Most Wanted!

Monday, June 26 at 8:36 PM
Since i've been collecting this list for a very long time now--ever since summer--i am now publishing my list of most wanted books:

Alamat ng Gubat by Bob Ong
Potter Pensieve, Magical Worlds of Harry Potter and othe guide books to Harry Potter
Companion to Narnia and other guide books to The Chronicles of Narnia
Lemony Snicket: Unauthorized Biography by Dan Handler
Series of Unfortunate Events 12: The Penultimate Peril by Dan Handler a.k.a. Lemony Snicket
Ang Kagilas-gilas na Pakikipagsapalaran ni ZsaZsa Zaturnah, series by Carlo Vergara
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield, Kimberly Kirberger, and Mark Hansen
An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle
The Da Vinci Code, and other books by Dan Brown

Some Books I Want but Already Read:
Swiftly Tilting Planet
A Wind in the Door

both by Madeleine L'Engle

Most Wanted CD's:
Metafour (self-titled)
In My Words by Ne-yo
Monkey Business by the Black Eyed Peas
Confessions of a Broken Heart by Lindsay Lohan
I am Me by Ashlee Simpson
Inuman Sessions by Parokya ni Edgar
Manila High by Kala

i made at to the list.. but this is it right now....
on other news....
I just had the HARDEST filipino quiz in my whole life... hope i pass it...
also, my bday is in a week and i dont think i have been bought a present yet...
hayy... life.... soon it will be xue di day kaya i have to get on those sigs and i also have my recollection this Wednesday... i hope it's as fun as they say it is....

hardest quizzes and more stuff

at 6:38 PM
6.26: 7.32
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: _ got a lot!... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... nothing

here's how it goes.... well... i woke up to eat lunch na on sunday.... that's weird considering i woke up at 7.30 when aleeping at 12 but i slept 11 the nyt b4... anyhow.... after lunch, we went to shang.... my dad gave my mom a facial thingy as her bday gift... which reminds me MY BIRTHDASY IS A FEW DAYS A WAY AND I DONT HAVE A GIFT YET!!! anyhow... so they she had a something for her face while my dad went to the grocery to buy food for the reco... anyhow.... we also ate merienda in trattoria,... haha.. HEAVEN!!!.... anyhow.... we went to mass after.... i tot id fall asleep na..... un pla hindi.. lol... and then i watched hsm.... it was nice!... hahaha...and then i went to sleep... BITIN BA? hahaha... anyhow... the next day.. today... i was gonna lead the prayer in the PA... KABANG KABA AKO NU'N!!!! hayyy.... i calmed down somewhere in teh middle.. pero u can hear me stay in the start talaga...
Alalahanin natin na tayo ay kasama natin ang Panginoon. Sa ngalan ng ama, ng anak at ng ispiritu santo, amen. Panginoon, salamat po sa isa na namang araw linggo sa.....
hayy... anyhow... i was able to collect 7 sigs na for the xue di and i was also able to fix my sked na...... nayhow..... highlight of the day was the last subject... FILIPINO!!... an'hirap ng quiz!..... that's just a quiz not an lt..... it's so hard..... it was so hard! IT WAS SO HARD!!!!... just to make the cut, i had to talk abouyt my lunch..... anyhow.. it hink ther'es a bonus pt.. and since i'm adv, that's 40 perfect but teh real perfect would be 38..... hayyy.....anyhow... b2w... gonna post another soon....

wattah day.... xs-ans in shang

Saturday, June 24 at 11:40 PM
6.24: 11.41
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: happy, surprised and definitely NOT wet got Smile at Me by Rocksteddy and Aia de Leon... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... recycles, biodegrades

oh well...
long day... quick typing... curfew kasi... here i go:
anyhow... i woke up quite early... unexpected actually coz i tot tutor was at 4 anyhow... os i ate bfast and took abatah and went to tutor.... on the way, we remembered it was St John the Baptist day... kaya basaan.. so on the street where my tutor lives, nagbabasaan rin sila... yikes.... kaya wait in the car hanggang the mini-door of the gat was opened... buti na alng.... ayoko mabasa... anyhow.... the forgetful me forgot my tutoring ntbk... anyhow, i went to nbs after... the 2 nbs in gh..... none of them have the sci mask... and the other dont have the right clearbooks... lol.. nayhow.... after that, we went home to eat lunch.. i did some of my chinese hw and fell asleep... lol.... so before it started to rain like hell, we went to yms at lsgh.... nothing much.. i didnt get the book kasi my cher will just xerox it.. ill just provide the clearbook..... ahyy.. after was shang... we ate merienda oin Le Ceuor de France.... an'tagal ng dating ng pizza ko... but it was delicious to the crust.. yum-yum... wants more... haha.. but while waiting for it, i was starving.... anyhow... after which, we went to nbs... we didn't get a mask ksi wala cla... pero we got clearbook for yamaha and a clip folder for me... long... kasi nacrucrumple.... hhaha.. btw... i saw sherwin co buying some stuff.... anyhow.. i didnt say hi.. kasi wla lang.... hahaha... after, we went to true value and bought myself a mask... buti pa cla meron... i noticed that the 5 masks were worth 42 pesos while 1 mask is worth 40 pesos... woah! .. so we got 5... also.... i saw goo gone.... it removes stains.. i wish w bought... lol.... anyhow.... after, wwe went to clarity... on the way, i saw marvin fernando.. i didn't say hi... aksi.... alam mo na..... we're not friends... or how dou say this.... nvm..... well my dad was checking it out.. were going there tomorrow for my dad's bday gift for my mom... btw... in 1 week, it's my bday!... yay!.. their not asking for gifts yet... hayy.. anyhow... will update on this... afterwards, we went to the grocery to buy milk.... and ended up buying a whole lot of stuff.... so my dad had the put in the car while i bought bread... in le ceour... god the ppl in front were indecisive.... anyhow, wjhile in line, i saw mr gomez... i didnt really think it was him.. coz i was thinking "wasnt he in china".. well.. it was him... coz he said "luis!" and im like hey! lol.... ayhow... we went home afterwards and i did my hw..... and that's all i have to share with you other than the big rrom a whiile a go which is the reason i couldnt blog.... well.. gngn....


