
Thursday, December 29 at 9:10 PM
12.29: 9:26: Una, 22, Don't Cha, My Humps, All The Way

okay so anyway... tomorrow... well... the marcelo's are having a reunion... la lang... anyway.... i just finished the boy and his horse this afternoon... i finished most of the unfortunate series:
austere academy (borrowed from library),
ersatz elevator (bought from book fair and read on the service interaction day),
vile village (gift, read @ home, finished the day before the day before yesterday),
hostile hospital (read the whole @ powerbooks atc),
carniverous carnival (gift, read @ home, finished the day before yesterday),
slippery slope (gift, read @ home, finished the day before yesterday),
grim grotto (gift, read @ home, finished yeasterday)
and so after finishing the grim grotto i stated on on reading the chronicles of narnia.... ive already read magician's nephew; lion, witch and wardrobe and of course as i said horse and his boy... tomorrow i'm starting prince caspian... hopefully i'll finish thw whole chronicles by the end of xmas break... hehehe... anyway.. what keeps running into my mind is if the baudelaires and heir tale are history or fiction... coz i wouldn't think so until mr snicket kept saying he researches and actually goes to the places where th baudelaire's have been, and then he writes a letter to his sister inside the book hoping no one would read it, and then there's thos letters to the editor they put in the back that usually have defects (smudged, torn in half, etc)..... and then there's the long line of events wherein he says that the love of his life, Beatrice, was killed by Esme Squalor who is the former guardian of the Baudelaire kids and the girlfriend of Caount Olaf who is the kids former and first guardian and the kids mortal enemy. Count Olaf killed Jaques Snicket who is Lemony Snicket's (author) brother who has a sister named Kit Snicket who is (i think is) the guardian of the Baudelaire kids in book 12 (out in bookstores but I have not yet read it) and makes a beginning with the kids in a taxi at the end of the book: "grim grotto." the kids saw the taxi in Briny Beach coming from a submarine that was formerly on the stricken stream that, against the current, leads to mortmain mountains where a VFD headquarters is located. The VFD is a group of people who most of the members i have just mentioned.... but then what's saying that is ficiton is the copyright pages that says

1. Orphans--Fiction. 2. Brothers and
3. Fictions. 4. Humorous Stories

plus there's the thing that all these places do not exist according to the encarta library's atlas.. (if a mountain range -- mortmain mountain-- exists, wouldn't it be on a map?)... and plus a lot more of factors.... HELP ME!!!!!... oh wait wait wait... I get it now... the brothers and sisters they refer to is not the baudelaire children but lemony snicket's brother and sister (jaques and kit)..... or something like that ---- WAAAHHHHH!!!!... i still need help........
anyway... so i decided na i won't color my text for the loud mouths and quotes na.... tapos by next year I'll change na my background music.... la lang.. hehe... advanced happy new year! (sowee... ang dami ng songs to quote kaya wag na)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 27 at 6:33 PM
12.27: 6:33: Stand Up For Love; the songs on my MP3 (more below)

Merry Christmas!... belated na...

