita to go to lunch... so we went t lunch... me and my cousin, tricha, my other cousin, kuya ricky, my tita and titoand my tito's cousin... we ate in he shabu-shabu in gloria maris tapos after that we went to a series of boring and tiring places until we went back to narra (in those series of boring and tiring places it was a good thing i had my mp3 or i'd be toast... hahaha) so ther ayway... after narra i went home and fixed my stuff, ate dinner then fixed my school stuff and here ia m blogging while waiting for my downloads to finish... anyways... gtg na... i have school pa tomorrow... GRRR!!!!!!!!!


"I'm just speaking from experience"