Friday, June 23 at 6:19 PM
6.23: 6.19
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: happy and unexpected got a lot of fast beat songs of a big variety... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... loperamides & ichthyology

so today was... let's say okay... more like unexpected.....
okay.. so morning.... i rushed to the classroom and did my soc sci and chi hw.... no... i did it at home... except i didn't bring home the books for those subjs kaya i dunno the GuoMing-s and the Scientific History... lol... anyhow... i arrived unexpectedly early.... hahha.... and did it agad and i still had tme to chat andd install my sked.... haha... so first thing was the elections..... i didn't win treasurer.... but i still feel like i won kasi... i at least dared to.... and also because i feel accepted.... parang.... i know have friedns here... especially becaus eit's high school kaya at least i know i have friends and ecause i know last year binoto lang ako kasi an'daming pumili sa akin na hindi mapakakatiwalaan... hahah....... don't ask.... it's quite fulfiling to know i have friends... especially in two unexpected people: Weston Lee and Karl Lee... todo suporta... haha.... there not bad..... THEY'RE GOOD!.... now if u have misconceptions than think ur own way...... we are unique and we have our own minds so that means think what you wan to think even if it's wrong..... hayy.... hahah.... fulfilling naman..... anyhow... there's always next year... accdg to kim... lol... nkakainis si kim.... he keeps saying stuff... parang he thinks im a high achiever.. parang pag hindi ako na-accept sa adv... sasabihin nyang.. ay sad ka... pati na rin kung hindi ka nanalo, etc...... at least that's better than every month na may nanggugulo sa yo.... hayyyy.... anyhow.... in filipino.... he got a green slip and paul failed a quiz by .5 (passing by the real score) or 1% (passing by the incentive)... hayy... anyhow... in a wyl ill b fitting a family tree into one bond... hayy... that seems hard..... considering u can't print on bond and my whole family won't fit on a bond.. whta more for an oslo?... hayyy..... oh wait.. mas malaki ang oslo... anyhow... in chinese, we are to memorize all the guomings for an oral test.... yikes!... also, we have to color the guomings.. long story.... easier to explain in YM..... in soc sci, we just had a lesson.... hay..... in recess, we had to move location... again! hayy... IM PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN ON MONDAY RECESS!.... believe me.... i can do that... i may seem like a nice guy who is not supportive and always insults but still nice coz u know those insults are jokes...... but only a few people ahve seen me mad..... and the only one i remember who has seen me mad is Franics Lin... but i think also lloyd and brian.. not sure about the last..... ahh.. oki.... ung mga kasing-class number block ko... oki.... hehehe... but of course i won't get mad.... pagsabihan lang.. kindly....... hayyy.... the PGH is so hard to get..... always invaded.... (PGH is now the former Garden location).... anyhow... next was a double science... hayy.... kala mo hindi strict si mrs.albano... UR WRONG! kung nagalit cya,, galit cya..... kaya wagg mo pagalitin..... oki....... so we had our salad dressing making.. it sucked even if Richard and i didn't even taste it..... kerwin seems peke (or he has bad taste buds)..... and ariel keeps trying to hide that our dressing tastes good... EVEN IF IT DOESN"T!!! anyhow... next was lunch... we talked about a lot of stuff.... it was ok... so afterwards was english..... we had a quiz on WoEs.... ok lang.. in my opinion, i aswered everything correctly.... but somehow, it seems like the last two items seem wrong..... anyhow.... next was newday.... and my group got a minus one because karl was noisy! hayy... okay lang.. frustrated ako sa kanya... but not galit.... hayy... anyhow.. pinatayo nya na naman ako... hayy... long story.. ym me for info!..... hayy.. next was math.. kala ko last subj na ung news.. kinuha ko na ung bag ko.... may math pa pla.... hayy.... so that part was ok... so im alryt.. natagalan kami s apag-uwi. and now im here... anyhow... gtg get my techie-artistic mind in tune...

la lang 7th

Thursday, June 22 at 8:52 PM
8.55: 6.22
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: ummm... got nothing at the moment... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... marmami! di ko na maalala

y am i making a log?
i dunno....
i'm 2t2t... but im typing anyways...
maybe it's bcoz m tired of waiting for ms.cuevas hw...
maybe because m tired o waiting for paul about hw.....
maybe because i dont wanna print my hw yet...... hayy buhay....


about my last log...
there are A LOT OF EDITS...
but since i'm 2t2t.... ayoko mag-edit
i must have been deprived of so much sleep that i was so forgetful...
hayy buhay....
an'damin kong di cnabi liekt he batch meeting, batch rep candidates, avoidings.. etc...
hayy buhay...


since im bored, i've compiled a list of frequently use shortcuts....

wtf - where's the fun? lol... (quoting sir.ej... who btw was ms.m's clssmate... who ms.m called an a*hole in her testi... lol....)
2t2t - too tamad too type
dsrn - don't short reply na
btw - by the way
b2w - back to work
dnd - do not disturb!
hw - homework
q - question
hayy... that's all i can think of for now....
anticipating while bored....

peace..... sorta.. and some other stuff

Wednesday, June 21 at 6:14 PM
6.21: 8.45
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: content and busy! got What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... pseudoscience, pinoy henyo & dsrn

sunday was father's day!.... happy dad's day to all dads! LOL... that's redundant... anyhow..... i woke up early in the morning to go to mass in greenhills.... late as usual... hahaha.... afterwards, we went to greenhills shopping ctr. to go look for the chocolate war and the merchant of venice..... hahah.... the choco war was found in fully booked and the merchant was found in the nbs in western.... anyhow... afterwards, we ate in t-boy since it was dad's day... haha... i went home afterwards to research on Georg Cantor, the man who counted until infinity... i was able to finish it... but not much was done on the pc homework..... haha... so since we had to leave for pasig na, i just brought a flash disk with me... hahahaha.... so we celebrated fathers day in my lola's house in pasig.... quite ok actually... potluck siya... LOL.... afterwards, tym was either spent on the computer, researching about the dev't of html and or playing with my godchild.... hahaha.... soon enuf, we went home (we passed by delifrance first for some dinner) and i fixed my stuff and printed some stuff as my dad was looking for my baby book to fill in the circular needed..... hayyy... and then i went to sleep at around 10:30.... hahaha.... after finishing my homework, i felt quite at peace/content..... hahah..... it's like a feeling of emancipation from homework... LOL.... i really enjoyed it.... so this is what it would be like if we had world peace... LOL

