
Wednesday, February 24 at 9:19 AM
It's sad being at home and sick when there's so much you'd rather do... just like a musical. Anyhow, before I continue on with my hell work duties, here's a few updates.

I am sick with something close to pneumonia.
I went to the doctor last Sunday... to the ER actually. They should have a room with another name. I mean, I wasn't in an emergency anyway. Well, I had fun in there. They pushed me around in this wheelchair--not that I couldn't walk. But it was... I dunno, traffic-prevention method? The nurse had nothing else to do?

Well, they said I was fine naman. But we were re-reading the reseta (yeah, whatever you call that thing the doctor gives) and it said pneumonia. The doctor never mentioned anything about it. But it did say if I had one of the more common symptoms (difficulty breathing, fever, etc.) that I should return. Luckily, I didn't have any of them.

Well, the illness came in such a good time of the year, didn't it?
I mean, I didn't just miss my speech contest, I'm also missing the first show of Joseph. Crappiness! (Make a song to tune of Charlie Brown's Happiness, will ya?)

Anyhow, yesterday, I was kept stress-free by being banned from opening the computer. No homework--and subsequent distractions. Lol. As such, I had to find other sources of entertainment.

1. Jessica Zafra - I've been reading the second Twisted book. Hehehe. Her schemes on world domination have been keeping me entertained... as well as her delusions on Sting and Mel Gibson. Lol.

2. Showtime - It's quite interesting actually. Vice Ganda and Gladys Reyes give it fun. :)) But it does have a couple of dull moments. Nonetheless it made for some sort of distraction in the early morning.

3. My phone - Thank God for wifi. :D I've been Plurking and FB-ing from time to time. The chat app was quite annoying, but at least I was able to use Y!M. Hehe.

4. Iron Chef - The secret ingredient was langoustine. No, it's not related to the mangoosteen. Well, it was sooo inspiring, I made pasta just a few minutes ago. Hehehe.

5. Other stuff. I'm too tired to think.

I was supposed to blog about something more substantial but the song Happiness is too nakakasabaw. I forgot about everything. Anyhow. Off to work.

Everybody, SHOT! SHOT!

Monday, February 8 at 6:28 PM
This weekend was nothing short of awesome. :D

Friday was pretty cool. We barely did anything, so I was happy. Wahaha. For once, some rest.
I enjoyed Math class, actually. Everyone knows I enjoy arguing with teachers. Right, Ms. Cuevas? So yes, Ms. Bermejo was the victim that day on why the total surface area of that.... yeah, you'll get bored.

After class, intense FX practice. I had fun "directing/choreographing." Wahaha.
It was crazy. Afterwards, I was tired. I was paos. But what the hell, it's fulfilling.

Then varie. As always, Sponge Cola and Parokya deliver! :D
I felt sad for Akafellas. Hindi sila hit sa crowd, but they were really, really good. :P
Did I mention, I had direct eye contact with the guy in yellow... and with the lead from Imago. (Not only that, she smiled for my camera. And was laughing when I was smiling at her.) And just like last time, nakamay ko na naman si Yael. :)) Lol.

Dance X ended the night. YOU GUYS WERE GRRRREEEAAATTT! :D

Moving on.
(Gahd, whatever happened to my new style of blogging. I haven't been developing it. I'm narrating again...)

Fair the next day. Didn't wake up as early as I planned--as usual.
So yes, I was the voice in the Dedication Booth--the one with the exaggerated DJ accent. :P I was going to try the Jamaican accent after an hour--but I totally forgot about it. There was a time we had nothing to do, so we played the theme to Jurassic Park and Pirates of the Carribean... as well as Enya. o.O

Anyhow, I left early to get ready for MC prom.

So yeah, awkwardness at the meeting place--parents and photos... yeah.
I had fun... though the food was meh.
The afterprom was... YEAH!. It's just like the pre-prom. Lol.

I arrived home at 3. Shhh!

Sunday. Yet again, I didn't wake up early. :P I thought I was late for my CAT duty, actually.
Anyhow, CAT duty was meh. I got bored doing nothing really. Didn't see any fights--other than those on the gladiator booth. MR YUUUUU!

Basaan was crazy. Too bad it was cut short.
Dancing was crazier. Batch legacy: destroying ping pong tables. Hihi!
Changing was whole other story. Lol. I was very wet. And apparently, I was also dyed green.

I went to mass after at MTQ... Alone. First time yata... haha!
On the same pew as mine was Ms. Rocafort. :|
What was really embarrassing was me falling asleep during homily. I got shocked, everyone was standing already for profession. Gahd, tiredness.

I retired in Starbucks. Got myself a drink, would've fallen asleep...

Anyhow, later that night I watched a Chinese movie for Chinese class... crazy film. I was flabbergasted right after. o.O

Today felt accomplished. I got all the errands I needed done, done. :D

Well... that's me blabbering on. Gonna sleep now. :P

Late Night Update#8

Monday, February 1 at 6:51 PM
D'you know what I want to do?

I want to hang out with friends. It's been a long time since I last did. Sad, actually.

I want to meet up in Shang.
Watch a movie. Have some crazy Starbucks session. Fight over where to have dinner.
Then I want to adventure to Sandy's place. And then just hang out.

La lang. It feels like it's been a long time.
And it'll be a long time again. My weekends are packed. Jampacked. I'm just glad we'll only last till the first of March. But the same thought makes me sad, too. We're leaving Xavier. Booo. Sigh.

Sayang. Maraming magagandang movies on the way.
No time to watch them though. Sadness.

Last Saturday, we had a soiree with Woodrose people.
Had a helluva time. :D

That involves dinner on banana leaves, daring people to do strange stuff in public, playing air hockey and singing out of tune. :D

The only BV thing is Fuzion. Don't eat/drink there. Seriously.

And maybe Weston and his outright remark. :|
I could've done without Archie for a night. Hahaha. Let them discover it? Lol.

I'm a bit worried for FX right now. SOOOOO much to do. So little time. :|
But we'll manage... somehow.

I'm a bit worried if I'll survive as well. Hehe.
I'm trying to spread out my work so that I don't end up cramming too much. We're amping up the rehearsals, so there's going to be less time at home.

I dunno if I'm going to last. I have this strange allergy thing, and I'm developing phlegm and sore throat. Strange really. I hope this doesn't last for three weeks. o.O
My singing doesn't feel right. Vocal rest.

Well. I be leaving now. Hehe.