hehehe.... hay... long time na since my last blog... haha... but i can't say much about the time missed... pero i'll just "narrate"what happened starting the 24th...
so i woke up around 10 or some sort... my mom still asleep pa pero my dad went out and bought my tutor a gift.... so i went upstairs to finish writing on my cards... kahit na tinatamad pa ko.... hehe... i dunno y i keep making cards durin' xmas...i dunno when i even started... hehehehe.... so to tae a bit of a rest after writing like 4 cards (?)... i took a rest and ate my breakfast: champorado/chocolate rice pudding... tapos my mom woke up so i helped her wrap some towels (gift for the maids)... so we just continud until my dad was home and then helped... tapos i went up ulit to write more cards... and then i went down to take a bath tapos i watched the santa clause on DC tapos we ate lunch and then i finished writing cards (alas!) tapos continued with the santa clause pero i didnt finish it kasi we left for batangas... so on the way, we were wid tta beth and tto jun... so its me my parents my tta and tto and maids... tapos we met with my cousin, his wife and their maid in the petron sa SLEX and den we went to batangas na... in my other tta's farm.... pero we stopped by mercury muna... ang tagal tapos nakakahilo... nad the worse thing: nasire und MP3 ko on the way....sad!... so when we arrived na... i karga all the luggages onto the gazeebo.... mostly food so.... after all that... we had a light dinner where natinik ako... aouch... so we tried everything to remove it but cant.... so after some failed attempts... ia at pandesal... a bone came out.. ut i still felt it... so to calm myself, i watched TV then got dressed up 4 christmas midnyt mass... grabe... the whole mass was all in filipino... tapos there were so much songs... ven responses.. pero the most astounding thing is that ounun-puno ung churh and they're even crowding outside.. so after the mas... we had our noche buena. tapos i gave my cards togatehr wid my cousin... and then we ate then after that i played monopoly wid my couz... then it was gift-giving time... yeay!... i got a lotta stuff: tv, bag, pants, shirt, books... alo of them... and then i also gave my album na which i have been working on since summer... hehehe... then after that we watched kuya ricky's wedding tape then went to sleep... the next day... woke p early and mostly nothing happened my throat still irritated from the fish bone... and then lunch there was lechon.. so we went home na around 3... and then we ate dinner in mcdo... tapos we arrived at home... tapos my mom forcedme to going put even if i didn't want go out... tapos i had such a bad time especially the band... AHHH what music is that?!!ayway.... un... we hust went to mr donut na lang.. tapos we went home... tpaos on monday.... i spent almost the whole day reading the unfortunet events 7 which i finished and moved on to 9 (i finished 8 in power books) and then we were about to go to st lukes but then tito chi was a suhi (whazzat?) so he helped.... and then we just went to glorietta and hen had my MP3 fixed for 800(?!?!?!?) and then we had merienda in shakey's and then went to national to buy some stuff.. tapo went back to the MP3 and then they suggested to buy rechargeable batteries so i now have a working mp3 player with rechargeable batteries.. hehehe... tapos after that just in case... we went to the hospital just in case so i am now taking atibiotics and some gargling thingy so today.. i woke up early and fixed my room... it's now more organized and more me.. hehe... and then for the ret of the dayive been reading sries of unfortunate events and im now in vhapter 4 of book 11... heheh... well that's all... (sorry im tinatamad today maglagay ng quote)

Sleeping over

Friday, December 16 at 6:59 PM
12.16: 6:58: Ever After; Phantom of the Opera


Long time since my last blog... hehe... anyway... i can't possibly tell you my experiences these past few week(s)... but here's a short recap lang.. for the sci ecoP.. it's a success.. for the ELCA play.. we were pretty much good... some efforts paid off with winning: Best Costume and Best Lights and Sound Effects... in PBB, nene won... ok lang... she's deserving naman... at least it's not Uma.. he's last place... so ibig sabihin if ever he was nominated, natanggal na sya... SAYANg naman... tapos hoofprint was given out na.... hehe... my word hunt was there.... but it was wrong coz they put
Luis Marcelo, 7G

when i'm from 7H... i did it and finished it... the secret message that was formed had wrong spellings... hehe... most reactions i receive was... it's so hard.... anyway...

So today i'm sleeping over at Varr's haus since xmas break na (8 days til xmas eve!!!).... so what we did today was a lot... first we played fighting... we'd hit each other with these toy weapons... next we watched the phantom of the opera... ang ganda... i liked the songs.... tapos we went down to play with varr's dogs.. (oh yeah did i mention i was with; fran, cj and geremy too).... we even had adog race... the smallest one was quite scary though... then, we went to the park near his house in rolling hills.... it was fun... alas, i got to ride the seesaw, the swing and the slide after a loing time... hehehe... how childish... and then roda the tricycle going home kasi there was no one to pick us up... my first tricycle ride.... hehe... so now i just finished dinner and i'm typing... hehe gtg


"Three years ago, our journey began... "

"those who have seen your face, draw back in fear..."