for the school day.... not much has happened.... im thankful assemblies are on tuesdays because i spend mondays fixing my stuff... LOL... anyhow.... well.... lots od stuff have happened kaya i'll just tell u the memorable ones kasi wala akong maalala..... well... in soc sci, we picked up some stuff from the garden and i got a rock.... we were supposed to describe it... in english we were supposed to research about our seatmate and make sir.ej say WOW!.... oaky..... so even if i chatted all night trying to interview paul... i still wont make sir ej wow for the resason that i didn't skip lines... therefore i had to redo it thereofre wasting me tym... therefore unabling me to finish the compo!?! also, in english, i just finished an outline of the 1st 3 chaps and then just today sir.ej says chap 1 only.... AAHAHAAHAHHA!!! waste of tym! hahah... anyhow..... i was walking in the drizzle today sating i dont care coz im having a good day... but when it got stronger back out agad!.... LOL!.... also.... i will blog more often.... yes.... i have to.. it's hard to keep up.... and evry wed will be grammar day... as in it will be the entry to be submitted on my sci ntbk..... for now, it would be the one above... hahha..... well... if there's anythig more, i'll just post an edit tot his.... hayy... im being deprived of sleep... lol.... gngn

first week of school

Friday, June 16 at 10:36 PM
*EDITED: 10:18: 6:17*

6.16: 10.37
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: mixed, mostly happily ok got We're All in this Together & What I've been Looking For form High School Musical and Mas Que Nada by Sergio Mendes and the Black Eyed Peas... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... s.ej(as in Sir EJ), wild side(as in the first insult i got from s.ej), anticipation(as in the word that Ginoo always says), Ginoo, oba (as in the first few words of Mas Que Nada)

haha.... actual first day and week..... hahah.... well.... ill start... i myt leave some stuff out... but today is the most specific and historic....(wooow..... lalim!.. nag-ra-rhyme pa! LOL!)

the first week ;)... read on!

the first day was mostly very tiring to the feet.. the day started with an assembly in the gym.... and we stood there for almost 1 hr... god that ceremony was long..... anyhow..... it was spent mostly clapping, stnading, complainign, standing, grumbling, stnading, listening, standing, etc, standing.... OUCH!... nayhows, after that, we went to the classroom... and guess what... WERE STILL STANDING.... i now know how it feels like in detention.... hayy... so we still had some probs in afixing the banner... or as they call it... the tarpoulin.... did i speel it ryt?... anyhow... well... most of the morning was spent for that and some classroom orientation.... and then we had recess.... very confusing... and then our first subj... it was sci.... i was quite surprised that i wasn't advanced considering my grades... but after their class, and all their complaints, i bcame SUPER THANKFUL!!!!!!.. hahah.... my teacher was Mrs. manongsong.. she gave me a wrong first impression...i tot she was strict...... but i think she's very nice now! hahah... well... 2nd subj was chinese.... and then lunch.... still no permanent seat.... (i shall now call it permaseat as in permanent seat like permalink)... haha... after eating, i just walked around with francis..... 3rd subject was cut by an orientation with mr lacson.. who has that amenglish accent.... we ended early so we were able to alk with mrs afuang...... and i found out im wid mr legaspi in the advanced class...... hahhha... after that class was PE.. an orientation lang..... and then they distributed our Temp ID's na..... well... that was all for that day...... most of the afternoon was spent with sean and kim........ playing the O game.... and then i arrived home na....

Second day was ok.... i learned na that everyday we have rites..... anyhow..... the first subj, math, was taken for an orietation by mr gabriana... who is kind by law-abiding...... he has good expectation of our class... yay... he likes us.... hahaa....... the 2nd subj was CLE... mr marana.... he's from maryand that's shy he has the full amenglish accent...... hahhaha..... he seems kind... and he told us that xmen was based on malcolm x and MLKjr.... hahaha... anyhow.... the 3rd subj was english... my seatmate is paul..... and lotsa stuff happned... paul's name was called... that was just mostly the orietatation.... and then recess... still no permaseat...... and then we the next subject was filipino... where i am advanced... i still stay in IC unlike eng adv here it's in IA.... hhaha..... anyhow.... ms cuevas would seem srict but she's not... she's kind and a good teacher..... but u'd know thta on the nxt mtg... she seems strict bcoz she made us design our notebooks! as homework hayy..... so after that was chinese..... we finally recvd our books and were separated from the advanced... my teacher seems good.... hahahah..... after that was lunch.... still no permaseat... thistym the whole gang was walking na... ang ingay lang grabe...... hayy.... afterwhich, was science... another orientation..a nd then we were free... most of the afternoon was spent with kim playing spantea then both with im and sean with the O game and spantea..... well.... nothing much happened in the vening except BUSYNESS!!... i finished the notebook cover... LOL.. and that's all there is for that day...

third day was ok.....
we had chinese ulit which was ok... and then we our first soc sci..... and then we had science.... since 1a was in their recollection, we just toured around the scilabs... hahah.... i saw sean and his class there....hahaha... sfter was recess.... hahha... no permaseat pa rin... ANUBAYAN!.... hahaha..... so we just went to the garden.... and then takbo sa classroom.... hahaha.... nxt was CLE and computer.... in cle, we had a game abt the course outline and dept policies..... and then in compuer, we gave a first bad impression..... hayy..... we were slow kasi in troop movement..... hayy... may homework na kaagad kami kaya busy na agad! hahha.... after that was lunch.... permaseat... hayyy..... well... we had a stampede in lunch... hahaha.... wla kasing gustong ma-late... LOL... funny site talga... pati recess... laht nagtatakbuhan sa bathroom and back.... after that, in fiipino, we answered a "slumbook" hahah..... and then in Math, i was introduced to my regular teacher... mr pinlac... he seems nice, but the class doesn't.... no offence to all the nice ppl though like cj, etc...... hahah...... my hw na kami... on sets.... anyhow.... inenglish, we just had a diagnostic tst and someiscussion on the index card...... hayy..... and then i was rushing from the bookstore and back....kasi closed na pla... and then i went home na... scary at home... therefor aayokong mag-expound..... hayyy......pero other than that, the freaky noices inthe computer room, u cud again see me on the computer room... working.... Internet History.... hayy... and chinese labels..... anyhow... i have a new chinese font na... it looks cool!... haha...

no... it's the last day of the schoolweek not schoolyear.... hahha
well... why is it a sigh? l8r.... the subjects were filipino, chinese and soc sci.... in filipino, we just checked much... and i answered much.... recitation= o in effort..... anyhow.... in chinese, we just read a lot of stuff and had a grpwork.. i mended friendships with two ppl... and then made a new friend.. and found myself laughing at cruel jokes... LOL!.... ahahah..... in soc sci... ginoo really stressed the envelope... hayy.... in recess, i at emy lunch na.. i have a plan for lunch kasi... haahha..... next subjects were double science.... SIGH!... y?? Karl See quit Sci Advance... and i was replaced! huh? why?? i found out in math class that it was cj who recommended me.... hayy.. so i was asked to get the key... more sighs..... y? l8r..... so after that, we had some stuff on manila paper.... and then LOTS LOTSA HOMEWORK!!! moer sighs.... but mrs albano seems approacheble.. dami nga lang hw... ryt after sci class, SUPER RUSH to the bookstore... i dont wanna be in the bookstore rush...... i bought myself 2 nylon envelopes and a compo ntbk..... on the way back, i met francis, who was fleeing from noise... and then we talked about stuff like how soeone got a greenslip.... hahha.... not me... cj... lol... eating in the corridors.... haha.. anyhow... we were soon joined y some ppl.... and then nakisingit na kami sa mob.... we were in front in case of stampede... hahaha.... next subj were English, news and math...... english.... hmm... trouble? almost late and... the key..... i tot ms albano returned the key to the ods and i just have to claim my id.. un pla it was still with her.. so i had to call her... long story... anyhow.... afterwards, we had a game... family feud.... on the dept pols and outline.... ulit .... and then i had to return the key... long story.... and then in news, naagawan ako ng news... un tuloy may family feud na nga.... may feud na naman ako...... hayy.... anyhow.... im a leader of the grp... and were gna record JSR... kapuso si ms natonton.... hahaha.... in math, it was basically ok.... small feud (again?!) with kim..... and then clarified soem stuff.... and then went to ms natonton (she's friendlier in the workroom) for the news and ms diaz... (who wasn't in her workroom... aga umalis).... and then i had some time in th egate before leaving..... haha.... well..... home was scary agin.... and now u find me doing hw...... hahaha.... i just took a break and will continue tomorrow.... weekends seem so bryt!... i wish we had our jounals na.... an'gulo ko ngayon.... hahaha.....

by the way.... i never double check my work unless i feel lyk it.... so always expect grammatical errors....

last post b4 the official first day

Monday, June 12 at 8:04 PM
6.12: 8.07
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: reminiscent got Mas Que Nada by Sergio Mendes and the Black Eyed Peas & We're All in this Together and What I've Been Looking For (Reprise) from High School Musical... what's in your head?

anyhow.... tomorrow is the official first day because last friday was just a celeration.... any cancellations of tomorrow's classes isn't true becasue accordign to the news, there won't be any public transpo strikes.... WAAAAHH!!!!.... anyhow.... stuff i did today inclde updating McAfee, browsing for cellphone models--looking for what i want for my bday, just in case my parents give me a cellphone, i've chose n71, n80, 3230 and 6230i and if possible, n92.... haaha--and cooking pizza--i cried because of the onions, d*mn it... NOTE TO SELF: eave onion chopping to someone else--- and doing some other surfing.... btw, all words will now be censored... as in any bad word will hve it's vowels censored... not like i curse here.... maybe ym.... maybe the black book.. but not here.... anyhow.... i now have the very, very finalized bday list for submission within 1-2 weeks..... here they are
>> Beagle (house trained, vaccinated, not makulit)
>> Cellphone: n71, n80, 3230, 6230i (is dat ryt?) (and maybe even n92)
>> Aircon for my room
>> Cable for my room
>> DSL
hahah.... anyhow..... about to sleep soon.... gotta wake up early.... hayy.... i hate school!.... i dnt wanna study anymore...... i dnt even know what course i'll take.. and i'll have to decide soon... 4 years nalang mag-gra-grad nako.... prang gusto ko mag-management or business.... pero parang, these days, it's hard to start a business.... hayyy...... PRANING!!..... hahha.... but i have to admit im excited.... i also have to submit something to ms diaz...... haha.... lotsa things to do... also have to find Maan... pano kaya yan? haha.... hmmm..... i'll be missing the internet!.... mga weekly na lng yta pag-blog ko.... hahaha.... anyhow... in other news, na-cancel ung family gathering.... hayyy.... so now i have to make a lot of cards.... actually, make 1 card and write on 4..... anyhow.... hmmm... what else?.. anyhow... gtg!

shang and gh

Sunday, June 11 at 9:54 PM
6.11: 9.56
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: happy got Jeepney by Kala adn Cheap Trick... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... watcha'tink, moonlighting & M. Night Shymalan

great dayz... but first of all... i didn't know na marami palang bumabasa sa blog ko!.... thanks for the link!... whoever you are... will dload pag di tinatamad! :)
haha... saya ng araw.... myt as well get started...

get on with the reading...

sat... well.... i started the day by bumming... LOL... i woke up at 12 to eat lunch... LOL.... after some duties, we went out na... i first went to tutor... haha... kht wla pang chinese book, may gnawa pa rin kami... vactaion thingy..... comments daw: pumayat at tumangkad... LOL!.. anyway.. i got psalubong from japan: chocolate and spuds... yipee!.... afterards, we went to 15th ave to get fan blades and then went to katipunan for emrienda... wham... haha.... afterwards, we went to ortigas to have my haircut at bruno's... dapt nagpalagay ako ng gel... naklimutan ko na mag-papa-picture pala ako... haha... the comic's fault.... got pre-occupied... LOL!... anyhow, we went to shang ryt after.. for my pic and soem stuff in the bookstore... pic kasi wla na akong mga pic.... for the yearly ODS form and since francis said we're suppose to bring ID pic... haha... actually... i do have pics... it's just that the guy who photoshopped it made me look crappy... hayy.... anyhow... my dad felt sleepy that day... kaya he said he can relax in the thatre,.... so we looked at the list of movies.... and so we chose inside man!.... i wnated to watch that once i saw the trailer! hahha..... anyhow... so we bought bread and then had my pix taken... it looks better... but i wished they photoshoped the pimples.... and other crap.... they usually photoshop in that place... maybe the girl didn't know how.... anyhow.... afterwards, i went to nbs... we bought some stuff.... i got a short brown envelope (tell ya later!) and index cards..... my dad bought something... it was thin.... im thinking it's my bday card!.... LOL!... i can dream!.... btw... 1 month na lang po at birthday ko na! yahoo!.... haha.... afterwards, we went to the thatre na..... it was a nice movie... stars Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster.... spoiler.... highlight to be spoiled...
an'galing ng "criminal!"... he planned evrything..... ung pag-acting ng mga suspects para magmukhang victims... ung paggawa ng "prison cell" sa loob ng storage room... ung paglagay ng ring sa loob ng storage para ma-imprison ung nazi guy.... an'galing!... the perfect crime!....