Sum-sum... summary

Thursday, December 8 at 4:27 PM
12.08: 4:27: none at the moment


hehe... la lang... long time since my last blog.. tinatamad ako mag-blog eh... hehe.. anyway.. these past few days have been so busy!.... the ELCA play and Science EcoProduct and GammaPlants have got me all tied up.... hehe being stage manager over costume head is so stressing especially with varr and brian... tapos the sci ecoproduct is a SUCCESS!! but u shoulda seen the process, the aloe vera was so sti*ky... (replace * with either a N or a C)... plus it was hard to get the gel.... the gamma plantsthough are quite annoying coz they already knoew that you wont get result from it tapos pinapagawa pa sa min.... hay... anyway so i just hecked out a few sites... apoi played Playing With Fire which was fun coz i won all the game i played today.... and then there's Link's awakening on my GB which has interested me to play just for today...well... that's all i have to say..... for now....

She's got me spending........... spending all your money on me

Friday, December 2 at 7:54 PM
12.2: 7:55: My Humps; Push the Button


it's been a long day.... START!.... hehe... so anyway... today we had a mass in honor of Santo Francisco Javier, my school's patron saint.. okay... so i'm still stuck in the stupid small bus because my old bus was broken... and what's worse.... Paolo Gotauco has started to ride it together with his sister (note: his sister is more mature than him even if heis grade 3 and his sistr is grade 2).. they used to be my busmates last year... thay were the cause of most of the noise (and still are).... they quitted bus this year but they have to ride it for the whole december coz their mom is abroad.... hopefully they'll stop riding on January... anyway goin on with the day... i went to the classroom from the bus.. woke brian up.. then started the day...... i dragged brian with me coz he was to come with me for choir then i went around doing errands with him tagging along... anyway first i went to water my precious ixora... then i went to the gym (that's where the mass was to be held)... then mr domingo said to go back to the classroom and not to the choir area where we are suppose to practice and gather... so following mr d, i went back... but no to the classroom... we looked for mrs angeles in the grade 5 workroom (2nd floor).. we ran there only to find out she went to th gym na... so we went on our way to the gym but passed by the library coz brian wanted to drink water (fountain).... from the fountain, we sa mrs angeles on the 3rd floor but i was not sure coz it wasnt clear... then i rememebered... i left my glasses in my bag in the classroom so i told brian to go to her and wait for me there while i get my glasses... so i ran to my classroom (4th floor) and then to music room 4 (3rd floor)... i arrived there all tired from running then mrs. angeles told us to go na to the we went there but first had a bathroom break then we arrived there and started practicing with mr reyes, the mod of the HS glee club then mrs angeles arrived down and then cj and then we assembled.. francis came later but not late for the mass so we were seated far from him on the risers.... coz he was late for the assembling.... then we practiced some more... note: the boom mike was directly on top of my head.... then we had a sixtet ensemble playing for us conducted by Fr. Manoling Francisco, the famous fil jesuit musician and composer... o it was really cool... and since the mass was from grade4 to high4, there was no more space below so we stayed on the stage... the 40 student choir made from 20 Gs choirs and HS glees.... so the mass went on singing songs... we had a songbook that was so hard to navigate around so i got some paper in my wallet... an enchanted kingdom ticket and wrote the page numebrs of the songs we were to sing (look at the pic).... in the homily, fr manoling taught us a newly composed song first time released in public that he composed 2 weeks ago for advent... although we couldnt sing it coz we were facing away from the screen... hehe... anyway... so.... the mss ended and there were the never ending applause while fr francisco, borha and go f those to be thanked for the mass... that includes the choir.... and so father go tells us about no classes on thurs for the immaculate conception then announces on the spot:

and it receives a bigger applause.... it's to enjoy SFX's feast... yes!... mon and thurs no classes.... the only bad part is that ther's less timefor the play.... okay so anyway... mrs angeles told us to put the sngbooks back in the music rm so me and cj did then went to the grade 7 where i met joseph and he said my plant i asked him what he means.. and then he shows me.... the radiated and non-radiated plants i was talking about in a former blog and said was dead is actually alive... it sprouted just today.... i'm so glad!...... anyway..... andy said he coud here me making a solo on the first song... welll... i dunno.... i dont remember having a solo..... anyways.... after that was recess thenscience... again we stayed in the ITLab... after i finished researching... brian showed me and varr this short flash from which is about the "real" legend of zelda... anyway it was funny but we didnt finish part2 so i plan to watch it after this... then chinese then lunch.. then chinese again.. i had my ot on ping an ye and i gt a 19/20... yehey!... and then the day goes on... during hooofy i got my grad pix na... the formal ones... tapos i went to 7c for a sc meeting ... 7un pala it was only for those attending the wish bazaaar.... so i left then watered my plants... then went back to the bus.... then that's all..... went back home.... now la lang... kk...


"she got me spending... spending all your money on me"

"my looks can be deceiving... ive been waiting patiently for him to come and get it"

Voldemort Among Us?!!?!?

Thursday, December 1 at 8:52 PM
12.01: 8:58: Push the Button; Ping An Ye (Silent Night: Chinese)


so if ur wondering about the title... well.. it's becausethis am... my bus broke down so they called and said that they cant pick m up... so my dadd brought me to school... he dropped me off at avalon... then i walked to gate 8.... from ther i watered my ixora... thnwhile going to the classroom i was looking at the clouds... after i while i saw a skull with something long sticking out of its mouth... somewhat, maybe a sock... but it's obviously not a snake... anyway... it's a lot like the dark mark... well sorta... without the sock... either way... anyways... onto my day... so iwent to my homerom and then i went to my flexi section to get my pad... so while ther i passed by varr's onion... someone poked it with a pencil 2 times leaving 2 holes... so being me (hehe)... i removed the pencil then went back to my homeroom and got my excuse letter while telling kim about varr's mishap... on the way to having the excuse letter signed, i showed kim the holes and made the bigger hole even bigger... then i went down to have my excuse letter signed by Ms. Angeles then submitted it to mr aude.... then i saw varr and told him what happenned and just said somone is jealous and throught he pencil away.... (FYI we used the pencil yesterday to fix his plant which was unrooted.. we sort a used it as a shovel.. then we left the pencil poking the soil).... so the day continues... we had a field trip to intramuros today... we went to bahay tsinoy, san agustin and fort santiago... the place were really cool... at the same time we had to answer an activity sheet... we were looking everywhere for the answers and then me and my buddy, varr were looking for the answer to the things that were sold... so varrick kept sayin siopao that it became the saying of the day:

"like the siopao and the siomai..."

(hehe)... anyway... while in san agustin, we kept giving spanish names for example, varrick: Ricardo... flint: Florante, Jervis: Hermano, Andy: Andres, Justin: Hunyo, Francis: Francisco, Carl and Karl: Carlo, Kim: Tabachoy de Baboy (hehehe)....what i didnt like most about the field trip was towards the end... we had lunch in fort santiago while bees kept attacking our sode.... i didnt like fort santiago that much coz it was bearly educational and it was very tiring... next to that was the bus ride going home... i was sleepy and the people in th ack were throwing stuff and i got hit by Flint's chip aluminum wrapper..... plus while sleeping i could hear averyone's voices coz they were so loud..... anyway so the day goes on... i passed the letter, watered m ixora again, had a grueling day in the bus... and now, im filling the HGSP album, making my sci papers, dloading push the button while at the same tym memorizing my Oral test tomorrow: Ping An Ye... hmmm... tis all for now... (23 days til xmas eve!!!! 15 days til vacation)


"push the button"

"duo shao ci xiang ye duo shao tian zhen"