anyhow... afterwards, we ate dinenr in kitaro.. and thenw e went home.... in the evening.... so i fixed my stuff an... what i will and will not bring to school... and then i started with the yearbook... haha... i had a crazy idea in the bathroom!... LOL.. anyhow... i put it inside the brown envelope i bought.... and then... "erased" the tag... and then put "To: MS Diaz"... im just gonna drop it off in the grade4 workroom.... i dont wanna get a green slip for being late for the bell... besides.. she's always late and im early.. and everytime i enter the workroom i seem like i'm desparate.... and ms gutierrez seems tto think im ms diaz's slave... anyhow... she's now in the grade4 workroom... where the hell is that? is it the on where the math room used to be? 3rd floor of primary bldg.... or is it beside the ODS?... anyhow... will find.... or ask... also... i had a really ncie conversation that evening before going to sleep... and so i wne to sleep na at 12!
next day.... i woke up at 10:30.... 10 hrs!... haha....
i ate breakfast... niluto na pala nila... i wanted cheese omelette pa naman sana... anyhow.. i ate fried egg (sunny side up) and toast... while watching tv... i took a bath na rin and we left for mass at around 12.. for the 12:15 in santuario (which i now know is in Greenhills EAST)... the misalette confused me... it said jesus was born at around the rule of Augustus Ceasar... and augustus ceasar was the emperor before he 2nd triumvirs, duo and JULIUS CEASAR.... but wasn't Julius Ceasar the guy who convicted Jesus and the guy who St. Paul sees in "court".... and Cleopatra married a Marcus Anthony? i tot she married alex the great???? anyhow... check up on that... and other actors whose names start with an O, Y or Z.... anyhow.... after, church we went home and ate lunch..... and stayed there..... after the rains, i tried using the internet but ISPx Bonanza was down... i was sending more than i could receive..... anyhow so i just ate the walnut wheat and then we went ot greenhills.... i got my mcafee antispyware 2006... my 2005 just expired.... and then we bought some other stuff.. got tired after a while... kaya we just waited in yellow cab before actually eating there.... my dad was "nagyayaya" na mag-Time Zone kami... i'm like.. what the hell? with you?? no offence... but i'd feel VERY awkward.... *rolls eyes* we soon ate dinner...
"You may be very oily. You may be smoking hot straight from the pan. You may be very unhealthy (skin and wings). You may be very, VERY spicy! But I still love you... Yellow Cab Hot Wings!"
anyhow, after thatm we went home... and here i am... current accomplishments: Installed McAfee AntiVirus, scanning for virus to complete installation, WAITING FOR PAUL TO PUT DOWN THE PHONE!, finished chatting with AJ, sub for tita Ai.... and that's it!... haha.... what a day.. anyhow... be doing stuff now....i'll leave you with a quote from church (i was tying my shoes in the grass when i saw a ripped piece of paper with a quote from the book of proverbs) and stuff from inside man (which btw is fond of using the word f*ck):

"[the wicked] flee when no man pursueth"
-Proverbs 28:1 (the part in brackets were not on the piece of paper bcoz it was ripped)

Inside Man:
"My name is Dalton Russell, pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and never repeat myself. I told you my name, that's the Who. The Where can most readily be described as a prison cell. But there is a vast difference from being stuck in a tiny cell and being in prison. The What is easy, recently I planned and set in motion events to execute the perfect bank robbery, that's also the When. As for the Why, beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can. Which leaves us only with the How, and therein, as the bard tells us, lies the robber"

"Can I see your shoe, cos I've never seen someone shove his foot that far up someone's ass."

"I have to talk to your father about this game."

"Just let everyone stay calm, OK?"
"Don't I sound calm to you?"
"Yes, you do."

"I'd call you a monster, but I have to go now and help bin Laden's nephew buy a co-op."
"If that were true, you wouldn't be telling me."
"We're putting you down as a reference."

"Don't say proposal, see, my girlfriend wants to get married."
"What, you think you're too young to get married?"
"No, just too broke. Do you love her?"
"Then money shouldn't matter. I'm just saying, money can't buy love. "
"Thank you, bank robber!"

"Now lady, believe me, this is the only situation that I would ever ask you to do this, so take off your fucking clothes."

"Excuse me Sir, do you have a reservation?"
"I have an appointment."
"May I take your hat?"
"No, get your own."

"Soon I'm gonna be sucking down piña coladas in a hot tub with six girls named Amber and Tiffany."
"No, it's more like in the shower with two guys named Jamal and Jesus... and that thing you're sucking on? *little retarded girl voice* It's not a piña colada!*voice ends*"

golden jubilee and the printers

Friday, June 9 at 8:34 PM
6.9: 8.34
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: happy/proud, memorable and new got nothing... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... flare

so today was my first official school day.... but no classes... LOL.... today we celebrated the golden jubilee...... haha.... 50 years na ang xavier (actually, 3 days ago pa)... haha.. so most of the day was just a mass.... but since this si momentous... i think i'll jus start from until i woke up...
haha... so i woke up right a way.. no more morning fights... kahit i had a hard time sleeping last night... haa... so i ate breakfast na.. then took a bath... pagkalabas, inayos ko buhok.... linagyan ko ng wax ung hair malapit sa ears..... bka mahuli ako.... my hair's too short to be cut, but too long to get caught.... ayayay... anyhow... after making sure my hair didn't reach my ears and ironing with my eyeglasses, lumabas na ako... at naghintay... nang naghintay.... nang naghintay.... hay... haha.... tagal ng bus... ahah... anyhow.... so i remembered i had excess money... haha.. kaya tago agad.... baka mahuli ako... hahaha... (praning daw) haha... so i went upstairs and waited.... i jsut read the golden jubilee calendar para may magawa.... hhaa..... soon enuf, dumating na ung bus.... i now remember manang celia... whe's the thin one... haha...... i only knew a few people... sophie and louise (2/3 of the TV), Leonard Cua (a batchmate... not sure if that's his name.... but i know his face) and Goodyield Chu (nabasa ko lang yun sa nametag) i dont quite no the others for the sole reason that they didn't show their ID's/Nametags... LOL... so i soon arrived in the school... aga!... 6.40!... after reading a sign, i went to the gym.... and an'daming people... (where i saw sean)... the first batchmate i recognized was raph ku..... and then i sat down with francis and cj... haha... talkign bout lotsa stuff.. haha... jerold, mikhail, var, and paul soon came.... jerold gav me donald key chain-stuff toy from HK Disneyland... hahah... soon enough we were called to anounce some stuff.... and soon... we went to the sport center for the Grand Mass of the Holy Spirit, which also celebrates the 50th anniv of XS... haha... ung seatmate ko si Raph KU, although the invite, hindi na ako pumunta sa choir... lots of stuff to go through and kami lang ang magiging black pants dun... yikes!..... so my seatmate was raph ku, and my backmate was kim ravelo... grabe... non-stop ang pag-dada... hayy... i myt get into trouble for this.. LOL... anyhow... there were a lot of priests... and some special guests: Mayor JV Ejercito (i didnt know he is an alumnus) and Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales.... patay kayo dyan!... LOL!... anyhow... the homily was the best!.... Father Dan recalled his days in XS.... nakakatawa.... "Your mother must be a weightlifter to carry a dumb-bell like you." hahah..... that came fom a teacher of his (forgot if it was fr. pineau or clifford)..... and also... some of the people from the claendar i read this morning appeared on the celbration... hahah... anyhow... afterwards, we had a lion and dragon dance...... no offence... i still wished xs hired professionals...... like 5 years ago..... anyhow.... afterwards, we walked to the hs gym, had some announcements and were dismissed.... so i went to gate 4.... refused kim's offer for libre... mis-communication... it's all about libre.... haha... tinamad na rin ako.... anyhow... i kust waited and talked with sean... soon kim came.. and then we played our usual word games.... (note to self: research on stars with names that start with z, y and o)........ soon enough, umuwi na kami... haha... mga 12 na ako nag-arrive.... kaya i ate some poorly cooked korean beef and then nag-babad sa aircon habang bumibihis.... for symbi...
soon enuf i went back to xavier.... and so i chewed my gum na... and then we left na after the arrival of mrs.a and neil... haha.. we left watching a number of dvd's... i like the now+... cj played josh groban... !!?!?!!??!?!?!?! !?!?!?!?!? ?!?!?!?!? ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!... anyhow.. we also brought, superman, ms.golez and mrs. lugapo to promenade.... (they were gonna watch x3).... hahah..... we soon arrived.. and we started with fixing the fonts of the grad page..... haha... next job was the coverpage... hindi bgay ung una naming ginawa ni cj kaya gumawa kami ng bago..... hhhaha... hit success!!!... an'galing! pero we had a few setback bcoz of miscommunication... LOL... haha.... if i have the load, i'll post it here.... (apparently i do!... upload ko muna) don't dare copy!
expect to see this again! anyhow... our merienda was mcdo ulit... hahah... son enuf, they brought us hoome.... i just chewed gum and listened to my mp3..... ia rrived at alst.. and then im now here (after eating the same poor korean beef)... haha... that's all
*the next time i logon wla na yang picture!*

last day of summer

Thursday, June 8 at 7:00 PM
6.8: 7.06
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: nerve-wracking and reminiscent got nothing actually... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... pomegranate, macchiato (did i spell that right?), ventee & bigle

well... this si the last day of summer... haha... before this gets all nostalgic, lemme just start with my day... haha.. well... i wke up at 11 to bum... ahha... and then i rushed to go to school... kasi may symbi ako... grabe ang traffic sa ash creek... so when i got in front of gate 14 na i just walked to the SAC room... ahhaha... may mga distrssed parents pa on the way... haha... grabe ang init.... LOL... an'gaing ng bagong gate 2.... parang cool stonehenge ang dating. LOL.... so i arrived na.. hinihintay pla ako.. tapos pinatrabaho ako ni ms diaz.... haha.. buti na lang i came late... less work for me... she was done with most of it na... LOL.. so we moved rooms kasi "maingay" kami... *whistle-whistle*... LOL... so then, we were o make a frontpage.. ahha... kami ni cj ni mikhail.. LOL.... so soon enough, we finished... so we firstr went to the gr6... to return some materials we borrowed from ms.v and ms.m..... haha/... pero.. wla na sila.. kya..... i just gave them to ms golez.... who told me to give it to someone else.. so we were thinking of giving it to ms.g.... pero.. wlang tao sa workroom nla.... so we tot of giving it to ms diaz... on the way, we saw her.. kya... nakipag-away pa ako para she'd get them... haha.... ryt after... we went to starbucks..... hdni nakapunta si mikhail... haha.... so i got ventee by accident.... yikes... naubos ko naman.... so we cent back to xs... on the way... i txted and told cj to go na to his fetcher.... kya he left na... and i walked around xavier...hhah... by the time i saw the first trash can, i finished my drink na... hahah... so i arrived in gate 2 and waited for my fetcheruntil i was kiccked ot of gate2 and brought to gate1..... i saw ms lawenko going home with friedns, i also saw mr aude and ms golez go home.... haha... anyhow.... i soon got home and am now here... there's also a mtg tomorrow.. hah.. anyhow... unto the nostalgic part..... hahah
summer... what did i do?
yamaha and concert, badminton training, dental checkup... i have perfect teeth mind u... i dont need braces... ahahah, symbiosis... font findidng, food complaining, etc...., cebu and bohol... and all other whatnots that go with just 3 days..., kada trip in shang, movies... x3, mi3, (what else did i watch?), tv, BLOGGING!, PBB, YM! (i have 111 friends na.. ahah)..., time capsule, radio surfing... damn those stupid advice... i sould give better.... kawawa ang nabigyan ng advice..., vocabulary hunting, html (of this blog)... haha.... i know more about it na..., file host looking.. i found the perfect one!..., haha...
AN'SAYA THIS SUMMER! this has to be one of my faves.... actually... i love all summers.... haha.... anyhow... an'daming magaganap sa high1... hope it's great.... btw... no more newspaper for me.... i dont write well under pressure.... and i dont wanna be remembered as the guy "who wrote the word hunt puzzle which is so hard to answer yewt still has grammar errors.... especially in the instructions... 'find the words in the box below' what box?... and the secret message sucks... and wasn't he from 7hy not 7g...." i think this yer ill go for stageFX or if my voice lets me, glee.... and hopefully i become an officer... not secretary or pres... haha... anyhow.... i'll miss grade 7!... those days.... haha.... i want a beagle! :) (where'd that come from)

last summer yamaha and computer probs

Wednesday, June 7 at 3:55 PM
Late Update
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: nostalgic, reminiscent, anxious and angry got Wish by MichaelAngelo... what's in your head?

the writing of this log was delayed for 2 reasons: 1. the room was big; or how YM-CHAINers call it, SOS.. and 2. computer probs.. grr!
haha... so yesterday was my last sumemr yamaha for this summer...... pero before that, watched just friends na hindi natapos and had some mysterious calls... natakot ako dun...hahah... so when we were in yamaha..... we paid the ticket fees na... also, there was som mishap kasi may nag-uunahan sa akin sa pagbayad ng books... hay naku.... also, on the next lesson, im gonna get hot hits... yahoo... anyhow.... i decided to remove the guitar from the list and exchange it with a beagle.. LOL!... ahha..... i think i'll move the guitar for nxt year or something like that.... LOL...... haha... so, on the way home (instant taxi) i was remembering the ways i use to go to yamaha in cubao... haha.. anyhow... being freaked out by the mysterious calls, i called home, kung may nagpakita.... hahaha.... nakakainis talaga na when i was just about to blog, i got internet problems!.... gr.... this was the problem:
The nv4_disp display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to microsoft.
haha... i noticed it didn't have commas.... LOL... nyhow.... i have runny eyes and nose.... yes.... i have tears falling for no reason and mucus falling for no reason.... i must be allergic to somethign in this room.....

Long Log V *edited*

Sunday, June 4 at 7:19 PM
6.4: 7.19
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: angsty, happy ang LONG got 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by MichaelAngelo, Breaking Free by Zac and Vanessa and Wherever You Will Go by The Calling... what's in your head?


so saturday...
well... we woke up and then we went to narra.... we picked up trisha, mommy fim and ate kaye.... tapos, we went na to greenhills to eat in Max's... we wtae there kasi it's my Mom's bday he thursday before.... haha.... most of the time i was talking with my cousin, trisha... haha.... i had a swell time.... soon we had to leave... it was my recital na kasi... so the same people loaded into the same cars they went there in.... and thenw e left.... we first went to LSGH kasi mala-late ako... ahaha..... haha.. most of the time in thecar.. you can hear pangaral... haha... you dont wanna know much... basta pinapangaralan nila ang sarili nilang ka-henerasyon..... haha.. who btw wasn't in thecar.. lesson to learn: SAVE!... hahaa.... anyhow... soon, i arrived na.... and then i went into the theatre... haha.... the teachers were practicing Pinoy Ako... together with the 2 student vocalist and student drummer.... haha... i can sing better than 1 of the vocalist.. hindi nagyayabang.. pero... hindi pantay ang range.... ay basta.... hhaha.. so once they were done... i we (YSM-LSGH performers) were all gathered by teacher norman in one place.... ako lang pala ang hindi naka-costume kaya pumalit na ako sa bathroom... haha.. so when i arrived, we were gonna have our sound check... so we went to the backstage... and then... we went back to the audience... just when we arrived balik ulit kami... malapit na mag-umpisa... hahaa..... so it went on na.... i was "nanginginig" during our act.... haha..... pero perfect ung playing ko... haha.. thank God na it was successful!... haha... anyhow.... i went to the audienc na... hindi napanood ng mom ko ng buo ang performance ko... at nasa parking pa dad ko... haha.... (yun kasi... lesson learned.... TO ALL PARENTS: KUNG MAY CONCERT ANAK NYO, WAG KAYO PUMUNTA SA BODY SHOP BAGO MAG-UMPISA.... MALA_LATE LANG PO KA YO :))... LOL)... so dumating dad ko.... haha... tapos nag-position ung dad ko ng camera... tapos dumating ako.. haha... malaman nya tapos na! LOL!... haha... so we left na...a nd then vrought my mom to her office.. while my dad and i went to cartiamr.... bought some bird seeds.... and asked advice on birdlings... and then we saw this beagle.... i know na what i want... i want a beagle!..... haha.... u can put it inside the house.. it isn't that energetic.. but it seems so cute... and it also palys with. you.... but not really that palyfull... added na yan sa bday list ko!... haha... beagle.. beagle... if i haveone, id name it peanuts!... bcoz snoopy is in the somic Peanuts!... haha... anyhow... we went to unimart after... haha... we separated.... we halfed the grocery list and then had our own carts.... haha.. so.. yun.. we finished at around 7.... haha.... that was exciting... but nvr again.. LOL... ahha.... when we were done, it was raining like hell... so we went home.. dropped them off and left just in case it myt flood... hahah.... so we went to shang.. ate dinner in Trattoria Gourmet... grabe sarap... salad pa lang busog na ako... hindi ko na naubos ung pasta... LOL.... haah.... anyhow, after, we went to Tower.... hindi pa rin nakuha ang metafour... hay naku.. anyhow.. we went home na kasi magclo-close na ung shang.. haha.... so i watched PBB when i got home... double tym.. i was also printing labels... haha.... Kim won!... haha.. my yaya was suspecting mykee would win kasi may mga pos-position... haha... long story... haha... anyhow.. after wards, i went na to sleep...

sa sunday....
//i had a dream.... martin leong was there.... he seemed superpowered and all.... it was something like a kada trip to the mall... puro naman hide and seek... as in punta ng national bookstore.. tago.... akyat sa express escalator tapos takbo.... and then.. soon we went to the grrcery where paul nd some friends including his mom, his cousin, kathy (take note.. i dont even know her... bsta na mention ung panagalan nya...) and matin leong with his cousin.... freaky.. sow e looked for a place toe at dinner.. parang naging museum ung lugar... and while looking for a palce to eat, biglang i was confronted by martin leong and his cousin.... and everyone seemed to have diapeared but still in sight? still maiking sense?... so then he somehow made me grovel in his feet.... something related to my desktop pc and destruction... and then he soon threw needles... syempre ako... kinuha o gamit ng hanky and na stuck dun.. kinuha ulit ni martin leong.. may tulong pa ng cous nya....hauyy..... nakaktakot.... i woke myself up... fist tym... dreams usually wake me up but i woke myself up because i was afraid of... dying!?!?!?.. oki... anyhow... until now. hindi ko pa rin toh malimutan!... a sign? (bakit anpadalas ako sa pagsasabi ng "a sign?")//
i woke up early para pumunta sa Church.. so i practiced a little on my piano and then took a bath and then we went to church.... my dad was late.. i wasn't.... anyhow.... afterwards, we went home to pick up my organ adn then went to pasig na... hahah.... so we ate unch there after the commotion there with alex... haha.. sfterwards, "they" palyed tongits, "they" "made chika" and trisha nd i cut labels for our school stuff... hahha.. soon enuf, after the ic cream, i was told to go out to play my organ haha... anyhow.... soon enuf, after trisha's books were wrapped, we left na... my dad and i went to ghills.... i now have a new wallet. and then we ate in mr donuts.. and thenw e went home where i now am typing... na na-intrude bcoz i ate dinner.. haha... anyhow...gngn

:.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..:

In other news, Happy 130!
this is my 130th post!... yipee! hahah...

there is more info on The Black Book...
anything that i did not write here is on the black book
that's my other blog.. but you won't see it on my blogs list.....
neither will i give the link...................................................................
mawawalan lang kayo ng respeto sa akin kung nakita mo ung blog na yun..... ;-)

la lang 6th

Friday, June 2 at 7:31 PM
6.2 : 8.01
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: _ got Spoliarium by Imago... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... bigotry

very cold.... kanina ok na.... biglang may nag-envelope sa akin na cold air.... a sign?..... patay kau dyan
.... well.. its been raining since my final practice in yamaha... buti naman it stopped na...
well... been bored most of the time.. ayaw ko kasi magbukas ng computer pag kumukulog.....
i just practiced drawing... well..
that's all...

btw... naklimutan ko sabihin kahapon...

the orientation

Thursday, June 1 at 8:54 PM
6.1: 8.56
CAUTION! entry is contagiously: _ got Wish by MichaelAngelo and Narda by Kmaikazee... what's in your head?
keep saying it!... somnambolism and Ginoo

haha... quick recap before i start with today.... haha... nothing much... practice here and there.. complaining parents... card writing.... blah-blah... HTML editing ulit.... (see any changes?... sana gumana)....hmmm.... i wanna be complete.... JOKE!.... hmm... well.. start with yester night.... (rewinding sound) *jsahjdvp basvjp njdcnk fnfo danf v voeh ngvjonev en ovk oi nojd iv k fvnk sdjn mv[js ks*... LOL

..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::..

hmmm... well... i was gonna sleep na.... (uh-oh... is my life soundtrack changing.... from narda to wish?)... haha.... i just finished my PC duties and watched the santacruzan and PBB... (buti na lang hindi nagkasabay.. phew!).... so my dad arrived na. and i was about to sleep na... until he told me that he'll give me na my "pamasahe".. haha... anyhow... so i fixd my then almost destroyed wallet.... i put some grad money inside my safe to put in the bank soon.... so while doing that, my then almost desroyed wallet became a destroyed wallt (?!)... anyhow... gonna have it fixed... then i fixed my stuff naa...... hahaha.... and then went to sleep... i remember na gising pa ako ng 12.. hahha.... insomnia ba?... sana hindi... hmm..... so then orientation day na.... then im complaining agad nung ginising ako.... naiinis nang kaunti... don't ask... then i ate breakfast.... ano ulit yun?.... kailangan na yta ako mag Enervon Prime with Memory Enhancers.. (wtf?!)... LOL... anyhow... so i sson took a bath and my dad brought me to schoo instead of going on taxi.... buti naman.... haha.... i was early kasi....

..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::..

so i got there with nothing do.... my firsts:
first glance: Lloyd (what's the alst name ulit?)
first greeting: Matthew Chua
first converstion with: Paul Lao
first punch: Paul Lao (in the stomach not really a punch... dunno what you call it)
first teacher I greeted: Ms Permelona... GS Chinese Teacher pala... i always see her around but i dunno her name
first teacher I conversed with: Ms. Dy
first 3quetra to arrive: CJ Francisco
first disappointment: learning Francis was moved to H1-D
first teacher to hate: y would i tell u?
first High School teacher i know: my class adviser, Mr Abelita, former gr5 AP
hhahah... marami pa yan... pero lemme just put u to do the parts i thought of as eye catching:

(~) Brown-out/ Black-out
well... while father guy was doing the homily, biglang nag-brown-out.... hahah..... a sign?.... haha.... tapos this happened twice but the 2nd happen was only for 5 secs.....

(~) Francis is in H1-D
grr..... he was in High 1-c pero he was moved because the list wasn't "final" i was this close to being his classmate... and then he move to the next section... GR!

(~) My Classmates
i learnt most of my classmates from Raphael Ku whose mom is the parent rep.... i am glad that he, Kim and Karl See are my classmates.... some classmates i have include kenrick ot, albert, julius, mick, marvin a, raffy, vito, weston, wilson or was that mark?, etc... nakakainis: Brian Chuahiock is my classmate!... AHHHH!... just shoot me already!... he's gonna stick with me... like what he did in flexi... im stuck with a gullible, persistent, non-accomplishing, loud mouth....... dont worry... he can't hurt me... hhaha

(~) Haircuts and Socks
hahah.. when Mr. Ng, the prefect of discipline, went on stage... sobrang quiet.... haha.... in my opinion, he ise VERY strict...... tapos ung haircut.... sabi nya... those who are not sporting barber's cut please stand up.... or somehting liek that... tapos isa-isang pinatayo ng kanyang staff ang mga taong sa tingin nilang kailangan ng haircut.... SAFE!.... pero he mentiones some hair terms i dunno: dapat barber's cut... bawal: undercut, grease balls, etc...... what's a barber's cut.. is this no touchy on brows, ears, collar.... and what are greaseballs and undercuts?.... hayy.... i want him to explain.. sarap sana magtanong..... tapos, kailangan black and 3" above the ankle.... un tuloy... pagkauwi galing yamaha, chineck ko... tamang-tama lang...phew!... kala ko green slip... na ako....

(~) Money
bawal daw magdala ng over 500... sabi ni Karl Lee.... eh di magdala ka... tapos spend it right away... bigla kong cnabi... "LIBRE.. BILIS!.... over 500 ako!"... LOL!

(~) SC and other clubs
oki lang.... i just wondering if ill be an officer... wish ko lang sana.... tapos... sa mass... maririnig at makikita mo ung glee club.... hayy.... i remember choir... those days..... gusto ko sana mag-glee.... biglang may na-isip ako... don't ask... GAGee IDEA kasi.... pero i dont think ill ake it to glee... ill just stick with SFX... pero glee is my second choice.... haha.... tapos nakita ung mga "What's In Store" sa SC... tapos nakit ako ung varie.. parang mas-gusto ko yta ah.... haha..... (biglang kumanta ako ng NArda... LOL)... haha... ang corny ng "BAckstreet" ng SC...... haha.... sabi ni siege, "That's even more retarded than I am... " haha....

well.... seems like na HS will be fun... if u take out the ODS... i mean.. evrything seems good except for the stuff stated by mR NG.... haha... anyhow... will be looking forward.. pero still wishing na ma-extend ang summer.... bitin pa ako.... haha... well. at least ot make it fair, gawin nilang first day ang any day of the weekday after independence... to make it fair naman... hayy... asa...

..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::.. .:. ..::..

well... today is the second to the last practice for yamaha.... and ako ang nag-sponsor for today's merienda.... haha... anyhow... marmi kaming absent at ung isa, super late... hhaha..... excited na ako for saturday kahit nagkakamalia ako sa pag prolong and mabilisang pag-switch ng instrument at ang chorus...... if i know how to sing the song lang.... hmmmm... anyways.... after that was my lessons... and then i bought gum... nahihilo kasi ako... haha.... when i got home, i bummed around..... and then i went onlyn which i am now.... am trying to fix some bugs on my blog...... haha... anyhow... gtg... lapit na ako sa oras ko